Author Topic: Defame Pabongka Rinpoche, what will CTA do next?  (Read 7006 times)


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Defame Pabongka Rinpoche, what will CTA do next?
« on: June 20, 2014, 09:13:07 PM »
After putting up a "hit list", an open letter (from United Front of Tibetan People) to incite violence, what is next act of CTA? May be it time they will defame and condemn all the lineage Gurus?

Do read up this good article (and read the comments left by some readers), and it will be very clear to you that there are just so many flaws in the logic. But then again, CTA never learn, and they are harping that Tibetans do not get much information from internet and still trying to brainwash them. Just look at the questions asked by the young students ( and you know CTA is losing their grip and people who have access to internet (and other source of information other than CTA itself) are starting to think with logic, and suddenly they realise what CTA told them do not make sense.

CTA, please behave like a Buddhist, and your actions put HH Dalai Lama to shame, because your act of violence, undemocratic, selfish and arrogant is in 100% contradiction of HH Dalai Lama's vision of peace, acceptance and compassion.


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Re: Defame Pabongka Rinpoche, what will CTA do next?
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2014, 12:55:42 AM »
I was much disgusted when I watched the video. What kind of government goes around defaming people in front of these growing kids? They are the next generation, they are Tibet's future, it is such a shame that they behave in such a way in front of these children. It is not surprising really to see the CTA fall because the approach was never correct to begin with.

The entire Gelug tradition is living today is very much due to the kindness of Je Pabongkha Rinpoche. Anyone who thinks otherwise can very well just go back to their teachers and ask their lineage masters, if you are Gelug, your lineage master could be Pabongka Rinpoche or you may be reading one of Pabongka Rinpoche works or doing a puja composed by Pabongka Rinpoche

I am glad posted this video up to show how incredibly stupid the CTA is and the more stupid they get, the more attention it brings them. More people will see how stupid they are~!


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Re: Defame Pabongka Rinpoche, what will CTA do next?
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2014, 05:51:42 AM »
What more desperate measures can the CTA now take , after its Speaker has gone to a group  of young high school students  to  publicly denigrate a Buddha , bringing Dorje Shugden down to the level of a spirit, and ,at the same time , bringing down one of the greatest Lamas of all times, and the root guru of so many great Gelug  masters of these modern times - the incomparable Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche?

The Speaker of Parliament , a politician, dons the cap of a 'spiritual leader' and talks about the "fall" and "fall" of Dorje Shugden in a tale that is full of absurd lies and distortion.  His denigration of Pabongka Rinpoche is even more ludicrous. One question a thinking young student (listening to his haphazard tale)might ask is- how is it that a Protector, whose practice had reigned high 'in the heavens' for over 300 years, can suddenly be discovered to be a practice of a spirit. Where is the well-researched evidence that has , in one fell swoop, nullified the practice that had brought benefits to so many?

Penpa Tsering boldly launches into a sweeping statement that  great masters, currently practicing Shugden,  are  mired in problems and living under difficult circumstances. He goes on to say that Kyabje Choktrul Trijang Rinpoche is living in "miserable conditions"!! I do hope and trust that these students, listening to the Speaker, have access to pictures and news showing the comfortable living conditions of the present incarnation of Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche!

The more ridiculous details the Speaker gives includes that of Dorje Shugden, entering the young Pabongka Rinpoche , and hitting people who did not acknowledge him as an enlightened Protector! Penpa Tsering repeated more than once that Pabongka Rinpoche was an unequalled lamrim teacher. At the same time, he also said Pabongka Rinpoche was a minor Lama!Such absurd contradictions in a speech by the Speaker of Parliament?

How great is the negativity of denigrating both a great Enlightened Protector and a great Gelug master, both of whose entire  focus and concentration of efforts have been to promote and spread the teachings of Lama Tsongkhapa, so necessary for this degenerate age?More  importantly, these students are going to be the next generation of leaders. Isn't it more imperative, to inculcate in them skills of harmonious speech and action in order to unite rather than to divide?


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Re: Defame Pabongka Rinpoche, what will CTA do next?
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2014, 07:46:16 AM »
Actually I feel the CTA not only insulted Pabongka Rinpoche and the entire Gelug tradition he has also insulted the Sakya Lamas. As I said in another post, are the Sakya lamas not able to differentiate between demonic and buddha energies? 

Yet again CTA alienates itself more and more due to their coarse and uncaring nature, how to ever have freedom for the Tibetans? 


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Re: Defame Pabongka Rinpoche, what will CTA do next?
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2014, 08:45:58 AM »
Either CTA is extremely desperate or CTA has elected a not very bright Speaker of Parliament, Penpa Tsering.

If it was not because of this website, I would not known who this person is but indeed CTA has made another MOCKERY of an average human intelligence.

If what Mr Tsering said is true and Pabongka Rinpoche was influence by an evil devil, then please go ahead and confiscate and BURN all the Lamrin book which all Gelug practitioner around the world are using as part of their practice. They can start with the Tibetans. Why don't this Speaker of Parliament activate this campaign or action?

To add on to this, Mr Tsering should also "dethrone" his H.H. cause his tutor is Trijang Rinpoche. So whatever has been passed down by Trijang Rinpoche to H.H. is influence by the evil devil. So how can Mr Tsering or CTA allow H.H. to be still so powerful. This and all CTA actions with regards to the banning of Shugden practice does not make sense.

I seriously do hope that CTA is able to review their leaders or speakers before it becomes a real circus or Mardi Gras.

Don't get me wrong, CTA should be the authority figure for all Tibetan in Exile. Instead of making Tibetans proud of their government, I feel sad cause their basis of debate & speech does not an ounce of logic. CTA should concentrate in promoting the elite high lamas cause that is their selling point not demoting/slandering them with false accusation. From there, they will get more support from the rest of the world to fight for the future of Tibetans. And this is what any good governing government will do for their people.


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Re: Defame Pabongka Rinpoche, what will CTA do next?
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2014, 01:40:51 AM »
It is so bad that Penpa Tsering giving false speech that defames the high lamas. I am worried about him that he has collected tremendous negatives karma in talking bad about Dorje Shugden, high lamas such as Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche and HH Trijang Rinpoche, and causing the split of the Sangha and Tibetan communities. Besides, he is not any high master or religious master to make such comments. This is causing Buddhism to degenerate and at the same time putting HH Dalai Lama to shame!

As a representative of government, he should be giving authentic information and promoting unity as well as looking for ways to strengthen the economy, social of Tibet.

Penpa Tsering speech is all lies and baseless as Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche, Domo Geshe Rinpoche, HH Trijang Rinpoche have reincarnated. This shows that they do not go to hell due to worship Spirit and Dorje Shugden is not a spirits. Penpa Tsering speech on the current HH Trijang Rinpoche is living in miserable conditions due to his Dorje Shugden practice is also a lie. We can all see that HH Trijang Rinpoche is OK. There are some recent photos during his recent birthday.


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Re: Defame Pabongka Rinpoche, what will CTA do next?
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2014, 02:14:11 AM »
You guys called yourself followers of His Holiness The Dalai Lama but you are a disgrace to His Holiness. Your actions defy what HHTDL represents which is compassion and kindness. If you are truly followers of HHTDL, you will act with compassion and kindness even towards devil worshipers.

The essence of Tibetan Buddhism is based on Guru Devotion. How can you say you are followers of HHTDL when you defame His lineage Guru. Have can you represent violence and hate? How can you call yourselves followers of Chenrezig, Buddha of Compassion when you incite hatred and violence against DS practitioners?

It's about time you put your self interest aside and be a true follower of His Holiness The Dalai Lama and really uphold the value HHTDL represents which is compassion and kindness. Then maybe you will gain the expect of Tibetans, leaders of the worlds and international attention needed to support the important issues facing Tibet.


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Re: Defame Pabongka Rinpoche, what will CTA do next?
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2014, 03:45:03 PM »
Penpa Tsering's speech to the Upper TCV School is really shocking and terrible! How could the Tibetans in exile still tolerate such blantant lies, abuses of authority, defamation of high Tibetan lamas and disrepute of Buddhas, Dharma and Sangha?  Are these the kind of leaders Tibetans in exile want in their government?  Do you want politicians like Penpa Tsering to corrupt the minds of these bright students from the Upper TCV School? Penpa Tsering had made a total fool of himself, CTA and the Tibetans in exile in front of the whole world! 


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Re: Defame Pabongka Rinpoche, what will CTA do next?
« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2014, 03:48:13 PM »
If the speaker of parliament can make these kind of untruth statements and get away with it I couldn't imagine how the Tibetans can voice out their opinions without any retaliation. Are they even practicing democracy or some form of freedom of speech? If you can hear this kind of speech but never the opposing view disagreeing with him I can bet that the Tibetans are living in a environment where you either you treat everything he says is true or kept mum if you don't agree because to do the opposite you'll be alienated by the community.

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: Defame Pabongka Rinpoche, what will CTA do next?
« Reply #9 on: June 22, 2014, 04:08:23 PM »
Very well said, kris. It is so obvious the CTA is running out of contents in their pursuit to fortify the illogical ban on the Dorje Shugden practice. This talk given by Penpa Tsering to a group a students is a despairing effort indeed. It is real confusing to have a political person speaking on spirituality and even have the audacity to speak badly about the tutor to their highly revered spiritual leader, His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
The older generation of Tibetans may not have a high education and not be exposed to the world, but these students are much aware of the going ons around them. It would not be long until more Tibetan people would realize the CTA have been lying to them.
Why not focus your resources and effort on getting back Tibet instead of harping on this issue of the belief of a small number of Tibetans as you claimed?


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Re: Defame Pabongka Rinpoche, what will CTA do next?
« Reply #10 on: June 23, 2014, 04:52:35 AM »
Penpa Tsering is a "good" representation of the older generation of Tibetans who just worship the Dalai Lama as a God. The thinking is that the Dalai Lama gave them everything and hence it is just a worldly concern about wealth, praise, fame and comfort. It is about this life. Hence, they discern, we are Tibetans, theye are Chinese, Indian, Westerner, Gelugs, Shugden, Nyingma.
All these are taken at face value and acted about to protect the status quo for the benefit of a few at the expense of others. The CTA acts like there are no moral values and worst, act in the name of Buddhism and the Dalai Lama without concern for the well being of ALL Tibetans, Shugdens and non Shugden; and more and more, the world is viewing them with doubt.

Kim Hyun Jae

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Re: Defame Pabongka Rinpoche, what will CTA do next?
« Reply #11 on: June 23, 2014, 05:21:21 AM »
I think Penpa Tsering and the CTA came up with this "lame" strategy to influence the young minds of Tibetans. The CTAs are very well aware of the power and influence of the internet, smart phones usage, Facebook and YouTube by the youth and the general mass of local and overseas Tibetan. In the last 2 years, where ever HH the Dalai Lama visits to give teachings, there will be videos uploaded to reach the world, including Dorje Shugden's protesters, the ISC's presence in all venues in the world.

Based on the written letter, I conclude that the CTAs just reacts to whatever the current situation arises on the DS issue. Their strategy NOW is (1) influence the minds of Tibetans youth which they can control within Tibetan communities (2) hostile unfriendly take over of "unprotected" small important monasteries with few remaining sangha - to demonstrate to the world, how Unsophisticated, Uncultured, Aggression and Abuse the CTAs are.

The CTAs actions incite a lot of pain, hardship and stress to other Buddhist sects, be them DS or non-DS practitioners.

Are the CTAs going to be responsible for the continuance of this "uproar" to face the Wheel of Sharp Weapons returning on them?

Bring the BAN down now!!!!!!


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Re: Defame Pabongka Rinpoche, what will CTA do next?
« Reply #12 on: June 23, 2014, 09:46:37 AM »
I really like this picture quote by Icy... it is most apt for Mr. Penpa!

Since when does politician layman were given the right to educate or advice people about "Spirituality"? It's not the appropriate thing to do for any Govt and they've totally sunk down to the bottom now. This time CTA has gone too far, and too desperate, they have to poison and manipulate young innocent Tibetans' minds by feeding them with as Icy stated in the pix "Bullshit"... pardon me! But it is a whole lota bull and it is really beneath them to do something so disgusting! It also goes to show how the CTA will at all cost, change the course of history, condemn Lamas, (though they are are so called Buddhist) risk collecting enormous negative karma by condemning someone as great a Je Pabongkha, just so they can escape being caught for Human Rights Abuse!!!

I hope these young educated Tibetans will go online, search online and investigate for themselves, I hope they have some good merits to listen to some truth instead of being a sheep follower.


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Re: Defame Pabongka Rinpoche, what will CTA do next?
« Reply #13 on: June 28, 2014, 05:27:22 PM »
Are the CTA so desperate until using defamation on Pabongkha Rinpoche as a way to brainwash the Tibetan student? such low level dirty tactic from CTA and Penpa Tsering, just show how low level are their Dharma Practice and understanding of the Dharma.

CTA, please act and behave like a true gentleman, and not act like barbarian, what ever you say and do are watch by millions over the world. Every words you say, every action you take and being watch closely by millions over the world, the Truth always prevails.

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Re: Defame Pabongka Rinpoche, what will CTA do next?
« Reply #14 on: June 29, 2014, 04:16:07 AM »
It’s really a disgrace and demerits for the CTA to defame Pabongka Rinpoche. The great renowned lineage master that gave a twenty four day teaching to mass gathering of monks, nuns and laypeople   that was a complete synthesis of all the Buddha's teachings. These teaching were compiled by Trijang Rinpoche whose became the current Dalai Lama’s junior tutor. How can the Dalai Lama followers put down his Guru’s lineage teacher? How does it make sense?

Obviously CTA is just a political entity that only concern on power and greed for money. They totally not spiritual and their action is just for political evil reason. But even for that in a circular level how can the staff of a company put down the boss teacher? That is disrespect!

Such a spiritual country the teacher that confers the teaching is highly regarded and Dalai Lama is a spiritual leader. By the action from the CTA it doesn’t show any positive impact in fact it’s a big shame for Dalai Lama that his lineage Guru being put down. The CTA is just getting out of control and doesn’t realize that their violent and harmful actions are being observed and witness by the young generation. Recent Q&A between the Tibetan Youth and the Tibetan Prime Minister showed that the young generation saw everything and now questioning the government action which they disagree with. With Penpa Sering gave such statement will just create more disrespect from the community especially the youth which they are quite learned and spiritual.

The CTA is just keeping shooting their feet with all the unlogic and unspiritual statement and actions. The lie can never cover the truth.