Author Topic: Press Statement on Dec. 19, 2013  (Read 5977 times)


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Press Statement on Dec. 19, 2013
« on: December 21, 2013, 01:21:33 PM »
I just read this - what do you all think of this press statement? Do you agree with the statements made re the Dalai Lama being a hypocrite and not worthy of the Nobel prize? Is NAGBA critical of the Dalai Lama as a person as well as his actions against Dorje Shugden?

Press Statement Dec. 19, 2013

Since 2012 we have been holding press conferences on Dec. 10th, International Human Rights Day, in order to raise awareness of the segregation and ostracization within the Tibetan community which caused by the Dalai Lama. The Dalai Lama himself celebrates winning the Nobel Peace Prize on the same day. This year the press conference was moved to Dec. 12th due to a high lama visiting New York City and religious activities being held.
496 members of the press were invited. A few showed up and took the documents that were prepared. The press conference was two parts. The first was in Tibetan, the second in English. The first speaker was NAGBA’s President Lobsang Dorjee. He questioned the Dalai Lama receiving the Nobel Peace Prize and he also mentioned that since that time, the Dalai Lama started the religious persecution and segregation within the Tibetan community, harming millions of Shugden practitioners, and how he uses this day to cover up his violations of human rights. We must expose the Dalai Lama’s true behavior. It shows that the Nobel Peace Prize was received through fraud because the Dalai Lama has no evidence of creating peace anywhere. He is misleading the world.

The second speaker was Sonam Rinchen, NAGBA’s representative to the Shugden Society of Delhi. He spoke about  how the Dalai Lama not only disregards religious freedom, but overall he has no understanding of democracy. It is very clear that he is trying to suppress the freedom of speech of the people who spoke out against the ban on Dorje Shugden during his recent visit. He sent his Ministers and Speaker of Parliament throughout the Tibetan community, demonizing the people that spoke out, threatening their lives and accusing the Shugden people of harming his own life. These are terrorist tactics, to frighten and control people who disagree with you. It is clear that he is a religious dictator who wears the mask of a peace loving democratic leader. He not only violates religious freedom, now he is violating freedom of speech and contradicts his claim that the exile Tibetan administration is a democracy. In reality he practices theocracy.

The third speaker was Phuntsok Raga, the General Secretary of NAGBA. He pointed out that even after the Dalai Lama segregated all the Shugden people, he continued to claim that he represents all Tibetan people when he negotiates with the Chinese government. Phuntsok made three points: first to the Dalai Lama, that his claims to represent all six million Tibetans is laughable because the Dalai Lama told us we are no longer part of his group, and at the same time had signatures collected from his people saying they will not associate spiritually or materially with Shugden practitioners, so he is not our representative. The second point was to all Shugden people, we must decide our own future, we are the majority. Third, to the people of the Republic of China, you must investigate and find out clearly whether the Dalai Lama represents all Tibetans or not. If you do, you will find out that the Dalai Lama and his followers are the minority, not the majority, of Tibet.

The next speaker was Thinley Dhargay who explained why he joined the Dorje Shugden community. He said he joined the Shugden community and the press conference because he saw that the Dalai Lama is a hypocrite and never practices what he preaches, forcing families and communities apart, violating their basic human rights and freedoms. He goes around preaching to the world about living in peace and harmony while at the same time causing destruction within his own community. Now I am here to expose the true face of the Dalai Lama.
The second half of the press conference was in English. The first speaker was Phuntsok Raga, the second was Lobsang Dorjee, both translated by Sonam Rinchen.

It can be seen here:
Press Conference (English), December 12, 2013

For more information go to — with Sonam Lama.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Press Statement on Dec. 19, 2013
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2013, 12:31:33 PM »
I do agree with the points raised in the press statement by NAGBA. His Holiness Dalai Lama's actions are clearly hypocritical and inconsistent!  It is great that Tibetan Shugden  practitioners gravely affected by the ban have finally gotten together to speak up on the injustice and discrimination done to them.

NAGBA was established in 2011 to protect their members' right to practise Dorje Shugden and to promote and preserve the Dorje Shugden lineage. These are some of the objectives of the association.

I sincerely wish that more and more Tibetan Shugden practitioners speak up like NAGBA!  Tibetan Shugden practitioners have been suffering far too long. The ban on Dorje Shugden had lasted for more than 30 years!  Don't you think it is high time to lift the ban?


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Re: Press Statement on Dec. 19, 2013
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2013, 03:14:05 PM »
I just read this - what do you all think of this press statement? Do you agree with the statements made re the Dalai Lama being a hypocrite and not worthy of the Nobel prize? Is NAGBA critical of the Dalai Lama as a person as well as his actions against Dorje Shugden?

The Dalai Lama is definitely well known for his message of peace and tolerance that he has been spreading globally for decades now but I cannot say for sure if it has had any substance beyond its rhetoric. But one thing is for sure, that is, the Dalai Lama's exhortation to the people and government of the world to exercise tolerance have been largely ignored by his own government, the Central Tibetan Administration who prevails in exercising an illegal religious ban over Shugden practitioners. That the Dalai Lama should pretend that all is well at home in his exile community does surprise me and reminds me of a saying that one should not ignore the log in one's eye while criticising the speck in other people's eyes.

Here are some excerpts of the serious repercussions of the Shugden ban that the CTA has decreed and that which the Dalai Lama has tolerated if not supported:

November 7th-8th, 1996
The house of retired school teacher Mr. Losang Thubten is attacked and set on fire with his daughter and a relative purposely locked in. Fortunately they survive. In a tape published by the Dorje Shugden Society Mr. Thubten had given a number of historical accounts, showing the blatant injustice in the Exile Government’s actions.

July 19th, 2006
Lhasa, Tibet: The house of a family of well-known Dorje Shugden practitioners is attacked by four Tibetans wearing masks and claiming to be the Dalai Lama’s messengers. The only person in the house at that time is their 20 year old son, who is tortured by having his fingers cut off. He is threatened that next time they will cut his hands off and then they will cut his head off if his family doesn’t listen to the Dalai Lama.

Looking at the above two out of thousands of reports of abuse and persecution instituted by the Dalai Lama's government, I would say that it is curious that a peace Nobelist would refrain from intervening when he very well could have.

Manisha Kudo

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Re: Press Statement on Dec. 19, 2013
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2013, 05:03:28 PM »
Buddhism has often been said to be a religion of peace and the Dalai Lama is viewed as a symbolic representation of compassion, tolerance and peace. Well, this is just a thought. When the world eventually sees the truth and the ban is lifted, how would it affect the essence and teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha? Would it counter the spread of the Buddhadharma? ??? 


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Re: Press Statement on Dec. 19, 2013
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2013, 06:39:38 PM »
Totally agree with what is being said. If it is really true that the Dalai Lama mean what is being promoted by him, the ban would not be still existing. The ban would have already been lifted.

It may be the people that are close to the Dalai Lama that might be the trouble makers, but how would we be able to know if that is really the case? We can chase down to every single detail of why the Dalai Lama should not receive the award. But, what help would it bring for the rest of the Tibetans that are around?


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Re: Press Statement on Dec. 19, 2013
« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2013, 08:39:24 PM »
FINALLY! I am so glad to read this, that the Tibetans are speaking out openly against the Ban on Dorje Shugden with logic and lucidity, and with many points which I would like to see the Dalai Lama or the CTA try to refute. Perhaps, an opposing article will soon appear on That would mean the points of the NAGBA speakers hit home deep enough? Let's see.

I would appeal in the meantime for more Tibetans to take a stand against the unwarranted ban on Dorje Shugden's practice. And to translate more of these talks into English and the other major languages of the world so that more can understand the plight of the Tibetans directly from the Tibetans.

Very powerful stuff. Thanks Wisdom Being for sharing this


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Re: Press Statement on Dec. 19, 2013
« Reply #6 on: December 24, 2013, 02:38:20 AM »
@Thor I agree with you totally, that it is good that Tibetans speak for themselves too for their rights and for what is just and correct that the ban brings no benefit to anyone, Tibetans within or without. And through NAGBA they do it peacefully as per Buddhist principles. I hope NAGBA will also do much more for Gelug lamas and organisations and keep on promoting the Je Tsongkhapa tradition.

I can't say much for the anti-Dorje Shugden people, trying to burn people alive and the harm they have tried to exact on the high lamas in Gaden when CTA roused the lay hordes to attack the monasteries, to trying to hurt Trijang Rinpoche as a child and so forth. Is that Buddhism? Such acts are well documented in videos and articles it is public knowledge. The true Taliban of Tibet are the CTA it is clear for everyone to see.

I still stand by the fact that we shouldn't take Dalai Lama so literally, he is helping Dorje Shugden to spread and grow more around the world. Wish the CTA can wake up to that, and see the inconsistencies that Dalai lama has thrown into this controversy. The Dalai Lama has dialogues with quantum physicists, lectures to hundreds of thousands, is to my opinion the top Buddhist scholar of our times, will such a great man and leader like him to take action or speak contradictorily? Dalai Lama's books are not on of the top dharma books being read by the world is not because the Dalai lama has a handsome personality. 

Don not forget within the Dalai Lama's line of incarnations, the third one was the one who pacified the Mongolian horde and turned them away from butcher and violence. Its like asking Hitler to cease WW2 or asking Mao not to go ahead with the blood thirsty Cultural Revolution.   



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Re: Press Statement on Dec. 19, 2013
« Reply #7 on: December 26, 2013, 02:54:48 AM »
The ban did bring no benefits to people but harms. There is sad to know that the anti Dorje Shudgen people went into extreme that burn people alive and exile the high lama in Gaden. Perhaps this is not HH Dalai Lama initial intention that to create extensive harms to Dorje Shudgen practitioners, however this is the negative effects for the ban. To avoid anymore further harms occur, the Dorje Shudgen practitioners and peace lovers should stand up to raise their voice. The more people should voice up to request the ban should be lifted soonest possible. The more people should point out for no reason the ban be imposed. Any relevant press statement opposed to the ban should be published. Now is the time to create awareness that what is basic human rights and freedoms. The ban imposed on Dorje Shudgen need to be lifted based on human rights and freedoms as used to promote by HH Dalai Lama.


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Re: Press Statement on Dec. 19, 2013
« Reply #8 on: December 26, 2013, 04:26:45 AM »
The Dalai Lama has dialogues with quantum physicists,

Funny, but until now I could not find any meaningful insight coming from such dialogues, specially from the dalai's side.

lectures to hundreds of thousands,

Not more than so many fanatical evangelical priests.

is to my opinion the top Buddhist scholar of our times, will such a great man and leader like him to take action or speak contradictorily?

Since the dalai does take action and speak contradictorily, it follows that he is anything except for a “great man and leader”. Maybe a great puppet.

Dalai Lama's books are not on of the top dharma books being read by the world is not because the Dalai lama has a handsome personality.

Those reading the dalai are at least as deceived as he is, and therefore hardly any reference for wisdom.

Don not forget within the Dalai Lama's line of incarnations, the third one was the one who pacified the Mongolian horde and turned them away from butcher and violence.

So “pacified” was the “Mongolian horde”, and so “turned away from butchery and violence”, that in association with the 5th dalai they decapitated 1000 Kagyupa khenpos while slaughtering 6000 more Kagyupa monks.

Its like asking Hitler to cease WW2  or asking Mao not to go ahead with the blood thirsty Cultural Revolution.   

The funny thing here is that the current dalai never asked his puppet masters to stop any of their ongoing wars against humanity, rather explicitly supported their genocidal wars against Iraq and Afghanistan.

Even funnier is the fact that the dalai openly accepted the sinister help of CIA in his bloody attempt o reinstate his theocratic slavery regime against the Tibetan people, and just when his puppet master Henry Kissinger told him to stop did he assume his ridiculous “non-violent” persona, just to enter the gallery of war criminals awarded the Peace Nobel prize.


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Re: Press Statement on Dec. 19, 2013
« Reply #9 on: December 26, 2013, 10:03:48 AM »
His Holiness Dalai Lama's actions are clearly hypocritical and inconsistent! It confuses people a lot by his inconsistency and raised a couple of questions on the ban itself. Clearly the ban does not serve the public any good. It created a lot of harm to the devotees of Dorje Shugden, loyal ones in fact, facing harsh mistreatments and discrimination.

I respect His Holiness The Dalai Lama and i do think he should win the Nobel Prize but there has to be something behind that made The Dalai Lama to uphold the ban, or is it CTA who is still holding onto the ban? It is great that Tibetan Shugden  practitioners gotten their voices together to voice on the injustice and discrimination done to them.

I sincerely wish that more and more Tibetan Shugden practitioners speak up like NAGBA so that it will create more pressure on CTA to lift the ban on practising Dorje Shugden!


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Re: Press Statement on Dec. 19, 2013
« Reply #10 on: December 26, 2013, 12:46:33 PM »
I respect His Holiness The Dalai Lama and i do think he should win the Nobel Prize but there has to be something behind that made The Dalai Lama to uphold the ban, or is it CTA who is still holding onto the ban?

This attitude of some Dorje Shugden practitioners, of transferring the responsibility, blame and guilt for the ban from its actual perpetrator, the vow-breaker dalai, to someone else, such as the CTA, is reminiscent of the the Abrahamic attitude of shifting the blame, guilt and responsibility for the evils of the world from what they believe to be its “creator”, the evil bloodthirsty paranoid schizophrenic usurper “God” Jehovah, to someone else, therefore demonized, such as the “Devil” or “Satan” (as Christians and Muslims do), or to their neighbors or the rest of humanity (as Jews do).

Actually, this scapegoating of someone else (such as the CTA) for the crimes of the actual perpetrator (the dalai) ultimately shows the scapegoater's urge of as soon as possible being very cozy with such perpetrator, because of an unsuspected identification with him and all the evils he represents, including the very ban, which shows how much such an attitude is both narcissistic and hypocritical in nature.

Personally I believe that a more healthy attitude would be to stop fantasizing, to plainly and nakedly take the dalai for the guru-disparaging vow-breaker he is, and to refrain from divinizing evil in order to serve one's own unattended psychological deficiencies.


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Re: Press Statement on Dec. 19, 2013
« Reply #11 on: December 28, 2013, 01:09:08 PM »
EXCELLENT! I am so glad to see that the Tibetans are speaking up... not all are illogical and incompetent to follow like sheep following the herd. The points that were brought up by NAGBA are good and strong points that back them up. I hope those in the media who attended or got the press release will really investigate further.

It's time for the Tibetans to speak up for their rights and I hope more Tibetans would come together to do this and perhaps the ban can be lifted faster. The more we do to voice out this issue, the more chance we have in creating attention to the injustice that is obviously a breach of human rights and religious freedom. The UN authorities should really investigate and question the CTA and HHDL. We should also write in to many different authority figures and send letter to the just like this one here done by dorjeshugden admin

It will put the CTA to shame! They are pointing finger at China about human rights issue, they should really look at themselves first!