This is wonderful; this discussion gives us the opportunity to investigate many meaningful ideas.
You have made some very interesting points here, the only one I explicity disagree with is the first. The second is an invitation to what I take to be a liberating insight, and the third question you ask is the most important, and I take it, in some respects, to be rhetorical. You make such and important point when you invite us to consider how beneficial or important it will be to rely in the future upon leaders who are under the influence of politicians and their power.
Please do not take my response here as disagreeing with you, I very much appreciate your insight and relish the opportunity to discuss these crucial matters....
You say that the Ganden Tri is not being crossing the Dalai Lama, but is merely following in the Dalai Lama’s footsteps in giving his blessings to TBI.
I see it differently.
For example, it is not at all clear that the DL has given his blessing to TBI. In fact, in that marvelously Tibetan way, his inscription on the image (of himself) he offered them is markedly indirect. Imagine going to the place of your Lama’s reincarnation (remember that the Dalai Lama himself recognized this tulku), so in fact we can say, imagine going to see your Lama and giving him a picture of yourself with an inscription beginning “This object of veneration…”!!
From one point of view, it could be seen that the DL is saying “You need to acknowledge my authority.”
At no point does he acknowledge
any good quality of Trijang Rinpoche or his Institute, he does not praise their intentions or actions
in any way, and he does not indicate
any recognition of their previous relationship in the slightest.
I have always found it somewhat distasteful that TBI has put it on their website at all, and have only attributed it to their good intentions and wish to help so many who feel torn in half by this rift to experience a little mental peace.
The Ganden Tripa, the
actual head of the Gelug tradition, on the other hand, “authorizes” Trijang Buddhist institute to “represent and transmit the teachings of the Gelug order.” To me, this is huge, and if I were the Dalai Lama, I would experience this as a direct affront, however indirectly offered.
Consider: The Dalai Lama has been touring the world saying, “This is spirit worship, it degenerates the Dharma, these practitioners should stop, they are agents of the Chinese communist regime, they have lost their refuge…” He even said that we are, and I quote, “tying a noose for our own necks.”
Then the
Ganden Tripa, authorizes Dorje Shugden practitioners to represent the Gelug order?!? The implications of such a statement are as various as they are remarkable, and one is very clearly “I decide what is a valid representation of the Gelug tradition, sir, not you.” Of course, he has no political power to back it up, but I take this to be a very courageous thing to do.
Given what we know of the situation in India, could any of us do the same knowing we had relatives, disciples, friends, interests there?
In short, I think he must know he IS crossing the Dalai Lama, and quite publicly, and that the two “dedications” are not at all the same, so it cannot be said that the Ganden Tripa is following the Dalai Lama in this.
You wonder why such a blessing or authorization would be required, and I submit that in fact it is not. As you adduce, the Ganden Tradition is alive and well all over the world. To me, this is further indication that what the Ganden Tri has done is to
have a made a statement. A statement that can be taken to indicate what does, and does not, represent the Gelug tradition. In my view, it is a statement that we should both support wholeheartedly and also make much of.
Then, to your final question, “if the Ganden Tripa is so easily influenced or controlled by Tibetan politicians, what is the use for such a position in the future?”
This is a wonderful popint, and one that should be considered by all spiritual practitioners.
Firstly, as I argued in my last post, it is not at all clear that this man has been easily controlled. We can only imagine what he has gone through, himself a practitioner of this wisdom dharmapala, how many actions he has taken behind the scenes, encouraging, supporting, financing, making prayers. Of course, I don’t know, but we can only imagine

Finally, I agree with the implication you seem to be making. Having a leader who is under the control of politicians is not desirable. In this, I am all the way behind you. In applauding his statement, however, we are in no way saying that our faith depends on it, merely that we acknowledge and respect his standing up for what is correct. As I think we ourselves have demonstrated, the Ganden Tradition’s continuation as a living lineage of scripture and realization does not depend on any Dalai Lama selected leader, but upon the faith and respect and PRACTICE of we the Gadenpa, the thousand-times-blessed followers of Protector Manjushri Je Tsongkhapa.
If the next Ganden Tripa says we are rubbish, we will do as we have always done. But if he says we represent the Ganden tradition, I for one will agree and applaud his good sense, and refrain from any all too easy pointing out that he could have done so… sooner.
Thank you, Alexis for giving me a chance to state my views. If you disagree, please correct me, or just ignore me, it’s only my opinion.