Author Topic: International Shugden Community response to Kashag Resolution 19 March  (Read 4793 times)


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Open Letter to The Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile from The International Shugden Community
Posted on March 20, 2014

In point 2 of your resolution you say:

“Worshipping the worldly gods, particularly spirits for protection, contravenes the principle of following the three refuge in Buddhism. The conference unequivocally proclaims that any individuals or organisation propitiating Dolgyal, would not be affiliated to any Tibetan religious school.”

You are lying! Following the Dalai Lama’s view and intention the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile is continually telling people that Shugden harms the Dalai Lama’s life, harms the Tibetan people and harms Tibetan independence. Using these three reasons you are forcing people to abandon Shugden practice. People have no freedom as they are completely controlled by the Dalai Lama himself and Parliament. Everybody knows the Dalai Lama is already 80 years old and very healthy; it is complete nonsense to say that Shugden is harming his life! There is not one single Tibetan person in India and Nepal who has received harm from Shugden; only people who follow the Dalai Lama’s hallucination believe this. The Dalai Lama himself has rejected Tibetan independence; he has already said publicly that Tibet is a part of China. Everybody knows this! So, in reality, he has destroyed Tibetan independence. It is therefore complete nonsense to say that Shugden harms Tibetan independence. You, the Tibetan Parliament, do not understand this. This is your ignorance. Previously many higher Sakya Lamas and later many higher Gelugpa lamas including Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, who is the root Guru of this present false Dalai Lama, have said that Shugden is an Enlightened Deity, the nature of the compassion and wisdom of the Buddhas. Because of your ignorance you do not understand this.

In conclusion, if you are not lying you must say publicly:
1) what is your valid reason for saying that Shugden harms the Dalai Lama’s life,
2) what is your valid reason for saying that Shugden harms the Tibetan people, and
3) what is your valid reason for saying that Shugden harms Tibetan independence.

We need your reply to be posted on your website by no later than 29th March 2014. If we do not receive your reply with your three valid reasons, which we mention above by this date, then it will be internationally recognized that the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile and the Dalai Lama are lying.

The International Shugden Community wishes to tell you, the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile, Samdong and Robert Thurman: Tibetan Parliament-in-exile, stop lying; Samdong, stop lying; Robert Thurman, stop lying; Tibetan Parliament-in-exile, stop cheating people; Samdong, stop cheating people; Robert Thurman, stop cheating people.

The International Shugden Community
20th March 2014


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Actually, we need to even question why the secular Central Tibetan Administration (no longer a parliament, by the way, whether in exile or not) would even be allowed to have this resolution on spiritual grounds. Does it not contravene its own Charter?

"Besides laying down procedures, the Charter is unique in defining the “Nature of Tibet’s Polity.” The Fundamental Principles state: “The future Tibetan Polity shall uphold the principle of non-violence and shall endeavor to be a free Social welfare State with its politics guided by the Dharma.” Dharma is clearly referred to only as an ethical code.

The Charter makes it clear that it does not promote any forms of state religion. All religious denominations are expressly assured equality before the law with the further assurance that there will be no discrimination on “grounds of birth, sex, race, religion, language, lay or ordained, social origin, rich or poor, elected position or other status.” A long list of other rights confirms the Charter’s liberal character."

The CTA's endorsement of violence against Dorje Shugden practitioners goes against the charter, as does its public condemnation of the practice. How does the ban assure equality before the law to Dorje Shugden practitioners? No discrimination? Hah.

This is the blatant hypocrisy of the CTA and it's about time they are called out on it. 
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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It is time CTA spend the effort and resources in uniting the people, rather than confusing and cheating their own people. I personally don't think they can come out with anything valid to say to answer International Shugden Community (because all their claims so far has no logic and nothing to back them up), but I am curious to know if they will ever reply :)

I thank International Shugden Community for making a stand on this matter. We cannot let CTA to simply make some baseless statement and tarnish our practice and protector.


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Well said International Shugden Community! Thank you!

I do hope CTA would response to it with facts. They have been just making baseless statement and accusing Dorje Shugden. Would be interesting to see how they can come out with logical reasoning and facts on why they should continue the ban of Dorje Shugden. If CTA cannot provide, please lift the ban and stop create schism to the Tibetan as well as Buddhist Society! Let more people be blessed and protected by Dorje Shugden! 


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This is based on the assumption that Dorje Shugden is a spirit which has been proven wrong. It is totally not following Dharma when CTA refuses to recognize Dorje Shugden as an enlightened being. In fact it breaks the refuge vows. What is more ridiculous is CTA is not following what was laid out in its Charter! Do you know what is different between lying and not lying? If you cannot differentiate that then you need to learn from others and listen to others.


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I support the effort of the International Shugden Community and their response to the Kashag resolution dated 19th March.

However, I would not go so far as to say that this is the false Dalai Lama. For to say that is insinuating that the Great Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang did not detect the falsity of this Dalai Lama, which would be ridiculous. We use the same argument about Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang can never be wrong regarding the Protector Dorje Shugden or for that matter about anything as one of the main arguments pro the Protector. Hence, we must apply the same for His view of the Dalai Lama as well. We do not know why the Dalai Lama ban this practice except to say that it is part of the great plan to promote the Protector practice but to call the Dalai Lama a fake is truly wrong. I mean why bother to protest if he is fake? But His opinion and the ban affects millions, hence he is the Dalai Lama is the eyes of the people that makes decisions. Fake or not. Omit the word fake and the response is perfect.