Author Topic: Exorcisms Are On The Rise  (Read 8052 times)


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Exorcisms Are On The Rise
« on: November 26, 2013, 08:43:06 AM »
Read this scary article where exorcisms are on the rise in Mexico. The Vatican condemned Saint Death, the cult of Santa Muerte.

"It's not religion just because it's dressed up like religion; it's a blasphemy against religion," said Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, president of the Vatican's Pontifical Council for Culture.

What is your view from the Buddhist perspective?  Buddhism is not a religion but a way of life when the principles are embraced will make Christians better Christians?  Will Lord Dorje Shugden come in neat and bring them peace and comfort during this degenerate time?  Will the methods in the thread posted by TK under "Removing Curses and Negativity" come in handy?

Does God exist? Does the Devil exist? The Catholic church believes they both do - and some priests say they are currently having an immense battle in Mexico.

To some it may seem extraordinary, but priests say the country is under attack by Satan, and that more exorcists are needed to fight him.

This attack, they say, is showing itself in the gruesome drug-related violence, including human sacrifice, that has engulfed the country since 2006.

According to the latest official figures available, at least 70,000 people have died in this period, including gunmen, members of the security forces, and many innocent civilians.

But, the priests say, it's not just the numbers. The savagery also stands out.

In recent years it has not been uncommon in many parts of Mexico for children to find dismembered bodies on the streets on their way to school. Or for commuters on busy roads to drive past bridges with severely tortured corpses hanging from them. Scenes from hell.

"We believe that behind all these big and structural evils there is a dark agent and his name is The Demon. That is why the Lord wants to have here a ministry of exorcism and liberation, for the fight against the Devil," says Father Carlos Triana, a priest, and an exorcist, in Mexico City.

"As much as we believe that the Devil was behind Adolf Hitler, possessing and directing him, we also believe that he (the Devil) is here behind the drug cartels."

Mexico's exorcists say there is unprecedented demand for their services.

Some are even not taking new cases, as they are having to exorcise demons almost every day.
Most of the cases, he explains, require a lesser form of exorcism, called liberation prayers - effective when a person still controls part of his or her mind and body.

Only rarely does the Devil possess someone completely, he says, but when that happens, the bishop of the diocese must intervene.

In Bautista's view, the rising demand for exorcism is partly explained by the large numbers of Mexicans joining the cult of Saint Death, or Santa Muerte.

It is estimated that the cult, whose followers worship a skull in a wedding dress carrying a scythe, has some eight million followers in Mexico - and more among Mexican migrants in Central America, the US and Canada.

"It has also been adopted by the drug traffickers who ask her for help to avoid arrest and to make money," Bautista says. "In exchange they offer human sacrifices. And this has increased the violence in Mexico."
Another reason for the surge in exorcisms, he argues, is the decriminalisation of abortions in Mexico City, in 2007. Both the cult and abortion have given evil spirits a foothold in the country, he insists.

"Both things are closely related. There is an infestation of demons in Mexico because we have opened our doors to Death."

If it is surprising how many Mexicans believe in Saint Death, it may also be surprising how many believe, like Father Triana and Father Bautista, that the Devil and demons are at work in the country.
Exorcism is an ancient practice and one that appears in many different religions, but many believers doubt the existence of demons.

A frontline of sorts for Mexico's exorcists is the northern region of the country where, for the last seven years, the Mexican military has been waging war against the heavily armed and cash-rich drug cartels.
In parallel with the soldiers, priests have been waging a spiritual conflict. One is Father Ernesto Caro, based in Monterrey, a city blighted by frequent shootouts and kidnappings.

He has exorcised several members of the drug cartels - and there is one case he cannot forget. It was a gang hitman, who confessed to horrific crimes. Father Caro said the man had been in charge of cutting the bodies into pieces and he said he enjoyed hearing them cry as he did so. Others he burned alive.
The priest says the man had committed his life to the service of Saint Death.

"The cult is the first step into Satanism and then into this band of people [the drug traffickers], that's why he was chosen for that job."

"Santa Muerte is being used by all our drug dealers and those linked to these brutal murders. We've found that most of them, if not all, follow Santa Muerte," he adds.

The cult is also followed by criminals, policemen, politicians and artists.

"The biggest presence is in the poorest sectors of Mexican society," says journalist Jose Gil Olmos, who has published two books on Saint Death.

The first references to Saint Death occur in the 18th Century, he says, not in Aztec times, as many believe.
"In modern times the numbers of followers exploded, especially after the early 1990s economic meltdown."
Many middle-class Mexicans found themselves in misery. In despair they searched for hope, and some turned to Saint Death, Olmos says.

"From approximately eight years ago we have seen Santa Muerte having a big presence with drug cartel members, from the bosses all the way down. Why? Because these people say that Jesus or the Virgin Mary can't provide what they ask for, which is to be protected from soldiers, police and their enemies."

I went to see what this cult was all about at its biggest annual ceremony in the neighbourhood of Tepito, in Mexico City, a place riddled with drug trafficking and crime.

It's here that one of the biggest sanctuaries of Saint Death in Mexico is located. It's kept tidy by Enriqueta Romero, a woman in her sixties, whose life changed dramatically 12 years ago when she shocked her neighbours by putting a Saint Death figure in her window.

Over the years, more and more people started arriving to pay tribute to the skull figure in a dress. And now thousands gather for the cult's most important ceremony on 31 October, the eve of Mexico's Day of the Dead festival.

"She loves us and heals us. People come here to ask her for help - a son in prison or with Aids, or something to eat," says Romero.

During my visit, some people reach the shrine walking on their knees. One of them is a man who carries a 20-day-old baby in his arms. He's come to present his daughter to the skull.

I also see ordinary working-class families, pregnant women asking Death to protect the life of their unborn child, and plenty of people heavily tattooed with the female skull.

Are these people possessed, as the church says?
"No, I also believe in God, in the Virgin, and all the saints, but I am more devout to [Saint] Death. She is the one that helps me the most," says Jose Roberto Jaimes, a man in his 20s who's come on his knees to thank the skull after surviving three years in jail.

I get similar answers from all of the cult followers I talk to.
"They finished off our faith with the things that the priests did. What can they criticise? That we believe in Death? That is not bad. What's bad is what they did," says Romero.

But does she feel comfortable knowing that people behind horrific crimes also follow this cult?
"We are in a free country and everyone can do what they want. We all will have to answer to God at some point," she says.

It was former President Felipe Calderon who launched the offensive against drug cartels in Mexico in 2006, by deploying troops to the worst-hit areas.

Over the years the military has discovered numerous shrines, temples and even churches of Saint Death across the region.

"He [Calderon] started a war against them and he started a war as well against the cult of Saint Death, and he asked the church to help him," says Father Ernesto Caro.

"The Church is not going to go on TV and say: 'Look, we think that Mexico is going to get better and be saved if we do exorcisms because the Devil is behind all of this.' We have to be discreet [with exorcisms] or else we may be ridiculed, even by our own followers," adds Father Carlos Triana.

Whether exorcisms can help reduce the drug-related violence in Mexico - especially the sadistic killings - is debatable. Although at this point, many in Mexico would probably welcome any help if it brings them some peace.

By Vladimir Hernandez
BBC Mundo

Big Uncle

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Re: Exorcisms Are On The Rise
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2013, 06:00:25 AM »
Dear Icy,

Oh dear... what an interesting development in Mexico. I think that the Shugden practitioners there need a very wrathful protector. They need a large Trakze statue very badly to curb the environment of violence and danger. Practitioners also need to do the wrathful prayer very strongly to push back the influence of negative and powerful spirits there I think. I personally think no other Dharma Protector would be as effective as Dorje Shugden in these parts. I cannot imagine what its like to live in such an environment.


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Re: Exorcisms Are On The Rise
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2013, 08:55:51 AM »
All this reliance on the supernatural and otherworldly stuff is done to get an edge over one's enemies. So why kill them with guns if you can get them without the law getting a whiff of it.

No one ever get tried for using magic unless you are in hogwarts?

Big uncle is so right to say that Mexico does need a dose of Trakze, hope the catholics will realise it is also important to overcome the inner demon not just the outer ones. The outer ones are just manifestation of one's inner demons.


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Re: Exorcisms Are On The Rise
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2013, 02:33:00 PM »
The Mexican 'Saint Death' known as Santa Muerte has become increasingly popular in Mexico, Central America, United States and Canada.

Many of its devotees are drawn to her power to fulfill mundane wishes ranging from healing, protection, safe delivery to the afterlife and so on. The devotees too come from all walks of life.

It is a great concern for the government and mainstream Catholics in Mexico as Santa Muerte has also caused a phenomenal increase in savagery, violence, death and human sacrifice!

Is the Satan or are the demons responsible for this trend? The Mexican Catholics believe so and hence the rise in exorcism!

Mexicans are desperate as they are experiencing difficult economic situations and degeneration in mainstream Catholicism. They are easily attracted to quick fix! They prefer Santa Muerte who can fulfil their wishes quickly than Jesus or Virgin Mary!

Reliance on worldly or unenlightened beings like spirits, ghosts, demons or Santa Muerte is not advised in Buddhism as these beings are not the true refuge.

Dorje Shugden is definitely the perfect refuge for the devotees of Santa Muerte.

The Mexicans are truly blessed as Lord Dorje Shugden has already made His presence felt in Mexico.  Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso has already established many New Kadampa Tradition centres in Mexico! In time the blessings from Dorje Shugden shall prevail over the evil and negative forces in Mexico!


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Re: Exorcisms Are On The Rise
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2013, 03:45:49 PM »
When we take on a religion, we need to be clear of what we are getting into.. if we are getting into something that is not "correct", not only ourselves will get hurt, others will get hurt too. I am in no position to judge if these exorcisms are legal or ethical because I don't know what they are really doing. I can only check my religion, and what my Guru taught me. However, I would say that genuine religion should teach people kindness and benefit others. If there is a religion who ask the followers to harm others, I think we need to be very careful.. What I see from my Guru who is a determined Dorje Shugden practitioner has shown kindness over and over and teaches us to be kind.. so I never believe that Dorje Shugden is evil.


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Re: Exorcisms Are On The Rise
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2013, 08:18:27 PM »
Reading this post, it just reminds me of the time of Dharma is degenerated. That is when there are a lot of black magic and cults cases. Actually, this is the time that we need a very powerful Dhrama Protector to protect us from harm and obstacles. Therefore, Dorje Shugden practice is very suitable for this time. He is well known in supporting us to alleviate our problems and answer our prayer swiftly. May the ban be lifted soonest and more people will be able to get his blessings and protection.


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Re: Exorcisms Are On The Rise
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2013, 08:05:42 AM »
Reading this post, it just reminds me of the time of Dharma is degenerated. That is when there are a lot of black magic and cults cases. Actually, this is the time that we need a very powerful Dhrama Protector to protect us from harm and obstacles. Therefore, Dorje Shugden practice is very suitable for this time. He is well known in supporting us to alleviate our problems and answer our prayer swiftly. May the ban be lifted soonest and more people will be able to get his blessings and protection.

The article illustrated how the Dharma is degenerated that people resort to doing violence to get their wishes fulfilled. People doing prayers to get their 'enemies' killed, their wrong livelihood to be successful. One can imagine how twisted one can become in the vile of hatred, desire and ignorance.

The Saint Death seems to be the answered to peoples wishes there. They are practical wishing for oneself at the expenses of others. It is one straight away of accumulating more negative karmas and lead more good wishes to be fulfilled. The Saint Death become an object of desired wishes.

Manisha Kudo

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Re: Exorcisms Are On The Rise
« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2013, 11:51:26 AM »
:-\ Thank you for sharing, Icy. These are some food for thought.

Violence, war, genocide, drug abuse and politics are rampant in our age. Is it a time for the Dharma to degenerate? Yes but it is also exciting times to see Dharma in action.

Putting aside all labels, names, categories and your God and my Buddha, the enlightened beings will do anything for those who need help. The minds of these seekers could be dull, ignorant and angry. Anything too philosophical will not be practical for them. If a man is hungry for food, feed him first and show him how to fish then teach him the Dharma. Thus, the cult of Saint Death are from a background that has shown them poverty, murders and abandonment. They have experienced pain and hatred. If the Devil is the only who could guide them and give them hope, then I believe God, Jesus and the Buddha would infiltrate their community as a demon and even the Saint of Death.  8)

Kim Hyun Jae

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Re: Exorcisms Are On The Rise
« Reply #8 on: December 01, 2013, 03:41:40 PM »
I agreed with Manisha's comment for the current situation in Mexico now. When we are faced by poverty, unemployment and curruption - they will seek desperate measures to keep themselves alive with their family. They will risk anything just to get help to get by daily. Along with the fast money that they need desperately, the Mexicans will do anything to get out of their current situation.

If we have DS belief there and turn around the situation, I think it can definitely help them.


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Re: Exorcisms Are On The Rise
« Reply #9 on: December 01, 2013, 06:08:02 PM »
Have it every occurred to them that the Satan could actually be the 3 poisons? Oh well...

I've seen a documentary recently on exorcism by catholic priests.... seriously, its a career. People would come in to the exorcism room which should always be on holy ground (ie church) one after the other... I do not doubt that spirits can possess people, and perhaps these techniques they used can expel certain spirits that possess people.

What's interesting is the existence of this death cult... that they worship death instead of God. Very very interesting... I wonder how this belief affects the followers. After all, when one acknowledges and believe in death, it will make one realize impermanence and be a better person as a whole... wanting to make more out of life.


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Re: Exorcisms Are On The Rise
« Reply #10 on: December 08, 2013, 07:23:39 AM »
Have it every occurred to them that the Satan could actually be the 3 poisons? Oh well...

I've seen a documentary recently on exorcism by catholic priests.... seriously, its a career. People would come in to the exorcism room which should always be on holy ground (ie church) one after the other... I do not doubt that spirits can possess people, and perhaps these techniques they used can expel certain spirits that possess people.

What's interesting is the existence of this death cult... that they worship death instead of God. Very very interesting... I wonder how this belief affects the followers. After all, when one acknowledges and believe in death, it will make one realize impermanence and be a better person as a whole... wanting to make more out of life.

Thanks Q,

Indeed, there is much to say about the above, much to understand first also before coming to conclusions.
The devil exists, and God exists, they take shape in our habits, in our trains of thoughts and eventually in our actions and speech.

Those that have been tortured and have been left hanging from bridges were tortured by people, not by the Devil.
We can stop the devil by practicing spirituality in our mind and actions, be an inspiration to those around us and spread like a holy virus...


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Re: Exorcisms Are On The Rise
« Reply #11 on: December 11, 2013, 08:53:32 PM »
Oh my my... this sure sounds like the Kaliyurga times. They definitely need Dorje Shugden. Yes I agree with Big Uncle that no other protector would be strong and powerful enough to calm and tame these people's mind.

But I was thinking if they can pray to a skull, they most certainly would be able to accept our Vajrayana Buddhas who a wrathful like Dorje Shugden. I think they would probably love him there! If any lives or is from Mexico who might see this thread... well I hope you can introduce Dorje Shugden there in Mexico. You can do it by downloading some brochures with Dorje Shugden prayer cards to pass it out