His Holiness is surely trying to spread the wider teachings of the Dharma as contained within the Tibetan tradition, it's just that on this issue things can get more than a little heated for sure. I myself believe him to be Chenrezig in human form, so I cannot fault him in any way. They way i look at the situation is that this is part of some divine plan to spread the teachings even further. Yes there have been causalities on either side, but maybe it is for a bigger purpose. Even the Bodhisattva kings of Tibet had to be brutal in their approach to unite the country in order to preserve the teachings as it was transmitted in its entirety from India, where it was virtually destroyed. There was a purpose behind it, but i'm sure those in the midst of the wars and reformations had different opinions and could not understand what was truly happening. I pray that when the ban is finally lifted, we will be able to know a least a little of what it was really for.
As for the world oblivious to his contradictions. I think people see what he stands for en masse, and need a hero to admire on the world stage, they see in him all that is virtuous. Most people would think you somewhat crazy if you were to tell them about his contradictions and some others would even get defensive. I've seen it happen myself, coming from people who aren't even Buddhist. I would probably have reacted the same way, but my Dharma brother who explained this to me, did so i'm a way where I was able to keep an open mind, and make a decision rationally and logically. Once that is done, you understand that what is being promoted by the CTA is utter falsity.