The human skull cup, known in Sanskrit as Kapala and in Tibetan as a Thöpa, has extraordinary qualities. It is where the ordinary, mundane and confused world is transformed into its essential, pure nature. The five poisons and five worldly elements of earth, water, fire, air and space, become the Five Wisdoms. This then becomes the vehicle for making pure offerings to Buddhas, Yidams, Protectors, Dakinis and other enlightened guests. These same skull bones, male and female, are used to make the traditional Vajrayana damaru, expressing the union of this basic polarity within the context of Dzokchen or Mahamudra realization. The stable experience of the basic fabric or unitary field behind all phenomena is a core tenant of Vajrayana. Being “self-arisen” and not fabricated by the human hand, the skull bone represents our natural state, the inherent, uncontrived brilliance of unadulterated consciousness.