Author Topic: Dalai Lama contradicting himself, again  (Read 11582 times)


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Re: Dalai Lama contradicting himself, again
« Reply #15 on: February 01, 2014, 06:50:25 PM »
HH the 14th Dalai Lama has great followings on Facebook. I find these statements he posted still contracting his actions towards Dorje Shugden's practitioners:

“Today, as we wish each other a Happy New Year, let us determine to be more sincere, compassionate, warm-hearted human beings, trying to make our world a more equal place. That way we'll actually make it a happy year.” Dalai Lama’s Facebook post on January 1, 2014

“I consider non-violence to be compassion in action. It doesn’t mean weakness, cowering in fear, or simply doing nothing. It is to act without violence, motivated by compassion, recognising the rights of others.” Dalai Lama’s Facebook post on January 13, 2014

Why then is he not recognising "the right" of people to practice Dorje Shugden?

ALSO one more question> Then why is His Holiness the Dalai Lama not able to request your followers to STOP harming DOrje SHugden practitioners? 

By HHDL not saying anything to his pro-dalailama follwers... it as good as His Holiness doing the harm himself and if He is who he is, Chenrezig. HHDL would not allow such violence on to anyone, even though they may be seen as "evil" because in Buddhist Dharma, out enemies are literally like our teachers, showing how to be better humans. More patience, more tolerance, more love "unconditonally". Clearly this is not the case for Dore Shugden practitioners, brothers and sisters and sangha community, which is SHAME! 


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Re: Dalai Lama contradicting himself, again
« Reply #16 on: February 12, 2014, 04:23:42 AM »
His Holiness is surely trying to spread the wider teachings of the Dharma as contained within the Tibetan tradition, it's just that on this issue things can get more than a little heated for sure.

Never heard that lying, promoting religious intolerance and witch-hunting, defaming and deriding one's gurus, inciting the murdering of lamas, self-immolations and bloody riots, and violence in general -- the well know actions of the evil dalai -- are ”teachings of the Dharma”, let alone ”wider teachings of the Dharma” according to any tradition whatsoever.

I myself believe him to be Chenrezig in human form, so I cannot fault him in any way.

There is no need to fault anyone, not even the evil dalai. It's enough not to show accomplicity with his evil actions, as described above.

Besides, the argument of ”infallible authority” was explicitly rejected by the Buddha himself, and is the very source of religious fundamentalism and intolerance, which you obviously embrace.

They way i look at the situation is that this is part of some divine plan to spread the teachings even further.

Jews, Christians, and Muslims try to justify in a similar way the abominable actions they ascribe to their cruel, bloodthirsty ”god”, as proudly described in their own scriptures. Buddhism, however, is not about selling ”divine plans” aiming at the sanctification of evil, which is at the very root of religious fanaticism, intolerance, fundamentalism, and violence.

Yes there have been causalities on either side, but maybe it is for a bigger purpose.

The main casualty of the primitive, fanatical, non-Buddhist attitude of accepting ”infallible authorities” and thus sanctifying evil is one's own loss of self-respect.

Even the Bodhisattva kings of Tibet had to be brutal in their approach to unite the country in order to preserve the teachings as it was transmitted in its entirety from India,  where it was virtually destroyed.

This is similar to what the Jews say in order to justify the horrendous crimes perpetrated by their ”prophets” such as Moses, and proudly described in their own scriptures. However, Buddhadharma is not about state building by any means, let alone brutal means, but about liberation and enlightenment.

Besides, at the time of the so-called ”bodhisattva kings”, to whom you ascribe so much brutality, Buddhism was flourishing in India, and continued to flourish for many more hundreds of years. This shows how inaccurate and unreliable are your thoughtless, pseudo-historical statements, which you utter in your frenzy to justify evildoing and brutality.

Anyway, you managed to make clear that for your brutality is fully justified, as long as an ”inffallible authority” is behind it. This makes of you twice a non-Buddhist: because you accept ”infallible authorities”, the source of every fundamentalism, and because you accept, justify, and sanctify brutality and evildoing.

There was a purpose behind it, but i'm sure those in the midst of the wars and reformations had different opinions and could not understand what was truly happening.

You are obviously poisoned by the Jewish concepts of a ”promised land” and of a ”divine plan” to establish it, and therefore developed the schizophrenic-psychotic belief that every crime and brutality is justified in order to fulfill the ”divine plan” to establish a Buddhist ”promised land” in Tibet, under the leadership of your ”infallible hero”, the evil dalai.

However, Buddhism does not require a ”promised land”, and rejects any ”divine plan” behind samsara and its evils, as much as it rejects any ”infallible authorities”, belief in which being at the very source of every religious fundamentalism, fanaticism and violence -- the brutality you admire and defend so much.

I pray that when the ban is finally lifted, we will be able to know a least a little of what it was really for.

This you can know right know. The ban is enforced by the evil dalai so that people develop fanatical, violence-supporting views, and engage in violence-supporting actions, precisely as you do.

As for the world oblivious to his contradictions. I  think people see what he stands for en masse, and need a hero to admire on the world stage, they see in him all that is virtuous.

Indeed. People like you see that the evil dalai stands for brutality, and therefore admire and justify such brutality as a ”virtue”, which is exactly what you have just done.

Once that is done, you understand that what is being promoted by the CTA is utter falsity.

In the same way that Christians and Muslims shift to a ”devil” the blame for the crimes of their gruesome ”god”, fanatical dalaites shift to a ”CTA” the blame for the crimes of their beloved, evil dalai.

This shows that the need for an ”infallible authority”, the ensuing fanaticism, the condoning of brutality and violence, and the need for a ”devil” whom to blame for the crimes of one's ”infallible hero” are all part of the same personality disorder, which takes ideological shape both in Abrahamic, ”infallible authority”-based ”religions”, and in this new fanatical, fundamentalistic, brutal, murderous ideology, let's call it ”dalaism”.


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Re: Dalai Lama contradicting himself, again
« Reply #17 on: February 12, 2014, 03:08:04 PM »
As a further note, who is known to have been brutal in his approach to ”unify” Tibet under his authocratic power, promoting religious intolerance and perverse witch-hunts against Buddhists -- exactly what the evil dalai now does -- was the evil king Langdarma, not by any means the bodhisattva kings, who were noble and compassionate.

Therefore, the evil king Langdarma is the real role-model for the evil dalai, who will follow his paradigm in the place where both belong, the garbage bin of Tibetan history.


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Re: Dalai Lama contradicting himself, again
« Reply #18 on: November 10, 2016, 02:18:50 PM »
I consider non violence and compassion in action, says the very same person who is destroying the lives of hundreds of people... The ban is is definitely violence in action and there is no doubt about it, based on the way that it changes friend into foe and family into enemies...
This is not the very first time that the Dalai Lama has contradicted his own words and it seems like he is saying 'compassion' as if he is actually a figure of compassion... In truth he really isn't, he was the one who brought up the issue of Dorje Shugden and right now the ban is world famous...

I respect the Dalai Lama and what i said is not aimed at putting him down, but the ban seems to be the opposite of what he is supposed to represent...

I really hope that the Ban will end peacefully without any violence...


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Re: Dalai Lama contradicting himself, again
« Reply #19 on: November 11, 2016, 05:18:24 PM »
Well the contradiction continues.

He had recently said that he will not be harmed by Dorje Shugden and he had never feared for his life. He had given the excuse that Dorje Shugden is harmful to his life when he "advised" to stop practise of Dorje Shugden.

He had also mentioned previously that Dorje Shugden is harmful to the Free Tibet cause and now since his life is not harmed, with him being the de facto leader of the free Tibet movement, it will mean that the cause is not harmed.

All Shugden Lamas were chased out of monasteries as the Dalai Lama said monasteries should not practice the Protector practice of Dorje Shugden. Now he acknowledged and indicated where Shugden practitioners can go for their practice.

All these contradictions, although welcoming, are not befitting a Buddhist Leader who is an emanation of a Bodhisattva nor a Nobel Peace Prize winner as his words lead to the sufferings of his people who had practiced Dorje Shugden and not willing to let go due to Guru Devotion. All those years of persecution, segregation and discrimination suffered by both side of the divide (Shugden practitioners suffering mental and physical abuses whilst Anti-Shugdenpas suffer degeneration of their spirituality as they upheld the wrongs imposed by CTA). May the Dalai Lama make another contradiction by lifting the ban on Dorje Shugden's practice and to admit to his reliance on this protector in his life. Now wouldn't that be the most welcoming contradiction? May the Dalai Lama compassionately fulfil our wishes swiftly. Om Benza Wiki Bitana Soha!

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Re: Dalai Lama contradicting himself, again
« Reply #20 on: November 20, 2016, 10:11:42 AM »
This post is such a good post when it comes showing how the Dalai Lama contradicts himself. I like how it shows very clearly how the Dalai Lama says something then completely goes against it in another way. That is very hypocritical of him to do.

The phrase "recognising the rights of others" in the Dalai Lamas statement stood out to me more than the other highlighted phrases. The rights of people are so important, and obviously the Dalai Lama thinks so too since he has said what he said. However the actions of the Dalai Lama say otherwise. If he really wanted equal rights he would never have put a ban on Dorje Shugden.


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Re: Dalai Lama contradicting himself, again
« Reply #21 on: November 21, 2016, 06:16:07 AM »
This post is more than two years and Dalai Lama is still contradicting himself.

“I consider non-violence to be compassion in action.”
So Dalai Lama, why no compassion for Dorje Shugden practitioners? Why so much violence towards Dorje Shugden practitioners?

“recognising the rights of others.”
  So what about the rights of Dorje Shugden practitioners?

Due to the ban, Dalai Lama has caused so much hardship and sufferings for Dorje Shugden practitioners. Recently, he contradicted himself again by saying that Dorje Shugden cannot harm him or the Tibetan cause yet till date there’s still so much discrimination going on against Dorje Shugden practitioners. I hope that Dalai Lama will contradict again and lift the ban and stop the violence, discrimination and segregation.  May peace and harmony prevail.


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Re: Dalai Lama contradicting himself, again
« Reply #22 on: November 22, 2016, 09:33:51 AM »
The Dalai Lama will be the Dalai Lama. He will say what he say. My only prayer is that he really is Chenrezig and that he really has clairvoyance and thus whatever he says will have a good motivation behind it.

Whatsoever the CTA cooks up is pure politics and nothing spiritual. Therefore, even when the Dalai Lama has softened his tance on the practice of Dorje Shugden, the followers and CTA are still fanning the embers. They have a very mundane interest in the matter.

So, the faster the people wise up to the motive behind the CTA, the better off the Tibetans will be.