Author Topic: Tibetan youths question Dorje Shugden ban  (Read 14441 times)


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Re: Tibetan youths question Dorje Shugden ban
« Reply #15 on: June 14, 2014, 07:25:46 AM »
The Prime Minister has a law degree from Harvard and is an expert on international human rights laws? And he  says there is no discrimination against Dorje Shugden practitioners? In my opinion, he should be on the side of those discriminated against and fight for their rights. He should know what is right or wrong as far as human rights are concerned and defend the Shugden worshippers! Tibetan unity can never be achieved through such unfair treatment of their own kind. As one of the students rightly said, Dhogyal people are also Tibetans with Tibetan flesh, blood and bones. Peace and unity will be achieved when Shugden practitioners are allowed to worship their beloved Protector who is none other than Manjushri. May this new generation of Tibetans continue to speak up for human rights!

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: Tibetan youths question Dorje Shugden ban
« Reply #16 on: June 14, 2014, 07:39:35 AM »
Oh no. Looks like Sikyong Lobsang Sangye was caught off guard and he did not expect the students would come out with those questions that were asked. It is so pathetic to watch him answering the questions with more lies, deception or even avoiding the sincerely asked queries altogether. It is very obvious that these youths are very worried about the unity among Tibetans and the cause that is separating them.

These new generation of Tibetans are educated and they can make deductive interpretations from their observations of what is going on around them. If the CTA intends to continue leading the Tibetans, they must stop all the non-truths that they are now spreading, for these Tibetan youths are not blind to their surrounding and they will not follow blindly what the CTA would impose on them.


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Re: Tibetan youths question Dorje Shugden ban
« Reply #17 on: June 14, 2014, 08:16:30 AM »
I kind of fear for the Tibetan Youths, these CTA they are capable of doing the worst things. And they are still organising their people to work and operate like in feudal ages, the LORD's word is FINAL. When will they come up a list of Tibetan Youths who speak up and question the CTA?

Examples of CTA actions, from taking monks's properties to denying basic rights of the monks to even getting mobs to threaten holy monks. Denying the basic needs for monks, making it difficult for them to survive and spread the dharma. I shudder to think what karma is created that they hinder the monks and holders of the dharma. It is not a pretty thought at that.

There is hope in the future Tibetan generation, in the youths who say their piece and say what they have gleaned from all the media channels they are exposed to. I have heard a social activist say before that when you let people know the truth, they will know what they need to do. I guess the Tibetan Youths know some of the truth already of what they are faced with, their nation and issues that are hindering them to move to the next level. It is not rocket science, that the youths know and observe what has happened in South India. Like how change was brought about in many countries, it is usually what youths take to, like how it was in the US to end of Vietnam or how the student demonstrators overthrew the South korean government. We can hope the youth will not take everything at face value, what their government tells them but think for themselves and decide for themselves that the ban ultimately brings about no benefit whatsoever. 


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Re: Tibetan youths question Dorje Shugden ban
« Reply #18 on: June 14, 2014, 10:01:34 AM »
Finally the Tibetan youths of today is more outspoken and knowledgeable and brave to questions about the ban on Dorje Shugden.
The Prime Minister will be having a tough time now and they cannot go on lying about the whole thing to the younger generations nowadays.
How can they say that there is religious freedom when the practitioners are not allowed to go to the same places as the rest of the people? It's just about time the truth be out. The ban must be lifted soon so that the people of Tibet will live in harmony again.


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Re: Tibetan youths question Dorje Shugden ban
« Reply #19 on: June 14, 2014, 04:08:07 PM »

After watching many videos of ill treatment of the Dorje Shugden practitioners by their own Tibetan people, finally we are seeing some hope in the new generations. From the actions of most of the Tibetans, it is clear that CTA is blocking the truth to the Tibetans, but as we are all aware, we are now in information age and blocking of information is difficult with internet. Younger generations can now access information from many sources, other than just from government controlled TV stations, radios and newspaper.

As a Harvard graduate, Lobsang Sangay didn’t live up to the standard of being open and democratic, and I would suppose all the experience and exposure he see in the US has all been thrown out of the window. What a shame.

Remember, the people who escaped Tibet during 1959 are getting old, and if the Tibetan cause is to continue, it will require the next generations, but when the next generation finds out about the lies and hypocrisies, the CTA will lose the respect of all the younger generation and still stop their fight for Tibetan cause. This is the risk CTA is taking and I am not sure if they are aware of it.

For the sake of unity, CTA must lift the ban down, NOW!


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Re: Tibetan youths question Dorje Shugden ban
« Reply #20 on: June 15, 2014, 04:05:31 AM »
Sikyong you are exposed now by these bright and innocent kids and you are trying hard to contain yourself by lying against lies. How long more can you and your khasag pretend there is no discrimination and ostracism in your society? For how long more can you create schism and segregation in your society? Why mess up, suppress and undermine your countrymen?

Please be in the reality that you are living in the 21st century and no longer in ancient Tibet. The Shugden discrimination has affected millions of diversified nationalities since this a mainstream Gelug practice which has become a global phenomena. All nationalities of Shugden practitioners will fight CTA (a weak stateless community dependent on donations) to the end. CTA will have every thing to loose. Better CTA do not make an embarrassment and a fool of yourselves before it is too late. Lift the ban now!

Freyr Aesiragnorak

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Re: Tibetan youths question Dorje Shugden ban
« Reply #21 on: June 15, 2014, 06:29:48 AM »

Finally those in the Tibetan community are waking up to the fact that they can stand up to the CTA and demand answers for these unfounded policies of religious persecution. I am surprised it has taken this long as living in India, they are surrounded by people who exercise their religious freedoms on a daily basis and also their right to be able to question politicians.

I am over joyed that the Tibetan youth have finally had the courage to ask these tough questions which Sikyong-la is obviously irate about in his answering. It speaks to the inadequacies of this preparation in attending this event, that he obviously didn’t think that this subject was going to be mentioned, as if he did he would prepared himself for this.

It seems that this unbearable situation is gaining ground, even among the non-practicing Tibetan population themselves. This persecution, which is exactly what it is, will not go unnoticed by the masses any longer and even those who have noticed have been shown the inadequacies of their government and leaders, and will question more and more what is happening, and how it is effecting the lives of so many people. This marks the another mile stone in the battle to bring down this ban of religious persecution.


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Re: Tibetan youths question Dorje Shugden ban
« Reply #22 on: June 15, 2014, 06:51:46 AM »
Whether you are a Harvard graduate or not, one cannot defend a ban that is based on nothing solid. Though I cannot understand the language, from the tone and gesture, the Tibetan youth spoke eloquently, confidently and with knowledge. In this modern telecommunication era, information are vast on the internet. People can also make connections with people over social media. With so much information made available about Dorje Shugden specially on, many people are now much more educated about this Protector and also the circumstances surrounding the ban of this practice.

This momentum should not stop. It's time Tibetans themselves take a strong stand against CTA on DS ban instead of relying on outsider/non-Tibetans. This is a fantastic start and hope it will very soon lead to the lifting of DS ban and a shift in the governing methods of CTA.


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Re: Tibetan youths question Dorje Shugden ban
« Reply #23 on: June 15, 2014, 08:41:46 AM »
CTA is fair to all Tibetan by providing them ID and green card? Sikyong Lobsang Sangye is telling a bare-faced lie! How can he pretend he do not know what’s happening to the Dorje Shugden practitioners? Even the students who stay in India are aware of what’s happening to the Tibetans who are Shugden practitioners.

What has Sikyong Lobsang Sangye done to the Serpom Monastery monks if CTA is fair to all Tibetans? Have CTA provided them with any education, medical treatment and basic necessities? Have CTA ever stopped the vandalism and the throwing of debris on the land near to Serpom Monastery? Or CTA just pretended that they do not know about it?


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Re: Tibetan youths question Dorje Shugden ban
« Reply #24 on: June 15, 2014, 08:48:47 AM »
CTA is fair to all Tibetan by providing them ID and green card? Sikyong Lobsang Sangye is telling a bare-faced lie! How can he pretend he do not know what’s happening to the Dorje Shugden practitioners? Even the students who stay in India are aware of what’s happening to the Tibetans who are Shugden practitioners.

What has Sikyong Lobsang Sangye done to the Serpom Monastery monks if CTA is fair to all Tibetans? Have CTA provided them with any education, medical treatment and basic necessities? Have CTA ever stopped the vandalism and the throwing of debris on the land near to Serpom Monastery? Or CTA just pretended that they do not know about it?

I am very upset when I see what happened to Serpom Monastery.

CTA, please stop all these and lift the ban NOW!!


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Re: Tibetan youths question Dorje Shugden ban
« Reply #25 on: June 17, 2014, 03:22:57 AM »
It is really very simple... anyone who does not believe, journalist and reporters, please just go take a look at this wall that separates the monks!

Interview the monks in Serpom and Shar Gaden. Ask them what made them decided to built their own monastery.

It has no gate, no entryway along its entire length. It is designed only to separate, to divide monk from monk; it even blocks access to the old road. It stands 9 feet tall and is made of concrete bricks. Visually, it is attractive in the same architectural style as the monastery. However, it’s appearance is deceptive and hides a sinister purpose. Each brick is an eerie symbol of inequality and hatred, instilled on the basis of just a religious belief. The wall lies on the brown dusty earth — the very earth on which we all stand equal as human beings, each with the basic right to hold the faith of our choosing. It rises, row by row, into our common sky — the vast common canopy into which all can gaze, uplifting the mind beyond the mundane to the infinite and even the holy.


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Re: Tibetan youths question Dorje Shugden ban
« Reply #26 on: June 18, 2014, 10:33:19 AM »
Whether you are a Harvard graduate or not, one cannot defend a ban that is based on nothing solid. Though I cannot understand the language, from the tone and gesture, the Tibetan youth spoke eloquently, confidently and with knowledge. In this modern telecommunication era, information are vast on the internet. People can also make connections with people over social media. With so much information made available about Dorje Shugden specially on, many people are now much more educated about this Protector and also the circumstances surrounding the ban of this practice.

This momentum should not stop. It's time Tibetans themselves take a strong stand against CTA on DS ban instead of relying on outsider/non-Tibetans. This is a fantastic start and hope it will very soon lead to the lifting of DS ban and a shift in the governing methods of CTA.

Hey I beg to differ. In the monastery, you are taught to defend black as white, and white as black so it is definitely possible to defend something illogical. This doesnt take place just in the monastery but in the secular world as well. Case in point, Ive friends who are very good at coming up with conclusions which are based off incorrect information... but although the information is incorrect, their reasoning is very sound and logical, and you can see how they arrived at their conclusion. And since they have their reasoning which is sound and logical (although the basis is incorrect), its easy for them to defend and debate.

What am I trying to say? I think the Sikyongs been out of the world for a little while, and lost his edge because even with teenagers, he wasnt able to debate with them to make them believe in the Tibetan governments official guidelines. If he cant debate with teenagers, what makes him think he can gain autonomy (or is it independence? I lose track) from the Chinese?

Sad to say, this is the best Tibetan society has to offer as a leader after the Dalai Lama has to manifest clear light. Could they not find someone better?

christine V

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Re: Tibetan youths question Dorje Shugden ban
« Reply #27 on: June 21, 2014, 05:08:35 AM »
I am impressed by the intelligence of the students. And was amazed by the "clever" answered by Lobsang Sangay. So much lies... so obvious and yet daring

If there is no abused to the Dorje Shugden practitioner, why is there reported on monks being hit?
If there is no discrimination, why is there signage everywhere stated that Dorje Shugden practitioner can't attend to here and there?

There was a concerned that CTA are creating another Pakistan and Indian. The students could see the future of the Ban. Why can't CTA?
There were compassion from the students that , there are same Tibetan community live in Indian as an exile communities, there are in the same boats. Why can't the CTA have peace, but do so many things to "kill" own brother and sister?

CTA, please wake up and look around you. As what the students said, your own future generation requested, if Dorje Shugden practice is bad, why not have open discussion and talk to the practitioner. Why do so many small actions?


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Re: Tibetan youths question Dorje Shugden ban
« Reply #28 on: June 28, 2014, 07:33:01 AM »
There are a couple of things Lobsang Sangay and the CTA forgot, when they decided to carry out a  question-and-answer exercise with the young Tibetans, who grew up in India, and have been exposed to the new, emerging world culture of democracy and freedom of speech. They forgot that these young people, unlike the generation of their fathers who had grown up in a 'closed-door' Tibet, while respectful of authority, would question whatever they find illogical or unacceptable or contradictory to what they themselves have observed on the ground.

These are sincere youngsters , who speak the language of honesty and integrity, and from the heart. From the heart they say "Dhogyal people are also Tibetans, and they have Tibetan blood and bones. Being Tibetan, give them rights to religion. Even India has this rights called 'secularism ethics". so, I think, we should also follow rules".These are people who are expressing their sincere feelings,as they watch their Shugden practitioner friends suffer from oppression and persecution by the Tibetan leadership .

Sikong Lobsang Sangay and CTA forget that these young people will be the leaders who will form the government of tomorrow, if Tibet gains Independence ,or, they will be the leaders of the community of Tibetans -in -Exile . They will be inheriting the mantle of leadership from them. So how can they be so short-sighted and attempt to deceive by lying, covering and contradictions?

I agree with vajrastorm. It is very refreshing to see the Tibetan youths of today speaking out from their observations and questioning the logic behind CTA's stand against Shugden practitioners. And what makes this incident much more heartwarming is that these youths who are probably not practicing DS but see their fellow Tibetan DS practitioners as being discriminated unjustly by CTA. I am glad to see this new development unfolding in today's questioning and compassionate Tibetan youths who I hope will one day spearhead the lifting of the DS ban by putting pressure on the CTA.


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Re: Tibetan youths question Dorje Shugden ban
« Reply #29 on: June 29, 2014, 05:04:42 PM »
what ever the CTA is doing, is backfiring!! all the lies that was being told by Pempa Tsering has many people watch in disgust how he and CTA are using dirty tactic by smearing and defaming Pabongkha Rinpoche, the Lineage Guru of the Ganden Tradition, and indirectly saying all Dalai Lama wisdom and knowledge are of evil too? because H.H Dalai Lama Guru is the previous Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche who is HHDL Junior Tutor, and the teaching and wisdom of Trijang Rinpoche is also received from Pabongkha Rinpoche.

The CTA is really not so clever defaming the Lineage Guru, and all their actions of bannign DS practice has cause many inconvenient to not only the DS practitioner, but also the whole Tibetan community as a whole. It has certainly created alot of negative perception to not only the CTA, but also HHDL, and what ever the Pro-Dalai Lama people are doing is hurting Buddhism as a whole and hurting the Gelugpa Lineage of Lama Tsongkhapa Teaching!

thankfully these students realize the implication of DS ban on the whole Tibetan community, and it is now the CTA are more pressured, they should have realize now what ever they are doing, is really hurting the Tibetan cause, and not Dorje Shugden Practice! They are the real culprit!!!