Author Topic: kasha resolution 19 March 2014  (Read 11693 times)


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kasha resolution 19 March 2014
« on: March 19, 2014, 07:24:16 PM »
Tibetan Parliament passes resolution concerning Dolgyal
March 19, 2014 4:34 pm
(Document no. 22/English Translation)



Since the time of the Fifth Dalai Lama, all the successive Dalai Lamas and many great masters have placed stringent restrictions on the propitiation of harmful spirit of Dolgyal for Tibet’s common spiritual and political interests. Like his predecessors, His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama, following a long and careful investigation, has also clearly advised against the propitiation of Dolgyal. A large number of Tibetans have followed his advice and gave up propitiating Dolgyal. However, a small number of Tibetans have remained ignorant about the propitiation. In order to lead the ignorant to righteous path, the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile unanimously passed resolutions on 6 June 1996, 17 September 1997 and 15 March 2008. The majority of Tibetans – including the both monastic and lay community particularly the three monastic seats – who have acted upon the resolutions deserves appreciation.

Yet, a small number of ignorant Dolgyal propitiators have no consideration for Tibet’s spiritual and political interests and the personal security of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. They are being deceived by the Chinese government through monetary and material incentive and are used as political tools. They have been also instigating foreigners to carry out disinformation campaigns at every opportunity. In a recent incident in San Francisco, they employed a handful of people, who are completely ignorant about the basic principles of Buddhism, to slander His Holiness the Dalai Lama with baseless accusations. To present these misdeeds for fair and correct understanding of the Tibetan people and the people of the world who support truth and justice, it is imperative that the following resolution be passed to reiterate and implement the earlier resolutions adopted by the House.

The Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile, on 17 March 2014, unanimously passed the following resolution:

(1) Reaffirms to carefully follow up the series of resolutions unanimously passed by the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile on this issue in 1996, 1997 and 2008.

(2) Recognises and resolves to collectively disseminate to all people the actual issue as per the resolution/section (B) of article 5 passed during the Conference of the Heads, Abbots, Lamas/Trulkus and Representatives of the four schools of Tibetan Buddhism and Bon religion in 2009. It states: “Worshipping the worldly gods, particularly spirits for protection, contravenes the principle of following the three refuge in Buddhism. The conference unequivocally proclaims that any individuals or organisation propitiating Dolgyal, would not be affiliated to any Tibetan religious school.”

(3) Recognises clearly the actions of Dolgyal followers as a political tool to create discord within the Tibetan community under the influence and deception of monetary gains, and to denigrate His Holiness the Dalai Lama with baseless allegations. The Parliament would like to make it clear that the issue has nothing to do with religious freedom.

Further recognises also the Dolgyal followers and others – whose have caused grave harm to the faith and polity of Tibet under the Chinese government’s ploy and in violation of the law of Karma – as criminals in history.

(4) As advised by the intelligence agencies of the US and India on the need to ensure greater security for His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the Tibetan administration and the entire Tibetan people must remain vigilant. Moreover, the Department of Security, the local Tibetan administration, and the Representatives of the Offices of Tibet should maintain close coordination with the central and state government of India and concerned governments of the overseas countries respectively in advance to ensure greater security for His Holiness the Dalai Lama during his visits.

(5) Directs the Kashag to carry out a thorough investigation into real motives of the Dolgyal followers for their recent activities in San Francisco and accordingly issue firm directives to prevent future incidents.



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Re: kasha resolution 19 March 2014
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2014, 10:37:01 PM »
For your information, this is what Phayul has reported on the unanimous resolution on Dholgyal:

Tibetan Parliament passes unanimous resolution on Dholgyal issue
Phayul[Wednesday, March 19, 2014 22:56]
By Phuntsok Yangchen

DHARAMSHALA, March 19: Tibetan Parliament in Exile on Monday unanimously passed a five point resolution concerning the worship of Dorjee Shugden (Dholgyal) after an intensive discussion during its ongoing parliament session.

The resolution re-affirms the Tibetan Parliament’s earlier resolutions passed in 1996, 1997 and 2008 on Dholgyal and directs the Tibetan Cabinet (Kashag) to probe the real motives of the recent protests in San Francisco and Washington DC against His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

On February 23, a nun apparently belonging to the “International Shugden Community” alleged the Tibetan spiritual leader was “lying” and “undermining their religious freedom”. A youtube user called “Shugden” uploaded a video of the encounter on youtube.

The Tibetan leader says he was himself a follower of Dorje Shugden but that he later quit in 1975 for reasons he describes as "strong sectarian overtones" and "a history of contributing to a climate of sectarian disharmony" among the four traditions of Tibetan Buddhism. The Tibetan leader denounces the worship of Dorje Shugden as "spirit worship" and fears that the propitiation of it might degenerate the "rich tradition of Tibetan Buddhism" into "mere propitiation of spirits."

The resolution also denied the allegation of ‘absence of religious freedom’ and stated that it clearly recognizes the actions of Dholgyal followers as a political tool to create conflict within the Tibetan community.

Dongchung Ngodup, Minister of the Department of Security of the Tibetan government in exile also rejected the allegations against the Tibetan government in exile of discrimination against Shugden followers in India.

“The allegations of discrimination in monastery and schools are baseless. The allegation against the Tibetan government in exile for not issuing supporting letter to apply for their Identity Certificate (IC) is also completely untrue,” Ngodup said in the Tibetan Parliament.

The resolution further advised to ensure greater security for His Holiness the Dalai Lama during his visits.

The parliament will conclude the current session on March 22. The Tibetan Parliament in exile meets twice a year to enact laws, frame rules and regulations and issue policy decisions of the Tibetan government in exile, which officially is known as the Central Tibetan Administration.


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Re: kasha resolution 19 March 2014
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2014, 12:43:37 AM »
Well the Tibetan government now has decided all Dorje Shugden practitioners are criminals, I hope someone can sue them! So all the great masters are criminals ?!! Zong Rinpoche criminal, Trijang Dorjechang criminal ? Lama Yeshe criminal ? Geshe Rabten criminal etc etc.. They've gone mad!

quote kashag;

"Further recognises also the Dolgyal followers and others – whose have caused grave harm to the faith and polity of Tibet under the Chinese government’s ploy and in violation of the law of Karma – as criminals in history."

I do hope this slander can be addressed in court.


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Re: kasha resolution 19 March 2014
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2014, 06:20:05 AM »
The CTA is digging itself into a larger and larger hole and it is getting more and more obvious to the world at large.

While previously banking on the utmost respect and support of Tibetans in exile for His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, this form of legitimacy enjoyed by the CTA has or soon will run out its course.

His Holiness had pulled out of the CTA by ratifying an amendment to the Charters of Tibetans, where all the powers were amended and divided among the elected leadership,
in May/June 2011.

But to this day we don’t see any plans for a democratic election. The CTA cannot even display its constitution on its own official website!

And to add to its already long list of problems with its legitimacy, now the Tibetan Parliament in Exile has unanimously passed a five point resolution concerning the worship of Dorje Shugden which includes the following unsubstantiated claims:

 “Yet, a small number of ignorant Dolgyal propitiators have no consideration for Tibet’s spiritual and political interests and the personal security of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.”

“They are being deceived by the Chinese government through monetary and material incentive and are used as political tools.”

“They have been also instigating foreigners to carry out disinformation campaigns at every opportunity.”

“In a recent incident in San Francisco, they employed a handful of people, who are completely ignorant about the basic principles of Buddhism, to slander His Holiness the Dalai Lama with baseless accusations.”

Is the CTA legitimate? Does it make legitimate claims? Or has it become an organization without legitimacy, with seatholders more inclined to maximize and perpetuate the enjoyment of their comforts as incumbent seatholders?
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Re: kasha resolution 19 March 2014
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2014, 06:59:57 AM »
Further recognises also the Dolgyal followers and others – whose have caused grave harm to the faith and polity of Tibet under the Chinese government’s ploy and in violation of the law of Karma – as criminals in history.

Yawn. Who cares about what the idiots recognize or not.

(5) Directs the Kashag to carry out a thorough investigation into real motives of the Dolgyal followers for their recent activities in San Francisco and accordingly issue firm directives to prevent future incidents.

Another show of idiocy. Didn't they see that all those protesters were disguised Chinese spies paid to violate the law of Karma?

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Re: kasha resolution 19 March 2014
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2014, 07:53:06 AM »
This is ridiculous. Can they get any more idiotic about this. How can a democracy pass a resolution contravening its own original constitution that originally meant to provide religious freedom for all. If Dorje Shugden's practice contravenes karma, what about other practices like Bon and the minority Christian and Islamic groups that apparently exists as a minority in Tibet? This is ludicrous! This is just going to be another pretext for more discrimination and violence because of this.


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Re: kasha resolution 19 March 2014
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2014, 08:11:05 AM »
 As quoted in the resolution:
“Recognises clearly the actions of Dolgyal followers as a political tool to create discord within the Tibetan community under the influence and deception of monetary gains, and to denigrate His Holiness the Dalai Lama with baseless allegations. The Parliament would like to make it clear that the issue has nothing to do with religious freedom.”

Further recognises also the Dolgyal followers and others – whose have caused grave harm to the faith and polity of Tibet under the Chinese government’s ploy and in violation of the law of Karma – as criminals in history.”

Well, if the resolution denied the allegations of religious freedom, why are these resolutions passed to prevent the practice and claiming that DS followers are criminals?  Religious freedom is the right of everyone to practice what they believed in and these practitioners should not to be classified as criminals!

“Directs the Kashag to carry out a thorough investigation into real motives of the Dolgyal followers for their recent activities in San Francisco and accordingly issue firm directives to prevent future incidents.

It was a peaceful protest as can be seen from the mass media coverage and there we no untoward incidents so there was no way it would have caused any conflict within the Tibetan community. The only real motive of the protest is to ask for the right to practice. Is there anything wrong in that?

Dongchung Ngodup, Minister of the Department of Security of the Tibetan government in exile said in the Tibetan Parliament, “The allegations of discrimination in monastery and schools are baseless. The allegation against the Tibetan government in exile for not issuing supporting letter to apply for their Identity Certificate (IC) is also completely untrue,”

There are so many proofs yet the CTA still insist that it is baseless. Are they blind or stupid? Living in denial and not accepting the truth!


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Re: kasha resolution 19 March 2014
« Reply #7 on: March 20, 2014, 10:46:57 AM »
Picture of some of those who have now been branded as 'criminals' by the Tibetan administration.
Very sad. :(


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Re: kasha resolution 19 March 2014
« Reply #8 on: March 20, 2014, 02:12:10 PM »
Valid points from the International Shugden Community:

Open Letter to The Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile from The International Shugden Community
Posted on March 20, 2014
In point 2 of your resolution you say:

“Worshipping the worldly gods, particularly spirits for protection, contravenes the principle of following the three refuge in Buddhism. The conference unequivocally proclaims that any individuals or organisation propitiating Dolgyal, would not be affiliated to any Tibetan religious school.”

You are lying! Following the Dalai Lama’s view and intention the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile is continually telling people that Shugden harms the Dalai Lama’s life, harms the Tibetan people and harms Tibetan independence. Using these three reasons you are forcing people to abandon Shugden practice. People have no freedom as they are completely controlled by the Dalai Lama himself and Parliament. Everybody knows the Dalai Lama is already 80 years old and very healthy; it is complete nonsense to say that Shugden is harming his life! There is not one single Tibetan person in India and Nepal who has received harm from Shugden; only people who follow the Dalai Lama’s hallucination believe this. The Dalai Lama himself has rejected Tibetan independence; he has already said publicly that Tibet is a part of China. Everybody knows this! So, in reality, he has destroyed Tibetan independence. It is therefore complete nonsense to say that Shugden harms Tibetan independence. You, the Tibetan Parliament, do not understand this. This is your ignorance. Previously many higher Sakya Lamas and later many higher Gelugpa lamas including Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, who is the root Guru of this present false Dalai Lama, have said that Shugden is an Enlightened Deity, the nature of the compassion and wisdom of the Buddhas. Because of your ignorance you do not understand this.

In conclusion, if you are not lying you must say publicly:
1) what is your valid reason for saying that Shugden harms the Dalai Lama’s life,
2) what is your valid reason for saying that Shugden harms the Tibetan people, and
3) what is your valid reason for saying that Shugden harms Tibetan independence.

We need your reply to be posted on your website by no later than 29th March 2014. If we do not receive your reply with your three valid reasons, which we mention above by this date, then it will be internationally recognized that the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile and the Dalai Lama are lying.

The International Shugden Community wishes to tell you, the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile, Samdong and Robert Thurman: Tibetan Parliament-in-exile, stop lying; Samdong, stop lying; Robert Thurman, stop lying; Tibetan Parliament-in-exile, stop cheating people; Samdong, stop cheating people; Robert Thurman, stop cheating people.

The International Shugden Community
20th March 2014


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Re: kasha resolution 19 March 2014
« Reply #9 on: March 21, 2014, 12:46:21 AM »

His Holiness had pulled out of the CTA by ratifying an amendment to the Charters of Tibetans, where all the powers were amended and divided among the elected leadership,
in May/June 2011.

But to this day we don’t see any plans for a democratic election. The CTA cannot even display its constitution on its own official website!

hahaha yes - i found that link to be broken. But here's a link to an article about the Charter since we can't read the Charter itself.

It is actually quite sad that the CTA is acting in such a childish manner. It is bad enough that they have no country. They should be working hard to improve the living conditions of the Tibetans in exile, but instead they are actively and publicly seeking to cause suffering to their own people - Tibetans who happen to wish to practice Dorje Shugden. So much for religious freedom. Which is why the protests have asked for the Dalai Lama to give religious freedom! And yet the CTA thinks that all this is a Chinese conspiracy? What a weak argument and telling of the calibre of the people who are looking after the interest of the Tibetan diaspora. No wonder there has been no progress on talks with the Chinese government!

Grow up, CTA. Lift the ban and then talk like a mature adult instead of childish superstitious talk about a boogeyman who does not even exist except in your own minds.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being

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Re: kasha resolution 19 March 2014
« Reply #10 on: March 21, 2014, 07:04:48 AM »
hahaha yes - i found that link to be broken. But here's a link to an article about the Charter since we can't read the Charter itself.

Thanks for the link WisdomBeing. I love the way the CTA summarizes its own charter:

"The Charter makes it clear that it does not promote any forms of state religion. All religious denominations are expressly assured equality before the law with the further assurance that there will be no discrimination on “grounds of birth, sex, race, religion, language, lay or ordained, social origin, rich or poor, elected position or other status.” A long list of other rights confirms the Charter’s liberal character."

CTA, you have shot your own foot many, many times. Lift the ban and stay true to your constitution.
Otherwise you have no legitimacy at all. None!

Solomon's Judgement: 2 women came to resolve a quarrel over which was d true mother of a baby. When Solomon suggested they should divide d child in two with a sword, one said she would rather give up d child than see it killed. Solomon then declared d woman who showed compassion 2b the true mother.

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Re: kasha resolution 19 March 2014
« Reply #11 on: March 21, 2014, 07:14:53 AM »
Oh, I love this Tibetan proverb:

Credulity breeds credulity and ends in hypocrisy.

Someone please send it to the Harvard-trained Kalon Tripa, thank you.
Solomon's Judgement: 2 women came to resolve a quarrel over which was d true mother of a baby. When Solomon suggested they should divide d child in two with a sword, one said she would rather give up d child than see it killed. Solomon then declared d woman who showed compassion 2b the true mother.


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Re: kasha resolution 19 March 2014
« Reply #12 on: March 21, 2014, 08:54:10 AM »
The Kashag Resolution is a brazen attempt to pull wool over the eyes of people who are ignorant  of the truth and the true situation. It has outrageously declared that Shugden practitioners are criminals and that they have contravened basic Buddhism. It has also blatantly announced that the issue has "nothing to do with religious freedom". Instead it says without any substantiation of claim, that the Shugden followers as "a political tool " of the Chinese, are out "to create discord within the Tibetan community under the influence and deception of monetary gains".
 The Resolution also says to carry out an investigation into " real motives of Shugden followers for their recent activities in San Francisco..."

1) "Shugden practitioners are criminals" . There is not a single shred of evidence to point to the Shugden practitioners as criminals. Rather, they have been inflicted with violence and refused entry to medical clinics, which are not only criminal in intent , but which also violates the basic rights as enshrined in the constitution. This can be seen from the Charter :  "There would be no discrimination on grounds of birth, sex, religion, language, lay  or ordained, social origin, rich or poor, elected position or other status".

2)' The Shugden followers are a "political tool of the Chinese" and are "out to create discord within the Tibetan community" '.  Again these are baseless accusations. Where have they shown themselves to be   
in the pay of the Chinese. Instead, their economic rights to buy freely in shops have been denied them. They are barred from these shops. Also, how do they sow discord, when the political clout is not theirs? The ones who sow discord and have the political clout to do so are the CTA. They have denied freedom of religious practice to the Shugden practitioners. With that they have created a schism within the Tibetan community.

3) "The Shugden practitioners have contravened basic Buddhism". Dorje Shugden has been proven without the shadow of a doubt to be an Enlightened Protector. He has been worshipped by great masters, such as Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche, Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche and Kyabje Zong Rinpoche, who have reincarnated to preserve the Lineage teachings of Je Tsongkhapa.

3) "Kashag calls for a thorough investigation into the real motives of Shugden followers in their recent activities in San Francisco".  In actual fact, the members of the International Shugden community  were carrying out a peaceful protest to urge for the ban to be lifted. Nothing to investigate,as there was no criminal involvement.


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Re: kasha resolution 19 March 2014
« Reply #13 on: March 22, 2014, 05:26:21 AM »
This question pops up after reading this post:


CTA, do you have too much donations you will rather spend the money to suppress the Dorje Shugden practitioners, rather than uniting your people?? CTA even spend resource to make up history and print books. why not use the money to upgrade basic infrastructures like hospitals, libraries etc?

And claiming all the High Lamas who practice Dorje Shugden criminals? Then you might as well throw this thing call "Guru Devotion" out of the window... by the way, please throw the Lamrim Liberation in the Palm out of windows too because it is taught by criminals.

RIDICULOUS! Clearly CTA has too much money and too much time they don't know what else to do. May be should stop funding them for such ridiculous acts!


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Re: kasha resolution 19 March 2014
« Reply #14 on: March 22, 2014, 10:52:47 PM »
Please note that the URL of “Tibetan Parliament passes resolution concerning Dolgya” is changed to:

Agreed with kris. CTA is really too free! They are just finding excuses and scapegoats on how incompetence they are as a government body rather than focusing their time on doing something useful to unite and build the Tibetan nations!

I found a video that Kalon Ngodup Donchung of the Department of Security made a detailed explanation on Shugden issue during a discussion on a proposed resolution in the ongoing session of the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile on 17 March. Could someone who understands Tibetan shares what his statement is about?