Author Topic: CTA creates violence again  (Read 41088 times)


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Re: CTA creates violence again
« Reply #15 on: January 02, 2014, 07:52:43 PM »
Om Mani Padme Hum !
Om Mani Padme Hum !
Om Mani Padme Hum !

If His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama (HHDL) is truly the emanation of Chenrezig or Buddha of compassion, PLEASE STOP attacking Dorje Shugden! How could a fully enlightened and compassionate Buddha of Compassion repeatedly caused so much harm to Shugden practitioners??? We cannot comprehend the 'enlightened' actions of HHDL!

After all these years, just when we thought HHDL had softened his stance on Dorje Shugden, he did the opposite and unexpected! He continued to condemn Dorje Shugden so strongly! Why brought up the issue of Dorje Shugden during the Lamrim teaching at Sera May Monastery?

Everyone knows that HHDL's accusations against Dorje Shugden are completely baseless and illogical! Why had you incited hatred, created schisms and disharmony and caused more harm to Shugden practitioners who had not even fully healed from the old wounds!

Shugden practitioners have had enough and are really tired and sick of the idiosyncrasies of HHDL, Central Tibetan Administration (CTA), and their supporters.

Leave the Shugden practitioners alone! Justice must be done to right the wrong NOW!  How could the Shugden practitioners tolerate anymore? It is time to retaliate! It is time all Shugden practitioners rise to defend their religious freedom and rights. It is time to stop further crimes from occurring due to the ban on Dorje Shugden. 

Damn with the ban on Dorje Shugden!  Why let this ban to continue to cause unnecessary harm to Shugden practitioners like the 84-year old Gen Chonze? Legal actions must be taken against HHDL, CTA and their supporters for their unceasing and unlawful acts of causing harm and  depriving the constitutional rights of the Tibetans in exile who chose to be loyal to Lord Shugden! The World must know how sadistic HHDL, CTA and their supporters have been toward the Shugden practitioners since the outset of the ban. HHDL, CTA and their supporters must be stopped before they cause even more disrepute to the lineage of Dorje Shugden in particular and Buddhism in general.

Lord Dorje Shugden, please bestow your blessings so that the ban can be lifted now!


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Re: CTA creates violence again
« Reply #16 on: January 02, 2014, 08:11:36 PM »
Why is the Dalai Lama inciting sectarian hatred while giving Lamrim teachings?

We must have compassion for him.


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Re: CTA creates violence again
« Reply #17 on: January 02, 2014, 09:05:51 PM »

The more Tibetan leadership talks against Shugden and practitioners at every public gathering, the more the Tibetan public will be incited to take harmful actions at every opportunity.

We have received news from the Monasteries in which the CTA has a large budget set aside to counter the growth of the Shugden practice this year 2014. It is amazing a financial budget would be set aside specifically for this purpose yet on the other hand purport freedom of religious practice. Friendly monks at the Sera teachings of HH Dalai Lama called the monks of Shar Gaden and asked them to brace themselves for more 'attacks' from CTA this year. Sure enough it has started with the attack of Trijang Ladrang's Gen Chonze. The monks were shocked how quick CTA acted and how violently. They didn't expect violence again as the world's radar is on CTA.

Silence from the Tibetan leadership on this subject of Shugden would be golden for peace and eventual reconciliation.

Why is the Dalai Lama inciting sectarian hatred while giving Lamrim teachings?

We must have compassion for him.


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Re: CTA creates violence again
« Reply #18 on: January 02, 2014, 11:00:41 PM »
I am very sad to hear about the harm that has been done to Gen Chonze.  How could this be done to an old monk that has done no wrong except for having different religious opinion? In fact, he is following the teaching that was passed down from his lineage lamas who are also the lineage lama of HH Dalai Lama such as HH Trijang Rinpoche, HH Pabongka Rinpoche. Could the entire high lineage lama wrong too?
Besides, the 10th Panchen Lama also writes prayer to Dorje Shugden. How could he be wrong too? (
In addition, one of Buddhism core values is compassion. Violence is definitely not the actions that a Buddhist should do. Please stop the violence CTA! 


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Re: CTA creates violence again
« Reply #19 on: January 02, 2014, 11:29:49 PM »


Posted by Thupten Lhundrup ???? (

January 2, 2014


I have received a phone call from a friend in Sera saying there will be a huge uproar this time during the Jangchub Lamrim Teachings. Apparently the CTA is under pressure from the Dalai Lama to do something about his “displeasure” of Trijang Rinpoche not coming for the teachings.

a huge chunk of funds is set aside for the CTA to use for whatever their upcoming activities to ensure they get their boss’ message across. I didn’t think this would be one of it and so soon! Shar Gadenpas and Serpompas, please be on high alert. It is no more safe out there.


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Re: CTA creates violence again
« Reply #20 on: January 04, 2014, 03:20:21 AM »
I agree with the article that, directly or indirectly, the open blaming of Dorje Shugden by HH Dalai Lama has its effect, and His government, wanting to please the boss, inflict violence to monks. It is such shame act, much more shame as it come from a government where the leader openly talks about world peace :(

I have heard from the monks that violence within the community is nothing new. I really got shocked when I first hear it because I would think that monastery is a place of calm and peace to practice Dharma.

As the spiritual leader, HH Dalai Lama should talk more on Dharma, rather than such open blaming, because it will incite hatred in the government and divide the people even further.

I send my prayers to this old monk, and may violence be stopped asap!

hope rainbow

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Re: CTA creates violence again
« Reply #21 on: January 04, 2014, 06:10:20 AM »
This is NOT about DORJE SHUGDEN.
This is not about the Dalai Lama.
This is not about the exiled Tibetan community and its leadership.

This is about stopping terrorism right where it begins.
And it begins with acts such as this attack.

Terrorism is a set of actions performed to instill terror within a group of people.
This attack is an act of terror, performed to instil terror within a group of people.
This act is unacceptable and must be condemned by EVERYONE and every PARTY.
The parties that are creating the terrain for such acts must be condemned.
The parties that are turning a blind eye on it also have a responsibility.

This is not an internal affair, this is about freedom, freedom from terror.
This concerns all of us that care for freedom from terror.
We all can do something by voicing our condemnation of such acts of violence!


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Re: CTA creates violence again
« Reply #22 on: January 04, 2014, 06:50:28 AM »
The first thing that came to mind is: how could any civilized person attack an unarmed, elderly individual who dedicated his life to serve the Dharma?! It is appalling, disgusting, unnerving and inhuman.

Based on track record and result from past action, it is logical to deduce that the CTA is behind this event as they have been consistently the sole organization propagating anti-Shugden movements all along. However, this time round, they really brought themselves up a notch on the scale of evil.

The monastery is supposed to be a sacred space where people visit and go to for refuge for peace and spiritual growth. This life-risking event jeopardizes the holiness of monasteries and, maybe even other religious sites. Imagine the magnitude of negative karma the CTA is creating with this attack. Their inability to see a bigger picture and realize how their short-sightedness can negatively impact the entire world of Buddhism make them unfit administrators, what more leaders to a community in exile.

All these recent blunders of the CTA is regressing the works of HH the 14th Dalai Lama and also reduces the credibility of His Holiness: how could such a great personality develop a group of such low morality who strategizes dangerously.

It would be wise for the CTA to immediately stop these harmful acts. I believe that creating awareness of the world through this detailed article is one method that can discourage the CTA.

Manisha Kudo

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Re: CTA creates violence again
« Reply #23 on: January 04, 2014, 06:53:08 AM »

One would think that a country and government in exile will understand the angst and agony of being deprived the right to be free. To launch an attack on Shugden practitioners defy and breach every single laws of humanity from the right to religious freedom to the freedom of choice. Is the world so blind to not see the carnivorous desires of the CTA to devour the governance of Tibet, snatching it directly from the lamas at the same time crushing a tradition so pure and meaningful that is not only worth preserving but perpetuating? Putting aside the issue of cultural preservation, which to some may not have any direct significance, harming and inflicting an innocent human who is quietly practicing his religion of choice, is despicable.

We must practice what we preach, Mr. Dalai Lama. >:(   


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Re: CTA creates violence again
« Reply #24 on: January 04, 2014, 07:01:03 AM »
The destruction of Buddhadharma is not caused from outer forces... but it will be destroyed from within. This is happening now, before our very eyes.

Dorje Shugden is the protector of Losang Drakpa's lineage and the very fact that his practice is being suppressed from within, shows the destruction of the dharma from within.

When Sangha members transgress each other, when lay/ordained people attack each other... when there is no harmony within the Sangha... these are all symptoms of the degeneration of the Dharma.

Jessie Fong

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Re: CTA creates violence again
« Reply #25 on: January 04, 2014, 07:03:22 AM »
To think that an old monk happily going about his morning ritual has to go through this attack is beyond words.

Why would anyone want to hurt someone who has not inflicted any harm on you? Were the attackers blindly following instructions? What do they hope to achieve? Instill fear? Fear of what, who? Why come in the dark of the morning, all covered up?

Apparently the cold attack on an innocent old man was uncalled for. If you have an issue that needs to be heard, bring it up to the correct/proper authority. Do not use force.

Why are you not doing this the true Buddhist humane way, without violence?


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Re: CTA creates violence again
« Reply #26 on: January 04, 2014, 07:05:55 AM »
CTA will not be able to contain the ban much longer and this is the reason why they are desperate trying to re-enforce the ban through violence. The violence on Gen Chonze, an old monk by 5 masked men is totally cowardly and revengeful.

They should be uniting the Tibetan instead of tearing them apart through prosecution of a legitimate and authentic practice. Why lose the focus and the foresight? After all the Chinese and Panchen Lama will identify the 15th Dalai Lama’s reincarnation in Tibet and he will be trained by the Panchen Lama.  The Panchen Lama is a strong Shudenpa and the Dalai Lama will practise Dorje Shugden again in his 15th reincarnation. CTA must understand they can never succeed in the ban.


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Re: CTA creates violence again
« Reply #27 on: January 04, 2014, 07:08:05 AM »
By attacking an elderly old monk who is  harmless and devoted to his practice shows cowardly their actions are.It is obvious that they are furious that Trijang Rinpoche refused to attend Dalai Lama Lam Rim teachings at Sera,but why take it out on innocent people?
May Gen.Ghonze recover swiftly and live to see the ban lifted!


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Re: CTA creates violence again
« Reply #28 on: January 04, 2014, 07:11:18 AM »
Why is the Dalai Lama inciting sectarian hatred while giving Lamrim teachings?

We must have compassion for him.

I am asking exactly the same question. Why? But I know there is no point in knowing why. HHDL has his own reasons and agenda. Irrespective of what and how I feel, there is no point in blaming HHDL for the violent attack on Gen Chonze. I will only want to do my part in lifting of the DS ban by contributing as much as I can on this forum or on any social website dedicated to the lifting of the ban and promoting religious freedom for all Tibetans and the world.

And I want to do this through compassion, tolerance, understanding and love, for we as DS practitioners are peace loving and our only wish is to promote Dharma for the benefit of all sentient beings.


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Re: CTA creates violence again
« Reply #29 on: January 04, 2014, 07:46:14 AM »
Seriously, how can violence resolve any problems? This sounds like CTA is trying to create war. Having a world renown religious figure who won a NOBEL PEACE prize award , the very people that supports him, that have him as a religious head, does everything but to create peace amongst their own. Amazing. And with His Holiness giving more anti-DS speeches, He is indirectly creating schism within the sangha, and the community at large. So much for being an icon for peace when the very people within your exiled community are not living in peace because of what you have started.

Why would 5 men attack an 86 year old monk. If they wanted to take Gen Chonze's life, they could have easily, but instead, they just inflicted so much pain on Gen-la. On top of that, you know that the police won't do anything so it's really up to us within the Shugden community to help one another and do all we can to bring the ban down. We all have to highlight this article to show the unjust treatment that Shugden practitioners get on top of being ostracised.

And now you will set aside a budget for more propaganda against DS practise and its practitioners. Religious freedom, and freedom of choice right out the window for you. Compassion and wisdom, the two main practises and path to achieving enlightenment right out the window for you. Everything that HHDL has taught on boddhicitta, compassion, middle way, lamrim, does not gel because here on one hand you are preaching the methods that Lord Buddha taught to gaining enlightenment and on the other hand, here you are hurting others. So what's the point of attending teachings and learning from HHDL , who when continues to give anti-ds speeches, increases the possibility of Shugden practitioners to getting hurt and maybe even killed.

CTA, you got to stop. HHDL, you got to remove this unjust and illogical ban because it is so evident that there are so many contradictions and unjust reasoning to having the ban in the first place.