Author Topic: BREAKING NEWS!!!  (Read 15123 times)


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« on: May 20, 2014, 11:25:59 AM »
You lot HAVE TO READ THIS. Absolutely insane that in this day and age, theres no legal recourse for breaking and entering. What kind of vows are these perpetrators breaking?! Their essentially breaking into the house of someone that the previous Dalai Lama said had become one with Lama Tsongkhapa. How they can think they will still get results in their practice is beyond me.

BREAKING NEWS: Domo Geshe Rinpoche’s Monastery in Phedong Attacked!

As pressure increases on the Tibetan leadership to end the unjust and undemocratic ban, Dorje Shugden practitioners are experiencing increasing vulgarities and violence directed at them from supporters of the Dalai Lama. At this time of writing, one of Domo Geshe Rinpoche’s Ladrang-Gompas is currently being occupied by monks from a nearby monastery.

On May 18, 2014 at 3:30pm, a group of 40 monks and laypeople from Tharpa Choling in Kalimpong, forced their way into Gaden Choling in Phedong. They have continued to occupy the Gaden Choling premises and claim that the monastery belongs to them. Despite police attempts at mediation, they have refused to leave the premises.

The bewildering aspect of this whole incident is that both Tharpa Choling and Gaden Choling were Ladrang-Gompas under the 2nd Domo Geshe Rinpoche. The ban however, led Tharpa Choling to give up their teacher for the sake of appearing politically correct. Since then, Tharpa Choling has been aggressively attempting to prove their loyalty to the Tibetan leadership, by suppressing the other Ladrang-Gompas of the 2nd Domo Geshe Rinpoche.



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« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2014, 06:40:59 PM »
It is indeed very shameful acts, especially the monks. As monks, they have vows and taking possessions do not belong to them is a definitely a NO NO.

This also make HH Dalai Lama look very bad, because the monks and monasteries he has given "approvals" are behaving as such. If HH Dalai Lama keeps quiet, then he indirectly approves their action, and I am sure with HH Dalai Lama's "approval" they will be even aggressive.

This also make Buddhism look very bad, as Buddhism is a ambassador for peace, yet such unwholesome act is carried out by the monks.

I urge everyone to share this news on social media and make it go viral to let the world know that such unethical and aggressive acts are being carried, and all of these are because of the unjustified ban on Dorje Shugden.


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« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2014, 07:17:07 AM »
Oh my God this is horrible!!! How could they do that, how dare they force themselves in and try to take over another's property. This is totally against the law!

My gosh not only are they traitors, disloyal, disrespectful and political, they are greedy!

The Ban on Dorje Shugden by the Tibetan leader that has caused so much harm up to a point where sanghas are fighting against each other!

Why are the four monks refusing to leave a premise that does not belong to them, and how dare they trespass??? Where on earth have you ever heard of people forcefully attempting to take over what is not theirs in the first place? Hello but in this real world, this is a crime of forcing an entry and burglary, in this case, these monks act like thieves stealing a "house"! 

What kind of monks are these, sorry to say but this is Not Right! I hope the Chief Police does something quick and I hope these monks will be arrested for their criminal act of breaking an entry! So horrible! Is this how Buddhist behave? This is so against the law! The world is watching!!! The four traitor monks better get out of there before they get arrested and if they did, they really deserve it!

Big Uncle

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« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2014, 11:33:45 AM »
Oh no! I hope the police would be successful in mediating between both parties. There is a vested interest in Gaden Choling because of the Dorje Shugden relics by the previous Domo Geshe Rinpoches. They are a very important part of the Dorje Shugden lineage and if the monastery would fall into the wrong hands, they would certainly destroy these precious relics.

It is very clear why these nasty monks want so badly to possess this small little monastery. It is very sad that these monks act in such an unmonkly manner and would break their samaya with their Guru. I pray that they would not be successful and for something to happen in order to preserve the legacy of our lineage.


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« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2014, 01:07:56 PM »
The Police  have said that two monks from each side should occupy the Monastery as a compromise.Would it ever  be tolerated in any part of the world if a burglar breaks into your house and if the police  suggested that the burglar and the family members should both share the house as a compromise after the break in?! This has been the sad attitude of the corrupt authorities towards the many perils of Pedong Ganden Choling Monastery.


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« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2014, 09:25:33 PM »
The Police  have said that two monks from each side should occupy the Monastery as a compromise.Would it ever  be tolerated in any part of the world if a burglar breaks into your house and if the police  suggested that the burglar and the family members should both share the house as a compromise after the break in?! This has been the sad attitude of the corrupt authorities towards the many perils of Pedong Ganden Choling Monastery.

Compromise? Does the Police and the CTA knows what is HUMAN RIGHTS? Do they know what is the right way to protect their people?
How would they let ask the owner of a house to compromise to someone force in to the house? What kind of logic is that? 
This is so sad and heart breaking to see that Buddhist monks involved in such action. Buddhism is about peace and compassion. Why would the monks from Tharpa Choling do such an action that is breaking the precepts???!!!

We should share widely about this and let more people know about this so as to put pressure to CTA and the Tharpa Choling monks to stop their illegal action!

Tenzin Malgyur

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« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2014, 03:36:47 AM »
This is such distressing news. The monks in robes together with some lay people gate crashing into an important prayer ceremony and unlawfully claiming their rights to the property that they broke into. All this is taking place in India, who have very kindly played host to the Tibetans who have fled their own country. Now the Indian police have to move in to prevent the matter from escalating further, but there is little the police can do as it involves the CTA.
Besides, look at the example these monks are portraying to the whole world. The ban on Dorje Shugden have caused so much troubles and disturbances. Wonder how much longer before His Holiness Dalai Lama would put a stop to all these sufferings.

Freyr Aesiragnorak

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« Reply #7 on: May 25, 2014, 08:53:32 AM »
Gosh this is truly distressing to say the least. I'm not sure if I could handle this if this were done to my own guru's Labrang or Gompa. What would drive the monks to do this to another labrang that belonged to the same great master in the past, claiming it as theirs? It is obviously due to the incessant fervour drummed up by supporters of the ban, and is truly distasteful and uncalled for. I wonder what Rinpoche's other labrangs or students think of this?


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« Reply #8 on: May 25, 2014, 12:57:25 PM »
So unethical and so distressing to know that monks break into another monk's Ladrang and occupy it as their own and the police are not doing anything about it?
Is this how the anti DS practitioners treating the loyal DS practitioners?
How would other monks think about this? Is this something shameful as well?


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« Reply #9 on: May 25, 2014, 02:44:24 PM »
This is totally unacceptable, unethical and unlawful with no respect of others' property and rights. Forcing your way into another's person property and claiming ownership is tantamount to one is above the law of the land. If one has the right then one can pursue ownership through due process.

I can't imagine how much vows have been broken. Furthermore the actions of these monks will misrepresent the Buddha Dharma teachings to others especially the trust to they have on the holy sangha. When people lose trust there would be cut back on supporting the monasteries. It doesn't help the Tibetans as a whole.


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« Reply #10 on: May 25, 2014, 03:14:18 PM »
It is really unbelievable that monks can do this kind of things. It does not matter what religion you are, breaking into the premises of others and take over the place is illegal and unacceptable. It is against what Dalai Lama has been promoting Buddhism is, respecting other and living in harmony.

Even if DS practisioner is worshiping demons, there is no need to Ban their practice, cos if what they are doing is wrong, karma will take care of them. There is no need for Dalai Lama to worry about it too, cos no demon can harm a true dharma practitioner. The BAN on DS should be lifted and all this harm and violence to be stop.


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« Reply #11 on: May 27, 2014, 06:03:16 AM »
What the latest news update?

Does anyone know the latest NEWS and outcome to this? Have the traitor monks left the Domo Geshe's property which they forcefully occupy??? What the latest news? Is everyone in the Labrang okay? Anyone know and can give us a follow up update please? I do hope those Tharpa Choling monks get arrested for their crimes... very SHAMEFUL for MONKS to do this!

Since you have went on your own separate ways from your Lama, and even recognise another Lama as your Lama, then why don't you start all over again with your "own" Domo Geshe Rinpoche... it would not be hard if it was genuine, no?  :P


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« Reply #12 on: May 27, 2014, 12:38:12 PM »
This is the latest report in the video:

Two hundred Tibetans broke into a Shugden Monastery in India, destroying property and dragging out monks. Corrupt police officers gave no support to the Monastery.

In a telephone interview Mr Phubu Tshering, General Secretary of Samten Choeling Association, describes this recent attack on the Ganden Choling Monastery in Darjeeling.

The Dalai Lama and CTA have a lot to answer for.


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« Reply #13 on: May 27, 2014, 03:20:05 PM »
What a sickening news! Monks breaking into monasteries??

The 7th Domo Geshe Rinpoche Ngawang Kalsang was so highly respected that upon meeting him, the 13th Dalai Lama declared that he had met Lama Tsongkhapa himself. And now during the time of the 14th Dalai Lama, his monks forced their way into Gaden Choling in Phedong and refused to leave. Oh My God! Does CTA realise what they have created out of the ban they imposed? Monsters and monks breaking their vows.

First they lost their country, then they were reduced to not just govt-in-exile but a mere central tibetan administration and now they are making their own monks break their vows by creating violence and forcefully taking over monasteries that do not belong to them. Besides the bad karma part of it, they are also giving Buddhism a bad name. Will CTA ever wake up and smell the coffee???


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« Reply #14 on: May 27, 2014, 09:16:28 PM »