Author Topic: Lest We Forget  (Read 10506 times)


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Lest We Forget
« on: December 01, 2013, 08:25:03 PM »
For most of us around the world, in all likelihood we would have just passed the month of November uneventfully but November to me is of great significance. For it was in November 1996, that the first battery of assault against Dorje Shugden and its practitioners were viciously launched and lives of many innocent Tibetan Buddhist were changed forever. It has been a few years since the ban and although Shugden lamas, monks and lay practitioners may have learned to varying degrees of success to adjust to the ban and continue their practice in secret, we must nevertheless not forget than the ban is still in place and and a great injustice has yet to be addressed and resolved.

Here now is a chilling reminder of what innocent Shugden practitioners went through right under the noses of the their government, supposedly elected to protect their freedom per their own Charter. The following account is that of Dr Losang Thubten who had the courage to speak up for what was a grievous wrong that the Tibetan government inflicted on their own people:

At midnight November 7-8 this week, at the Tibetan Colony in Clement Town, near Dehradun, northern India, the family of Dr Losang Thubten was attacked. The FIR, which Dr Thubten gave to the Police, is reproduced here in full. This is the background for the attack:

Dr Thubten is a Tibetan scholar who have been brought up at the 'Tse-Labdra', the school for nobleman at the Potala Palace. In India, he served as a Tibetan school teacher, with distinction, for more than 33 years. He lives with his wife, Pema, aged 44, and daughter Kalsang, aged 24. He has wriflen a book on Tibetan culture, prefaced by the Dalai Lama, and is hoping to publish two more books, currently in manuscript form. To augment Dr Thubten's small pension from the central govt. of India, Pema la engages in a small sweater business in Delhi.

In August this year, we published a 6-cassette pack of talks explaining the background of Dorje Shugden, an analysis of His Hliness' conflicting stand on this topic, and the constitutional, moral and ethical invalidity of this ban. Cassette 2 is a detailed talk given by Dr Thubten.

Since mid-August, there were rumblings that Dr Thubten 'had spoken against His Holiness the Dalai Lama'. This expression, in Tibetan connotation, conveys verbal attack against the Dalai Lama's person. Fused with this emerging 'public' view aganst Thubten was the emphatic attitude of the Tibetan' Representative Office, Tibetan Youth Congress and Tibetan Womens' Association in the nearby Rajpur Tibetan settlement, in support of the ban. At the end of August, office-bearers of a relatively new Tibetan organisation formally petitioned Rev. Khorchen Rinpoche, the head of the Tibetan Colony in Clement Town, to remove Dr Thubten from the settlement since, in their words, he 'spoke against the Dalai Lama'.

On the night of November 7-8, the attackers, 12-14 masked Tibetans, first bolted the doors of the ground floor of Dr Thubten's house from the outside. With his daughter and cousin trapped inside, the attackers then threw a bottle of petrol on the door and set it on fire. Gripped by mortal fear of physical danger and imminent death, Kalsang sreamed time and again for help. Surprisingly, not even one neighbour responded to her desparate calls. When the fire did not catch, the attackers started attacking with fist-sized stones at the wondows, doors, and gates. One stone would have been enough to fell a person unconscious. Besieged by stones and sticks with not a soul to help, the obsenities intensified and in the  attack one hate filled voice with an Amdo-dialect could be heard shouting: stop your worship of Shugden; if you still do not follow the Dalai Lama's ban we will exterminate your entire family'.

With no help in sight, the attack went on for more than an hour and a half. It was only the next morning that Kalsang, the daughter, in deep emotional trauma, brutal attack and exhausted, managed to unbolt the door from the inside using her hair pin.

Upon prodding from Delhi, Dharamsala said it will order an inquiry. Five monks sent by us reached Dr Thubten's home late Nov. 8. At noon the next day, Dr and Mrs Thubten, together with four other people from Delhi, reunited with their daughter. Dr Thubten has challenged that he wll be in the colony for ten days, and if within this period the attack is not redressed, he will take the matter to court for the perpetrators of this attack, and their abettors.

Dorje Shugden devotees all over India are deeply disturbed and angered by this personal attack and attempt to wipe out Dr Thubten's family. They fear that, unless the Dalai Lama himself checks this trend in Tibetan society, this attack will encourage other Tibetan settlements to try to evict not only Shugden devotees but anyone who holds a different religious view. When this happens, since Shugden devotees have now decided not to give up their religious faith at any cost, there could be a sad, cyclic, violent confrontations amongst Tibetans themselves, everywhere. Time is fast running out for our peaceful efforts. Even at the cost of permenent disunity amongst his people, the Dalai Lama still remains adament to 'finish what the great Fifth Dalai Lama had started', notwithtsanding the fact that Tibetan then was under absolute theocratic rule with no room for dissent or had awareness of Human Rights.

Source: Dorje Shugden Devotees Religous and Charitable Society, Tibetan Colony Delhi 110054 India


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Re: Lest We Forget
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2013, 09:01:39 AM »
This a case of Apartheid and then Klu Klux Klan rolled into one. This is religious hatred at its lowest. This is a contradiction of the pith of the Buddhism ie non-hatred. How can the Dalai Lama stand to see this happening and not do anything to help the very same people that he is claiming to protect, to get their country back? Aren't these Shugden practitioners Tibetans as well? All these contradicts the Dharma and especially the teachings of the law of cause and effect.

It is a case of "my way or no way!". This a really shameful!


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Re: Lest We Forget
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2013, 12:52:09 AM »
This is excatly what is happening now in Buddhism -

The peace-loving religion has gone with the wind with bigotry happening inside Tibetan Buddhism right under the very jurisdiction and fold of the Dalai Lama.  Indeed it is extremely shameful.  It erodes the faith and trust in the world who are so captivated by the seemly compassionate and peace-loving Dalai Lama and his people only to be woken up to disenchantment when the truth finds the way.   

The violence and brutal actions on Dr Losang Thubten's family and many other previous events on Shugden practitioners by the hands of these dirty extremists are condemned! 

Big Uncle

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Re: Lest We Forget
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2013, 04:49:23 AM »
OMG! I hope they are safe now. I wonder if we can somehow get a copy of Dr Lobsang Thubten's work and published here on this website so it will benefit many more who suffer the same fate. I hope the work still exists and has not been destroyed. I think the sufferings and privations suffered by Dr Lobsang Thubten's family must come to mean something. It is this case and many like them that we work so hard to promote Dorje Shugden. Dorje Shugden has the immense power and potential to benefit so many if we put our minds and efforts to promote his practice to many.


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Re: Lest We Forget
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2013, 05:04:40 AM »
OMG! I hope they are safe now. I wonder if we can somehow get a copy of Dr Lobsang Thubten's work and published here on this website so it will benefit many more who suffer the same fate. I hope the work still exists and has not been destroyed. I think the sufferings and privations suffered by Dr Lobsang Thubten's family must come to mean something. It is this case and many like them that we work so hard to promote Dorje Shugden. Dorje Shugden has the immense power and potential to benefit so many if we put our minds and efforts to promote his practice to many.

I agree with you Big Uncle, we should get a copy of Dr Lobsang Thubten's work to be hosted on this website to further enhance what he is already been doing to benefit more people.  I pray Dr Lobsang Thubten and his family are now safe.


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Re: Lest We Forget
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2013, 10:31:37 AM »
What a grim reminder of how Buddhism is degenerating. It has been predicted that Buddhism will be destroyed by Buddhists and the Dorje Shugden ban is one of the catalysts for this to happen. We are indeed living in degenerate times and these cruel and inhuman actions against Dorje Shugden practitioners will reap its own karma while the world idly watches by. I still cannot understand how this kind of religious apartheid has been allowed to go unchecked and unreported by the world's media - who claim to always champion truth and justice. It is ironic that just because the face of the ban is the face of the world's most famous nobel peace prize winner, the ban is allowed to perpetuate freely.

Thanks for highlighting this case again. We should not forget.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Lest We Forget
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2013, 07:15:13 AM »
Though, Tibet in China has been protected from such ostracism and the violence and segregation that came with it!
To be noted...


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Re: Lest We Forget
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2013, 02:50:01 PM »
This unfortunate incident that befell Dr Losang Thubten's family is reminiscent of what would have happened when Tibetans took law into their own hands!

What is perplexing is the authorities  had not acted on the perpetrators and abettors! It is a criminal act for someone whose intention is to harm others be it to attack with stones or to lock and burn the victim with fire.

Dharamsala had only acted after they were prodded by New Delhi!  This shows the attitude of Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) when it comes to matters concerning the Tibetan Shugden followers!  Similarly those Tibetans who chose to abandon Dorje Shugden practice following the implementation of the ban went on a witch hunt to banish the Tibetan Shugden followers. There is no more consideration of kinship when these Tibetan Shugden followers had suddenly turned into the enemies of Tibet because of the ban!

It is mainly this fear of being attacked that many Tibetan Shugden followers had remained silent all this while and not openly retaliate against His Holiness Dalai Lama's imposition of the ban.

Those who had openly spoken against HHDL like Dr Losang Thubten will have to bear the consequences of being attacked by the supporters of HHDL's ban. Dr Losang Thubten is truly brave and his actions to speak up against the ban and to educate the public about Dorje Shugden are commendable. We salute Dr Losang for his true refuge and devotion to Lord Dorje Shugden. If more and more Tibetan Shugden followers can speak up against the injustice done as a  result of the ban, we shall see the lifting of the ban very soon.


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Re: Lest We Forget
« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2013, 07:07:01 PM »
This is just so unfair for all the Buddhists. No matter what stand you have towards the ban, we should not be harming other practitioners. What we practice and what is done does not match at all. What would others think when they hear the sort of nonsense that we are doing?!

It would be a laughing stock to the world. We practice love and compassion. Why should we be harming anyone at all. All of us have our own rights to choose what we would like to practice at all times. It does not mean that if someone follows something that is different from us, they would have to die or be harmed.

This just should not be the way at all.


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Re: Lest We Forget
« Reply #9 on: December 10, 2013, 03:47:43 AM »
Thanks vajratruth you are truly an excellent investigator of long lost information :) thanks again.

99% of  Tibetans are Buddhist, what kind of Buddhist try to burn people alive? 

If this action is not Buddhist in nature, then it resonates with the ban, the ban is also un-buddhist.

The people who are enforcing the ban are un- buddhist too. 

Actually the deeds of these people who tried to burn a family to death resonates with what CTA is doing. It is something they would have thought of. If anyone just started reading the forum CTA has a hit list on all the eminent Dorje Shugden lamas, what kind of compassionate and kind government does that?


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Re: Lest We Forget
« Reply #10 on: December 10, 2013, 03:48:28 AM »
Kind of everyone to bring these reminders.

I must realize emptiness as soon as possible!
I will liberate all my mothers from the nightmare of contaminated aggregates!


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Re: Lest We Forget
« Reply #11 on: January 25, 2014, 10:00:30 AM »
Buddhism has a long history of being the religion of peace and kindness, but issues like Dr Losang Thubten really tarnish the reputation of Buddhism. To add salt to the wound, these violence are related to administration led by HH Dalai Lama, a Nobel Prize winner and peace ambassador..

I am pretty sure it is not HH Dalai Lama's wish to inflict such violence, but because of HH Dalai Lama's open blaming to dorje shugden practitioners, His administration CTA implies that it is OK to inflict violence :(

CTA, please be kind to all sentient being already. You know you need to be compassionate and it is time for you to practice!!


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Re: Lest We Forget
« Reply #12 on: January 25, 2014, 12:14:23 PM »
Buddhism has a long history of being the religion of peace and kindness, but issues like Dr Losang Thubten really tarnish the reputation of Buddhism. To add salt to the wound, these violence are related to administration led by HH Dalai Lama, a Nobel Prize winner and peace ambassador..

I am pretty sure it is not HH Dalai Lama's wish to inflict such violence, but because of HH Dalai Lama's open blaming to dorje shugden practitioners, His administration CTA implies that it is OK to inflict violence :(

CTA, please be kind to all sentient being already. You know you need to be compassionate and it is time for you to practice!!

All it takes to STOP the violence and harm which is not just against Buddhist principles, but also against the law, is His Holiness to tell his people to STOP HARMING others. Do not harm Shugdenpas even though their faith and beliefs are different than ours. Since HHDL has made many speeches saying it is all "free will" and no one is "forcing" anyone to switch camps and that is totally up to practitioners to decide, it would be right to respect their freedom of choice instead of "attacking" them. HHDL can tell his passionate followers to act in kindness and not in violence. That is totally unjust and totally un-Dharmic.

If the CTA and pro-Dalai followers continues this way... they will drag and tarnish the Dalai Lama's reputation further which is silly since HHDL is the only celebrity spokesperson CTA and the exile Tibetans have to use to talk about their so called "FREEDOM". How silly... how short-term, how ignorant really. 


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Re: Lest We Forget
« Reply #13 on: January 26, 2014, 02:28:57 PM »
What a grim reminder of how Buddhism is degenerating. It has been predicted that Buddhism will be destroyed by Buddhists and the Dorje Shugden ban is one of the catalysts for this to happen. We are indeed living in degenerate times and these cruel and inhuman actions against Dorje Shugden practitioners will reap its own karma while the world idly watches by. I still cannot understand how this kind of religious apartheid has been allowed to go unchecked and unreported by the world's media - who claim to always champion truth and justice. It is ironic that just because the face of the ban is the face of the world's most famous nobel peace prize winner, the ban is allowed to perpetuate freely.

Thanks for highlighting this case again. We should not forget.

May I ask where I can find more the prediction you mentioned above that Buddhism will be destroyed by Buddhist? Not that I would be surprised. History has taught us that the greatest empires were usually destroyed from within. 

Unfortunately we always forget. We forgot about WWI hence started WWII. How many of seriously remembered WWII? How many of the current young generations can relate with Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Jewish genocide, the Cold War? Even Sept 11 is a distant memory,

Oh, yes...we shall forget and history shall repeat itself. Such is the weakness and arrogance of mankind.

Fight the cause now and today, fight in the present but don't expect people to remember.


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Re: Lest We Forget
« Reply #14 on: January 26, 2014, 03:10:17 PM »
Though this event happened many years back, we cannot forget for a moment what the CTA is capable of. if CTA had their way they would make sure all the Dorje Shugden Lamas were harmed or incapacitated. When the lay people attacked Gaden 90's many many eminent monks were under the threat by this lay mob.

Who instigated the mob CTA of course, and that is after how much the Gaden monks were of benefit to the lay Tibetans in India. Gratitude is an obscene word for those who do not have it.