Author Topic: Domo Rinpoche's monastery in Phedong attacked!  (Read 18770 times)


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Re: Domo Rinpoche's monastery in Phedong attacked!
« Reply #30 on: June 28, 2014, 08:53:22 PM »
Based on the latest news, there is a second attack on Domo Geshe Ripoche's monastery in Phedong!!

CTA has created a lot of hatred among the Tibetan towards the Shugden practitioners. From the published of the hit list of 20 Shugden practitioners who participated in the protest, adding the additional of 14 names to the hit lists, then the letter from United Front of the Tibetan People threatening they will take further actions, we see more violence now. 
CTA is a liar. They said they are treating all Tibetan equally, democratic and support religious freedom. However, look at what they have done!!! They are stirring up hatred among the people and fighting against they own Tibetan people just because they practice Dorje Shugden. In addition, they are creating disharmony in India that has kindly let them stayed there.

The ban must come down. For the peace of Tibetan and for world peace!


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Re: Domo Rinpoche's monastery in Phedong attacked!
« Reply #31 on: June 28, 2014, 09:40:46 PM »
Here is the Facebook link to the current fundraiser. Over $500 has been raised in the first hour!
These monks need our help!!!

Thank you Losang Tenpa for the link (except that it has nothing to do with Facebook). Wonderful website. Extremely easy to contribute, just a few clicks. Already joyfully made my little contribution.

Current total $1,199 from 27 contributors, after only 5 hours.

Potential contributors please consider that even a small amount of US$ convert into lot of Indian rupees.

It would be nice to see similar fundraising campaigns for Shar Gaden and Serpom Monasteries.


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Re: Domo Rinpoche's monastery in Phedong attacked!
« Reply #32 on: June 29, 2014, 12:29:33 AM »
Here is the Facebook link to the current fundraiser. Over $500 has been raised in the first hour!
These monks need our help!!!

Thank you Losang Tenpa for the link (except that it has nothing to do with Facebook). Wonderful website. Extremely easy to contribute, just a few clicks. Already joyfully made my little contribution.

Current total $1,199 from 27 contributors, after only 5 hours.

Potential contributors please consider that even a small amount of US$ convert into lot of Indian rupees.

It would be nice to see similar fundraising campaigns for Shar Gaden and Serpom Monasteries.

Yes, so many people have chipped in. Very,very nice.
The Sangha Jewels Projects actually has some fundraising campaigns for the monasteries coming up, as well as a 'sponsor a monk' program. The monasteries are very grateful for all of the support they have received.

Here is a link to the Sangha Jewels Project's website:

Tenzin K

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Re: Domo Rinpoche's monastery in Phedong attacked!
« Reply #33 on: June 29, 2014, 04:27:43 AM »
IT’s so sad to see that the anti Shugden monks together with the lay people invaded Gaden Choling Monastery AGAIN!. How can the monks treat their own Sangha members as such and not only the Sangha members but their own Gurus’s Monastery. Creating disharmony, threat and violent is what we cannot do especially for people holding vows. Where is their Guru devotion to protect their Guru’s belonging & properties? Whether they agree on the Sangha members practicing Lord Shugden doesn’t mean that they can harm them. The CTA involvement has created so much negative action and damages toward the Sangha community. We can see clearly the separation that the Dalai Lama enforced and with CTA carried out the action towards the Shugden practitioners it’s totally against human rights and freedom.

The second invaded by the monks and lay people to Gaden Choling ( during the 49 the prayer for Kusho Pasang showing they have no respect and definitely a plot. CTA has just kept damaging their own country people and keep weaken their community strength. They can stop saying to look for freedom as they don’t even give freedom for their own people for religions practice with what right they request/fight for? With the direction and action of the Tibetan leader will just make the country gone from the sight and what left will be just a history that being a laughing stock of how the Tibetan leader damage their own country.

The world should know the CTA dirty and cruel action and more people should fight for the ban to be lifted to prove that human right is exist and being practice by all the people in the world for harmony and happiness of all mankind.


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Re: Domo Rinpoche's monastery in Phedong attacked!
« Reply #34 on: June 29, 2014, 07:47:16 AM »
Audacious and malicious is how I would describe the 2nd attack of Domo Geshe's monastery in Phedong. The first attack by the monks of Tharpa Choling Mnonastery took place on May 18, just 1 week after the passing of Kusho Pasang-la. This 2nd attack is on the 49th day , the last day in bardo for Kusho Pasang-la. How unfeeling and callous for monks to attack  a monastery where other monks are in crucial and sacred prayers for their much loved monastery caretaker .Hooliganism of this nature is already bad, when practiced by lay people, but really this is too much when monks join laity in this attack.

So what if they are pro-Dalai Lama loyalists. They were students of the second Domo Geshe, and practiced Shugden ,like he did, until his death. Then overnight, they turned against their Lama and the Protector. They found a candidate for succession as the incarnate of the second Domo Geshe, and brought him to  the Dalai Lama to be recognized as the incarnation! Now they attack a monastery of Domo Geshe, because he is a Shugden practitioner!

The CTA incited them, with acts such as the publication of the hit-list. Now the CTA and the Dalai Lama just keep quiet and do nothing. With such an attitude from the authorities, we can expect more bold attacks on monks and monasteries!


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Re: Domo Rinpoche's monastery in Phedong attacked!
« Reply #35 on: June 29, 2014, 11:50:00 AM »
Is there nothing the CTA won't do?

It seems that there is no limit for CTA in what they are willing to do, there are not bound by ethics which one would not try to take away property's that is not theirs .

They have no shame or decency because before the caretaker finished his last pujas sending him off to his next life they come invading again. The positive thing about this is the Indian police especially are beginning to get to know about how the Tibetans are behaving.

Soon there will be a ruling about the monastery, may Dorje Shugden emerge the victor as it is mentioned in the Nyirtoe.


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Re: Domo Rinpoche's monastery in Phedong attacked!
« Reply #36 on: June 29, 2014, 01:21:07 PM »

This shameful act of violence by attacking Gaden Choling Monastery for the second time, especially at this solemn and sacred ceremony revealed their aggressive behavior. It is pure logic of their intention to wipe out all  Dorje Shugden practitioners.Who are the real spirit or demon worshippers after all?


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Re: Domo Rinpoche's monastery in Phedong attacked!
« Reply #37 on: June 29, 2014, 03:24:09 PM »
How shameful of the Tibetan people to charge in and attack Domo Rinpoche's monastery in Phedong and then drag out the monks staying there.
How can the police not do anything? Are they with the CTA or with the people of Tibet?
Buddhism taught us to be compassion. Where is the compassion then?


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Re: Domo Rinpoche's monastery in Phedong attacked!
« Reply #38 on: June 29, 2014, 06:22:47 PM »
How can the police not do anything? Are they with the CTA or with the people of Tibet?

Indian police is known for their corruption. While they should not be on either side (CTA or the people of Tibet), but on the law's side, they are often on the side of money. And dalaites have plenty of dirty money to bribe Indian police officials,whence their unlawful behavior.


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Re: Domo Rinpoche's monastery in Phedong attacked!
« Reply #39 on: July 03, 2014, 09:48:55 AM »

Court day of Domo Geshe Rinpoches Monastery. July 1st 2014. 
Video taken today (July 1st) outside of the court house in Kalimpong, India. The case might not be decided in one day but we need your prayers, so that the truth prevails.


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Re: Domo Rinpoche's monastery in Phedong attacked!
« Reply #40 on: July 05, 2014, 09:40:31 AM »
Om Benza Wiki Witrana Soha, may the truth and Dorje Shugden win the day as per the prayer Nyirtoe.

The Anti Shugden people are really big trouble makers, they are not interested in doing practices or developing their minds or compassion. And now they have followed CTA to make a claim on property that is not theirs for the taking.  The moment they have not even stepped into the court the Anti Shugden people start to quarrel with the Indian police.

We need to make this video well known to the world. I do hope the monks have adequate legal advice going into this case.


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Re: Domo Rinpoche's monastery in Phedong attacked!
« Reply #41 on: July 07, 2014, 03:29:25 AM »
It is really sad to see sangha members in the video and all the videos I have watched where lay people verbally and physically abused innocent people. These people have not broken the law of the land yet those anti Dorje Shugden people take actions into their own hands. Surely the Dalai Lama would have heard of such violent actions, yet he remains oblivious and claims he did not receive such reports from his office. With this, the CTA is getting bolder and bolder, using its power and inciting the anti Dorje Shugden group to wreak more havoc on the innocent and peace loving people who just want to be left alone with their Dorje Shugden practice.

For those sponsors of the Dalai Lama and CTA: Why are you giving your hard earned money to them to continue with this atrocity? Did you sponsor for the growth of dharma or what? 


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Re: Domo Rinpoche's monastery in Phedong attacked!
« Reply #42 on: July 07, 2014, 03:40:48 AM »
It doesn't take a lot for the less Dharmic people who claims to be in Dharma to be provoked and to break their vows of non violence. Strange but true! This is a needless example and I shudder to think what else is going to happen. When will the Dalai Lama and the CTA stop? How much karma the Dalai Lama wants to purify? Stop this suffering please for both sides. Aren't there other methods?
I hope this is really worth it. That is when the ban is lifted, the practice of Lama Tsongkhapa and the Protector will spread to the ten directions for this to be worth it.


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Re: Domo Rinpoche's monastery in Phedong attacked!
« Reply #43 on: August 02, 2014, 09:58:49 AM »

Kathmandu:  Nepal reversed course and decided on Tuesday to allow the body of a revered Tibetan Buddhist monk to be brought into the country and cremated, a government minister said.

The decision to permit Shamar Rinpoche's body to be brought in from India and cremated at his monastery just outside Kathmandu, Nepal's capital, was made at a Cabinet meeting, Information Minister Minendra Risal said.

Nepal's government had previously stopped Rinpoche's followers from bringing the body into the country, saying the monk was a Bhutanese national. Some, however, accused the government of fearing anti-China protests by Tibetans during the funeral procession, which is expected to be attended by thousands of Rinpoche's followers.

Nepal does not allow Tibetan exiles to protest against China, and police are quick to break up any demonstrations. The occasional anti-China protests have been embarrassing for the Nepalese government, and Beijing has pressured Nepal to stop them.

After the 62-year-old Rinpoche died of a heart attack in Germany last month, his body was flown to India for his followers there to pay their last respects. Nepal's government initially gave permission for the body to then be taken to Nepal, but changed its mind and denied its entry.

The body, meanwhile, has remained in Kalimpong in northeast India.

Rinpoche's followers in Nepal had been pressuring the government to allow the body in, but a decision was delayed because Prime Minister Sushil Koirala was in the United States for cancer treatment and returned home only last week.

Risal, the information minister, said the government decided to let the body into the country because of Rinpoche's contribution to Buddhism in Nepal.

Rinpoche, who built his monastery in the northeastern hills of Kathmandu and preached there for several years, has followers in Nepal, India, Bhutan and European nations. His followers said it was his wish to be cremated at his monastery.

The cremation is expected to take place on Thursday.

The Nepalese are quite compassionate, despite Shamar Rinpoche choice of the Karmapa not being supported by Chinese, they allowed Shamar Rinpoche to be buried in Nepal. Nepal has close ties with China naturally. At least the Nepalis do not sacrifice their own people for property and gain. i don't know what kind of karma these people who are trying to get their hands on Domo Geshe property , om mani padme hum for them to be used by CTA.