Author Topic: Yes Dalai Lama, We Want the Same Thing!  (Read 10964 times)


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Yes Dalai Lama, We Want the Same Thing!
« on: March 14, 2014, 11:22:33 AM »
Yes Dalai Lama, at a fundamental human level we all want the same thing. We all want happy life.  We want religious freedom to practice Dorje Shugden!  You said it right it must be on a basis of mutual compassion, mutual respect which must also be applied to your own Tibetan community.  This will be the correct ethic beginning from your own people.  And I agree with you that the differences between human beings are secondary.  Tibetans are also human beings, please therefore remove the ban.

Dalai Lama Pushes For Religious Unity at National Cathedral
Maya Rhodan /

“We need constant effort to promote religious understanding on the basis of mutual compassion, mutual respect,” the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader said. The talk with the Dalai Lama was called “Beyond Religion: Ethics for a Whole World,” which is also the title of his 2011 book. Throughout the morning, he emphasized the fact that the differences between human beings are “secondary.”

“Regardless of believer or non-believer, we are too concerned about secondary level of differences,” the Dalai Lama said. “At a fundamental human level we all want the same thing. We all want happy life.”

He also addressed his relationship with China, which expressed anger over his recent visit with President Barack Obama, though the Dalai Lama noted earlier in the program that he was not involved in political matters. A local high school student asked the leader why the country was “so upset by your work,” to which he responded simply, “Ask them.”

“We really love Chinese people, admire Chinese people,” he said before saying that structure within the country is “really harmful to develop Chinese creativity freely.” He added: “1.3 billion Chinese people have every right to know the reality.”

Outside of the Cathedral, however, the International Shugden Community, a Tibet-based sect of Buddhism, rallied in protest of the leader who they say discriminates against their religious practices. One protest leader told Washington radio station WTOP that the Dalai Lama banned their practice and “refuses any dialogue.”


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Re: Yes Dalai Lama, We Want the Same Thing!
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2014, 06:39:44 AM »
Inside the National Cathedral, Washington, HH Dalai Lama spoke passionately about the the need for HARMONY and UNITY among all religions. He emphasized the fact that differences between human beings are "secondary ". "At a fundamental human level," he says, " WE ALL WANT THE SAME THINGS. WE ALL WANT A HAPPY LIFE". 

Yet outside the Cathedral, the International Shugden Community was holding a protest rally against Dalai Lama for practicing RACIAL DISCRIMINATION with the imposing of a ban on Shugden practice, urging him to lift the ban , which was causing much harm  and infliction much suffering and pain on Shugden practitioners. 

Doesn't it sound like a case of contradiction or hypocrisy or lying?

The fact of the case is Shugden practitioners are SUFFERING physically and emotionally. The violent attacks on Shugden practitioners cannot be denied anymore. Just watch the video in the article on "Tibetan Leadership Organizes Violence" 

and see how local representatives of the Dalai Lama organised a mob to attack peaceful Shugden monks of Dhokhang Khangsten(Gaden Shartse) at prayer in the monastery. 

Shugden practitioners are barred from schools, hospitals and clinics.

What kind of spiritual authority is the Tibetan leadership that denies it practices racial discrimination and yet in practice does so openly and without any qualm?

Big Uncle

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Re: Yes Dalai Lama, We Want the Same Thing!
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2014, 07:08:06 AM »
Well, if I were to meet the Dalai Lama, I would say this to him....

Please release Dorje Shugden ban. How can you say your Guru, Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche is wrong? If he is wrong then, everything that comes from him like lamrim and many tantric initiation can be wrong. This destabilizes our whole lineage. He must be right on this aspect.

Even the Fifth Dalai Lama wrote a praise to Dorje Shugden much like yourself and made statues of Dorje Shugden and even gave a statue and the practice to Phelgyeling monastery. He changed his mind about Dorje Shugden and I believe you will change your mind too. So please release the ban. There is no greater harm than the ban these days and that is harming your credibility as a spiritual guide to many and it is also harming many of your followers because they are enforcing a ban that basically goes against the very foundation of Buddhist ethics.

For the sake of millions of practitioners inside of India, Tibet, China, Mongolia and elsewhere, please release the ban. It is time for Dorje Shugden to benefit many.


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Re: Yes Dalai Lama, We Want the Same Thing!
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2014, 07:45:38 AM »
Yes. We all want the same thing. Happiness!

Happiness, is the fundamental wish of all beings; temporal or ultimate. Your Highness, yes we all want happiness. But you can go to the world and preach compassion and harmony and can even wish for the happiness of the 1.3 billion Chinese, why are you directly causing the suffering of 4 million Dorje Shugden practitioners? Please, please lift the ban and alleviate the sufferings of your own Tibetans. For they we all want the same thing! Happiness.... Temporal and Ultimate!


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Re: Yes Dalai Lama, We Want the Same Thing!
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2014, 07:55:51 AM »
Well-said Big Uncle!
How would Trijang Rinpoche, Pabongka Rinpoche, Zong Rinpoche, Domo Rinpoche, and all Gelug masters be wrong?
Besides, the 10th Panchen Lama who is on par with HH Dalai Lama spiritually also did Dorje Shugden practice and wrote extensive prayers and rites to Dorje Shugden. When someone of Panchen Rinpoche’s stature practices Dorje Shugden, has a special temple and chapel and writes rituals for Dorje Shugden, we have no doubts Dorje Shugden is enlightened and can be trusted. (
In addition, there is also evident that Dorje Shugden helped HH Dalai Lama to escape from Tibet in 1959. If Dorje Shugden is to harm HH Dalai Lama now, why would he save him previously? Isn’t it ungrateful for HH Dalai Lama to ban Dorje Shugden who has saved him before?
I sincerely hope HH Dalai Lama would lift the ban so that it will not jeopardize HH Dalai Lama’s credibility and at the same time will be benefiting a lot of beings to get blessings and protection from Dorje Shugden!


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Re: Yes Dalai Lama, We Want the Same Thing!
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2014, 07:58:21 AM »
Here's the evidence of Dorje Shugden saved HH Dalai Lama from Tibet in 1959: 


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Re: Yes Dalai Lama, We Want the Same Thing!
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2014, 08:21:20 AM »
Sadly, we don't want the same thing.  The Dalai Lama wants to destroy Je Tsongkhapa's tradition while claiming to protect it, and we want to protect it from the Dalai Lama. 

He has told so many lies that he can no longer be regarded as a valid Buddhist Teacher. Recently in Washington he said that most of the Teachers of the past 400 years have regarded Dorje Shugden as an evil spirit and he, as an incarnation of Chenrezig, ignorantly followed what his Teacher taught.  Apart from the bare faced lie about how Dorje Shugden was regarded, how can Chenrezig follow anything ignorantly?

Previously he said himself:

When the person is supposed to be offering Dharma, offering spiritual teaching, and he himself indulges in an action that he has been preaching to others to avoid, then it's disgraceful. One can say that person has betrayed the task...

Dalai Lama, your lies are disgraceful and you have betrayed the task and your own Teachers.


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Re: Yes Dalai Lama, We Want the Same Thing!
« Reply #7 on: March 15, 2014, 08:45:43 AM »
The Chinese people who went into Tibet sacked Tibet most of them are no longer alive probably yet their deeds have been done and the Chinese is in control of resource rich Tibet. And the Chinese are not treating the Tibetans with kids gloves despite being in full control (physically at least it seems, no one can police people's minds). And yet the Dalai Lama offers an olive brach to the people of the Republic of China, who all would probably throw him profanities rather than offer a khata to His Holiness.

Then we have the Gelug lamas and practitioners who have done anything but support Dalai Lama since he came to the West, Zong Rinpoche who taught and got well enough to teach under direct orders from the Dalai Lama, Guru Deva Rinpoche who supported the Dalai Lama and the Dalai Lama's junior tutor Trijang Rinpoche and scores of other Gelug High Lamas who helped the spread of Tibetan Buddhism in the West. It is so glaring this example, the difference between these two parties, why would the Dalai Lama do something so strange as to not even given a chance for dialogue, Dalai Lama is not stranger to the finest minds of the world, he sure isn;t going to be intimidated to meet up with other Gelug Lamas ? CTA and Tibetan people have you considered why does the Dalai lama does these strange things?     

@lineageholder I disagree that Dalai Lama is trying to destroy the Gelug lineage. Mongolia is where there are many Dorje Shugden practitioners. 


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Re: Yes Dalai Lama, We Want the Same Thing!
« Reply #8 on: March 15, 2014, 07:45:03 PM »
@lineageholder I disagree that Dalai Lama is trying to destroy the Gelug lineage. Mongolia is where there are many Dorje Shugden practitioners.

Okay, so let's see.  The Dalai Lama has:

1. Defamed his own Gurus who were the upholders of Je Tsongkhapa's tradition
2  Defamed the lineage by claiming that its lineage Gurus are spirit worshippers
3. Destroyed the reputation of the chief Protector of Je Tsongkhapa's tradition through telling lies
4. Encouraged Gelugpas to practise Nyingma teachings as well as engaging the meaningless study of science.

That seems like a pretty fair attempt to destroy Je Tsongkhapa's tradition to me.  Does it seem to you that he's protecting it? 


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Re: Yes Dalai Lama, We Want the Same Thing!
« Reply #9 on: March 16, 2014, 04:38:51 AM »
I disagree that Dalai Lama is trying to destroy the Gelug lineage.

The evil entity confessed with his own mouth to his determination to thoroughly destroy Dorje Shugden practices and practitioners, saying that ”it will be like the Cultural Revolution”, as you can see with your own eyes in the video below.

Now, since there is no Gelug lineage apart from Pabongkha and Trijang Rinpoches, and thus which does not include the practice of Dorje Shugden, it follows that you are just trying to cover and protect the infamous evildoer.

And, as a a corollary, it follows as well that there is no Gelug lineage either which includes the obnoxious vow-breaker, which one should therefore expel from one's heart as one would a poisonous snake trying to to climb one's legs (no offense intended to poisonous snakes).

Tibetan leadership organizes violence against Shugden people Small | Large


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Re: Yes Dalai Lama, We Want the Same Thing!
« Reply #10 on: March 16, 2014, 05:52:39 AM »

@lineageholder I disagree that Dalai Lama is trying to destroy the Gelug lineage. Mongolia is where there are many Dorje Shugden practitioners.

Hello Lineageholder, read this statement which is rarely reported and reformulate your opinion please:

During the Dalai Lama's talk in Caux in Switzerland in 1996, he said:

“Everyone who is affiliated with the Tibetan society of the Ganden Phodrang government, should relinquish ties with Dhogyal. This is necessary since it poses danger to the religious and temporal situation of Tibet. As for foreigners, it makes no difference to us if they walk with their feet up and their head down. We have taught Dharma to them, not they to us…

‘Until now you have a very good job on this issue. Hereafter also, continue this policy in a clever way. We should do it in such a way to ensure that in future generations not even the name of Dhogyal is remembered.”

Kim Hyun Jae

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Re: Yes Dalai Lama, We Want the Same Thing!
« Reply #11 on: March 17, 2014, 02:06:58 PM »
To dear HH Dalai Lama - we all the same thing as everyone else does ie. happiness, satisfaction, peace but we want it without violence or ban of a certain dharma practice or an infringement into personal religious freedom.

All we ask for is to be fair and to have respect for differences of certain faction of practitioners like Dorje Shugden. To leave them to practice in peace and not be side lined.


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Re: Yes Dalai Lama, We Want the Same Thing!
« Reply #12 on: March 17, 2014, 05:44:49 PM »
The criminal known as Tenzin Gyatso, the former theocratic tyrant of Tibet said:

‘Until now you have a very good job on this issue. Hereafter also, continue this policy in a clever way. We should do it in such a way to ensure that in future generations not even the name of Dhogyal is remembered.”

This is tantamount to order a genocide. For much less than this Nazis were tried and executed in Nuremberg.

Big Uncle

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Re: Yes Dalai Lama, We Want the Same Thing!
« Reply #13 on: March 19, 2014, 09:54:51 AM »
I understand that to us, the Dalai Lama has
1. Defamed his own Gurus who were the upholders of Je Tsongkhapa's tradition
2  Defamed the lineage by claiming that its lineage Gurus are spirit worshippers
3. Destroyed the reputation of the chief Protector of Je Tsongkhapa's tradition through telling lies
4. Encouraged Gelugpas to practise Nyingma teachings

By harping on this does not serve the purpose of lifting the ban... Let me explain. By now, its pretty obvious that people have very fixed ideas of who the Dalai Lama is and what's his role is in their spirituality. The idea about tarnishing his image with such statements may be counter-productive as it is going against fixed beliefs that many people have of the Dalai Lama. Perhaps, it would be better to focus more on the injustices rendered by the ban than to try to tear down the Dalai Lama's image. That's just what I think... What do you guys think?                                                                                                                                                                                         


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Re: Yes Dalai Lama, We Want the Same Thing!
« Reply #14 on: March 19, 2014, 01:39:58 PM »
By harping on this does not serve the purpose of lifting the ban...

This ban is based on ignorance, and the only weapon capable of removing ignorance is knowledge.

But maybe you are not really interested in lifting the ban through removing its causes, just in feeling cozy and comfy with the evil dalai.

Let me explain. By now, its pretty obvious that people have very fixed ideas of who the Dalai Lama is and what's his role is in their spirituality.

Such fixed, wrong ideas are a reason to use the weapon of knowledge, never to renounce it, as you want to.

Indeed, fixed ideas are only produced by ignorance, and ignorance is only dispelled by knowledge.

The idea about tarnishing his image with such statements may be counter-productive as it is going against fixed beliefs that many people have of the Dalai Lama.

What a twisted, sinister reasoning!

Just because many people have ignorant, fixed beliefs about the evil dalai, you propose that one should not counter and dispel such harmful beliefs!

Besides, you suggest that cleaning the image of the evil dalai, through removing the clutter of lies tarnishing it, is tantamount to ”tarnish” such image! What an inversion of values!

Perhaps, it would be better to focus more on the injustices rendered by the ban than to try to tear down the Dalai Lama's image.

The deceptive image of the pernicious vow-breaker is at the very source of the ban and its ensuing injustices. There is no way to lift the ban without destroying its causes.

That's just what I think... What do you guys think?

You are not interested in lifting any ban. You are just interested in politics. What you want is to be accepted and approved by the evil dalai, in order to fulfill your own psychological need to comply with, and submit to, whatever you see as ”authority”. This is the need that the evil dalai manipulates.