Author Topic: Is Dr Lobsang Sangay a Chinese National?  (Read 12068 times)


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Is Dr Lobsang Sangay a Chinese National?
« on: April 07, 2014, 09:33:41 AM »
What is happening in the Tibetan politics?  Dr Lobsang Sangay's loyalty is being questioned.  Has he been sold over to the Chinese or is he working under the pretext of a highly ambitious politician aiming at the Chinese Presidential post to recover Tibet? 

"Mr Sangay went on to describe how he is portrayed in Tibetan thankas (religious paintings) in the place of a deity. He claimed that he had received His Holiness’ approval, and moreover that His Holiness had reasoned that other lay people like past Chinese emperors had also been portrayed in thangkas".   It would be interesting to view this thangka.  I wonder if Dorje Shugden is also depicted in the thangka as his protector?

Is Tibetan PM-in-exile Sangay a ‘Chinese national’?
Apr 04, 2014 - Maura Moynihan | Age Correspondent

When Steven Spielberg recently announced that he is shifting his film production to a spanking new $2.5-billion facility in Shanghai, one wondered if the director of Schindler’s List was briefed about the millions of Chinese people murdered by Mao’s regime and the millions still imprisoned in China’s labour camp system.
The legitimisation of China’s one-party dictatorship continues apace, but not everyone is on board for the ride; at the recent World Economic Forum session in Davos, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe gave a powerful oration telling the Western powers that they should make clear whose side they are on — Communist China or Asia’s democracies, Japan and India chief among them.

India is one of the few nations left standing that can mount a moral and strategic defence against China’s rise. While Western nations can appease Communist China, India must contend with increasing Chinese military incursions into its territory from occupied Tibet. India has given sanctuary to thousands of Tibetan refugees, notably Tibetan Buddhists who are persecuted by the Chinese state for practising their ancient faith. Thus the pro-China stance of the “Prime Minister” of the Tibetan government-in-exile based in Dharamsala, Lobsang Sangay, is all the more disturbing.

In a May 2013 speech at the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington, Mr Sangay stated that henceforth the Tibetan movement would abandon democracy as a goal, accept Communist rule in Tibet in its present structure, and accede to China’s full “discretion” in militarising the Tibetan plateau. This took many by surprise, but Mr Sangay’s pro-China drift has been some time in coming. While studying at Harvard Law School, Mr Sangay made a very public alliance with Ms Hu Xiaojiang, whom intelligence sources identify as a Chinese ministry of state security co-optee. Ms Hu was so trusted by the Chinese government that it allowed her access to the ultra-sensitive government archives in Lhasa to research her 2003 Ph.D. thesis on Chinese migration into Tibet. (Ms Hu makes special note of Mr Sangay in her acknowledgements).
In a defensive speech at the Tibetan parliament-in-exile in Dharamsala on March 22 this year, Mr Sangay tried to evade questions over his use of “Overseas Chinese National” travel papers on an academic junket to Beijing and Shanghai in 2005. Mr Sangay had long denied that he made this trip on “Overseas Chinese National” documents until he was confronted with irrefutable evidence in 2011 (a clip of this exchange can be seen on YouTube). The issue of concern is his willingness to declare himself as a Chinese “national” while continuing to hold a Tibetan refugee identity card issued by the Indian government.

In the same speech before the Tibetan parliament, Mr Sangay also refused to explain how he managed to pay off a $227,000 mortgage just one week before he became PM of the government-in-exile. In all representative democracies, candidates must disclose the source of their finances, but Mr Sangay will not explain how, just four years after buying a house near Boston, he paid off a quarter-million dollar mortgage in full, and with such fortuitous timing. No one would begrudge him his good fortune if he has a patron who supports Tibetan democracy, so why is he unable to provide a full account of how his mortgage disappeared overnight? Prior to the grilling he got in Dharamshala, Mr Sangay gave a public talk on March 5 at the Washington headquarters of the National Endowment for Democracy, where he stated that his abandonment of democracy and acquiescence to Chinese militarisation was no different than the policy laid out in a memorandum issued by his predecessor, but a careful reading of that document shows Mr Sangay’s assertion to be insupportable. Mr Sangay went on to describe how he is portrayed in Tibetan thankas (religious paintings) in the place of a deity. He claimed that he had received His Holiness’ approval, and moreover that His Holiness had reasoned that other lay people like past Chinese emperors had also been portrayed in thankas.

What does Mr Sangay’s comparison of himself to a Chinese emperor reveal about his ambitions? When Mr Sangay said that he embraced Chinese Communist rule, the courageous Beijing-based Tibetan writer Tsering Woeser said she felt like she had been “punched in the gut”. Ms Woeser had joked that Mr Sangay should join the Chinese Communist Party since he wants to be the “Obama of China”, a reference to a talk Mr Sangay gave back in 2008, when he said: “I nominate myself as the next President of China”.

In this context, Mr Sangay’s language regarding His Holiness the Dalai Lama is also cause for concern. In a 2003 article entitled “Tibet: Exiles’ Journey”, Mr Sangay refers to His Holiness the Dalai Lama as “the lama” 15 times — a level of disrespect usually seen only in Chinese Communist propaganda. In this same article, Mr Sangay describes the old Tibet as “feudal” and Buddhist monks as “reactionary”. Again, this is language seen only in Chinese propaganda tracts about Tibet, as a Google search of Xinhua articles will reveal. As India faces a growing threat across the Himalayas from Chinese-occupied Tibet, it must ask itself: Who is this ambitious young Tibetan exile politician, what are his ambitions, and where do his loyalties lie?

Maura Moynihan is a journalist and Tibet analyst based in New York


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Re: Is Dr Lobsang Sangay a Chinese National?
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2014, 10:13:42 AM »
This article is inaccurate in its assumptions over a couple of points:

1) that Lobsang Sangay has any kind of influence in Tibetan politics. Everyone knows hes nowt more than a puppet controlled by the administration

2) that Lobsang Sangay made the momentous decision about being anti-Tibetan independence, without consulting the Kashag first. First of, the Dalai Lama was the one who gave up the goal of full independence, for autonomy in the way of Hong Kong

The author basically reveals that democracy in Tibetan society is a failed experiment because the Tibetans couldn't even vet their candidates for their pro-China links, even though its such a big deal to them..and then on top of that, even voted them in.

And also that their petty because after 50 years, they are STILL accusing people who failed in their jobs to be pro-Chinese. Cmon, did they SERIOUSLY think Lobsang Sangay could get Tibetan independence when the Dalai Lama could not?

Tibetans are clearly very easily strung along so its no surprise that when the ban came along, the Dalai Lama basically created hundreds of thousands of parrots spewing anti-Shugden rhetoric without understanding what their really saying. You need only look at the DS Facebook Fanpage for the anti-Shugden comments to see that their without much substance, information or logic.


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Re: Is Dr Lobsang Sangay a Chinese National?
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2014, 02:09:58 PM »
Maybe Lobsang Sangay is Dorje Shugden's ace in the hole. Instead of Dorje Shugden practitioners being Chinese spies, the biggest spy is actually at the helm of the CTA and one day soon, he will lift the ban!

OK, ok, i know that's rather whimsical but heck. It's a slow Monday and I can always dream! Have a good week, all.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Is Dr Lobsang Sangay a Chinese National?
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2014, 04:21:55 PM »
Dr Lobsang is a politician. From portraying himself on a Thangka ala the Chinese emperors to traveling on an "Overseas Chinese" travel papers, he has shown his street wiseness. No wonder he is the Prime Minister. It is well known that the Dalai Lama has opted for semi autonomy for Tibet rather then independence for some time now and perhaps Mr Sangay's connection with China can help the HHDL's cause. The CTA is really in trouble with the Tibetans now that Mr Sangay is a doubtful "Tibetan" for the major difference dissension of the Tibetans with the HHDL is about what the CTA seek from China. Autonomy or independence?

Solomon Lang

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Re: Is Dr Lobsang Sangay a Chinese National?
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2014, 05:05:55 PM »
Tibetan proverb says:

Solomon's Judgement: 2 women came to resolve a quarrel over which was d true mother of a baby. When Solomon suggested they should divide d child in two with a sword, one said she would rather give up d child than see it killed. Solomon then declared d woman who showed compassion 2b the true mother.

Solomon Lang

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Re: Is Dr Lobsang Sangay a Chinese National?
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2014, 05:18:32 PM »
When and how is the CTA going to hold elections?
Solomon's Judgement: 2 women came to resolve a quarrel over which was d true mother of a baby. When Solomon suggested they should divide d child in two with a sword, one said she would rather give up d child than see it killed. Solomon then declared d woman who showed compassion 2b the true mother.


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Re: Is Dr Lobsang Sangay a Chinese National?
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2014, 01:51:44 AM »
Slowly we can start to see the real Mr Sangay. Is he the fighter for Tibetan independence or just a mere puppet who are just executing the orders of his superiors? From the article, which seems to attack the Prime Minister, it does have it's valid points on how could a mortgage be paid overnight just before being appointed the highest post in the Government and refuse to explain to his people. Was he paid off? If that is so, that also explains why he is willing to accept China's rule on Tibet instead of seeking for independence of which the original Tibetan cause was mooted and fought by the Dalai Lama.

Whether Mr Sangay is a Chinee National or not, it doesn't matter but the fact that he is eyeing on the top spot of the Chinese Government means that he will be willing to bow down to his bosses to get to the top. This is my assumption but let's see whether this is true. Time will tell.


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Re: Is Dr Lobsang Sangay a Chinese National?
« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2014, 05:58:52 PM »
Tibetan proverb says:


This, I do not understand. Care to explain?


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Re: Is Dr Lobsang Sangay a Chinese National?
« Reply #8 on: April 13, 2014, 10:04:01 AM »
Mr Sangay went on to describe how he is portrayed in Tibetan thankas (religious paintings) in the place of a deity. He claimed that he had received His Holiness’ approval, and moreover that His Holiness had reasoned that other lay people like past Chinese emperors had also been portrayed in thangkas

It is true that past Chinese emperors had been portrayed in thangkas.  The three thangkas here depict Emperor Qianlong as the central figure.  Tibetans believed Qing Emperor Qianlong was Manjushri. 

Qing Emperors were known as great contributors to Buddhism in China and Tibet.  They ruled China wisely and brought about unity and harmony within the different ethnic groups in China through promoting Buddhism.  Qing Emperors also enjoyed close relationships with the Dalai Lamas.  Together with Chinese Emperor Dao Guang and the 11th Dalai Lama, patron and lama together, they all praised and enthroned Gyalchen Dorje Shugden as principal protector of the Yellow Hat Teachings.

Where else, what have Dr Lobsang Sangay contributed to Tibet and Buddhism to warrant his image instead of a deity to be portrayed on a thangka?  On the contrary, it is the CTA who have caused splits within their own Tibetan community by both enforcing the Dorje Shugden ban and taking sides in the Karmapa controversy.  Hence causing millions to suffer for their discrimination and abuses.  Unless of course Dr Lobsang Sangay can prove us wrong by revoking the ban thereby uniting his community and set forth to deliver a peaceful return of Tibetans in exile to their homeland.  If he can deliver this, he will definitely deserve the world biggest thangka one can ever commission with Dorje Shugden as the Protector.


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Re: Is Dr Lobsang Sangay a Chinese National?
« Reply #9 on: April 15, 2014, 08:04:57 AM »
I can't believe that Mr. Sangay would actually think he is qualified enough to be on a thangka?! Like what has he done for his people to unite them, unlike the Emperors of China that actually did something magnificent. WHat has he done to make himself sound so great and noble? This is really a joke!

I guess the Tibetan Leaders are really at a confuse state, just where does the Tibetans now stand if their own PM is basically saying he is willing to accept and agree with China's leaders. Perhaps this is their tactic to somehow get a footing back in to Tibet, but I bet it is no where near because if all this was true, then why on earth are the Chinese still opposing anything associated with the Dalai Lama? The news may be just another propaganda to scrutinize the Tibetan Leaders and to perhaps show Tibetans in Tibet that there is no way they are ever going to get their independence. Then what was all the "self-immolation" for which the CTA and Sangay himself has directly applauded and indirectly encouraged its people. Sounds like Tibetans have very shady leaders. I wonder what they must be thinking when reading all this?

Solomon Lang

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Re: Is Dr Lobsang Sangay a Chinese National?
« Reply #10 on: April 19, 2014, 06:36:47 AM »
Tibetan proverb says:


This, I do not understand. Care to explain?

Credulity is a state of willingness to believe in one or many people or things in the absence of reasonable proof or knowledge.
Solomon's Judgement: 2 women came to resolve a quarrel over which was d true mother of a baby. When Solomon suggested they should divide d child in two with a sword, one said she would rather give up d child than see it killed. Solomon then declared d woman who showed compassion 2b the true mother.


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Re: Is Dr Lobsang Sangay a Chinese National?
« Reply #11 on: June 24, 2014, 04:10:42 PM »
Hmm... it is sure interesting...


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Re: Is Dr Lobsang Sangay a Chinese National?
« Reply #12 on: June 25, 2014, 07:04:51 AM »
A very interesting article. First, he's mentioning himself in the same breath as the great Chinese Qing Emperors, then he disparages H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama, and he does not bother to account for the sudden disappearance of his mortgage. A very interesting person indeed, is this Dr Lobsang Sangay.

Starting to sound like Idi Amin except for the cannibalism part

diamond girl

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Re: Is Dr Lobsang Sangay a Chinese National?
« Reply #13 on: June 25, 2014, 10:13:34 AM »
This is a good and thought provoking article on this scholar-turned-prime-minister of Tibet! Although Dr Lobsang Sangay didn't independently decide to abandon democracy for Tibet.

In a May 2013 speech at the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington, Mr Sangay stated that henceforth the Tibetan movement would abandon democracy as a goal, accept Communist rule in Tibet in its present structure, and accede to China’s full “discretion” in militarising the Tibetan plateau. This took many by surprise, but Mr Sangay’s pro-China drift has been some time in coming.

After all, didn't the Dalai Lama seek autonomy rather than independence for the longest time. So don't pin that on poor old Lobsang Sangay. He was just following the Dalai Lama's line as he usually does - including the Shugden ban. If he was so pro-China, he would lift the ban and declare that he was merely following the Tibetan constitution which grants freedom of religion. I don't think he is a Chinese spy (don't the CTA always accuse Shugden practitioners of being Chinese spies? Perhaps this is karma!)

Though i'm still curious how he paid off his mortgage...

christine V

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Re: Is Dr Lobsang Sangay a Chinese National?
« Reply #14 on: July 05, 2014, 10:03:17 AM »
On March 22 this year, Mr Sangay tried to evade questions over his use of “Overseas Chinese National” travel papers on an academic junket to Beijing and Shanghai in 2005. Mr Sangay had long denied that he made this trip on “Overseas Chinese National” documents until he was confronted with irrefutable evidence in 2011 (a clip of this exchange can be seen on YouTube). The issue of concern is his willingness to declare himself as a Chinese “national” while continuing to hold a Tibetan refugee identity card issued by the Indian government.

In the same speech before the Tibetan parliament, Mr Sangay also refused to explain how he managed to pay off a $227,000 mortgage just one week before he became PM of the government-in-exile.

Mr Sangay went on to describe how he is portrayed in Tibetan thankas (religious paintings) in the place of a deity.... Mr Sangay gave back in 2008, when he said: “I nominate myself as the next President of China”.

Thanks Icy for this wonderful post

Right! Mr. Sangay definitely is ambitious enough to tell lies to brain wash the Tibetan youth on the ban. Even, when the students insisted on there were ban and discrimination going on in Tibet, he can still lies there were no ban! ( references : Students' questions

With the statement that he have a house in USA. No wonder he do not really care the welfare of Tibetan refugees. All he care is to get fame from this ban and uses Dalai Lama as stepping stone for his political success.

China Nationality or not, infact once he uses the China Nationality this have strong proof, he is betraying CTA and Dalai Lama. No wonder he is so strongly against Dorje Shugden and imposed on the ban to divert the facts that he is China Nationality... wow!