Author Topic: Please Pray For Malaysia Airlines Plane, Flight MH370, Goes Missing  (Read 18330 times)


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The whole world is watching and praying for Flight MH370 which disappears in the air remains a mystery.  Many countries including United States, China, Singapore, Vietnam are intensifying the search for the missing flight.  A diverse religious faith had gathered at the Kuala Lumpur airport to offer prayers.  Many monasteries including Shar Ganden and temples are conducting prayers for those on board the flight.

Let's pray may the crew and passengers of MH370 be safe and protected.  May the rescue teams be free of obstacles to swiftly find the plane.


A Malaysia Airlines flight carrying 239 people lost contact with air traffic control early Saturday morning (local time). Flight MH370 is a B777-200 aircraft heading to Beijing, China from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

According to a press statement provided by Malaysia Airlines, the flight lost contact with Subang Air Traffic Control at 2:40 a.m. local time Saturday (6:40 p.m. GMT Friday).

The flight departed Kuala Lumpur at 12:41 a.m. on Saturday (4:41 p.m. GMT Friday), and was carrying 227 passengers and 12 crew members. The passengers are of 14 different nationalities, and 2 are infants.

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Re: Please Pray For Malaysia Airlines Plane, Flight MH370, Goes Missing
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2014, 05:41:39 PM »
I supported this dedication of compassionate act and thinking of yours. Thumbs up!


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Re: Please Pray For Malaysia Airlines Plane, Flight MH370, Goes Missing
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2014, 04:25:56 PM »
Please continue to pray for the safety of all the passengers and crew on board MH 370.
Pray for their families too. They are going through a hard time. Let's keep our hopes high and may all obstacles be cleared for a smooth and swift rescue mission.


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Re: Please Pray For Malaysia Airlines Plane, Flight MH370, Goes Missing
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2014, 12:13:09 PM »
Oh no the search of flight MH370 by international efforts has gone into the 7th day without a trace of the vanished aircraft.  The Malaysian government has expanded the search area of the aircraft and has taken up offers by 15 countries as well as professional agencies and experts to assist in the search.  May the passengers and crew be protected by Lord Dorje Shugden.


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Re: Please Pray For Malaysia Airlines Plane, Flight MH370, Goes Missing
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2014, 01:21:45 PM »
Buddhist Volunteers Aiding Anxious Families in Beijing - Tzu Chi does it again.

A volunteer with the Tzu Chi Foundation, center, spoke with relatives of passengers on Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 at the Metropark Lido Hotel in Beijing.

"At one end of the room, Malaysia Airlines employees delivered the latest briefing to relatives and friends of passengers who were aboard the airline’s missing Flight 370. At the other end, volunteers listened from behind tables piled with snacks, waiting to provide counseling, logistical assistance or just hand holding.

The volunteers were from the Tzu Chi Foundation, a Buddhist charitable organization headquartered in Taiwan. The volunteers, requested by Malaysia Airlines because the airline feared it did not have enough Chinese-speaking staff, arrived at the Beijing hotel where families were lodged by 5 p.m. Saturday, hours after the flight was declared missing."



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Re: Please Pray For Malaysia Airlines Plane, Flight MH370, Goes Missing
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2014, 03:52:57 PM »
In tragic times like this, The Buddha (or God in other religions) comes into all minds as there are no other venues to search for solace. Prayers and sermons etc are being done round the clock as hope runs thin and nothing else can be done. Especially so for the devastated families and friends who are desperately awaiting news from the search. Dear Protectors and Buddhas,please bless all those on the flight and their families and friends; may their heart and minds be calm and their pain and sufferings be erased. May all obstacles be removed. May the perfect conditions be made available immediately for the swift and successful breakthrough in this tragedy. OM BENZA WIKI BITANA SOHA. OM MANI PADME HUM.

metta girl

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Re: Please Pray For Malaysia Airlines Plane, Flight MH370, Goes Missing
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2014, 04:42:14 PM »
May all aboard MH370 return home safely.Our hearts and prayers continue to be with you.


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Re: Please Pray For Malaysia Airlines Plane, Flight MH370, Goes Missing
« Reply #7 on: March 15, 2014, 07:36:48 AM »
Agreed with cookie, in times like this, May Buddha and protectors bless the crews and the passengers in MH370, their family and friends who are anxiously waiting for their news. In times of this, there is no other refuge except for Buddha Dharma.

It also a reminder for me for not taking things for granted and so as much as I can to learn and practice Dharma while I still have the precious human life so that I can benefit more people. I have added the dedication for the safety of MH370 in my daily Sadhana.

On a side note, I saw there are Dorje Shugden pendants ( ) and protective ruel ( being sold at Dorje Shudgen online shop.  Will get some for my family who will be traveling. 

Jessie Fong

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Re: Please Pray For Malaysia Airlines Plane, Flight MH370, Goes Missing
« Reply #8 on: March 15, 2014, 09:32:39 AM »
As i write/type, there is still nothing conclusive as to the whereabouts of the crew, passengers andplane of MH370. It's been a week; still not a a confirmed sign.

Prayers to everyone on-board and the families waiting for the safe return of one and all.


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Re: Please Pray For Malaysia Airlines Plane, Flight MH370, Goes Missing
« Reply #9 on: March 15, 2014, 01:18:24 PM »
OH MY... Latest news which I just read. How sad that it gets worse each day without any correct answer as to where the plane is. I wonder if the crew and passengers are okay. Lets just pray hard and send our positive energy to all of them and pray that they can come home safe and sound. May all obstacles be cleared and swift actions be taken.
Om Benza Wiki Bitana Soha....

Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 Was Diverted Deliberately, Malaysian Prime Minister Says

KUALA LUMPUR, March 15 (Reuters) - Investigators believe someone aboard a missing Malaysian airliner deliberately shut off its communications and tracking systems, turned the plane around and flew for nearly seven hours after it vanished, Prime Minister Najib Razak said on Saturday.

Shortly after the prime minister finished speaking police arrived at the home of the missing aircraft's pilot to search for evidence, a senior police official told Reuters.

As the unprecedented search for Flight MH370 and its 239 passengers and crew entered its second week, Najib told a news conference that the hunt for wreckage around the scheduled flight path to the east of Malaysia was being called off.

"Despite media reports the plane was hijacked, I wish to be very clear, we are still investigating all possibilities as to what caused MH370 to deviate," Najib said.

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Re: Please Pray For Malaysia Airlines Plane, Flight MH370, Goes Missing
« Reply #10 on: March 15, 2014, 03:15:34 PM »

The disappearance of MH 307 is very tragic and I do feel for all those relatives who are still clinging to hope.
There are many speculations on  the missing plane.Let us not speculate and pray for the passengers,crew and their relatives.May they be protected by Dorje Shugden.


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Re: Please Pray For Malaysia Airlines Plane, Flight MH370, Goes Missing
« Reply #11 on: March 16, 2014, 03:02:12 AM »
Malaysian Buddhists pray for missing flight (1:11)
March 15 - Malaysian Buddhists pray for the missing passengers aboard MH370 while shoppers write well-wishes in shopping malls. Nathan Frandino reports. ( Transcript )


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Re: Please Pray For Malaysia Airlines Plane, Flight MH370, Goes Missing
« Reply #12 on: March 16, 2014, 03:06:08 AM »
Families of missing passenger find hope in latest developments (1:25)
March 15 - Latest developments indicate that Flight MH370 had its communications and tracking systems deliberately turned off, according to officials. Nathan Frandino reports. ( Transcript )

DS Star

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Re: Please Pray For Malaysia Airlines Plane, Flight MH370, Goes Missing
« Reply #13 on: March 16, 2014, 08:17:15 PM »

"An image has emerged of the pilot of the missing Malaysia Airlines jet wearing a T-shirt with a 'Democracy is Dead' slogan as it has been revealed he could have hijacked the plane in an anti-government protest.

Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah, a father-of-three, was said to be a 'fanatical' supporter of the country's opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim - jailed for homosexuality just hours before the jet disappeared...

Today is the 8th day MAS flight MH370 disappeared from radar, while families of the passengers and crew are anxious with the fate of their loved ones, seems Malaysian authorities is looking for new scapegoat to deflect its own weaknesses of not able to find solution to this 'mystery'.

In addition to the ever confusing and conflicting announcement, the Prime Minister of Malaysia has now finding good excuse 'robbing' in the opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim, to share the 'blame' by linking him to the pilot who is his 'fanatical' supporter.

Why trying so hard to establish the make-believe 'links' by even stating that the pilot Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah actually make a 15 miles trip to attend the trial of the said opposition leader?

Malaysia Airlines pilot Zaharie Ahmad Shah, 53, leaves his gated home in a suburb of Kuala Lumpur, where he built his own flight simulator and travels 15 miles to Putrajaya.

At court in Putrajaya he is thought to be incensed as he sees opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim jailed for five years. At 9pm, he travels to the airport

I find this rather lame. No proof, nothing. What they have? A 'negative' slogan on the pilot's T-shirt and the so-called attendance of the trial which was attended by many others supporters as well.

If we check the route, Putrajaya where the trial is being held is very near to the international airport, the place where the pilot is supposed to report to work later that day. So, it is more like he was take a short detour to attend the trial while on the way to his work. Not a BIG DEAL actually...

This political twist is not convincing at all... though it is slightly better then the wrong move to divert attention of their lack of information by inviting the shaman to perform hilarious rituals at the airport.

Politicians from the ruling party are now putting blame to this shaman for 'embarrassing' Malaysia, but who is the person invited the shaman and even arranged for international press to witness his now internationally-famous rituals?

Nevertheless, let us continue to pray for safe return of the people on board MH370.
Om Benza Wiki Bitana Soha


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Re: Please Pray For Malaysia Airlines Plane, Flight MH370, Goes Missing
« Reply #14 on: March 17, 2014, 09:00:47 AM »
The event should serve as a great reminder to everyone that life is precious. Imagine someone on the MH370 happily expecting to go for a holiday, a business trip or just to go home and in a few hours the something happens, possibly even death. I am sorry. I wish everyone is still alive but with every passing day the odds are getting lower.

Let's all pray for the best possible outcome for the all on the MH370! May they all have strong and peaceful mind in the face of difficulties. May their family have the same!

Om Benza Wiki Bitana Soha!

Practice the Dharma NOW!