Author Topic: Are Buddhists Racist?  (Read 11604 times)


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Are Buddhists Racist?
« on: June 05, 2014, 07:38:19 AM »
Here is an interesting observation from:

Why would the Dalai Lama lie?

Dalai LamaIt is clear that the Dalai Lama's public reputation is based on his wholesome values of human rights, peace, love and tolerance. He often attends human rights events and speaks publicly about harmony and religious freedom.

So if he were to admit that the Tibetan government is implementing a ban on a religious practice he would have to explain why.

It seems that the Dalai Lama would then be forced to admit that he told people they must stop practising Dorje Shugden. He would have to admit that he agrees with the ban and with the religious discrimination imposed by the CTA.

It would suddenly make it difficult for him to then publicly tell people to respect all religions.

It would also make it difficult for him to be taken seriously when he talks of Chinese human rights violations when he himself supports human rights violations by his own government.

In short he takes the politician's way out of uncomfortable situations - he avoids answering the issue directly and when pressed he simply lies. Not exactly what you would expect from a Buddhist monk, but not a huge surprise for a politician.

So it's easier to lie, smile, laugh and confuse the whole situation with Buddhist debate about doctrinal differences. After all which politician or journalist will be prepared to debate with the Dalai Lama about Buddhism?

For as long as the Dalai Lama keeps the debate focussed on religion he doesn't have to answer questions about what the CTA are doing and why he has told them to do it.

He doesn't have to explain why people were told to leave their jobs in the government, he doesn't need to explain why people were stopped from receiving teachings in their monasteries, and he doesn't need to explain why the Tibetan Parliament has passed a resolution branding people as 'criminals' because they practice a prayer that prior to 1996 was considered to be just fine.

I must admit that this anonymous journalist sure has pretty sharp observations. I do wish him much success, and for anyone who wishes to give him more in and news... here is what he says in his site:

About me

So who am I?

Without trying to give you the cliched Zen Buddhist style answer, which I'm tempted to, I shall remain anonymous.

The reason for my anonymity is quite straightforward. I'm an independent journalist currently based in the UK and during the course of my research and preparation for this publication I have encountered a staggering amount of abuse and threats.

Whilst this is what I do for a living there is absolutely no reason for any of my family or colleagues to be targeted with bullying or intimidation. So for their sake I have taken the precaution of publishing this anonymously.

If you are an accredited journalist and would like more details, source information, photograph permissions and the like please get in touch. I will try and be as helpful as possible and can forward your request to any of the photographers that have supplied me with images for this publication. You can email me at:

If you just want to abuse me then you can email me at: [email protected] (LOL like this part... all the ANTIs can go here!)

Big Uncle

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Re: Are Buddhists Racist?
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2014, 08:13:49 AM »
It is really sad that Buddhism is starting to loose its peaceful image because of the Dorje Shugden ban. It is this image that has brought a lot of people into Buddhism and that in turn has brought many people much needed solutions to their problems and also turn innumerable people's life around and that it has literally altered the course of countless people's future lives. Dorje Shugden has this ability and more.

Since Dorje Shugden bring quick relief, many more people will turn to the Dharma because of Dorje Shugden. And along with this, many more seeds would be implanted into these people's mind streams for the future with the coming of Maitreya. Therefore, whatever we do to liberate Dorje Shugden's practice would be equavalent to spread Buddhadharma into the world.


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Re: Are Buddhists Racist?
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2014, 09:37:15 AM »
It is very sad when I first knew about this ban and seeing Buddhists, including sangha members would cause harm and discrimination to another Buddhists/monks who practice Dorje Shugden.  I just cannot comprehend how would Buddhists including monks who are the practitioners of Buddhism that promotes peace, compassions and loving kindness would do harm to another Buddhist just because they practice Dorje Shugden. Recently, the situation is getting worse. More and more cases of violence are reported such as link below:

1.   Monks could force in to occupy a monastery that do not belongs to them ( ),
2.   The Tibetan leadership (CTA) published a hit list on 34 Tibetans who protest peacefully for their religious right ( ).
3.   Death treats are sent to Dorje Shugden practitioners.
4.   During the Dalai Lama’s teachings in Sera, Tibetans were provoked into attacking Trijang Rinpoche’s assistant Gen Chonze. (
5.   Before that, the Tibetan leadership in the Mundgod settlements incited riots against the Dokhang Khamtsen monks. (

We should all share all these injustice and these actions that violate the human rights to more people around the world and increase the pressure on CTA so that they would lift then ban on Dorje Shugden!

christine V

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Re: Are Buddhists Racist?
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2014, 10:04:21 AM »
Agreed with the point of view from Big Uncle. Indeed, the peaceful picture that the Buddhist have long painted is beginning to be tainted with this ban.
People in today's world are not stupid and will follow 100% , many people believed are based on facts.

With this ban and the violation on human rights, this bring very very bad images towards Buddhism, particular towards Dalai Lama.

Thus, CTA, please wake up you are no longer living in cave!

Freyr Aesiragnorak

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Re: Are Buddhists Racist?
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2014, 11:43:57 AM »
This ban is truly a degeneration of the Buddhist Dharma. It simply does not accord with the teachings of the Buddha or of Je Rinpoche, when supposed practitioners are attacking or persecuting others becuse of this. Truly wholesome actions, perpetrated and promoted by a supposed government who takes its Buddhist heritage seriously. But it just seems to filled with people who can justify violence and evil without actually even thinking about what they are doing or what they are led to believe.


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Re: Are Buddhists Racist?
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2014, 10:41:33 AM »
No, Buddhists are not an apt description to racism. Far for it. Buddhist practice of equanimity is the very anti-thesis of racism. It is certain people and perhaps all of the CTA who are practicing religious apartheid. It is actually more serious than racism. It is institutional racism to put is simply. And for this practice to come from the secular and spiritual representatives (in the case of the Dalai Lama, an icon), is really appalling. So please do not equate Buddhism with racism. It is a small, powerful but ignorant bunch of people who are practicing apartheid.


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Re: Are Buddhists Racist?
« Reply #6 on: June 10, 2014, 04:07:38 AM »
Buddhists are Racist?  No, they are not racist but more like they have gone bizarre with the ban.  With one party for Shugden and the other party anti-Shugden, the huge drama has created an unprecedented hype and public relations for Lord Shugden all around the world where no other Deities have ever been.  This is the skillful means as a result of mixing politics and religion in spreading Buddhadharma and massively implanting the seed of enlightenment in every possible being globally.  When politics and religion are joined there will be the renaissance of Dorje Shugden and inevitably Je Tsongkhapa's teaching will be world most renowned, powerful and widely practised by all regardless of nationalities and race.


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Re: Are Buddhists Racist?
« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2014, 10:47:00 AM »
Buddhists are Racist?  No, they are not racist but more like they have gone bizarre with the ban.  With one party for Shugden and the other party anti-Shugden, the huge drama has created an unprecedented hype and public relations for Lord Shugden all around the world where no other Deities have ever been.  This is the skillful means as a result of mixing politics and religion in spreading Buddhadharma and massively implanting the seed of enlightenment in every possible being globally.  When politics and religion are joined there will be the renaissance of Dorje Shugden and inevitably Je Tsongkhapa's teaching will be world most renowned, powerful and widely practised by all regardless of nationalities and race.

Love it that you are still firm in this possibility and this concept! I too think along these lines and accept this concept because anything else would really be insane and mean the Dalai Lama is really really a Buddhist Taliban.... from there we could spiral in to more judgements of perceiving Him to be an evil being which is so easy to do with all the negative actions and results created here because of the ban!

But frankly... I am really getting SICK and TIRED of how the IGNORANT CTA just follows it through and implements and allow discrimination to take place, supporting, funding it. Even when there is opportunity presented to them for them to SAVE THE DAY AND LOOK GOOD they jeopardise themselves by adding more of their own people on to their hit list and publish it officially on their website so that the UN and the world media can see that truly there is a discrimination and obviously protesters and yelling the truth!

The CTA are suppose to abide and act according to democratic laws but everything they do, their sneaky ways, are the same as their so called enemy - China. So they can really kiss whatever peace talks they wish to achieve with the Chinese as the causes they create, makes them look idiotic. Especially when they split their own people, discriminate them and then HHDL releases a letter requesting for human rights in China



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Re: Are Buddhists Racist?
« Reply #8 on: June 15, 2014, 03:59:22 PM »

Buddhism is a philosophy that is born out of the idea that there are no difference between men and women in society.The Buddha taught that our body and mind are borrowed from the earth.We don't own them,we live temporarily, inhabit our bodies, homes, land and eventually gave them back to earth.
If we all realize this fact,there should be no racism,fighting or any other unnecessary activities.

Solomon Lang

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Re: Are Buddhists Racist?
« Reply #9 on: June 18, 2014, 08:15:44 AM »
The question should be: Are racists Buddhists?
Solomon's Judgement: 2 women came to resolve a quarrel over which was d true mother of a baby. When Solomon suggested they should divide d child in two with a sword, one said she would rather give up d child than see it killed. Solomon then declared d woman who showed compassion 2b the true mother.


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Re: Are Buddhists Racist?
« Reply #10 on: August 17, 2014, 06:58:30 PM »
I agree with @yontenjamyang that Buddhists are VERY far from racist. In fact, I do feel that Buddhism is one of the most unselfish religion in this day. Some major religions are indeed quite selfish that they only protect their followers, and will most likely hurt someone who are not their "follower".

I also do agree there are more and more violence among Buddhists, and between Buddhists and others (like what happened in Myanmar etc). It is really sad indeed.

I do pray that people are more tolerant regardless the faith we practice..


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Re: Are Buddhists Racist?
« Reply #11 on: August 19, 2014, 07:54:01 AM »
I don't think Buddhists Racist because look at what the teaching whatever the Buddha teaching us applicable foe everyone of us you may not need to be a Buddhists to practice what Buddha has taught us, a lot of people practice kindness and compassion even they are not Buddhists . Buddhism is a religion for everyone because all the principal that Buddha teach is about love and right conduct.


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Re: Are Buddhists Racist?
« Reply #12 on: August 20, 2014, 07:39:35 AM »
Well, it depends on the Buddhist, I guess.  Are we supposed to be racist?  No, not if we follow Buddha's example, because he didn't discrimate based on.... anything.... but helped and helps all living beings all the time.  But this is like asking do Buddhists lie or do Buddhists... because while Buddha may teach against something, people do sometimes get mixed up.
  We should help one another by refraining from dogmatism, including trying to convert people from other Buddhist schools, etc. 

Big Uncle

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Re: Are Buddhists Racist?
« Reply #13 on: August 20, 2014, 11:17:12 PM »
I always think racism as something that is really a social issue rather than a religious issue. I see that Buddhism across centuries had seeped into societies that are as diverse as America to Japan today. The amazing part of Buddhism is the ability for its doctrine to fit into any society according to its social norms. Therefore, the practitioners would by and large have this tolerant and accepting behaviour.

However, this does not mean that there are no racist Buddhist. That does not mean that this is a fault of Buddhism. Therefore, I think there is something wrong with the question here. However, due to the nature of Tantrism in Tibetan Buddhism and its emphasis on lama and lineage leads to abuses and sectarian rivalries occurring especially amongst the multitude of ordinary practitioners. Therefore, there are incidents of sectarianism but not racism.


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Re: Are Buddhists Racist?
« Reply #14 on: August 24, 2014, 11:20:07 PM »
The mixing of politics and religions don't go well. On one hand the message of compassion, love, and acceptance for all human beings are preached to the masses while on the other hand one's action is not consistent with the words spoken. It confuses people and weaken people's believes on the doctrine of the teachings. CTA no longer can hide behind the Dalai Lama and using religion as a means of achieving their own self-interest.