Author Topic: Son harassed in school for being Buddhist  (Read 19643 times)


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Re: Son harassed in school for being Buddhist
« Reply #15 on: March 08, 2014, 07:39:12 PM »
I think this situation is pretty tricky.. since Christian setup the school, their intention of spreading Christian is very clear. Of course I don't agree with the discrimination, and there should not be discrimination, but we are all not perfect and we make mistakes, and under such environment, I think people will be bias.

At the same time, since the parents know the school is operate under banner of Christian, may be the parents should consider sending the kid to schools which are more religion neutral.. just a thought...


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Re: Son harassed in school for being Buddhist
« Reply #16 on: March 08, 2014, 08:48:07 PM »
Yes, peace begins with harmony. Harmony comes from zero discrimination along whatever lines. HH Dalai Lama has said before (as head of Tibetan Buddhism) that his religion is "kindness".

Since the evil dalai himself shamelessly engages in relentless religious discrimination and persecution, and shows brutal unkindness against followers of Dorje Shugden, it follows the he is both a criminal and a liar.

Therefore, sanctioning and sanctifying the criminal and liar with honorifics such as ”HH”, ”His Holiness”, etc., becomes an act of accomplicity with his crimes and lies, and ultimately shows a wish to be part of them.


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Re: Son harassed in school for being Buddhist
« Reply #17 on: March 08, 2014, 09:35:18 PM »
I think this situation is pretty tricky.. since Christian setup the school, their intention of spreading Christian is very clear.

If their intention is spreading Christianity, they should set up a church, not a school. If they set up a school, their intention should be to teach schooling topics, not to to violate the conscience of anyone, let alone of vulnerable children, with their maniac proselytizing.

but we are all not perfect and we make mistakes, and under such environment, I think people will be bias.

That's why there is a Constitution, and laws, and courts, and fines, and even prisons, that is, to educate fanaticized people who think that their bias allow themselves to violate the conscience of others.

At the same time, since the parents know the school is operate under banner of Christian, may be the parents should consider sending the kid to schools which are more religion neutral..

So wrong and inhumane. What a lack of compassion! Not always other options are available, and under whatever banner the school operates, it is not supposed to violate the conscience of children, who were sent there to learn schooling topics, not to be harassed by maniac proselytizers.

Hopefully, there will be a peaceful and amicable settlement of this issue out of court.

The children and their Thai parents are the weak and vulnerable part, and therefore might be forced into an unfavorable settlement by the arrogant violators. The very best would be a judicial decision, heavily fining the violating school and punishing to the full extent of law the violators, in order to establish a healthy example and precedent.

Anyway, the whole episode shows that Christianity shares the same nature of Islam, both characterized by their fanatical ways of violating people's conscience with their aggressive proselytizing methods, a violence which traces its roots to their common source, Judaism, with its envious, violent, monomaniac ”god” Jeohovah.


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Re: Son harassed in school for being Buddhist
« Reply #18 on: March 09, 2014, 10:30:53 AM »
This is such a distressing case. Why can't schools be capable of accepting harmony? Well, it is because there are religious prejudices implanted in their mindstreams since youths. So, I believe that children shouldn't be forced into a religion but rather taught the beneficial things in a religion. Instead of making religious fanatics, they could make good moralistic people using principles from various religions.

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Re: Son harassed in school for being Buddhist
« Reply #19 on: March 15, 2014, 08:23:39 AM »
It is sad that school children are treated in this way.  They are sent to school to get an education but are subject to religious bullying.

The education system must not impose religion onto children. It's acceptable if they introduced religious study.

It's good to send children to school where they can mix with friends of other religious faiths, so that they grow up to understand other religions and respect their friends' religion.


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Re: Son harassed in school for being Buddhist
« Reply #20 on: March 15, 2014, 03:32:57 PM »
Latest news regarding the harassment. Because of the harassment, the boy has to go to another school. How inconvenient because some people want it their way.  :-\

Settlement in Suit Involving La. Buddhist Student
Officials in a western Louisiana school system and the American Civil Liberties union have settled a lawsuit sparked by the treatment of a Buddhist sixth-grader whose parents say he was harassed at a school where officials routinely pushed Christian beliefs.

The January lawsuit alleged, among other things, that a teacher at Negreet High School in Sabine Parish declared that Buddhism was stupid. It also said the school regularly incorporated Christian prayer into classes and school events and scrolled Bible verses on an electronic marquee in front of the school.

The agreement filed Friday in U.S. District Court in Shreveport contains a long list of prohibited practices. For instance, it says school officials won't discourage or encourage religious activities; they won't assign readings from religious texts, absent a non-religious educational purpose; and they won't express their personal religious beliefs in class or at school events.

"No child should feel that a teacher is trying to impose religious beliefs, and this agreement ensures that this will no longer be the case at Sabine Parish schools," said Marjorie Esman, executive director of the ACLU of Louisiana. "We're glad the school board worked with us to bring this matter to a quick and amicable resolution."

The lawsuit was filed against the Sabine Parish School Board on behalf of Scott and Sharon Lane and their three children. According to the complaint from the ACLU and its Louisiana chapter, the Lanes' son — a lifelong Buddhist of Thai descent — quickly became the target of harassment at Negreet.

Among the defendants in the suit, aside from the school board, was science teacher Rita Roark, who taught students that "the earth was created by God 6,000 years ago, that evolution is 'impossible' and that the Bible is '100 percent true.'"

A test she gave included religious references that included this fill-in-the-blank entry: "Isn't it amazing what the —————— has made!!!!"

When the Lanes' son "did not write in Roark's expected answer (LORD), she belittled him in front of the rest of the class," the lawsuit said.

The January lawsuit said Negreet officials refused to stop the practices when the Lanes complained, but allowed the boy to attend another school in Many, La.

The agreement filed Friday, known legally as a consent decree, includes an award of $4,000 to Sharon Lane to cover her past costs of transporting the boy to Many. The board also will provide him with bus transportation as he continues to attend school in Many.


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Re: Son harassed in school for being Buddhist
« Reply #21 on: March 24, 2014, 06:22:53 AM »
Buddhism is widely known and increasingly more people of the other faiths will come to know more about what Buddhism is all about and how it can help in their lives. Its unsurprised that there are still discriminations coming from all directions especially where there is already a deep rooted religious faith (happened to be part of the culture of a particular race), because these faiths are facing challenges and they might be losing followers. But for religious educator, they should conduct good teachings of religious freedom to their followers instead of working against that.


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Re: Son harassed in school for being Buddhist
« Reply #22 on: July 23, 2014, 03:42:14 PM »
A school supposed to be a place where all students are given equal opportunities and freedom to enhance their knowledge. How could a Christian based school allowed discrimination, whereas as per one of the verse in the old testament , “Love your neighbour as yourself”! Why must an educationist implant discrimination  in religion and also create confusions amongst those young and innocent children ?Where has all the cultivation of harmony and peace passion drifted to ?  Due to this incident,  I believe it really bring shame to all teachers and educationist .


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Re: Son harassed in school for being Buddhist
« Reply #23 on: July 23, 2014, 09:49:46 PM »
How could a Christian based school allowed discrimination, whereas as per one of the verse in the old testament , “Love your neighbour as yourself”!

The verse of the old testament refers only to Jewish neighbours. Non-Jewish neighbours are considered only worth being enslaved or murdered, as vastly shown by the old testament carnages of non-Jews.

Besides, the Christian view is that those who do not follow Jesus should be thrown into the fire and burned: "If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned." (John 15:16).

Make no mistake: Christianity, now matter how much it tries to disguise itself, is just a genocidal ideology, not better than either Judaism or Islam.


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Re: Son harassed in school for being Buddhist
« Reply #24 on: August 10, 2014, 05:44:39 PM »
It is sad that school children are treated in this way.  They are sent to school to get an education but are subject to religious bullying.

The education system must not impose religion onto children. It's acceptable if they introduced religious study.

It's good to send children to school where they can mix with friends of other religious faiths, so that they grow up to understand other religions and respect their friends' religion.

Bullying is quite common and more so when there is discrimination in the school be they religious or non-religious. It is bad for the perpetrators and the victims. When the school becomes a breeding ground for cultivating discrimination and intolerance of each others it becomes our own suffering when we bring these learnt behaviors to adulthood.


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Re: Son harassed in school for being Buddhist
« Reply #25 on: August 25, 2014, 03:52:30 AM »
Religious freedom is a fundamental human right that is guaranteed by the First Amendment's Free Exercise and Establishment clauses. It encompasses not only the right to believe (or not to believe), but also the right to express and to manifest religious beliefs. The Constitution does not endorse any religious creed, and it does not recognize any power of government to decide theological questions. Beliefs about the nature of God is a proper subject for individuals, families, religious communities, and theologians, but not for government bodies such as the U.S. Congress or a local school board.

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Re: Son harassed in school for being Buddhist
« Reply #26 on: September 02, 2014, 09:10:35 AM »

This is an article on Christian Persecution in India: The Real Story. A very interesting read. This post on C.C. being harrassed in Louisiana made me just google other kinds of religious persecution. I was not targetting Christians because I have respect for all religion but not necessarily all the practitioners.

In this link I have posted you can see that religion is so very abused by HUMAN ill intentions. Using religion as a threat for God-fearing souls.

This kind of conduct needless to say is the same as some people out there who are so abusive towards centres which practise Dorje Shugden. Naming them as "cults" and exposing other Lamas without any basis except their wrong deluded views. Sad and shameful. I like to tell these clowns if you do not like it then just move on. Go peacefully and quietly to whatever you wish to have faith in.

Why is there a need to be Right? Is the issue really Dorje Shugden or your personal grievances stemming from your personal character flaws?