Author Topic: Tibetans speaking up against the CTA...FINALLY.  (Read 7621 times)


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Tibetans speaking up against the CTA...FINALLY.
« on: May 24, 2014, 11:36:13 PM »
Well perhaps the title is a little unfair because you cant blame em. The Tibetans are scared witless of their government who doesnt do anything in moderation. Hate people? Gotta kill em, or at least beat em into quiet submission.

So for someone to be FILMED and recorded saying that there is a ban, and that the Tibetan leadership have implemented something so illegal, undemocratic and UNHOLY is incredible. And things must be getting pretty bad on the ground for her to do this.

How long do you think itll be before somone comes on and denounces this girl as a hallucinating traitor because there is no ban (and thereby ironically proving our point that the anti-Shugden people are more interested in rooting out people theyve blacklisted as traitors, rather than listening to actual content)?  ;)

Tibetans speaking up against the CTA

Tibetan Public Talk, comprising of a group of outspoken Dorje Shugden practitioners, has recently been filming the experiences of Dorje Shugden practitioners around the world. This is the first time Tibetans have spoken so openly and directly against their leadership’s illegal and undemocratic acts. The fact these videos are becoming more frequent is a reflection that Tibetans are growing desperate after 18 years of suppression from their leadership.

These videos come after the Tibetan leadership has refused all requests for dialogue with Dorje Shugden practitioners for the last 18 years. As the suppression and undemocratic ban shows no signs of ending, it is only natural that the feeling of dissatisfaction amongst Tibetan Dorje Shugden practitioners will increase. As it increases, more Tibetans will reveal themselves as Dorje Shugden practitioners to peacefully pressure their leadership to give them religious freedoms. It can only be desperation that motivates them to engage in peaceful protests. After all, what logical person would readily identify themselves as a Dorje Shugden practitioner if they knew doing so would put them in harm’s way?

This violence against them is a very real possibility because the Tibetan leadership have just proven that they are very capable of directing harm towards their citizens. They recently published a list of 20 Tibetan Dorje Shugden practitioners, conveniently excluding non-Tibetan practitioners. In excluding the non-Tibetans, the leadership identified their real intention – they want their supporters to harass and threaten Tibetans who refuse to give up Dorje Shugden’s practice, and they focused on Tibetans because they are more accessible and easily intimidated than their foreign Dorje Shugden counterparts (who have the protection of their democratic governments).

These Tibetan Dorje Shugden practitioners are very brave for speaking up at the risk of their own lives. Not only does it reflect their desperate situation but they value religious freedoms so much that they are willing to make targets of themselves, to ensure every Tibetan has the freedom to worship whoever and whatever they wish. Now it remains to be seen if and when these brave men and women will appear on their leadership’s next hit list, so that other Tibetans are provoked into acting against them.

It is obvious in the videos that Tibetan Dorje Shugden practitioners are just ordinary people leading ordinary lives. They are not wealthy individuals who hold high-paying, influential jobs. They are men, women, sons, daughters who just want to practice in peace. They are normal people who will be scared if they are threatened by an administration that receives millions in donations from their foreign sponsors. Yet, understanding the danger to their life, these practitioners agreed to be filmed speaking about their experiences as Tibetan devotees of Dorje Shugden. In doing so, they are ordinary people who become extraordinary because of their courage to speak up.

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: Tibetans speaking up against the CTA...FINALLY.
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2014, 04:30:56 AM »
Dharma Defender, I totally agree with you on the whole situation the Tibetans are facing. Tibet have been closed to the whole world until a little while ago. Most of the Tibetans are not educated and exposed to the rest of the world. And so it goes that they naturally have to depend on their government and conform to every rule formulated by their ruler to the point of denouncing their religious belief.
Coming out and speaking against their Government on film is literally putting their head on the chopping. But these courageous people wanted to stop the miseries of all the rest who all suffering in silence.
It is also about time the funding from well meaning sponsors for the CTA be stopped.

Freyr Aesiragnorak

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Re: Tibetans speaking up against the CTA...FINALLY.
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2014, 08:48:31 AM »
I rejoice in the actions of all those involved making this video. They are extremely brave to have done this due to the fact that they will, in all probable cases, the targeted either by the CTA or by the Tibetan population in general for their 'heretical' views. But here they actually tell the truth as the world should know, that there is a ban, just how it effects them and the negative impact it is having on the religious freedom for those who wish or are passed the lineage of practicing Dorje Shugden.


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Re: Tibetans speaking up against the CTA...FINALLY.
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2014, 01:58:16 PM »
Tibetans have to speak up against CTA. It's almost a necessity. As mentioned in another post, the CTA appears to be targeting Tibetans only. CTA has no authority over westerners and non-Tibetans, so we are not subject to their atrocious act against DS practitioners. You can only ask so much of the international world attentions and cry for help but ultimately if Tibetans themselves do not stand up, speak up and fight against this ban, there will be slow effect only.

Bravo and kudos to this video. We openly talk about political and humanity in oppression North Korea and China....this DS ban situation with Tibetans and CTA is not too far from it either. But the hero and heroine does have to come from within Tibetnas to make the most significant impact.


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Re: Tibetans speaking up against the CTA...FINALLY.
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2014, 12:46:53 AM »
There are human rights abuses by the CTA.  We have written this issue to the Human Rights organisations.


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Re: Tibetans speaking up against the CTA...FINALLY.
« Reply #5 on: May 26, 2014, 02:44:05 AM »
This is truly a brave move by the Tibetan people to be making this video and speaking up against the CTA knowing the dangers they are putting on their lives.
They are just ordinary people who wishes to practice whoever and whatever religion they like and they are fighting for religion freedom. How sinful can it be?
This is for their future and Tibet future as well. We rejoice for these people to finally speak up after so long.
Let the BAN be lifted and everyone can live happily and peacefully.


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Re: Tibetans speaking up against the CTA...FINALLY.
« Reply #6 on: May 26, 2014, 09:34:06 AM »
Thank you, Dharmadefender for highlighting this. The Tibetans are getting very desperate of the suppression and it is time that they speak up for their rights! They are willing to risk their lives to speak up and exposed themselves to be threatened or killed by the CTA. What they ask for is just religious freedom. Isn't that the basic human rights?  Why can't they be granted that right?

Kudos to all the brave Tibetans to publicly speak up to let the world know how the DS practitioners are so badly treated and have to suffer because of the ban!!!!


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Re: Tibetans speaking up against the CTA...FINALLY.
« Reply #7 on: May 27, 2014, 09:49:44 AM »
I really salute these courageous Tibetan Shugden practitioners!!! They are courageous and brave because speaking up against whatever that has been implemented or said by the Dalai Lama is considered treason and would be persecuted, and does this sound at all weird for a so called "Buddhist" nation? It runs exactly like PRC and you wonder why are they so against the Chinese when they basically act like one!

These Tibetan will no doubt have to be very careful for their security and lives will be endangered until the ban is lifted and until the Dalai Lama speaks up to ask His people to STOP the witch-hunts and stop harming one another. These are really testing times for all Shugden practitioners but for the Tibetans their lives will never be the same again and they will be hunted down.

In any democratic country in today's day and age will never get through the day if they did this to their own people, so one wonder how is it that a govt who is not a govt, just a central administration without a country living under the kind mercy of India which is a democratic country can get away with such murder???



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Re: Tibetans speaking up against the CTA...FINALLY.
« Reply #8 on: May 27, 2014, 03:33:47 PM »
I wonder if this lady in the video realises the extent of what she can be up for by speaking the truth about the situation. Does she realise that her family could be ostracised, barred from buying groceries, not being able to get her child to school or being denied of medical help, probably be spat at and condemned by her own community? This is what CTA does to Dorje Shugden practitioners. I fear for her safety besides all of the above. As you all know, CTA is getting more and more violent as they know their time is almost up as international media has highlighted their gangsterism actions. They have even forcefully taken over Domo Geshe Rinpoche's monastery in Phedong, India.


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Re: Tibetans speaking up against the CTA...FINALLY.
« Reply #9 on: May 29, 2014, 09:16:56 AM »
what is amazing that i find is that the Dalai Lama and the CTA can say there is no ban... and people are really blinded by faith and believe them instead of investigating. This video and others like the France 24 documentary and even this fatwa should be more than enough proof that the ban exists and hurts Tibetans.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Tibetans speaking up against the CTA...FINALLY.
« Reply #10 on: May 30, 2014, 09:35:11 AM »
It must have taken a whole truck load of courage for the Tibetans to speak up. I tend to believe them as why else would they want to put their heads on the chopping block. Quite sad that they have to live in camps and yet have to deal with division to this level in such close quarters. Life must be horrendously unbearable for them. Thought Buddhism is about Compassion.


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Re: Tibetans speaking up against the CTA...FINALLY.
« Reply #11 on: May 30, 2014, 06:42:07 PM »
i agree that it takes a lot of courage for her to speak up against the CTA. Most Tibetans are still very fearful of CTA and that is not fault of the Tibetans but the CTA. CTA has employed a strategy which makes their people uneducated and stop them from thinking for themselves, and it is a common strategy used by many governments to control their people easily. They do so by controlling the school (education system), media, etc.

However, this strategy is losing its edge in this information edge because people can get information from internet.

I rejoice in her effort in  speaking up the truth, and with her courage, we all pray that more and more Tibetans will stand up and speak up against all the lies put out by CTA.


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Re: Tibetans speaking up against the CTA...FINALLY.
« Reply #12 on: May 31, 2014, 10:20:50 AM »
Respect to those who have spoken up to lift the ban. They are fine examples of freedom fighters who are not only heroes in their community but also the whole world. They are ordinary men and women who just wants everyone to be treated equally and have a normal life. In speaking up, they have put their lives at risk of being threatened and probably even in danger of death. They do it because of the bigger picture where people can practice freely. I totally salute them for their courage to go against their government. But scare not because the international community is behind you all the way!!!

Thank you for taking the first step...... for the freedom of all.


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Re: Tibetans speaking up against the CTA...FINALLY.
« Reply #13 on: June 01, 2014, 01:52:29 PM »
These are brave men and women, who dare to speak up at such great risk to their lives and safety, as well as that of their family. But they rightly feel that oppression of religious freedom must have a voice, before more draconian measures are imposed on them for worshipping a 300 year-old Buddha deity. The time is probably right, in the wake of the peaceful protests by Shugden practitioners in US and Europe. The eye of the world is being drawn to the Dalai Lama , the man of Peace. The people around the world are beginning to see him, as behaving in direct contradiction to what he advocates and has vocalized. Hence this video, when released , will further expose the Tibetan leaders and their supporters.   The testimony of Shugden practitioners show up all the lies of the Dalai Lama and His leaders about there being no ban!


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Re: Tibetans speaking up against the CTA...FINALLY.
« Reply #14 on: June 01, 2014, 05:03:33 PM »
How brave of these Tibetans to speak up against their own 'government' who are supposed to protect them and give them all the support they need. They look a little scared speaking up, but who wouldn't, when you know the dangers, violence and consequences that could result from this. So if you were in their position, would you speak up? Enough is enough and after so many years of suppression, there needs to come a point where you stand firm for your own believes, and I am glad that these Tibetans and the many who have demonstrated and voiced their opinions have because staying silent will not make the situation get better. The discrimination they have faced is obvious. Millions of practitioners around the world cannot be lying...because there is an issue, it is raised. It is sad that the CTA and His Holiness continue to deny their acts, thoughts, words and their implementation of this ban, because the truth says it all. Look at these people, all they want is their right for religious freedom. Their tears are genuine tears of heartache, their fears are fears for their lives and future generations, their disbelieve in the acts of their religious leader and government. The ban has to be lifted!