Author Topic: Do Buddhists celebrate Xmas?  (Read 14633 times)

Jessie Fong

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Do Buddhists celebrate Xmas?
« on: December 21, 2013, 12:29:38 PM »
Daniel Scharpenburg (wrote in The Elephant Journal) was asked if he celebrates Christmas.

So as a Buddhist, do you celebrate Xmas.  It is just a few days away and soon the world will be celebrating Xmas, but do you have to be a Christian to celebrate Xmas?

I have always told my friends that as long as it is a holiday, I will celebrate. Why be selective? Join in the festivities. Celebrate with friends, neighbours, loved ones.


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Re: Do Buddhists celebrate Xmas?
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2013, 01:13:12 PM »
I am sure different Buddhists will view Christmas differently. I don't think there is a wrong or right though i would imagine that hardcore Buddhists may think that any kind of celebration is samsaric and hence to be avoided and frowned upon.

Being far from hardcore, I will be celebrating because to me, Christmas is about being together with families and friends. It is the season to celebrate giving and forgiving. It is a time to celebrate loving and living. Christmas is not really about Christianity though it had been adopted by Christians as their main celebration - many may not know that it was originally a pagan festival. Although Christmas was central to Christianity, it has since become a celebration with a wide appeal - and people of all religions celebrate it today. So though i am Buddhist, i have always loved Christmas and for sure, I will celebrate Christmas with my family in my own way.

Merry Christmas everyone!
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Do Buddhists celebrate Xmas?
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2013, 03:01:45 PM »
As a Buddhist, I celebrate Xmas even though it is a Christian holiday. This is because Christmas is not just a religious holiday, not anymore. Now, it is more of a holiday to celebrate togetherness and family. Christmas is for everyone.


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Re: Do Buddhists celebrate Xmas?
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2013, 04:00:38 PM »
Lots of Buddhist celebrates X Mas nowadays. It is not so much of a Christian celebration as it is celebrated throughout the world as a holiday. Every one loves XMas. It's a time for families to get together too. Celebrating XMas doesn't makes one less Buddhist. Merry Christmas to all!


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Re: Do Buddhists celebrate Xmas?
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2013, 05:54:33 PM »
I celebrate Christmas, as it is a holiday in my country! ?
I celebrate Christmas, as it is a time to get together with my family members, a time to celebrate loving, generosity and forgiving and not so much as a religious holiday. It is also the time that we think of the kindness of people around us, such as our Guru, our parents, our family and be grateful to them. I would recite mantras and dedicate the merits to them.
Merry Christmas to all and may all have a joyous, peaceful, loving Christmas with your loved ones! 

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: Do Buddhists celebrate Xmas?
« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2013, 10:58:54 PM »
I am not a Christian but in a way, I do celebrate Xmas. Although I do not attend the church to the Christmas mass and have a massive baking and cooking ritual, I will meet with some family members and friends. In a way, it is a celebration of not rushing to go work, but to go through the day on a more relaxed mood. Due to the fact that it is a holiday, I hope everyone would be able to spend some time off work spend some time with their loved ones.


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Re: Do Buddhists celebrate Xmas?
« Reply #6 on: December 22, 2013, 09:40:18 AM »
As a Buddhist we don't celebrate Christmas like the Christian do, but somehow or rather with the world becoming smaller with the Christmas promotion are everywhere it somehow get to you to ride on the spirit of Christmas which is to care and share. So, no harm done if we join in the fun and spirits of the season of joy and continue practicing Dharma and transform to be a better Buddhist.


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Re: Do Buddhists celebrate Xmas?
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2013, 09:52:56 AM »
Although I am not a Christian but that does not mean that I am not allowed nor cant celebrate Xmas. I have family and friends who celebrate Xmas and I do so every year.  It doesnt matter where you are or what celebrations, we all have to respect other people's traditions and believe. Its not such a big deal after all. And plus, we get to enjoy the holidays and the snow!  ;D


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Re: Do Buddhists celebrate Xmas?
« Reply #8 on: December 22, 2013, 11:13:04 AM »
You can celebrate Christmas and still be a Buddhist as it shares the common thread of peace, love, caring and kindness to others.
I wish you all a Merry Christmas and peace and joy for the holiday season.


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Re: Do Buddhists celebrate Xmas?
« Reply #9 on: December 22, 2013, 11:47:55 AM »
Of all the festivals Christmas is my favourite ! I love the decor put up everywhere , I love the music , I love the merry and fun atmosphere it has . I am not celebrating a particular person's birth or death ; but just celebrating that its coming to an end of a year and all around you people are mostly on holiday, feel relaxed and want to make efforts to spend time with their loved ones . When there is so much joy and generosity in the air its just contagious and want to make you happy too . Love this sharing !
Happy holidays everyone !


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Re: Do Buddhists celebrate Xmas?
« Reply #10 on: December 22, 2013, 12:21:30 PM »
No. I don't celebrate Christmas but since it is a holiday in my country, I used to watch Christmas cartoons when I was younger. Now it has just become another off day for me. Sad to say many holidays have become so commercialized. I feel that practicing to forgive and remember the kindness must be done every day, not just one day of one year. For us lay people our whole year is so much consumed with work and the free time is used for leisure only. What is the meaning of living?


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Re: Do Buddhists celebrate Xmas?
« Reply #11 on: December 22, 2013, 01:07:48 PM »
For many people who are new to Buddhism this is a common question,especially if they have a history upbringing in a Christian religion.
Everyone adjust at their own pace and Buddhism accommodates this without unnecessary pressure,it takes some longer than others to grow comfortable with it.
As Buddhist,it's important to remain compassionate towards all.The best way to find respect to my beliefs is showing respect for other people's beliefs.Any day is a good day for remembering the perfection of giving.
Merry Christmas everyone!

Freyr Aesiragnorak

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Re: Do Buddhists celebrate Xmas?
« Reply #12 on: December 22, 2013, 03:18:09 PM »
I celebrate Christmas for sure! I was raised in a Christian family and although I do not attend church anymore since turning Buddhist, I still feel the excitement when the holiday comes around every year. It’s a time to see loved ones and friends, to get together and relax, a way to mark the end of the year together in style (although not as alcohol fuelled as I used to celebrate it!)

I have a friend who's parents immigrated to England before he was born, he is Buddhist. He celebrates Christmas too, but not the religious aspects. His extended family used to get together when they could to meet up and be together whenever they could. One of these times was obviously during the Christmas Holidays. As time went on and he attended school, he would hear the stories of decorated trees and presents, something he recounted to his parents furiously. His parents then decided to follow the tradition of decorations and presents and the good food soon followed. Now his family celebrated Christmas bigger in style and grander than most Christians I know!!! Lol. Christmas is more than a Christian holidays these days. In fact most of the Christians I know don’t even go to church or really talk about the birth of Christ during Christmas.

Tenzin K

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Re: Do Buddhists celebrate Xmas?
« Reply #13 on: December 22, 2013, 03:22:04 PM »
I find December to be one of the best times of the year.  The many religions that share holidays in December (including Buddhism) often share the common thread of peace, love, caring for others, and kindness to one another.  That’s something we can all celebrate.

So what can you, as a Buddhist, do on Christmas?  More than you can think!  Since Buddhism focuses on the end of suffering (both physical and mental), it’s only natural we help each other while we are here on earth together.

Here are some things you can do as a Buddhist during Christmas:

Give a Thoughtful Gift. While Buddhists strive for non-attachment to material things, we also believe in practicing kindness.  A truly thoughtful gift which shows you have paid to attention to someones needs and feelings is much more important than a meaningless stocking stuffer.  Do you have a deeply religious Christian friend?  A gift that shows you respect their faith and shows love and kindness is always appreciated.  Do you have a friend that seems to be down during the holiday season?  A gift of being there for them and asking if they would like to talk shows that you have taken the time to see them in their time of need.  If you are getting a gift for a Buddhist friend, read this.

Help a Person in Need. We all know someone who needs our help, whether they are a family member, close friend, or even a homeless person on the street asking for spare change.  Everyone has a different need, but we can help as much as we can.  Buddhists frequently give money when asked by someone in need (such as a homeless person), or helping someone during a difficult time if only being there to listen.  You may find that buying a few grocery gift cards from the supermarket and giving them to people in need will mean more than any electronic gadget ever will.  Jesus said “If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.” (Matt. 19:21)

Plant Seeds of Kindness. Buddhists plant seeds of kindness by doing the most basic things such as holding the door open for a person with their hands full, paying for the coffee of the next five people in line behind you, or just giving a hug.  There is no reciprocation needed or expected!  Just the act of being kind will benefit you both in ways you cannot imagine.

Help an Animal. Often forgotten, animals also feel cold, pain, hunger, and fear like every living creature.  I often carry around a bag of cat, dog, and bird food in my car to share with an animal in need such as a hungry homeless kitty on a cold night.  You many also do what Americans are wonderful at, donating to charities and there are many wonderful ones that support animals such as the Humane Society, ASPCA, your local shelter where you can volunteer, etc.  Oh, and a little toy to your own furry companion will make them happy (yes, sometimes it is the little things).  Catholics may know of Saint Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals, who preached sermons to animals during his lifetime.

Practice Loving-Kindness Meditation.  Sometimes the gift we should give to help others starts with us.  Loving-Kindness meditation allows you to create positive change within you of Friendliness (metta), Compassion (karuna), Appreciative Joy (mudita), and Equanimity (upekkha).  What a wonderful thing!  This meditation focuses on sending loving thoughts to a respected person (such as a teacher, so many Buddhists include the Buddha), a loved one (such as a family member or close friend), a neutral person (perhaps a cashier you don’t know), and a hostile person (someone you are having difficulty with).  Sharing the practice of loving-kindness with children helps them understand more about compassion and love for others, and not just about material things (Buddhanet has a great page about it).

But why stop during the holiday season?  Practice the above at all times of the year!


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Re: Do Buddhists celebrate Xmas?
« Reply #14 on: December 22, 2013, 05:01:01 PM »
I have come across Budhdist who are anti Christmas because it is associated with God and Jesus Christ and I have for sure come across Christians who would never celebrate Wesak because it is associated with Buddha.

What does celebrating something really means? If I'm a non Christian I decidd to hold a party on Christmas because it's a public holiday and I have some general Christmas decoration, etc, or I attend other Christmas party, does that mean I'm celebrating Christmas? In my opinion you do not! You simply celebrating something but happens to concede with Christmas Day only from the perspective of date.

I don't think buddhist really celebrate Christmas per say as in Buddhists do not celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and his purpose in life.