Author Topic: Kim Jong Un's executed uncle was eaten alive by 120 hungry dogs  (Read 15416 times)


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Kim Jong Un's executed uncle was eaten alive by 120 hungry dogs
« on: January 06, 2014, 03:56:28 AM »
This is really scary! I really hope that it is a rumor. To kill someone by feeding them to the dogs are really inhumane. No matter how wrong 1 person is, this is not the right way. Not only did he threaten to launch nuclear wars, he is also causing hurt to his own people. I have also seen on documentary on how their people are suffering from famine. Why cant he use his power to do something beneficial rather than hurting his people.

Kim Jong Un's uncle Jang Song Thaek is dragged into court by uniformed personnel prior to last month's execution.

BEIJING -- North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's powerful uncle was stripped naked, thrown into a cage, and eaten alive by a pack of ravenous dogs, according to a newspaper with close ties to China's ruling Communist Party.

The man who was believed to be in charge of training his young nephew to take over was executed as a traitor, indicating a shake-up in Kim Jong Un's regime.
Jang Song Thaek, who had been considered Kim's second-in-command, was executed last month after being found guilty of "attempting to overthrow the state," North Korea’s state-run news agency reported.

The official North Korean account on Dec. 12 did not specify how Jang was put to death.
U.S. officials told NBC News on Friday that they could not confirm the reports. "This is not ringing any bells here," said one senior official.

Hong Kong-based pro-Beijing newspaper Wen Wei Po reported that Jang and his five closest aides were set upon by 120 hunting hounds which had been starved for five days.

Kim and his brother Kim Jong Chol supervised the one-hour ordeal along with 300 other officials, according to Wen Wei Po. The newspaper added that Jang and other aides were "completely eaten up."

The newspaper has acted as a mouthpiece for China's Communist Party. The report may be a sign of the struggle between those in the party who want to remain engaged with North Korea and those who would like to distance themselves from Kim's regime.

The youngest son of Kim Jong Il succeeded his late father in 2011, becoming the third member of his family to rule the unpredictable and reclusive communist state. Jang was seen by many experts as a regent behind North Korea's Kim dynasty and a key connection between the hermit nation and its ally China.
In the highly scripted execution, North Korea accused him of "attempting to overthrow the state by all sorts of intrigues and despicable methods with a wild ambition to grab the supreme power of our party and state."
Kim's government also accused him of of corruption, womanizing, gambling and taking drugs, and referred to him as "despicable human scum."

Jessie Fong

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Re: Kim Jong Un's executed uncle was eaten alive by 120 hungry dogs
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2014, 01:52:54 PM »

The Washingston Post does not think so. Here's why :

First and foremost, let's consider the source. The story originated in a Hong Kong newspaper called Wen Wei Po, which oddly makes the claim without citing a source.

Second, consider the fact that the rest of the Chinese media have not touched this story in the almost-month since it came out.

Third, South Korea's media have also not touched the story.

Fourth, the time lapse: this story has been around for almost a month, and it's not been anywhere near confirmed.

Fifth, the predominant story of what happened is much more plausible.

Sixth, as the satirist Karl Sharro put it, "The clue about the story of Kim Jong Un's uncle being fed to 120 hundred dogs being false is who has time to count dogs at a time like that."

I kind of like the last ... who has the time to count dogs .... ?


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Re: Kim Jong Un's executed uncle was eaten alive by 120 hungry dogs
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2014, 05:59:24 PM »
True or not, I feel that it is sad that a man had his uncle executed. The very hands which brought him up and trained him was found guilty of probably highly exaggerated accusations and executed. Maybe it was a way to gain full power and minimize any form or possibility of losing power but the methods and result is totally wrong.

How can you end someone's life because you said so or ordered for it be? They have their own karma to determine when their suffering in this life will end and journey on to the next, so you gotta let them exhaust their own karma and experience its result so that their karma will be exhausted in their next life.

I wished the Dharma would penetrate into North Korea.. Many people there need it. It would help them so much. 


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Re: Kim Jong Un's executed uncle was eaten alive by 120 hungry dogs
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2014, 03:06:27 AM »
I wished the Dharma would penetrate into North Korea.. Many people there need it. It would help them so much.

There is hardly any need for the Dharma to “penetrate” North Korea, just because it already flourishes there very well.

The greatest setback suffered by Buddhism in Korea was the genocidal aggression perpetrated by the US starting in 1950, which killed millions of Buddhist Koreans and razed innumerable Buddhist sites, not to mention the ongoing occupation and division of the country, which is under the constant threat of renewed attacks, including nuclear, by the US.

Buddhism is protected and promoted by the North-Korean government, and there are around 300 functioning temples in the country, including the Pohyonsa, which houses the Korean Tripitaka. This temple complex was razed to the ground by brutal US bombings in 1951, but has since been reconstructed with the support of the North-Korean government and UNESCO.

Besides, Buddhists in North Korea are protected from the aggressive Christian anti-Buddhist proselitization, ostracism, exclusio from public offices and outright persecution prevailing in South Korea.

It's a bit like the story of Dorje Shugden: despite Western propaganda, there is much more religious freedom for Tibetans in China than in the hands of the evil Dalai outside China. In the same way, Buddhists are much better off in the free North Korea than in the US-Christian occupied south of the country.


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Re: Kim Jong Un's executed uncle was eaten alive by 120 hungry dogs
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2014, 06:47:03 AM »
The latest news today is that North Koreans will hold elections for the country's rubber stamp parliament in March, the first such polls under Kim Jong Un's leadership, which are set to further consolidate his power after the purge of his uncle.


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Re: Kim Jong Un's executed uncle was eaten alive by 120 hungry dogs
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2014, 06:14:12 PM »
The latest news today is that North Koreans will hold elections for the country's rubber stamp parliament in March,

Have you ever seen any important decision in any self-styled “democratic” Western country which was not just rubber-stamping the decisions previously taken by the powerful lobbies controlling them, and which have zero to do with the ordinary people?

For instance, the decisions who told the American people that they should die in Iraq for the sake of Israeli war mongering, or that the already dispossessed American people should bail out the big banks owning the Federal Reserve (and the country to that effect)?


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Re: Kim Jong Un's executed uncle was eaten alive by 120 hungry dogs
« Reply #6 on: January 11, 2014, 11:42:00 AM »
Kim Jong Un is uncivilized, brutal, barbaric, savage, cruel and heartless! The world must not tolerate such ruthless tyrant and his merciless  killing!

Kim Jong Un had not killed just anyone but his very own uncle! The unthinkable is that he had orchestrated and personally witnessed the execution of his uncle.

It is a very unfortunate end to Jang Song Thaek's life despite his rank, seniority, close relationship or connection with President Kim Jong Un.

The young and inexperienced president may be fearless and powerful now. But can he command trust and loyalty from his followers after this execution?

North Korea is considered the most undeveloped among all the existing communist countries today! I believe North Koreans could not tolerate anymore the dictatorial style of leadership. We are already seeing signs of struggles in the leadership as reported.

How is it possible to find peace of mind living in constant fear of capital  punishment by a ruthless dictator? The karma of North Koreans are indeed very bad! We have just seen what President Kim Jong Un and his regime had done. There could be many other acts of cruelty committed unseen by the world. How very sad that they failed to realise the eventual repercussion of all their negative actions. They may control the North Koreans but they cannot control the forces of Karma. 


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Re: Kim Jong Un's executed uncle was eaten alive by 120 hungry dogs
« Reply #7 on: January 11, 2014, 10:51:58 PM »
Kim Jong Un is uncivilized, brutal, barbaric, savage, cruel and heartless!

Such are the labels given by Western war propaganda outlets (also known as “free press”) to anyone who opposes Western genocidal imperialism, such as the Korean leader. Under the influence of media-induced collective hatred hysteria, you are supposed to say exactly what you said. Congratulations.

The world must not tolerate such ruthless tyrant and his merciless  killing!

Which “world”? The “world” who has brutally decimated millions of Koreans in order to advance its genocidal capitalistic agenda?

Or the“world” who has merciless exterminated millions of Vietnamese, Cambojans, Laosian, Japanese, Iraqis, Afghanis etc. using every kind of weapons of mass destruction?

Or maybe the “world” who supports ruthless tyrants, such as the Saudi Arabian and Bharaini butchers, also called “kings”, known for amputating the limbs of their political ennemies which chainsaws and the like (even with the help of a renowned British specialist), before decapitating them?

Kim Jong Un had not killed just anyone but his very own uncle!

While killing in general is very bad, we know nothing about the circumstances of this execution. Many countries prescribe death penalty for high treason. US routinely applies capital punishment even for common crimes, mainly against Black people, most often innocent.

Besides, Korea is in state of war, thanks to US ongoing aggression, and capital punishment imposed by a court-martial during wartime is common procedure by any country, even for petty misbehavior or mere desertion. Just the military of the United States executed 160 soldiers and other members of the armed forces between 1942 and 1961.

Now, why are Black people, innocent people, or soldiers who refused to fight an unjust war less important than the Korean leader's uncle, to the point that you so eloquently ask for “world” intervention (and thus bloodshed) because of this uncle, but say nothing about the others, is a point which remains to be explained.

Or rather, it is already explained, as the media-induced mass hysteria against anything or anyone in the way of Western corporate imperialism.

The unthinkable is that he had orchestrated and personally witnessed the execution of his uncle.

As far as I know, the exact way the execution took place remains secret, and except for insiders no one knows who witnessed what.

But maybe you are relying on the ridiculous story of the “dogs”, such a blatant lie that even the Washington Post had to recognize it.

North Korea is considered the most undeveloped among all the existing communist countries today!

North-Korean social and technological achievements are well known, and thanks to them the country is able successfully to counter the ongoing imperialistic bullying by the most weaponized and violent country in world history, US.

How is it possible to find peace of mind living in constant fear of capital punishment by a ruthless dictator?

Maybe you ask this question to Black people in US, or to the critics of the ruthless US-supported dictators ruling butcheries such as Saudi Arabia or Bahrain.

The karma of North Koreans are indeed very bad!

Actually, I think North-Koreans enjoy a very good karma. Every North-Korean citizen enjoys decent housing (without arbitrary foreclosures enforced by brutal banksters), plus full health services, social previdence and education, all provided by the State (while in the West the State only provides benefits to the big banks, to the weapon industry, and so forth).

As opposed to Westerners, North-Koreans are not force-fed with genetically modified food, and do not go to prison if they don't vaccinate their children so that big-pharma corporations make more money. Moreover, they are not compelled to die in wars around the world in order to serve Israeli war-mongering and weapon industry interests.

Specially, Buddhists in North-Korea are free from the Christian-imposed ostracism and persecution prevailing in South-Korea (while in your beloved wonderful-karma Saudi Arabia a Buddhist would be simply decapitated for apostasy), just like Buddhists in China are free from the Western-Dalai imposed ban on Dorje Shugden.


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Re: Kim Jong Un's executed uncle was eaten alive by 120 hungry dogs
« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2014, 09:47:30 AM »
Next on the news of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's brutality:

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has executed the entire family of his uncle, who was executed less than a month ago.

All direct relatives, including children, of Jang Song Thaek were called to Pyongyang last month and executed in a bid to "clamp down on mutiny," reports.

The executed relatives, included Jang's sister Jang Kye-sun, her husband and Ambassador to Cuba Jon Yong-jin, a nephew of Jang and Ambassador to Malaysia Jang Yong-chol, as well as his two sons, daughters and grandchildren of Jang's two brothers, the report added.

According to the report, some relatives were even shot to death by pistol in front of their relatives, if they resisted while being dragged out of their apartments.

Jang was purged and executed on December 12, 2013 after making an alleged attempt to dethrone Kim.


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Re: Kim Jong Un's executed uncle was eaten alive by 120 hungry dogs
« Reply #9 on: January 28, 2014, 05:47:58 PM »
What on earth is happening in North Korea?? The premiere must be a tyrant? Are we still living in the stone age? If this report is true, the world should not tolerate such ruthless sins of killing even the innocent! Is this a way to instil fear into the society that you are trying to conquer? How can he even kill his own uncle and had the cruelty watching the execution!

As the young and inexperienced president may be fearless and powerful now, can he be able to conquer the feelings / loyalty of his followers??


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Re: Kim Jong Un's executed uncle was eaten alive by 120 hungry dogs
« Reply #10 on: February 01, 2014, 05:58:24 AM »
What on earth is happening in North Korea??

The point is, is this happening at all?

While the “news” about the uncle being “eaten alive by 120 hungry dogs” has already been recognized even by Western press as a cheap hoax, the more recent “news” (that the uncle's whole family was executed) seems to be no different.

The very source of the “news”, to start with, is the Christian-run South-Korean official war and hatred propaganda Yonhap. A truthful statement is hardly to be expected from such a lie factory. Besides, no reliable source was cited, and until now the alleged “news” have never been confirmed by any other source.

Therefore, here again one should expect another hatred-instilling war propaganda hoax.

The premiere must be a tyrant? Are we still living in the stone age?

The funny thing is that when, say, the Israeli regime drops a half ton bomb on an urban residence in order to kill their political enemy together with his whole family, including innocent children, women, and the elderly, or attacks with forbidden chemical weapons such as phosphorous bombs a UN compound full of innocent children, killing all of them, people say that it is a “modern country” and the “only democracy” in the Middle East -- no talk about “tyrants” and “stone age”.

And no, these were not hoaxes as with North-Korea.

If this report is true, the world should not tolerate such ruthless sins of killing even the innocent!

The “world”? Which “world”? The “world”, such as US, which showers hundreds of billions of dollars to support the above described atrocities in Palestine? Or the “world“, such as US, which commits its own atrocities, such as decimating the population of Iraq, Afghanistan, Korea, Laos, Cambodja, Vietnam etc., with the most cruel weapons, not to speak of the use of weapons of mass destruction on innocent civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

Why are you so tolerant with this atrocious self-righteous “world“ while being so intolerant with their victims such as North-Korea -- on the basis of hoaxes, on top of it?

Is this a way to instil fear into the society that you are trying to conquer?

This you should ask to the terrorist regimes you apparently do not care about.

How can he even kill his own uncle and had the cruelty watching the execution!

That Kim Jong Un “watched” the execution is part of the already exposed hoax. May I suggest that you update your information sources before becoming so upset with the supposed “cruelties” in far away North-Korea -- while curiously so lenient with the atrocities committed by your hero, the “world” which should “not tolerate” anything except for its own atrocities.

As the young and inexperienced president may be fearless and powerful now, can he be able to conquer the feelings / loyalty of his followers??

While an execution or taking life is never nice and always despicable, in most countries, not only in North Korea, high treason is punished with death. In US death penalty is rampant even for ordinary crimes, mainly against Black and poor people, most often innocent, and the executions are unimaginably gruesome. If you are driven by humanitarian concerns, there is a lot to do right under your nose before you find a reason to be so concerned with North-Korea.

At 10.27am, the syringe containing the untested concoction of midazolam and hydromorphone was injected into him. At 10.30am, three minutes into the execution, he lifted his head off the gurney, and said to the family who he could see through the window: "I love you, I love you." Then he lay back down.

At about 10.31am, his stomach swelled up in an unusual way, as though he had a hernia or something like that. Between 10.33am and 10.44am – I could see a clock on the wall of the death house – he struggled and gasped audibly for air.

I was aghast. Over those 11 minutes or more he was fighting for breath, and I could see both of his fists were clenched the entire time. His gasps could be heard through the glass wall that separated us. Towards the end, the gasping faded into small puffs of his mouth. It was much like a fish lying along the shore puffing for that one gasp of air that would allow it to breathe. Time dragged on and I was helpless to do anything, sitting helplessly by as he struggled for breath. I desperately wanted out of that room.

For the next four minutes or so a medical tech listened for a heart beat on both sides of his chest. That seemed to drag on too, like some final cruel ritual, preventing us from leaving. Then, at 10.53am, the warden called the time of death, they closed the curtains, and that was it.

I came out of that room feeling that I had  witnessed something ghastly. I was relieved to be out in the fresh air. There is no question in my mind that Dennis McGuire suffered greatly over many minutes. I'd been told that a "normal" execution lasted five minutes – this experimental two-drug concoction had taken 26 minutes. I consider that inhumane.

His family had been exposed to something horrendous. They cried and sobbed, held each other, held onto my hand, and at times turned away to hug each other so they didn't have to watch.

(recent execution of Dennis MacGuire in Ohio)


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Re: Kim Jong Un's executed uncle was eaten alive by 120 hungry dogs
« Reply #11 on: February 02, 2014, 08:34:16 AM »
According to recent interviews, Kim Jong Un's uncle was shot instead of eaten by dogs. His family was apparently shot too.

I think that North Korea is a very dangerous country, even for it's inhabitants. Kim Jong Il's instructed Kim Jong Un to follow his uncle's ideas and instructions but he disobeyed his father. This shows that Kim Jong Un is a selfish dictator that will bring the downfall of the country.