I am very sorry to contradict again, as it seems, that you are somewhat fed up by this topic. But even if there should be no sense in your eyes for this discussion, for me (and probably others) there is, because though I can follow partially your political reasons, from the side of your Dharma reasons I feel not convinced and also somewhat ignored in my arguments. So I hope that I am allowed to continue this discussion in a reasonable and not a dogmatic way.
First to say: nobody stated that the Dalai Lama
is Chenresig. It was only said:
one should never forget this aspect, that he might act as Chenresig in a hidden way. This fits to all the root teachings from the smaller vehicles, which we received from our masters, as we know, that there are special skills necessary to say definitely „this is an action of chenresig“ and „this is not an action of chenresig“. Before we have not even reached some kind of yogic perception, we must not give any judgement in this way. Of course we can suggest, that somebody acts or acts not as chenresig while interpreting some signs, but we are definitely not able to make any final decision in this point except we would have reached such a high yogic level. This was the way how I understood this sentence and there was no idea at all, that anybody of us will support now blindly all the actions of DL. But if you insist now on not giving space for any doubts according to our own deluded minds, because
you know already very surly, that DL acts not as Chenresig, then this would mean in fact, that you have accomplished such a high yogic peception. Probably you have, but I request your kindly understanding, if I will not believe blindly in it.
Buddhas have only one way to liberate us: teaching us what we should adopt and what we should abandon....
What are we doing to this world if we invite people to think that a Buddha is somebody who incites segregation, persecution, fear, violence, and so on? What are we doing to this pitiful samsara if we destroy the hope that only the Buddhas can bring, by giving a terribly mistaken image of what a Buddha is?The main goal of Buddhism is not to make the people believe in a world without suffering, but to help the sentient beings to overcome their delusions, which are the origin for their suffering. For this we have to understand the own mind and the phenomenas as that, what they really are. If you reduce the Buddhism just to a way to make people outwardly and temporarly happy or to an ethical how-to-do, then this would mean a heavy misunderstanding of the Buddha's doctrine.
But probably our dissence arises from a different environment and how we perceive it. In those Western countries I know and especially in my monastery I often get the feedback, that people are very happy to find an alternative to the mainstream Hollywood Buddhism and to come in contact with a Dharma, which they can study thoroughfully step by step. Those people don't like to be involved in any Dharma politics and are only interested in this Dharmapala issue, as far as they see their Gurus attacked and of course, because they feel compassion with the persecuted Tibetans. But they don't like to become a part of this schism and for that reason they want to find some solutions how to integrate this issue senseful in their practice. So, in the same way as you fear people could be irritated by a person who is claimed to be a Bodhisattva while acting very contradictory, I fear much more, people could be irritated by feeling forced to take part in this schism in a way which doesn't fit to their understanding of Dharma and how they were taught by their Gurus. And as I already said: I never ever heard one of my Gurus, and I met a lot, saying the DL is not or acts not as Chenresig. There would be also not much meaning for it in Western countries. The medias find always some nice titles for the DL, but there is no great emotional connection with it. Probably this is different for Tibetans and makes our views different?
There is no vow of any kind that demands from one to say that the Dalai Lama is Chenrezig or Chenrezig's emanation.The crucial point is not, that anybody
must say, DL is an emanation of chenresig. The issue is, that you wants us clearly to say, that he is
not and we should not do otherwise.
So if I would agree with you and say DL is not an emanation of chenresig:
- First of all it is simple lying, because as the deluded person as I am, I don't have the capacity to say he is or he is not.
- Second it is divisive speech, because there are a lot of people who believe it and I try to make them loose faith into their Guru. I can say this and this action of DL doesn't fit to my understanding of Buddhism, these are imho facts to discuss. But the question if he is an appearance of chenresig or not is a question of faith of people. The same I will not jump in the question, if Jesus was just a historical appearance or really the son of God. This is not my duty, I care for my own believe.
- Third, this would make me breaking my ordination vow because of taking party after a schism in the Sangha. Before this schism happened I had no problem with the view to believe him being an emanation of chenresig. While refusing it now, I take part against the other one in the intention to destroy their believe.
- Fourth it is a break of root Bodhisattva vows, as I would pretend to have an understanding of emptiness, which I actually not have.
- And Fifth it is a break of my tantric vows while despising my Lama after I received initiation.
I hope, that I could clearly bring out my points. If they should sound unpolite, harsh or whatsoever, this is not in my intention but a result of being not a native speaker. And for the case, that you don't wish to continue this discussion furthermore, I will not expect an answer and we can leave it here. But I didn't like just to stop with a dogmatic 'shut up' because my arguments seem not to fit. We are Gelugpas, we can debate, or not?