Author Topic: Its No Longer Just A Tibetan Problem  (Read 7222 times)


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Its No Longer Just A Tibetan Problem
« on: June 01, 2014, 06:41:32 PM »
Since 1996, the world has largely ignored the pleas of Tibetan Shugdenpas who have been gravely affected by the Dalai Lama's persecution based on their faith. To them it was a 'domestic' issue but the last 18 years has seen a tremendous growth in the Dorje Shugden practice that has spread far and wide by the kindness of Shugden monks and lamas. Today it is a Buddhist practice that has taken roots globally and it is estimated that over 4 Million people in the world worship the deity today.

As Buddhism has spread, so has the practice, as regardless of the lies that have been told, the Shugden practice has always been a core practice of the Gelugpa lineage and shall always remain so. Therefore as long as Je Tsongkhapa's lineage grows, so will the practice of its Protector, the King Dorje Shugden.

The world can no longer turn a blind eye to the Dalai Lama's persecution of Shugden practitioners as the poison of the ban now begins to infiltrate communities around the world. Its high time the governments of the free world intervenes, if not to save Tibetan Shugden practitioners, then their own citizens who are of the faith.

Read: The World Can No Longer Ignore The Shugden Ban


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Re: Its No Longer Just A Tibetan Problem
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2014, 11:24:17 PM »
I like what Len Foley wrote in the ISC letter to the legal representative of CTA – “You should know although the Dalai Lama has caused this kind of harm many times in the past, this time the world is watching!”

The Dalai Lama has brought with him into exile the theocratic rule of ancient Tibet in the 21st century. Surely the Dalai Lama need to know this method of governance has gone obsolete and is inappropriate in this century where international laws and human rights laws have jurisdiction across all borders and nations. Worst of all this ban has extended to international grounds where people are absolutely free to practise whatever religion they choose and have every right to freedom of expression.

All oppression, intimidation and violence on Shugden practitioners have to stop NOW. The ban has to be lifted NOW!

Kim Hyun Jae

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Re: Its No Longer Just A Tibetan Problem
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2014, 03:33:08 AM »
I agreed with Icy and VajraTruth about this issue. The ban on Dorje Shugden has to be LIFTED now.

Not many lay practitioners nor sangha knew about the complete truth on the repercussions since the ban on Dorje Shugden was implemented then.

Now with the onslaught of online and the internet penetration, many lay practitioners and the sangha community received news on these repercussions and sought the support of the worldwide online community to help and take action and read the truth about the ban on DS practitioners and highlighted the ruly behavior of the CTA.

The whole WORLD is watching on the reactions of the Dalai Lama and the CTA now, including non-DS practitioners who are just passer-by but are concerned about the practice of religious freedom. 

The BAN has to be LIFTED now.


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Re: Its No Longer Just A Tibetan Problem
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2014, 07:27:54 AM »
I have got the nagging feeling that this what is suppose to happen. The Protector's practice has spread so far and wide that today the ban is no longer strictly a Tibetan problem but a global issue. The Protector is the most famous Buddhist Protector/Deity now because of the ban and I have said before; the ban will be lifted when it can no longer be tenable to enforce. That time will be when it is a Global issue. I pray that that time is near.

With folded hands to my Holy Guru, Yidam and Protector!


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Re: Its No Longer Just A Tibetan Problem
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2014, 05:52:04 PM »
well certainly 'no thanks' to the controversial part of the ban has made Dorje Shugden's practice being highlighted and went on to almost everyone in Buddhism to come to aware of. In a way i am happy that this had happened. It would be foolish to rejoice the sufferings suffered by our fellow practitioners in Tibet and India particularly. The ban should be lifted by now as it has caused too much pain for all to bear. Condemning and condoning discrimination and physical torture is not the way for Buddhists. Even any other religion would not encourage you to discriminate nor harm another fellow human being.   


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Re: Its No Longer Just A Tibetan Problem
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2014, 07:36:30 AM »
The Dalai Lama has often said "My religion is kindness".  Unfortunately, I don't see any kindness in his ban on Dorje Shugden practice. Ok, ok, let's say we give him the benefit of doubt. Dorje Shugden practice is like satanic worship (incidentally satanic worshippers are not banned in Tibet, nor are its practitioners banned from attending Dalai Lama's talks, banned from receiving medical attention, banned from buying basic necessities, banned from schools, travels etc etc etc).

In which case, advise your followers NOT to do this practice, but why endorse violence and discriminatory practices against Shugden practitioners which are clearly a violation of human rights in any interpretation! Kindness, my a**!
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Its No Longer Just A Tibetan Problem
« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2014, 01:12:32 PM »
I agreed with Icy and VajraTruth about this issue. The ban on Dorje Shugden has to be LIFTED now.

Not many lay practitioners nor sangha knew about the complete truth on the repercussions since the ban on Dorje Shugden was implemented then.

Now with the onslaught of online and the internet penetration, many lay practitioners and the sangha community received news on these repercussions and sought the support of the worldwide online community to help and take action and read the truth about the ban on DS practitioners and highlighted the ruly behavior of the CTA.

The whole WORLD is watching on the reactions of the Dalai Lama and the CTA now, including non-DS practitioners who are just passer-by but are concerned about the practice of religious freedom. 

The BAN has to be LIFTED now.

Actually, a large portion of lay and sangha members are aware of this issue. However they were always silent about it due to the threats and intimidation that CTA put forward, which deterred them from speaking their mind. So, in actuality, they are living with the ban which means there is no possibility that they will not know the existence of it.

Now it does look like more people are aware, but it is only those that was previously unaware of the controversy. It is also because the Tibetans are more out spoken these days and have had enough of the suppression they had to suffer for the last 18 years. It is a good step, especially for their own well-being, to fight for their rights just as what was done in America for civil rights. The ban will definitely be lifted, however, how quickly it is lifted rests in our hands, the more Shugden practitioners contribute to the cause, the quicker the ban will be lifted.


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Re: Its No Longer Just A Tibetan Problem
« Reply #7 on: June 04, 2014, 05:48:58 AM »
Well said, WisdomBeing. i can't agree more. Please, we all have to remember Buddhism is about 'Kindness'.


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Re: Its No Longer Just A Tibetan Problem
« Reply #8 on: June 07, 2014, 07:05:58 AM »
Yes, the world is now being dragged into the issue of the ban. Why so? The hit list of the CTA with a list of 20 and then later increased to more names, are names of people, who had protested peacefully to Dalai Lama against the ban. When we think of the atrocities and violence inflicted on Shugden practitioners who , out of great devotion to their gurus and great faith in Shugden as an enlightened Protector, have continued practising Shugden, despite the ban, then we can see why the International Shugden Committee have carried out a peaceful and public protest against the Dalai lama and CTA.

The legal representative of the International Shugden Committee has sent a formal letter to the Dalai Lama's representative in US, to state clearly that the Dalai Lama(and CTA) will be held personally accountable for any harm befalling those named in the list. The Dalai Lama and CTA do not realize the deadly repercussions of the hit list. The list threatens the lives of people in countries, outside of India,whose laws protecting them are being jeopardized, and threatens the right to freedom of religion, which are enshrined in these countries' constitution.

Big Uncle

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Re: Its No Longer Just A Tibetan Problem
« Reply #9 on: June 07, 2014, 07:44:04 AM »
Actually, I really like the title. Most Shugden practitioners or sympathisers may consider the ban and its conflicts not something they may want to get into. Usually foreigners who get into Buddhism have expectations of a gentle, non-confrontational spiritual experience. The Dalai Lama and the Dorje Shugden had changed this fact forever. Hence, one may not get a lot of support in championing the lifting of a ban that has little or no consequence on foreign practitioners. I have come across people who tell me in the face, "What has the ban got to do with me? I just what to meditate."

Well, I think the ban has got plenty to do with our meditations. While the Lamas grapple with the ban either from the side of an open practitioner or from a standpoint of a lama in hiding, the consequence is huge. Since the Dharma, lineage and teachings come from them anyway. It has become our sacred duty to liberate our lineage and allow these great masters to do their work. In that way, we are really working to spread the Buddhadharma. Dorje Shugden after all is life obstacles and create favorable conditions for the Dharma to flourish. It is a crucial time now and we should do this hand-in-hand and I guess the best way would be to bring awareness to the inconsistencies of the ban and also simultaneously to highlight the special qualities of Dorje Shugden's protection.

christine V

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Re: Its No Longer Just A Tibetan Problem
« Reply #10 on: June 07, 2014, 09:44:47 AM »
Right! The world is watching.
Before the era of electronic , CTA can bully whoever they want. They are so use to the tactic of threatening.
This manifest even in today's world, where the CTA trying to use the same trick again to warn and threaten the people they don't like.

Well CTA, the world now is watching on how you all react towards the peaceful demonstration. You -CTA, react with violence, is this the only thing that you are capable to do?


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Re: Its No Longer Just A Tibetan Problem
« Reply #11 on: June 08, 2014, 04:57:28 PM »
Enough is enough! How much more patience should Dorje Shugden followers have? It is already 18 years of suffering since the inception of the ban.
How much more can anyone with a clear and logical mind tolerate with the idiosyncrasy of this ban?
It is proven clearly that the reasons given by His Holiness Dalai Lama (HHDL) are unfounded and illogical. How is it possible that one single person i.e. HHDL can dictate the religious freedom and human rights of millions of Dorje Shugden followers? In this time and age, no citizen of any democratic country will accept a leader who is dictatorial, biased and without compassion when it comes to Dorje Shugden. How can the world let HHDL and CTA get way from their negative actions?  Yes, the world can no longer ignore the Dorje Shugden ban. Lift the ban NOW!


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Re: Its No Longer Just A Tibetan Problem
« Reply #12 on: June 08, 2014, 05:02:19 PM »
Yes. The whole world is watching Tibet and it's future.
They are watching Dalai Lama and the CTA reaction. Its not just a Tibetan problem anymore.
Buddhism teaches us to be compassion and kind. Is there kindness shown to DS practitioners?
Let's hope the ban will be lifted soon so that the people can really enjoy freedom of religion.


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Re: Its No Longer Just A Tibetan Problem
« Reply #13 on: June 08, 2014, 07:21:58 PM »
It has gone beyond the domestic Tibetan affairs onto the international stage. The ban imposed on Dorje Shugden has reached a boiling point to its many practitioners all around the world that it is illogical to claim, as the CTA and HH does, that there is no ban. If there was no suppression of freedom, the world would not call for it, intelligent protesters from the West will not voice out their frustrations with the hypocrisy and lies of HH. Therefore, to publish such a list is almost suicidal for the CTA, for it is clear that if there are any harm or hurt done to the Shugden practitioners and protesters, it has been allowed and insinuated by the CTA. for what other reason will anyone with a sane mind publish a list like that in addition to having their location printed on it?.. It is only to publicly announce that they are agreeable to and give green light for people to get back at the Shugden practitioners for their involvement in the protest... and they're only protesting for what they deserve.

The ban has to go, and people have to have their rights and freedom restored!


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Re: Its No Longer Just A Tibetan Problem
« Reply #14 on: June 08, 2014, 10:54:52 PM »
Actually, I really like the title. Most Shugden practitioners or sympathisers may consider the ban and its conflicts not something they may want to get into. Usually foreigners who get into Buddhism have expectations of a gentle, non-confrontational spiritual experience. The Dalai Lama and the Dorje Shugden had changed this fact forever. Hence, one may not get a lot of support in championing the lifting of a ban that has little or no consequence on foreign practitioners. I have come across people who tell me in the face, "What has the ban got to do with me? I just what to meditate."

Well, I think the ban has got plenty to do with our meditations. While the Lamas grapple with the ban either from the side of an open practitioner or from a standpoint of a lama in hiding, the consequence is huge. Since the Dharma, lineage and teachings come from them anyway. It has become our sacred duty to liberate our lineage and allow these great masters to do their work. In that way, we are really working to spread the Buddhadharma. Dorje Shugden after all is life obstacles and create favorable conditions for the Dharma to flourish. It is a crucial time now and we should do this hand-in-hand and I guess the best way would be to bring awareness to the inconsistencies of the ban and also simultaneously to highlight the special qualities of Dorje Shugden's protection.

Very well said. If we are calling our Buddhists we can no longer avoid the issue of a sect being banned from practicing. If we don't stand up for a good cause which is to be able to practice the Dharma freely then in future do not expect people to stand up for us when we want to practice. It is even more so if you're a Dorje Shugden practitioner. Why? Because the main practice of many of the lineage Lamas are Dorje Shugden. They transmitted the Buddha dharma teachings together with the practices. If there is no practice the dharma teachings would become only intellectual knowledge. An intellectual knowledge doesn't serve much purpose in this world.