Author Topic: WHO MADE LAMA ZOPA A RINPOCHE?  (Read 211502 times)


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« Reply #75 on: July 01, 2010, 09:42:27 AM »
I love what you wrote - Dharma is Dharma. It does belong to everyone and yet it doesn't because we have different ways of relating to it. Bu it is what truly unites us all. 
"If when the Chinese took over Tibet and the Tibetan Masters can remain as they are, uncontaminated and still so devoted to their faith, then why can't we do the same? No one can take the Dharma away from inside us. And so, we can help others with the same compassion, care, respect and unbias understanding. This is why we all learn the Dharma, to become better - much better than the people we were. Hope this helps. "

I really like what samayatree wrote this paragraphy. Yes, noone can take the Dharma away!! no one. Why we learn dharma, because we want to practice care into people around us.

I saw Lama Zopa few weeks ago in a book fair. Lama Zopa had four days teaching at there. I saw a high Lama in his throne, while he talked then he cough. To me, I not his student, but I can feel his compassion and love to all the sentient being. As a high lama he didn't care about politic, finance, environment.......but i can feel he is very compassion. He has hoping everyone can learn Dharma and understand Dharma more then make thier life more better.

Like i say, i dont know this high lama at all, but i really can feel his love even though i only sat at there listen for ten minutes his dharma talk. This all because we have Dharma.

So, my point is Dharma is dharma; it is not belong to everyone but yet it is belong to everyone!!!
Thank you samaytree for your point!  


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« Reply #76 on: September 10, 2010, 10:48:47 AM »
Was just reading FPMT site and came across this (old news, but worthy to share) re Lama Zopa's advice about Shugden practice:


If you are making a new Dharma connection with a teacher, aside from the other qualities of the teacher that you should check, you should also examine the teacher to make sure that he or she is in harmony with His Holiness Dalai Lama regarding the practice of what is called döl-gyäl, the protector Shugden. Make sure that the teacher does not do this practice. These days, that is an extra analysis you should make. In that way, you’ll avoid problems in the future.

(I don't recall reading in the 50 verses that one needs to check what kind of protector practice the potential Guru/ Lama does before accepting one as a Guru! How do we check anyway? Email the Lama? Asked in a public discourse: Hello Lama, do you practice Dorje Shugden? Kinda weird for me...)

Recently, I also introduced a new guideline for the protection of the Dharma centers and their students, which is not to invite to the center teachers who do the protector practice and are therefore against His Holiness the Dalai Lama. However, this doesn’t include gurus who may have practiced the protector in the past. It doesn’t mean that they’re bad. I’m not saying that. If you have already made a Dharma connection with such teachers and you criticize them or give them up, that is totally incorrect; that is opposite to lam-rim practice. The lam-rim, sutra, and tantra teachings all explain how to practice guru devotion so that we can avoid creating such heavy negative karmas as criticizing our gurus. It’s for our benefit. Since we disciples want profit, not loss, since we aspire to achieve the highest profit, enlightenment, the complete qualities of cessation and realization, it is crucial to know how to practice guru devotion.
(It means Lama Zopa encourages those who already have the practice to continue and keep their samaya with their Gurus. But why not FPMT? I now start to believe what others have said on this thread, that there is a possibility that FPMT might revert back to Shugden practice after Dalai Lama enters clear light)

If those gurus who used to do the practice still had the same aspect now, if they were still alive in that aspect, they would also change. For example, His Holiness himself did the practice in Tibet for a short while, but after extensive analysis, checking many experiences and signs, and considering the advice of many other high lamas who advised not to do the practice, His Holiness also decided against it.
(I wonder who are these "high lamas" that His Holiness has consulted who advised against the practice)

It is not only His Holiness who is saying not to do this practice. Before His Holiness, many other high lamas, holders of the entire Buddhadharma, also instructed their monasteries and students not to do this practice. After checking in many ways, His Holiness came to the conclusion that for the benefit of individual people as well as the world in general, he would stop doing this practice and also advised others to stop. Therefore, if those gurus who did the practice still had the same aspect, they would stop. Also, many gurus, many great teachers who are still living, have stopped as well, even though they used to do the practice before.

Even though many people, groups, and monasteries have asked His Holiness to change his advice on this, he has remained firm. Since he arrived at his decision through many years’ analysis, there has been no change; His Holiness always says the same thing in this regard. As His Holiness has said in many teachings, he will never change his opinion on this matter. If His Holiness the Dalai Lama is not Chenrezig, if he’s not Buddha, who else is there in the world that you can point to as Buddha? If His Holiness is not the Buddha of Compassion, then it’s a mistake to call other lamas Buddha, who are said to be incarnations of a Buddha.


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« Reply #77 on: September 12, 2010, 11:54:41 AM »
Dorje Shugden the Great Peace Protector,if it looks to you as a spirit this is do to your ordinary view,or the play of Himself for the benefit of beings,it is mentioned in various sources that many time for the benefit of beings the Buddhas manifest as spirit,crazy person,animals so on.
He is now the World Peace Protector as He was asked by Drubwang Lama Gangchen
what a job!,i deeply admire Him from the bottom of my heart
May peace prevail


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« Reply #78 on: September 14, 2010, 08:18:25 PM »
Dorje Shugden the Great Peace Protector,if it looks to you as a spirit this is do to your ordinary view,or the play of Himself for the benefit of beings,it is mentioned in various sources that many time for the benefit of beings the Buddhas manifest as spirit,crazy person,animals so on.
He is now the World Peace Protector as He was asked by Drubwang Lama Gangchen
what a job!,i deeply admire Him from the bottom of my heart
May peace prevail

So many of us are very interested in His Eminence Gangchen Rinpoche's activities and works. We have tremendous respect for him. We have very little information about him. Can you participate and write more regarding Rinpoche. We would be blessed by reading the activities of this great Mahasiddha lama. I would very much like to know more and thank you ahead of time.



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« Reply #79 on: September 21, 2010, 05:36:51 AM »
Dorje Shugden the Great Peace Protector,if it looks to you as a spirit this is do to your ordinary view,or the play of Himself for the benefit of beings,it is mentioned in various sources that many time for the benefit of beings the Buddhas manifest as spirit,crazy person,animals so on.
He is now the World Peace Protector as He was asked by Drubwang Lama Gangchen
what a job!,i deeply admire Him from the bottom of my heart
May peace prevail

So many of us are very interested in His Eminence Gangchen Rinpoche's activities and works. We have tremendous respect for him. We have very little information about him. Can you participate and write more regarding Rinpoche. We would be blessed by reading the activities of this great Mahasiddha lama. I would very much like to know more and thank you ahead of time.


I came across this video, just recently added to this great site!
It's a video showing beloved His Eminence Gangchen Rinpoche in the Amazons. Just by beholding his holy face brings so much comfort, healing, inspiration...Listening to his voice bring tears to my eyes.

May this great Mahasiddha live long and many to have the merits to receive blessings and teachings.

I look forward to reading more about this great lama and his activities.


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« Reply #80 on: May 20, 2011, 05:48:31 PM »
What a fantastic topic. As a buddhist, I respect HH Dalai Lama very much, I also respect all the Lamas very much and there is no need to say that I have much faith in Dorje Shugden and all the dharma protectors.
From reading these threads, I have gathered that as a buddhist, we must have faith and belief in the actions of HH Dalai Lama and the other high lamas with regard to the Dorje Shugden practice. I am sure they have their reasons for it becoming a conspiracy, perhaps this is the only way for the practice to grow. I think the Dorje Shugden has really hit headlines since the ban, gained much popularity.
It is just sad that some has brought it the wrong way and have caused much harm to many. In my opinion, if we choose not to practice then we should just stop. But if we choose to then we should just continue peacefully. If there is a need to practice in secrecy, it ok by me because as a buddhist, we should be humble about our practice and that it is not necessary to let everyone know what we are practicing. I truly belief that the ban and all the conspiracy that follows is truly meant to gain popularity and increase the practice of Dorje Shugden.  I mostly look at results and it would point that way. The practice is really growing in China and Europe. China has a population of 1 billion. Also, I read that the practice will shorten HH Dalai Lama's life. HH Dalai Lama is now 75. How old do we expect him to live to? 250 years old?? To me, 75 years old is pretty old.
Please bare in mind that all this conspiracy is formed not because HH Dalai Lama wants a new house or a new car or better meals or not even a bigger dharma center. It is to grow the practice of a protector that we very much believe that is so important in this degenerate times. I think this is a good time for all buddhist, whether practicing Dorje Shugden or not to stick together and do our own practice. :D


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« Reply #81 on: May 25, 2011, 03:26:23 PM »
Dear Shugdentruth, i can't agree more with what you have shared. Just like you, I rather have faith and belief in the actions of HHDL. It is not blind faith, as we can observe the results of the conspiracy..hopefully in this life. Who knows how long we'll live. But whatever we are creating right this moment will surely determine what's in store for us in the near future. Therefore, holding a pure view (as much as we can) is best for our minds.


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« Reply #82 on: May 25, 2011, 03:55:23 PM »
Sometimes being in samsara, we are caught in its very nature and may not know better. After all, there are certain things we really cannot escape from while trapped in samsara. Such as old age, sickness and death. But with Dharma, we always have a choice. Not just in doing the right thing, but in doing what brings the most benefit. Also, we learn to deal with the nature of samsara in much more positive ways - ways that do not harm others and we do not incur more bad karma.

As I sit back and watch how certain things come about, regardless of who or what instigated it and put it into effect - each of us has a choice. And that is to practice with Dharma or not. We have to really dig in and think deeper on our own actions and motivations.

Enlightened Beings are not the same as us. They are beyond karma. But we are not. Even our very thoughts alone will bring us bad or good karma. We are not free.

So, whatever dramas that Enlightened Beings put into effect or stage, it is up to us to look beyond the surface to find the truth of our practice.

These words from HH Dalai Lama are very interesting to me. I stumbled upon it at

"When teachers break the precepts,
behaving in ways that are clearly damaging to themselves and others,
students must face the situation,
even though this can be challenging, criticize openly, that's the only way."
His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Bearing in mind, we may not even have the wisdom and compassion to be qualified to judge in the first place.



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« Reply #83 on: May 29, 2011, 08:49:06 PM »
"When teachers break the precepts,
behaving in ways that are clearly damaging to themselves and others,
students must face the situation,
even though this can be challenging, criticize openly, that's the only way."
His Holiness the Dalai Lama

And HHDL's advise stands true to himself as well. Critising someone for harming the Pure Gaden tradition is loving them as such karma they incur is certainly not worth meeting Dharma again.


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« Reply #84 on: May 29, 2011, 10:28:12 PM »
Sometimes being in samsara, we are caught in its very nature and may not know better.

What's worse - doing something out of ignorance, or doing something whilst knowing what is the right choice, and choosing to do the contrary?

"When teachers break the precepts,
behaving in ways that are clearly damaging to themselves and others,
students must face the situation,
even though this can be challenging, criticize openly, that's the only way."
His Holiness the Dalai Lama

I think the key word is 'clearly'. Nothing's ever clear to me because like you said, I lack the wisdom and compassion to judge clearly in the first place.


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« Reply #85 on: May 29, 2011, 11:09:19 PM »
"When teachers break the precepts,
behaving in ways that are clearly damaging to themselves and others,
students must face the situation,
even though this can be challenging, criticize openly, that's the only way."
His Holiness the Dalai Lama

And HHDL's advise stands true to himself as well. Critising someone for harming the Pure Gaden tradition is loving them as such karma they incur is certainly not worth meeting Dharma again.

Let's see, if we follow the advice above to point out that His Holiness is "wrong", then in another way, His Holiness is doing the right thing by pointing out that his Gurus were wrong. So that means he DIDN'T BREAK HIS PRECEPTS, isn't that so?


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« Reply #86 on: May 30, 2011, 05:38:19 PM »
"When teachers break the precepts,
behaving in ways that are clearly damaging to themselves and others,
students must face the situation,
even though this can be challenging, criticize openly, that's the only way."
His Holiness the Dalai Lama

And HHDL's advise stands true to himself as well. Critising someone for harming the Pure Gaden tradition is loving them as such karma they incur is certainly not worth meeting Dharma again.

Let's see, if we follow the advice above to point out that His Holiness is "wrong", then in another way, His Holiness is doing the right thing by pointing out that his Gurus were wrong. So that means he DIDN'T BREAK HIS PRECEPTS, isn't that so?

That seems fairly illogical my point was it is hypocritical for HHDL to suggest this when it is he who is clearly not demonstrating a correct reliance or respect for his guru's by obliterating their lineage and forcing others to break their commitments.


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« Reply #87 on: May 31, 2011, 06:01:21 AM »
Dear Forum Participants.

Be cautious to not put down other lamas. Sharing facts, findings and your views respectfully are welcomed, but bashing lamas is not allowed in this forum. 


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« Reply #88 on: June 03, 2011, 01:31:17 AM »
Here, in the forum, we have reiterated time and again, that , Holy Enlightened Beings,  High Lamas and Great Masters will act in ways which will appear to our ordinary limited minds - minds that are highly obscured and mired in delusions - as totally against the grain. They will seem to break precepts and vows and violate even basic concepts of love and compassion.In brief they will seem to act  like 'contrarians ' and appear 'crazy'.But these are Enlightened Beings, with great wisdom and compassion. Their motivations are pure and, from their ground of compassion and wisdom, their actions should also be understood as pure.Hence, we should see their actions as part of an illusory drama. Time will lift the veil that now shrouds their activities to our ordinary view.

Also, in the Lamrim, it is stated that compassionate Enlightened Beings may appear as even spirits or demons, if that is the best way  to subdue the minds of beings like us. Hence, whether it is due to the mind of delusions that we , beings,  possess, or due to his great compassion, Dorje Shugden may have appeared to be a spirit to some.

Nevertheless, a sure-fire way to check, that Dorje Shugden is the Dharma Protector, whose sole purpose is to see us grow and transform through Dharma is to examine our minds and reflect on how he has unfailingly come to our aid at all times to ensure that we are on track. I, for one, have benefited from his help and support in two crucial moments in the lives of loved ones - one was in the passing away of a loved one and another was in the birth of a loved one. Dorje Shugden's tremendous love and compassion in giving me and family his help have reinforced my conviction in the need to grow in Compassion and Wisdom to benefit others more effectively. He(and my Spiritual Guide whom I see as one with him) have shown me that the only way I can repay his kindness is by working on the Practice of Je Tsongkapa's Principal Aspects of the Path - renunciation, Bodhicitta and the Correct View of Emptiness.       



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« Reply #89 on: June 07, 2011, 08:52:55 AM »
Thank you for your wonderful sharing, Vajrastorm. It always gives me such pleasure and joy reading your posts. They are always rich in information and you truly speak from your heart practice. I love that.

Here, in the forum, we have reiterated time and again, that , Holy Enlightened Beings,  High Lamas and Great Masters will act in ways which will appear to our ordinary limited minds - minds that are highly obscured and mired in delusions - as totally against the grain. They will seem to break precepts and vows and violate even basic concepts of love and compassion.In brief they will seem to act  like 'contrarians ' and appear 'crazy'.But these are Enlightened Beings, with great wisdom and compassion. Their motivations are pure and, from their ground of compassion and wisdom, their actions should also be understood as pure.Hence, we should see their actions as part of an illusory drama. Time will lift the veil that now shrouds their activities to our ordinary view.

Also, in the Lamrim, it is stated that compassionate Enlightened Beings may appear as even spirits or demons, if that is the best way  to subdue the minds of beings like us. Hence, whether it is due to the mind of delusions that we , beings,  possess, or due to his great compassion, Dorje Shugden may have appeared to be a spirit to some.

Nevertheless, a sure-fire way to check, that Dorje Shugden is the Dharma Protector, whose sole purpose is to see us grow and transform through Dharma is to examine our minds and reflect on how he has unfailingly come to our aid at all times to ensure that we are on track. I, for one, have benefited from his help and support in two crucial moments in the lives of loved ones - one was in the passing away of a loved one and another was in the birth of a loved one. Dorje Shugden's tremendous love and compassion in giving me and family his help have reinforced my conviction in the need to grow in Compassion and Wisdom to benefit others more effectively. He(and my Spiritual Guide whom I see as one with him) have shown me that the only way I can repay his kindness is by working on the Practice of Je Tsongkapa's Principal Aspects of the Path - renunciation, Bodhicitta and the Correct View of Emptiness.       

Our minds are truly unfit vessels to comprehend or appreciate true teachings on emptiness and renunciation.

We are often too stuck or prefer to hang onto some notion of what is right or wrong. And we think that is absolute or concrete. In truth, nothing is absolute and concrete in our samsara world. IT can be anything or nothing at all.

We simply do not have the capability to discern as much as we like to think we have. Always judging from where we sit or stand will not make us any more right or make something true. Sometimes we need to let go of what we want to assume as right and true.

I posted the quote to assert the fact that we do not have any foresight or insight to know who is breaking their precepts and who is not. We do not have that omniscient mind to see through every act, thought, motivation, etc. Everything we see and judge are all based from our own memory and experience of what appears to be right and wrong. It does not mean that they are correct and true.