I'm not surprised... Unfortunately, although China is now considered the most economically influential country in the world... it is also one of the most disgusting country where profit/money is more important than holding morality. Whatever happened to Lao Tzu, Confucius... The knowledge may be there, but many no longer practice it.
I have a few friends that worked in China, and whenever I tell them how disgusting the people in China that they have to resort to so many sinister acts such as this... they would just shake their heads and tell me, the competition, the difficulty of living in that country is truly out of this world. Some people are so poor, eating even one full meal is considered a blessing. It blew my mind away... and I thought, if I was ever in that situation... how would I react?
However, that being said. Just because like in this situation, the fish that was being released are captured once more... it doesn't mean that we should stop doing animal liberation. We should continue to liberate these animals, and do all we can perhaps to choose a location where they will not be recaptured... If there is no choice, and somehow these fishes or animals released are captured, then we have done our best. Perhaps a good thing that those releasing these animals can do is educate those that try to catch these animals.