Author Topic: British Woman Tourist to be Deported Over Buddha Tattoo  (Read 14995 times)


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Re: British Woman Tourist to be Deported Over Buddha Tattoo
« Reply #15 on: April 26, 2014, 11:55:58 PM »
Is this highlighted to tourists before they enter Sri Lanka?

It is the task of tourists to inform themselves about the country they want to visit. Try to enter Germany with a swastika tattoo, and complain about ”highlights” while enjoying your 5 years in prison.

Otherwise, it's really harsh to deport someone because of their tattoo.

Try to enter US with your Taliban tattoo, and complain about ”harshness” while undergoing officially sanctioned torture in Guantanamo.

Buddhism is about acceptance and tolerance.

If so, why don't you accept and tolerate the laws and traditions of Sri Lankans? Why do you want to impose on them Western rules, instead of respecting their rules and traditions? This is because you are not yet a Buddhist; rather, you are still possessed by the Jewish obsession with setting rules for other peoples.

It's about mind transformation resulting from one's practice of Buddha's teachings.

If so, why don't you transform your own mind, and refrain from the Jewish sociopathic and intolerant attitude of telling other peoples how they are allowed or not to behave?

By behaving in a non tolerant manner, it doesn't reflect well on Buddhists in general.

Which is a god reason for you to transform your own Jewish-conditioned sociopathic behavior.

It shows our attachment to outer trappings.

And inner trappings as well, as the Jewish sociopathic mania of telling other peoples how they should behave is internal.

The best way to inspire others of our practice is by our actions and not our words.

Which practice do you want to inspire others of? Your practice of intolerance against Sri Lankan Buddhist traditions?


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Re: British Woman Tourist to be Deported Over Buddha Tattoo
« Reply #16 on: April 27, 2014, 11:14:24 AM »
This is something ridiculous. Buddhism is supposed to be compassionate and there is no sign of compassion for the British women.
In another point of view it could be a blessing is disguise as this news help to spread Buddhism too.


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Re: British Woman Tourist to be Deported Over Buddha Tattoo
« Reply #17 on: April 27, 2014, 03:43:22 PM »
is this something like a suppressing religious freedom again?


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Re: British Woman Tourist to be Deported Over Buddha Tattoo
« Reply #18 on: April 27, 2014, 03:48:25 PM »
This is something ridiculous. Buddhism is supposed to be compassionate and there is no sign of compassion for the British women.

You confound compassion with debauchery. Sri Lanka authorities, as opposed to brutal, murderous British law enforcement authorities, were kind and compassionate, and in no way mistreated the British woman.

Still, they did not allow for acts of debauchery against the Three Jewels, which is another act of compassion.

Now, wanting to force your own cultural preconceptions on other peoples, thus showing disrespect for their traditions, religion, and customs, as you do, is a gross act of violence and lack of compassion.

Therefore, while bragging about ”compassion” you are the first one showing your anti-Buddhist penchant for violence.


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Re: British Woman Tourist to be Deported Over Buddha Tattoo
« Reply #19 on: April 27, 2014, 03:59:43 PM »
is this something like a suppressing religious freedom again?

Rather the opposite. The repression of anti-Budddhist acts of debauchery by foreigners ensures the religious freedom of Sri Lankans, thus putting an end to 500 years of Western violation of Sri Lankan human rights, including religious freedom.

Actually all such anti-Buddhist propaganda by Western Jewish-controlled press is intended at covering the brutal religious persecution taking place in Palestine, where millions of Muslims and Christians are kept by Jews in open air extermination camps such as Gaza and West Bank.

Freyr Aesiragnorak

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Re: British Woman Tourist to be Deported Over Buddha Tattoo
« Reply #20 on: April 28, 2014, 10:25:25 AM »
There are many aspects to this, in my opinion. The first being that yes, a country has it's own belief systems, culture and laws, which should be respected when traveling there. I have come across many examples of how what would be considered normal in western countries are entirely frowned upon or illegal in other countries, such as restrictions of clothing in some parts of the world.

Each country or peoples have their own rights to protect their culture, heritage and way of life, but i see no reason why the woman would have to be deported. She could simply be told to make sure that the tattoo was covered up while in the country and given a warning that if she did not, then she would face deportation. This is the way I would have handled the situation, however this is only my personal opinion. I'm sure the woman did not come into the country specifically with the intent of offending anyone, but she should have checked, the customs and laws of the country before travelling, especially whe traveling to a country so different in culture and law that the one she came from.


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Re: British Woman Tourist to be Deported Over Buddha Tattoo
« Reply #21 on: April 30, 2014, 02:22:24 AM »
hmmm...thought Buddhism is all about tolerance and letting go. Why do we build Buddha images, print Buddha prints, wear Buddha pendant, wear holy mantras? If we can wear Buddha pendants and other amulets around our neck, why not the arm? Maybe they arrested her for other images tattooed elsewhere on her body that cannot be shown due to it's inappropriate location!

Tenzin K

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Re: British Woman Tourist to be Deported Over Buddha Tattoo
« Reply #22 on: May 03, 2014, 05:35:49 AM »
I believe every individual will have they ways on how they show their respect towards their own believes and eventually it comes down to intent. Some people would have tattoo on their body to show their love and as one with the object of the tattoo. Of course I’m not referring to those tattoo place at the disrespect area/part of the body but for such a religious country, it’s their perception on how one should regards their believes in a respectful manner.

In this case I would not say I agree nor disagree as I can tell the intent of that lady with the Buddha tattoo but what I would emphasize here is that each area, places or country will have their own perception on how they respect their believes and we should respect and not to offend them. If we respect other people believe and cultures people will do the same and is better we always check the sensitivity of the place towards their culture and believe so we can be aware not to offend anyone.

This is one of the Buddhist practice which bring harmony no matter what skin color your are, what culture you are or what religious you are, it will just bring harmony.

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: British Woman Tourist to be Deported Over Buddha Tattoo
« Reply #23 on: May 11, 2014, 02:39:48 PM »
The Sri Lankan immigration were being over sensitive for the action they have taken on the British tourist. I do not see the harm she is causing by having a Buddha image tattooed on her right arm. In fact, the image would plant a Buddha seed in the minds of everyone who lay a gaze upon it.
Being deported from a country with strong Buddhist beliefs for having a Buddha tattoo on one's arm seems illogical.


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Re: British Woman Tourist to be Deported Over Buddha Tattoo
« Reply #24 on: June 17, 2014, 12:54:51 PM »
I read this post with great interest, I remember once I was at a local Tibetan temple during a holy ceremony. Devotees lining up to greet the visiting Sangha and a young four years old reincarnate Tulku. Albeit the constant announcement to advice devotees to refrain from touching the young Tulku head many still do so as it is ours norm to shows affections by touching head’s of cute toddle.
The temple committee has no choice but to put up a human barricade to stop all who attending the ceremony form getting near to the young Tulku. This resulted many in the crowd remark the action take as sign of arrogant and why a Sangha should behave like holier than thou. It shows that most of us simply could not follow simple rules!

If we check within ourselves how many do remember their refuge vows and 12 commitments by heart and put it into practice daily, we will see that that majority of us could not even be considered a Buddhist.
Why there’re rules such as the refuge vows and commitments was there if all of us could practice tolerance and loving kindness?
The Sri Lankan’s government should have ample of reasons and right to protect their culture and religion from outside inferences. When we practice tolerance and understanding their need to do so there would be not be an issue of deporting the mentioned tourist.


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Re: British Woman Tourist to be Deported Over Buddha Tattoo
« Reply #25 on: June 19, 2014, 12:02:58 PM »
The Sri Lankan immigration were being over sensitive for the action they have taken on the British tourist.

Rather, Westerners have been over-abusive in their continued arrogant, colonial, attitude against Sri Lankans, who are therefore fully entitled to protect their culture the way they find best.


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Re: British Woman Tourist to be Deported Over Buddha Tattoo
« Reply #26 on: June 19, 2014, 04:12:21 PM »
The image of Buddha to remind us of the quality of Buddha that we need to cultivate and achieve in order to be enlightened. Anyone that see an image Buddha will get the blessing.

Tattoo is an art on the body. Buddha image is an art piece too. I think this is also a creative way to promote the Buddhism thru tattoo.  People will only tattoo things they like and things that they like to share with others. People also will tattoo something they want to remember, like someone they love, a special date & etc. If one love the tattoo, definitely it didn't mean to hurt other religious feeling. There is really no need for the for the deportation.

When one is too attached to something, they will do things to protect it and in the end, they are doing something that is not right without they themselves realising it.


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Re: British Woman Tourist to be Deported Over Buddha Tattoo
« Reply #27 on: June 20, 2014, 08:54:11 AM »
When one is too attached to something, they will do things to protect it and in the end, they are doing something that is not right without they themselves realising it.

So true. Disgruntled ex-colonizers (any anyone introjecting their views) are too attached to the habit of insolently setting rules to Buddhist cultures, they will do things to protect their vicious habit, and in the end they will keep blabbering about what Buddhist cultures and countries should do and be without they themselves even realizing how ridiculously arrogant they are.