Author Topic: Is the Dalai Lama the Political and/or Spiritual Leader?  (Read 7674 times)


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Is the Dalai Lama the Political and/or Spiritual Leader?
« on: March 14, 2014, 06:33:00 AM »
Is the Dalai Lama the Political and/or Spiritual Leader of Tibet and Tibetan Buddhism? Since He is exiled He is effective not the political head of Tibet and since He has handed that role in exiled to the Kalon Tripa, He is definitely not the political head of Tibet even in exile.

That leaves the role of spiritual head. Of course the Dalai Lama would like to be considered the spiritual head of Tibetan Buddhism, which since the 5th Dalai Lama, was coerced, forced and intimidated on the Nyingmas, Jonangs, Kaygus and Sakyas to consider Him to be their spiritual leader ironically through political power.

The first 4 Dalai Lamas never consider themselves the political head and were all highly spiritual Lamas and non-secular. Only from the 5th Dalai Lama that political power was acquired by the institution on the Dalai Lama.

Hence, for this reason the ban itself is political 100%; a sort of a divide and conquer strategy by the Dalai Lama. As we know the Dalai Lama is technically NOT the spiritual head of any schools of Tibetan Buddhism. He was the political/secular head since the Fifth Dalai Lama until exiled now. This means his is losing his power more and more and his incarnation will be disputed by the Chinese. The ban is to invoked the anger and support the non Shugdenite to support the Dalai Lama's institution more strongly because there is an "enemy" within for the Dalai Lama to hold on to being the Spiritual Head as He knows that the political power is a lost cause.The only way for the institution on the Dalai Lama is through the Rime movement and He has divided the Kagyus already through ironically recognizing the China's choice of Karmapa.

What do everyone think?