Author Topic: Modern Slavery is Worse  (Read 9307 times)

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Modern Slavery is Worse
« on: March 30, 2014, 07:58:36 PM »
"Many people think slavery was abolished years ago. But there are more people living in slavery today than the total number of people taken from Africa to America in the vast trans-Atlantic slave trade between the 17th and 19th centuries. And even a single person is one person too many." SOURCE: GLOBAL SLAVERY INDEX 2013

And we thought human race is progressing... seems the Greed and other 3 poisons are even stronger...

Here ia the reason why - Modern Slavery is profitable, generating at least US$32 billion in profits every year

"Slavery is our generation’s problem – and our generation must provide the solution." - SOURCE: INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATION FOR MIGRATION

You have any solution idea to offer?

The link of the full report.


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Re: Modern Slavery is Worse
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2014, 11:20:05 AM »
I think there should be laws in place to stop companies and individuals from enslaving others. This should be done immediately.  Then, there should be financial aid for children to attend schools and government led investments or incentives to create jobs. Education gives people the opportunities to be self sustaining. More jobs would mean less poverty.

When politicians do not lead for the sake of the people, it is very difficult to end slavery. The citizens must vote in a politician who sincerely works for the people of his or her nation. Otherwise, issues such as slavery will always be present. This is what happens when we do not study and practise the dharma. Our mind becomes disillusioned at the expense of ourselves and others.


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Re: Modern Slavery is Worse
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2014, 08:56:11 AM »
Slavery is driven mainly by GREED ! People/ companies/nations enslave humans for more material gains. The victims are mainly IGNORANT  and they fall prey to scams or maybe family pressures ending up being stuck as a slave and cannot find a solution to their situations. It is indeed very sad. Reminds me to some extent humans being treated as animals . Animals being in a lower realm have no control over their lives. They are ignorant and concentrate all their lives in struggle for food (except for some very lucky home pets). They have generally short lives, uncertain and full of struggle. 
They are subjected to being caged, shooting, mutilating and slaughtering. Probably some human slaves also have to go through the same tortures. Just contemplate what KARMA has brought these humans to such a life of torture. To counter this, a knowledge of karma and rebirth should lessen our alienation from other beings and rouse compassion to all sentient beings, our fellow travelers on the awful wheel of birth and death. Help those who are enslaved. We have to be united in this course of freeing all the slaves !


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Re: Modern Slavery is Worse
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2014, 11:50:08 AM »
In a globalized world,there is no cure for slavery.There will always be people that bully and manipulate others that are weak and easily exploited.
With a static society that has accepted norms and values some action can be taken to alleviate this solution,in the modern world,when people have greater freedom of movement and people can hide between cultural differences,there is a greater possibility of forms of slavery.


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Re: Modern Slavery is Worse
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2014, 06:23:18 AM »
Unless the perception of discrimination is not changing. Otherwise it will not be able to change things around. Slavery will still be rampant although it is really surprising to see it still does exist these days. In modern times, all of us practice equality and no discrimination consciously but there are still people still discriminating subconsciously.


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Re: Modern Slavery is Worse
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2014, 11:08:30 AM »
CNN has a program to expose modern day slavery within the CNN Freedom Project.

I found this on the website:

Steve McQueen speaks out against modern-day slavery
Director Steve McQueen's Oscar-winning film may have been about historical slavery, but he doesn't want the world to forget such horrors still exist.

During his best picture acceptance speech Sunday night, McQueen made poignant mention of modern-day slavery.

"Everyone deserves not just to survive, but to live," he said. "This is the most important legacy of Solomon Northup. I dedicate this award to all the people who have endured slavery, and the 21 million people who still suffer slavery today."

Read about The CNN Freedom Project: Ending Modern-Day Slavery

The British director is a patron of Anti-Slavery International, an organization that seeks to draw attention to an eradicate modern-day slavery around the world.

‘I am truly honored to have been asked to become a patron of Anti-Slavery International, the oldest anti-slavery organization in the world,"  McQueen said in a statement on the organizations website. "'Right now, there are Solomon Northups in every region of the world who have been taken away from their families and placed in slavery. I hope that 150 years from now a film will not be made about our ambivalence to slavery. We have to do something about it."


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Re: Modern Slavery is Worse
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2014, 06:11:23 AM »
As long as samsara exist I think there will be slavery of some kind. Who is not to say even employees in "normal" companies are not subject to some kind of slavery? Modern slavery is a kind of exploitation from "working" the employee long ours like my accountant friends in multi national audit firms, lol, to kids is sweat shops who have the basic human needs and right controlled. To me this is the kind of suffering in samsara that the Dharma tells us. Well, we even enslave ourselves to the trappings of the modern worlds. We call this attachment, desire and hatred ie the 3 poisons. As long as we remain in cyclic existence we are enslaved to this existence and enslavement occurs.


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Re: Modern Slavery is Worse
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2014, 06:32:21 AM »
Modern slavery is far worse then slavery in the days of early America. That is clear and it is far more difficult to battle. Many countries as in the articles rely heavily on this form of slavery to remain competitive and the exploitations of these "human resource" for the benefit of a few are closely tied to the socio-enomomy and politics of these countries. Unless these countries becomes more developed, it is almost impossible to stop these slavery. This is my humble opinion.

Kim Hyun Jae

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Re: Modern Slavery is Worse
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2014, 01:45:41 PM »
The meaning of the word "slavery" is (Especially in the past) a person who is the legal property of another and is forced to obey them; A person who works very hard without proper remuneration or appreciation; A person who is excessively dependent upon or controlled by something. Source: [url][/url

If we think about the 1st definition of slavery, when we are forced to obey when we are a legal property of another person, then we become the Slave. But if we choose NOT to obey, then we are not slaves.

In the 2nd definition, if we were not given appreciation/remuneration but instead volunteered for a cause, then its Not slavery.

Lastly, if we are controlled by something/someone who binds us to them or we depend upon a person excessively - then it is also slavery. But if we become independent our self, then its not slavery.

Harsh environment and conditions encourage those who can dominate to take advantage over the weaker and less advantage person. Slavery exists since day one of the world's existence of human and animal kingdom alike.


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Re: Modern Slavery is Worse
« Reply #9 on: April 19, 2014, 09:56:08 AM »
I think equally as bad is the poverty. :( the world distribution of wealth has become very unbalanced. Many of the people in the under developed countries are still living on less than 1 dollar a day while most of the people in the developed or developing countries are enjoying iPad and smartphone :(

This is clearly an abuse of the lack of knowledge of the workers, and most of the workers are forced to do it because there is no other way out for them. This is indeed very sad... and I wonder what is the solution to this...

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Re: Modern Slavery is Worse
« Reply #10 on: April 19, 2014, 07:21:24 PM »
Poverty and slavery are just manifestations of the 6 realms of Samsara within the human realm. This is pretty obvious if you know Lamrim and Dharma. It is good to support organizations to eliminate these pressing issues but from the standpoint of Dharma, we need to eliminate it from the root cause which is miserliness and the abuse of others. We sow what we reap and if we do not want to be under similar conditions, do not create the cause. The laws of karma cannot be more potent in understanding the human condition. May we develop immeasurable merits to realize karma and cut it at its root causes.


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Re: Modern Slavery is Worse
« Reply #11 on: April 20, 2014, 03:27:49 PM »
To think that in this 21st century that the world have progressed. And yet slavery still exists in this modern time. To make money from this trade is creating so much negative karma for themselves. Karma is cause and effect and what goes round comes around. When the time is ripe.


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Re: Modern Slavery is Worse
« Reply #12 on: May 02, 2014, 10:19:55 AM »
Slavery is not uncommon... and it will exist as long as there are countries that continue to deprive their citizens of education. I am not surprised to read that slavery is still in existence today, because there are many countries out there that do not provide proper opportunity for their people to get out of poverty or to improve their lives.

Although it is nice to see people actually caring and trying to campaign against modern day slavery, but I feel this is all the works of individual and collective karma. And the reason why no matter how hard we work to abolish something like slavery, on the surface it may have disappeared for many people's views, but behind the scene, it will still exist. The effort to make the world of equality really is a dream, until everyone take charge of their own actions, that dream will not materialize.

As cruel as it may sound, there is really nothing we can do about modern day slavery because the effect has already taken place. You abolish something, you boycott something, or you create some new rule... all it will do is change the current slavery to another form of slavery.


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Re: Modern Slavery is Worse
« Reply #13 on: May 03, 2014, 07:04:30 AM »
Slavery is slavery, I wouldn't say modern slavery is worse. We human has it in us to want to dominate those weaker than us and make others abide to our doings. The hard truth about slavery is what we don't want to see. Mankind has never truly abolished slavery just hide them under different name. While we no longer use slavery laws to bind people to our services but we do use patriotism, religion, blackmail, threats, etc to continue to gain servitude that may not have been offered voluntarily. Open your eyes, slavery is everywhere. We are slaves to Wall Street, to Hollywood, to the cosmetic industries, to relationships, to our very existence, our so called life on earth we are a slave. We are all slaves!


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Re: Modern Slavery is Worse
« Reply #14 on: May 05, 2014, 04:13:17 AM »
Talking about modern slavery, Is employing domestic workers-so called Maids; slavery? We are all slaves of samsara. Personally, the obvious slavery now that we can see is ill treatment of maids in some of the countries especially asians countries whose people employed domestic workers from 3rd world countries as they are poor and needs cash to survive.  there are cases of ill treatment, sleeping in enclosure, no decent meals and rest. i consider these as slavery too. shadows of slavery.