Author Topic: Dalai Lama Urging the World Parliament to Solve Religious Conflicts  (Read 14171 times)


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The Dalai Lama is urging the World Parliament to mediate on religious conflicts between Tibet and China.  Perhaps it is also a channel for Tibetan Shugdens to approach and request them to look into resolving the Dorje Shugden conflict within the Tibetan community before they could make inroad into solving the China/Tibet issue.  It has been proven that peaceful and friendly co-operations dissolve conflicts by great Shugden Lamas. If the Chinese could co-operate well without any conflict with Shugden Lamas in China certainly it could set precedence for CTA and Dalai Lama to follow.

Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu), Jan.8 (ANI): Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, has called for the resolution of the long-standing Tibetan issue and urged the World Parliament of Religions to remain active and to solve religious conflicts.

Dalai Lama expressed this on the 150th birth anniversary celebrations of Swami Vivekananda in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu.

Expressing concern over religious conflicts, Dalai Lama said that the World Parliament of Religions should try to minimise the clashes.

"Occasionally, some international, this sort of meeting, is not sufficient. I think in the name of World Parliament (of) Religions, some sort of active organisation or office, wherever there are religious conflicts, should send some delegation and try to minimise these sort of conflict," the Dalai Lama said.
Violence has flared in Tibet since 1950, when Beijing claims it "peacefully liberated" the region. Many Tibetans say Chinese rule has eroded their culture and religion. They are agitating for the Dalai Lama's return from exile in India, and genuine autonomy for their homeland.

The Chinese Government denies trampling Tibetan rights and boasts of having brought development and prosperity to the region.

Since 2009, at least 121 Tibetans have set themselves on fire in China in protest against Beijing's policies in Tibet and nearby regions with large Tibetan populations. Most were calling for the return of the Dalai Lama.
As shocking as the first suicides were, the people who chose to burn themselves did so, Tibetan scholars say, in reaction to specific instances of abuse at particular monasteries. Tibetan Buddhist monasteries are often under surveillance and subject to raids by Chinese security forces.

Beijing considers the Dalai Lama, who fled China in 1959 after an abortive uprising against Chinese rule, a violent separatist. The Dalai Lama, who is based in India, says he is merely seeking greater autonomy for his Himalayan homeland.

During the event, Dalai Lama was optimistic that the Tibet issue would be resolved very soon.
"There are sort of different policies according to new reality. So, the same communist have the ability to act according to new reality. So, I am hopeful."

Since 2009, at least 121 Tibetans have set themselves on fire in China in protest against Beijing's policies in Tibet and nearby regions with large Tibetan populations. Most were calling for the return of the Dalai Lama.
Tensions have mounted between Tibet and China since 2008, after riots that broke out in the Tibet Autonomous Region and the Tibetan parts of China, which led to a government crackdown. (ANI)


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Re: Dalai Lama Urging the World Parliament to Solve Religious Conflicts
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2014, 08:41:12 AM »
Whilst maintaining religious conflict in his own community? The word that comes to mind is hypocrite.


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Re: Dalai Lama Urging the World Parliament to Solve Religious Conflicts
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2014, 05:26:07 PM »
I do NOT like Politics and I am not about to take the Chinese side as I know they are just as manipulative and hypocritical as the CTA. In fact they should bloody GET ALONG cos they are of the same breed! What's wrong with these people? Pot calling the Kettle black really... it's hilarious!! But what HHDL said makes it even worst for the CTA and Tibetans because he is literally asking for it...

"Occasionally, some international, this sort of meeting, is not sufficient. I think in the name of World Parliament (of) Religions, some sort of active organisation or office, wherever there are religious conflicts, should send some delegation and try to minimise these sort of conflict," the Dalai Lama said.

Let us just examine this quote for a second. SO if we are to agree on this, and I do AGREE... so why not HHDL let's investigate first in your own exile community and let us bring up the subject again on the ban of Dorje Shugden. Where is the RELIGIOUS FREEDOM for this please? Can we implement some delegation to investigate and minimise the conflict here??? I think it's a brilliant idea and GREAT PLACE TO START! Yes?


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Re: Dalai Lama Urging the World Parliament to Solve Religious Conflicts
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2014, 05:15:28 AM »
Agreed with Lineageholder's and dsiluvu's views.

What is the point of resolving the religious conflicts of Tibet and China when HH Dalai Lama and CTA refuse to resolve the Dorje Shugden religious issue!

Sadly the Tibetans in the Tibetan Autonomous Region (TAR) had been living under false hopes of liberation  from China through HH Dalai Lama and CTA. This is a mere dream as HH Dalai Lama and CTA could not realise this as they had tried to no avail. It is status quo for China where TAR is concerned! Furthermore, HH Dalai Lama's and CTA's preoccupation is on Dorje Shugden. Who is fighting for the FREE TIBET cause now? There is no focus at all and the momentum had long faded.

The main concern for Tibetans now should be FREE SHUGDEN! If the ban is not lifted soon, it is very detrimental to the overall well-being of the Tibetans. There is no freedom of religious practice, no human rights, no unity, no harmony, no peace, no happiness, no development, .... the list continues.


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Re: Dalai Lama Urging the World Parliament to Solve Religious Conflicts
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2014, 12:45:24 PM »
On the one hand, Tibetans are fighting to regain their home, their country, but on the other hand, they are separating amongst themselves. How can you unite and regain what was once yours but cause so much suffering and separation within your own, with this unjust ban? The karma, the cause and effect, does not gel. You want harmony, you want unity, you want what's yours, you want to regain freedom, you want justice, you want peace... but to get those things, collectively, as a whole nation, you got to embody it, practice it and give it, then it will result to you receiving those things. The very fact that because even the CTA themselves don't practise this, how can you gain it? How can you hurt and give no freedom to your very own practitioners because of this ban towards Dorje Shugden, and expect something opposite as a result. There's no way, because you will then indirectly say that there's no karma. So if you want to achieve something, your actions and practise should reflect the same.

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: Dalai Lama Urging the World Parliament to Solve Religious Conflicts
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2014, 02:40:05 PM »
I trust the members of the World Parliament are aware that a group of Tibetans in exile living in India are being side lined and ostracized by the CTA. It would be splendid if the World Parliament could resolve the religion conflict between the non Shugden and the Shugden believers first before trying to tackle a bigger conflict such as that between China and Tibet. Why not stop the violence and unfairness towards the Shugdenpas (who are Tibetans) before whining about violence from China?

christine V

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Re: Dalai Lama Urging the World Parliament to Solve Religious Conflicts
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2014, 06:08:35 PM »
What an ironic act! To free Tibet from China, first i think Dalai Lama will have to lift this Ban.

Without Lifting this ban, he is loosing respect when more and more people knew the truth how this ban started.

Worst, the Chinese look down and do not respect Dalai Lama because this ban is consider an internal chaotic amongst Tibetan. When Dalai Lama going around the world to promote on Free Tibetan, on the other hand the CTA is killing and abusing own Tibetan brother and sisters in the Indian settlement. What a joke !


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Re: Dalai Lama Urging the World Parliament to Solve Religious Conflicts
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2014, 06:30:41 PM »
How can someone talk about Religious freedom when obviously there's not even this freedom in the Tibetan community... and when asked about it, people like the Abbot of Shartse will even blatantly lie that no one's religious rights are affected.... On top of that the CTA must oppress the Tibetans by implementing certain regulations that oppress the DS practitioners, for all you know that's the promise they made in order to save their own political career by gaining the favor of HHDL.

If there's anything the World Parliament of Religions needs to do, it would be to end the ban on DS and return the freedom to practice DS to hundreds of thousands of people all over the world.

hope rainbow

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Re: Dalai Lama Urging the World Parliament to Solve Religious Conflicts
« Reply #8 on: January 20, 2014, 02:58:08 AM »
Expressing concern over religious conflicts, Dalai Lama said that the World Parliament of Religions should try to minimise the clashes.

This is so unreal...

The Dalai lama first installs a ban on a Buddha, then he claims that the enlightened Masters from his lineage are wrong -thus sabotaging his own credential, then the ban has results of ostracizing a part of the exiled Tibetan population, some monks even get attacked, the ban becomes a political tool for the CTA, ...
And then the Dalai Lama expresses concerns about religious conflicts and the clashes resulting from them?


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Re: Dalai Lama Urging the World Parliament to Solve Religious Conflicts
« Reply #9 on: January 21, 2014, 09:59:58 AM »
It is strange that, while a serious internal conflict threatens to tear the Tibetan community-in -exile asunder, the  Dalai Lama is urging the World Parliament of Religions to  step in and actively mediate the religious conflict between Tibet and China. Shouldn' t the internal conflict be addressed and resolved first?

Indeed, the issue of the conflict between Tibet and China appears to be a political rather than a religious conflict. China has allowed high Shugden Lamas to teach and spread the Dharma and these Lamas are spreading the Dharma, as well as Shugden practice very peacefully and with great impact.If HH Dalai Lama and the CTA were to abandon their anti-Shugden measures, like the ban, and peace is restored within, then surely religious peace will also be possible between Tibet and China, founded on the common ground of dharma and Shugden practice.

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: Dalai Lama Urging the World Parliament to Solve Religious Conflicts
« Reply #10 on: May 26, 2015, 05:06:42 PM »
Another instance where the Dalai Lama is using World events to talk about China's invasion of Tibet and that World should help to solve such conflicts.

The point to note is that the Dalai Lama did not talk about the religious conflicts among Tibetans.  Interesting that 1950 history is brought up but not the current issue of the religious conflict over Dorje Shugden tradition.


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Re: Dalai Lama Urging the World Parliament to Solve Religious Conflicts
« Reply #11 on: May 28, 2015, 05:29:38 AM »
The point to note is that the Dalai Lama did not talk about the religious conflicts among Tibetans.  Interesting that 1950 history is brought up but not the current issue of the religious conflict over Dorje Shugden tradition.

Which shows that the evil dalie is just performing his abject role of the puppet of his Western neo-colonialist puppet-masters hell bent on promoting ethnic and sectarian rifts in order to weaken and bring the chaos to the countries they want to divide and control, such as China (using Tibetans, Uighurs etc.), Russia (using Chechens, Tatars etc.), and Syria, Lebanon, and Iran (setting Sunni and Shia Muslims against each other).

This is the actual “bigger picture” behind the misguided actions of the evil dalie.

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: Dalai Lama Urging the World Parliament to Solve Religious Conflicts
« Reply #12 on: May 28, 2015, 06:14:47 AM »
Hahaha Matibhadra, I am almost convinced by your statement.  Almost logical conclusion per the context of this article.

I have enjoyed your comment. Thank you.


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Re: Dalai Lama Urging the World Parliament to Solve Religious Conflicts
« Reply #13 on: May 29, 2015, 10:16:35 AM »
LOL...sounds idealistic. I'm all for it if the Dalai Lama is consistent with religious freedom for all even for Tibetans! Equanimity, my friend, all aspects, spiritual or otherwise


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Re: Dalai Lama Urging the World Parliament to Solve Religious Conflicts
« Reply #14 on: May 29, 2015, 04:01:45 PM »
Almost logical conclusion

As the conclusion that the foolish emperor had no clothes.