Author Topic: By keeping quiet, HH has already given approvals to incite violence and attack :  (Read 6702 times)


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To me, when HH Dalai Lama impose the ban, he has already given the approvals to attack all Dorje Shugden practitioners, and that includes ISC members of course.

And when HH Dalai Lama raise His voice against the Dorje Shugden practitioners, it gives approvals to be nasty; and when CTA incite violence and HH Dalai Lama didn't say a thing, that gives approvals to be nasty; and when CTA published the "hit list" and HH Dalai Lama didn't say a thing, that gives even more approvals for even more attacks.

How sad and how ironic. The most peaceful person on earth has a lot of students who are so hateful and revengeful.. and worst of all, hurting others just outside the hall where HH Dalai Lama is giving talk on compassion.

Do you think these violent actions are justified?? Are you OK with these kind of vengeful mindset from Buddhists (more so from HH Dalai Lama's students)?


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How sad and how ironic. The most peaceful person on earth has a lot of students who are so hateful and revengeful..

Wrong. The terrorist ballyhooed by Western terrorist media as ”the most peaceful person on earth” is himself hateful and revengeful, which is why his students are the same.

and worst of all, hurting others just outside the hall where HH Dalai Lama is giving talk on compassion.

Which shows that the talk was not on compassion, but on how to use the word ”compassion” as a cover for terrorism.

Do you think these violent actions are justified?? Are you OK with these kind of vengeful mindset from Buddhists (more so from HH Dalai Lama's students)?

What is not justified is to call an evil terrorist ”HH”, and to blame only the minions for the crimes of the mastermind, the evil dalai.


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Are you OK with these kind of vengeful mindset from Buddhists (more so from HH Dalai Lama's students)?

Since the evil dalai lacks refuge vows (having caused schism within the Sangha), lacks bodhisattva vows (having induced people to suicide), and lacks tantric vows (having derided and disparaged his root gurus), he together with his minions cannot be called ”Buddhist”.

What we are dealing with is just an evil, terroristic personality cult, let's call it dalaism.


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Well you see, the Dalai has them tricked.  Yes, he teaches on compassion, but then, weaves a tale which those who are not too amazing with logic or knowledge will fall for--- that it is compassionate to hurt Dorje Shugden worshipers.
  So it goes something like this:  1. we should feel compassion for all living beings. 2. we should do whatever helps all living beings. 3 . The Dalai lama is the the uh (gag--- forgive me Avalokiteshvara for sullying your good name) Buddha of Compassion 4. The Dalai (supposedly Buddha of Compassion remember)  knows that the evil Shugden worshipers are doing practices which will harm all living beings 5. These prayers will not only hurt everybody but also land the person praying them in the lower realms for several million years or something 6. the Buddha of Compassion um.... supposedly the Dalai Lama is considered the Buddha of Compassion.... wants you to stop at nothing to end this practice, and wipe it off the earth.  QED you are compassionate to stop Shugdens at all costs--- nothing is important about their lives and they are not allowed to pray their prayers.
  So, uh, sorry, but like I can't deal with this thing where we have to pretend he is like logical because you see, 1. prayers can't hurt people (not ones with refuge). 2. The Buddha of Compassion would not need people to protect him from a spirit, but would just say a prayer to protect the people from a spirit  3. The Dalai Lama is leading people to think compassion and hatred are the same emotion, but that hatred is wrathful compassion.  This is seriously in error.

Tenzin K

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It’s weird that the Dalai Lama the Nobel Prize winner for PEACE in recognition of his nonviolent campaign just keeps silent with the violent issue happen to their own Tibetan people. So many incident and prove has not even make the Dalai Lama speak for once on the issue. So what is the PEACE that the Dalai Lama emphasizing? He doesn’t even encourage PEACE within his own people. 

Why Shugden practitioners are being treated badly with violent but the Dalai Lama has not even speak for PEACE? To outcast the Shugden practitioners is PEACE? The hit list is obvious and why again not a word from the Dalai Lama which it may cause harm to the people in the list.

Why not accept Shugden practitioners and make room for the practitioners which have not created any trouble and be harmonious and in PEACE, unite all the Tibetan people regardless their believes to stand strong for the Tibetan freedom! This should be the right direction if the Dalai Lama is looking and working to the freedom. How contradict that The Dalai Lama is seeking for his country freedom but taking away the religions freedom from his people. It doesn't make sense.


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So the International Shugden committee's peaceful protest against the ban on Shugden practice in both Rotterdam and Frankfurt, meets with violent reactions from Dalai Lama's supporters, who had turned up for his teachings. It's just incredible that the Dalai Lama can talk about compassion and non-violence inside the building and outside  we see this show of violence from His supporters. These attacks on foreign ground are truly bold and audacious.

By keeping quiet and not even chiding them, he is in effect condoning their acts of hooliganism and violence.Such a bad image for the Tibetan leadership! But more worrying are the attacks on DS monasteries like Phedong.

Kim Hyun Jae

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I agreed with Kris who asked why the Dalai Lama actually continued the support of rudeness and act of violence of attacks of anti-DS supporters and kept his SILENCE over these anti-DS actions.

If he is who he is, pardon me saying, Avalokiteshvara - he shouldn't keep his silence over the matter of the 2nd attack on Domo Geshe's monastery. How does this look to the world as a reflection of a Buddhist leader who preach love, compassion and wisdom? This is not a true reflection of any Buddhist teachings at all.



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The two videos of Dalai Lama Supporters in Rotterdam and Frankfurt have shown clearly how aggressive and violence they are. I wonder how on one hand they could be listening to the teachings of peace and compassion by the Nobel Peace Prize winner and world peace advocate HH Dalai Lama but on the other hand acting in this way. They are not just putting themselves, the CTA but also HH Dalai Lama to shame. 

I sincerely urge HH Dalai Lama and CTA would speak out and discourage any aggression or violence towards Dorje Shugden practitioner. If you said there is no ban on Dorje Shugden’s practice, then you should even speak up and prove yourself by saying no to all these violence and aggression!!


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The people who tried to attack the protesters for the lighting of the ban, cannot be even called buddhist.

What Buddhist would curse another, and spit as well. Not the actions of the followers of Buddha Shakyamuni.


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Ever since the ban on Dorje Shugden was imposed by His Holiness Dalai Lama, we have seen numerous violence and attacks on Dorje Shugdens followers. The most recent was the second attack on Gaden Choling monastery in Phedong.  Why has His Holiness Dalai Lama not put a stop to these actrocities?  A Buddha cannot harm any sentient being! Aren’t His Holiness Dalai Lama Chenrezig the Buddha of Compassion?
By remaining silent and refusing to acknowledge that there is a ban on Dorje Shugden, His Holiness seemed to condone these violence and attacks! Instead of teaching compassion, he is propagating hatred and violence to His followers! Pro-Dalai Lama supporters including Central Tibetan Administration do not care about His Holiness Dalai Lama’s reputation.  They are so vulgar, vengeful and non-Buddhist!  These pro-Dalai Lama supporters are acting like terrorists! Where else in the World would a government put up a hit list on their official website? 

christine V

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Maybe HH Dalai Lama scared CTA will not followed his instructions? Or will not loyal to him anymore.
Thus H.H just have to keep silent and let CTA do what they wanted. While propagating an image that he is peace. After all, actions done by CTA, not himself. 


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They are so vulgar, vengeful and non-Buddhist!  These pro-Dalai Lama supporters are acting like terrorists! Where else in the World would a government put up a hit list on their official website? 

So true. This shows that the evil dalai leads another US-, UK-, Canada-, Western media-supported, theocratic terrorist government, not unlike ISIS or ISIL in Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, and so forth.

Then just imagine if the evil terrorist dalai would be able to return to and govern Tibet! I'm so grateful to China for not allowing Western-supported and promoted terrorism, be it in Xinjiang or Tibet! 


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Look, I have yet to meet with a perfect government--- I am not grateful to China at all about this--- if they didn't try to save face all the time and control Tibet--- if Tibetans would be allowed real independence ---- then at that point maybe the Dalai Lama/CTA Tibetans could work on their democracy a bit more.  This isn't uncommon, that countries go from dictatorship to either democracy or communism; democracy is better--- really--- because the rights of the people are respectd more (like to religion, etc.).... the issue is that this time the government has been put in exile, so they are having a hard time ruling without a country.... However, they would need to work on their democracy and find somethng that would work for them.... the Dalai Lama never got the real idea about democracy....


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By keeping quiet means HHDL agrees to the violence and 2nd attack on Domo Geshe's monastery in Phedong. He didn't do what he preaches.
And he always says there is religious freedom for all and that Buddhism is compassion. There is no compassion here at all by keeping quiet.
This means he approves of any violent against Dorje Shugden practitioners?


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Look, I have yet to meet with a perfect government--- I am not grateful to China at all about this---

People in the West are educated not be be grateful, rather to be hateful, about anything stopping Western colonialism and terrorism, and the peaceful integration of Tibet and China is not an exception.

if they didn't try to save face all the time and control Tibet---

I find it always funny when I see Western people so much ”concerned” with ”China's control of Tibet”. Why are they not concerned with North-, Central- and South-American countries' control of Quíchua, Guarani, Mapuche, Apache, Cherokee, Inca, Maya, Inuits, and so many other Native American Nations? Or with British control of Scotland, Wales, or Northern Ireland? Or with Spanish control of the Basque Country or Catalonia? Or with the Ukrainian genocidal, Western-supported, control of Donetsk, Lugansk, and other Russian speaking regions? Or with Israeli control of Palestine? Or with Australian control of Aboriginal Nations?

As a Buddhist, I find China's integration with Tibet very healthy. Together, Chinese and Tibetan people uprooted a cruel feudal theocracy, where 95% of the people were enslaved and terrorized by 5% of landlords and clerics. They brought freedom and education to the masses. They keep at bay the criminal terrorist puppet dalai, together with his masters, the brutal Western colonialists. Tibetans enjoy prosperity and freedom of religion, without self-destructive witch-hunts such as those promoted by the evil terrorist dalai. Just like in North Korea, Buddhism is generously supported and protected by the state, which is a tradition traced back to king Ashoka and before.

But the same cannot be said about the brutal, genocidal approach of Western countries towards the nations they oppress. Therefore, not only I rejoice over Tibet's beneficial integration with China, but also deplore the sinister attitude of those wanting Tibet to become another disgraceful Western colony.

if Tibetans would be allowed real independence ----

Tibetans already enjoy full independence from the Western brutal colonialism the evil terrorist puppet dalai wants to impose on them.

then at that point maybe the Dalai Lama/CTA Tibetans could work on their democracy a bit more.

The evil Western puppet terrorist theocratic dictator dalai, and his minions, disgruntled feudal landlords, slave owners and torturers, working on ”democracy”? Don't you have another better joke for today?

This isn't uncommon, that countries go from dictatorship to either democracy or communism;

With the evil dalai and Western support, Tibet would go from medieval theocracy (as before the Chinese-Tibetan peaceful liberation) to medieval theocracy, that is, to what you find in Western-supported exile ”government”.

democracy is better--- really--- because the rights of the people are respectd more (like to religion, etc.)....

Agreed. This shows that Tibet integrated with China is an actual democracy, whereas any option including the evil puppet dalai, his Western masters, or both, is anything except for democracy, or, to be more precise, is plain colonialist dictatorship, even if ballyhooed as ”democracy”.

the issue is that this time the government has been put in exile, so they are having a hard time ruling without a country....

Even without a country they, the evil terrorist dalai and his minions, are capable of such brutalities against their own people, let alone if they would be empowered with a country.

However, they would need to work on their democracy

Work on ”their” democracy? Which one? And when did you ever see saw disgrunted feudal slave-owners, theocrats, torturers, and Western supported terrorists working on any ”democracy” anywhere in space and time?

and find somethng that would work for them....

While you are concerned with something that would work for brutal theocrats and slave-owners, the Chinese together with the Tibetans found something which works for the people, and specially which works for Buddhism.

the Dalai Lama never got the real idea about democracy....

This is not the priority of any terrorist anyway.