Author Topic: CTA expresses concern over mass Chinese migration to Tibet  (Read 7308 times)


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CTA expresses concern over mass Chinese migration to Tibet
« on: December 12, 2013, 02:53:13 PM »

December 10, 2013 8:17 pm

DHARAMSHALA: The Central Tibetan Administration today expressed deep concern over the mass influx of Chinese to Tibet, which it said has turned Tibetans into second-class citizens in their own land.

Speaking on the occasion of World Human Rights Day today, Tibetan political leader Dr Lobsang Sangay said: “This day is observed to celebrate the proclamation and adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations in 1948 as the common standard to measure the freedoms to which all peoples and nations should live.”

“Unfortunately, even after 65 years of proclamation there is not much for Tibetans to celebrate given the deteriorating human rights condition in Tibet,” he added.

“China continues to negate the principle of the universality of human rights by violating the provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Tibet is still under occupation. It continues to suffer from political repression, economic marginalisation, social discrimination, environmental destruction and cultural assimilation. Worst is the mass Chinese migration to Tibet which has turned Tibetans into second-class citizens in their own homeland,” Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay said.

“Living under such a repressive environment, with no space for conventional methods of protest, Tibetans from all walks of life are forced to take drastic measures to express their outrage and despair. Just a week ago, Mr. Kunchok Tsetan, only 30 years old, self-immolated and died. Despite our repeated appeals not to do so, 123 Tibetans have self-immolated in Tibet since 2009. 123 is neither simply a number nor a list of names. They are human beings just like any one of us who will wish to live a complete life, if given a choice. China cannot deny the blatant human rights violations which are the causes for the self-immolations,” he said. (CTA White Paper on Self-Immolations in Tibet)

“Recently in Driru, Nagchu, Tibetans refused to hoist the Chinese national flag. They were shot at and 4 of them were killed. Many were detained. The situation in the area continues to remain tense,” he added.

Sikyong further said: “Instead of seeing His Holiness the Dalai Lama as the solution, he is labeled an arch enemy. Chen Quanguo, the Party Secretary of the so-called Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR), threatened to silence His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s voice and ban his own people inside Tibet from hearing his message. Similarly, the voice of their own Nobel Peace Prize winner, Liu Xiaobo, is silenced as he is currently imprisoned in China.”

“The deteriorating human rights situation inside Tibet is being criticised and castigated in the US State Department Human Rights Report, Amnesty International Report and Human Rights Watch Report. The Freedom House ranked Tibet among the ‘worst of the worst’ in civil rights and political liberty in its Freedom in the World Report 2013,” he said.

“In the recent United Nations Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review of China, 12 nations including Japan, Australia, Iceland and Canada expressed their concern over China’s human rights violations. Among others, New Zealand called on China to resume two-way dialogue to resolve the issue of Tibet,” he added.


No doubt that the Chinese Government is not treating the Tibetans fairly in Tibet and are trying to eliminate the Tibetan culture by having mass migration into Tibet. What Lobsang Sangay said is very true. The Chinese are negating the universal human rights by making Tibetans into second class citizens, as claimed by the Sikyong. This is a case of the pot calling the kettle black!

The Sikyong, as far as I know, has not done much for the Tibetans in exile also. The CTA is also making Tibetans in exile as second class citizens by not lifting the ban on Dorje Shugden. Because of the ban, there's discrimination in the exile community! All that was said by Sikyong as highlighted in red above, is also happening in the exile community! How do you explain that?

Do not be  a laughing stork when what you criticise China on is what you are also practicing.

christine V

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Re: CTA expresses concern over mass Chinese migration to Tibet
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2013, 05:02:38 AM »
Good to say Galen,

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The Sikyong, as far as I know, has not done much for the Tibetans in exile also. The CTA is also making Tibetans in exile as second class citizens by not lifting the ban on Dorje Shugden. Because of the ban, there's discrimination in the exile community! All that was said by Sikyong as highlighted in red above, is also happening in the exile community! How do you explain that?
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Looking at how the CTA treated DS practitioner, is that any different ? Maybe more worse. E.g: some shop do not allowed Ds practitioner to come in to shop! So, Where is the Human right that Dr Lobsang Sangay talked about , when under his own eyes DS practitioner is bullied! Lift this stupid banned then only you talk about Human Right!

This banned have made the own people suffered! Own Tibetan not outsider! Is like killing between own brother. Where is the Justice!


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Re: CTA expresses concern over mass Chinese migration to Tibet
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2013, 06:17:10 PM »
What you say is true Galen! What the Sikyong should be doing is to clean up the mess right outside his own backyard first. How is it that in the Tibetans in exile community any different from those being treated in Tibet? In fact it's worst because they out right alienate and discriminate their own. At least all China does is flood Tibet with more Chinese, they did not say to the people they can't practice their believes and discriminate them if they did.

It is quite hypocritical of the CTA to talk about human rights when they give none to their own Tibetans who practice Dorje Shugden. Quite daring I must say because soon people will find out, and it's just so easy for the Chinese Govt to point the finger back at them and yes make them the biggest laughing stork in the world.

How sad it is to read just biased news of leaders who deceive people in return for their own agendas and benefit. Well I guess this is politics!

It also goes to show that they are not practising Dharma one bit, so why worry about their heritage and culture that use to revolves around Dharma and Buddha's teachings? What is more precious than preserving the Dharma? And if Dharma is so precious then why not preserve it wherever you are by practising? Or at least allow others to do so without discrimination Dr Lobsang Sangay?

Karma has no discrimination and looks like it's come back to them. Because of the ban of Dorje Shugden on their own people, now China bans HHDL voice from being heard by the Tibetans in Tibet. Should really look in the mirror!


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Re: CTA expresses concern over mass Chinese migration to Tibet
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2013, 03:45:27 AM »
Tibet has been secluded and "hidden" from the modern civilization for the many years, and that's why (in my humble opinion) many of Buddhist teachings (especially the tantric pracitices) are so well preserved. I know it sure sounds like political tactics for Chinese government to "flood" Tibet with immigrants, but from a not so political point of view, I do hope that it does not put Buddhism "at risk".

I have been to Nepal and it is sure a place of poverty (for the general public), however, with all the modern conveniences like electricity, internet, gadgets etc, I realized these modern conveniences are indeed hindrances to our practices. I guess we need to strike a balance between modern and practice...


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Re: CTA expresses concern over mass Chinese migration to Tibet
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2013, 05:13:24 AM »
CTA expresses concern over mass Chinese migration to Tibet.   CTA expresses concern over China’s crackdown on Tibetans in Driru. And the list goes on. CTA seems to be concern of many things except the suppression of her own people who practice Dorje Shugden. I think what CTA should be concerned about is how they can make up for the years of humiliation, breaking up families and friends, ostracization of anyone who practices Dorje Shugden. As an administration representing a leader who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, the CTA should be concerned on how to bring peace and harmony to her own people and not otherwise.


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Re: CTA expresses concern over mass Chinese migration to Tibet
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2013, 03:17:37 PM »
The way CTA treated and suppressed Dorje Shugden practitioners are worst compared the influx of Chinese to Tibet and making Tibetan second class citizen in their own land. Lobsang Sangay talked about Human Rights; so why are the DS practitioners deprived of human rights. Why they are not allowed to practice freely? Why the discrimination? Many people suffer because of the ban. Lift the ban before talking about Human Rights!!!


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Re: CTA expresses concern over mass Chinese migration to Tibet
« Reply #6 on: December 14, 2013, 04:01:17 PM »
As at today, Tibet remains part of the greater China. This is already a reality. It is a condition which will not change unless the United Nations (UN) forces China to return Tibet to Tibetans. But we know it is not likely to happen as UN has not done so till today. Unless Tibet has the miraculous power to effect the change, it is status quo for the Tibetan Autonomous Region. So that means Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) will not be able to gain independence for Tibet!

Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay was right to be very concerned about the mass Chinese migration into Tibet and the other issues pertaining to Tibet. Seriously, Dr Lobsang, what can CTA and you do about these changes in Tibet? You know very well that you will not be able to do anything at all for Tibet!

Isn't it embrassing for Dr Lobsang to criticize China loudly for violating the 1948 UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights when CTA is downright guilty of its own treatments toward the Tibetans Shugden followers!


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Re: CTA expresses concern over mass Chinese migration to Tibet
« Reply #7 on: December 14, 2013, 10:48:40 PM »
What are human rights to CTA? The right of a humans to dominate other humans?

There is no end to it if CTA kept on speaking bad and negative about what China is doing. Why not practice human rights in Dharamshala instead? The discrimination of Dorje Shugden practitioners are still on going. That speaks about how much time they have in their hand.


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Re: CTA expresses concern over mass Chinese migration to Tibet
« Reply #8 on: December 15, 2013, 08:08:17 AM »
What human rights is this man talking about? Amazing!

If I were any of those poor suffering people living under CTA rule with no improving conditions for me and my family I would have left long time ago back to Tibet. I am quite sure many Tibetans who rightly refused to give up on Dorje Shugden had already moved back there and many more will follow their path.


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Re: CTA expresses concern over mass Chinese migration to Tibet
« Reply #9 on: December 15, 2013, 01:20:49 PM »
"The Central Tibetan Administration today expressed deep concern over the mass influx of Chinese to Tibet, which it said has turned Tibetans into second-class citizens in their own land." Since there is so much problem in his own country, what not please lift the ban on Dorje Shugden?  I think by doing so, it will reunite all Tibetans instead of separating them like what the Chinese intended to do.


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Re: CTA expresses concern over mass Chinese migration to Tibet
« Reply #10 on: December 17, 2013, 10:38:07 PM »
No doubt that the Chinese Government is not treating the Tibetans fairly in Tibet and are trying to eliminate the Tibetan culture by having mass migration into Tibet. What Lobsang Sangay said is very true. The Chinese are negating the universal human rights by making Tibetans into second class citizens, as claimed by the Sikyong. This is a case of the pot calling the kettle black!

The Sikyong, as far as I know, has not done much for the Tibetans in exile also. The CTA is also making Tibetans in exile as second class citizens by not lifting the ban on Dorje Shugden. Because of the ban, there's discrimination in the exile community! All that was said by Sikyong as highlighted in red above, is also happening in the exile community! How do you explain that?

Do not be  a laughing stork when what you criticise China on is what you are also practicing.

It is incredibly amazing for the Sikyong to demand human rights for the Tibetans in China when he is enforcing similar treatment to his own folks in exile.  This is really the case of the pot calling the kettle black!  I find this utterly amusing and truly hypocrisy. 

Lift the ban Sikyong before you demand the same of China.  Do not prosecute your Tibetan community for practising Dorje Shugden.  It is utterly wrong Sikyong.  Truly be yourself Sikyong instead of being a puppet dancing on a string.  You had enough dancing already now time to show who you are, a Harvard academian in Human Rights!


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Re: CTA expresses concern over mass Chinese migration to Tibet
« Reply #11 on: January 26, 2014, 03:18:37 PM »
CTA is concerned over so many things and they talk of human rights when they don't bother what happened to their own people practicing Dorje Shugden. The discrimination to those who are loyal practitioners and their families. Why don't they lift the ban so that people can practice freely without fear. Why ban DS? Most important is why the discrimination and is it right for any human to dominate another human? I thought every human has their own right!


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Re: CTA expresses concern over mass Chinese migration to Tibet
« Reply #12 on: January 26, 2014, 04:08:49 PM »
These so called human rights, the definition to CTA at least, has become rights over other human beings. Apparently CTA is not democratic themselves. The constitution is easily overridden. Dorje Shugden practitioners don't have the rights to vote. They are treated as without any citizenship nor the right to live, businesses and 'good' people are not allowed to have any contact with Dorje Shugden practitioners. Talk about freedom and democracy.  >:(

christine V

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Re: CTA expresses concern over mass Chinese migration to Tibet
« Reply #13 on: January 26, 2014, 06:15:39 PM »
CTA concerned that, CTA concerned This. Please! IF YOU CTA really concern on Tibets welfare , do focus on the real issues , and, not using Dorje Shugden banned as your issues to distract people .
Further, CTA only show the concerned by what? verbally? What kind of concerned is that without action?!


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Re: CTA expresses concern over mass Chinese migration to Tibet
« Reply #14 on: January 26, 2014, 08:33:12 PM »
CTA is displaying quite a bit of nationalistic fervor and may even be as xenophobic as they have accused China to be. As for Lobsang Sangay saying, "Unfortunately, even after 65 years of proclamation there is not much for Tibetans to celebrate given the deteriorating human rights condition in Tibet,” it is laughable. That statement is just as appropriate to describe the Dalai Lama's declaration that the Tibetan nation in exile is indeed a democracy. What do Shugden worshipers who at one time accounted for the majority of the Tibetan people have to celebrate after 65 years under the present Dalai Lama and CTA?

What the CTA really need to get now, is a firm understanding that the world has seen through its facade and it is also becoming clear that while China started off as a perpetrator of many human rights violations, they have made significant efforts to improve the living conditions of the Tibetans in the autonomous region. Few people would be aware that China began programs to preserve the Tibetan language and culture long before the CTA even introduced the Tibetan language in schools in the exile community.

As this report indicates, "...Currently, there are 23,085 bilingual teachers and 3,700 Tibetan language teachers at schools at different levels, says the white paper, adding Tibetan is also widely used in political life". (, there is no attemot to snuff out the Tbetan people's culture or their religion.  Perhaps the Chinese effort in preserving Tibetan culture may be a strategy to win over the Tibetan population in TAR, but it nevertheless translates into recognizing the importance of treating people well. This is more than I can say for the CTA.