Author Topic: Do Not Ignore This Shocking Letter!  (Read 7983 times)


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Re: Do Not Ignore This Shocking Letter!
« Reply #15 on: February 09, 2015, 11:54:55 AM »
Shocking and disgusting is an understatement. This letter was written by Tibetan Buddhists who regard the Dalai Lama as their God. Is this what their God taught them to do? Beat up old monks, publish a hit list and inciting others to do the same? That beating up old monks is to teach them a lesson? OMG! That is Buddhism?? In the letter, it stated that CTA and Tibetans loyal to the Dalai Lama were the ones who beat up Chozenla. Do you know what that means? It means there is no law within the Tibetan administration. It is back to those old cowboy movies where bad Sheriffs can do what they want and beat and shoot down people who he deems as his enemy. This is the shocking truth of how the CTA operates. So much for democracy!


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Re: Do Not Ignore This Shocking Letter!
« Reply #16 on: February 15, 2015, 10:39:21 AM »
The whole of CTA is really making a mess of themselves. I mean why do they have the guts to say that Pabongkha Rinpoche is bad?? If you do kill him then you are all going to get bad karma for killing such an attained lama.
Also if Dorje Shugden is bad then why is it that all the famous lamas who practice Dorje Shugden don't get their lives shortened??
Yes you support the Dalai Lama but why does he promote violence?? That means Buddha promote's violence and beating people up. Who knows what sort of treatment they will give if they captured Pabongkha Rinpoche??
Even if the CTA opposes DS practice they should convince people to stop practicing DS peacefully not by beating people up or by showing the whole world that Buddhism is all about violence.
I really hope that the ban will end soon so that someone else's life does not end just because of practicing Dorje Shugden.


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Re: Do Not Ignore This Shocking Letter!
« Reply #17 on: February 16, 2015, 03:41:22 PM »
Even if the CTA opposes DS practice they should convince people to stop practicing DS peacefully

Interfering with people's religious beliefs is itself an act of violence. There is no such thing as “peacefully” interfering with people's religious beliefs. Any organization attempting at interfering with people's religious beliefs is a violent, criminal organization, violating basic human rights such as religious freedom, and thus deserving nothing but full destruction.

China did well proscribing the criminal organization known as “CTA” and their leaders. Meanwhile, Western countries boasting about human rights actively protect and promote such violators. Let's not forget that terrorist witch-hunting organizations such as the Taliban, al-Qaeda, and Islamic State, have been supported, armed, trained, and financed by those very same Western countries.

Therefore, there are just too many similarities between the so-called “CTA” and such Islamic terrorist organizations. They are all into forced conversions, they are all Western-supported creations, and they are all serving Western geopolitical aims, be it against Syria, Iran, Russia or China, countries not by mere coincidence systematically demonized by Western mass-media.

Thus, while anti-Dorje Shugden witch-hunters are essentially comprised of disgruntled theocratic Tibetan feudal lords all too eager to return to power in Tibet, they act in cahoots with Western terrorism-promoting imperialistic geopoliticians, themselves all too eager to dismantle and control China, as they have unsuccessfully tried for centuries, since the devastating Opium Wars, and indeed much before.

The geopolitical aims and actions of such Western imperial powers, before mainly Britain and now mainly US, have been essentially controlled by, and serve the interests of, powerful Western-based lobbies and financiers, and have nothing to do with democracy or human rights, slogans used as a facade to cover the brutal physical and propaganda war waged by such groups against the rest of humanity.

Therefore, there is a need to see the bigger picture. But such bigger picture is not that “Chenrezig is trying to promote Buddhism worldwide” through perverse witch-hunts against his own people, as imagined by some naive, brainwashed, thoughtless people. Rather, the bigger picture is that the evil puppet known as “Dalai Lama”, together with his Western-backed “CTA”, and aiming only at their own personal profit, allowed themselves to be used as tools in a much bigger geopolitical game, where Western financier-controlled imperialistic powers are hell bent on dismantling China and other independent countries in order to establish their dreamed worldwide supremacy.

And, for an even bigger and deeper picture, let's not forget that Dorje Shugden-supporting Chinese Emperors, such as the Qing dynasty Kangxi Emperor, were already in the 1730s fighting the devastating opium trade engaged in by the British East India Company, itself privatley owned by the very same continuum of Western-based, Jewish or crypto-Jewish financiers controlling the foreign affairs of countries such as Britain and US, and now supporting and manipulating the Western imperialistic puppet and anti-Dorje Shugen witch-hunter, the evil dalai.

No wonder that the same evil puppet known as “Dalai Lama”, who receives his monthly allowances from the Jewish financial terrorist George Soros, does everything within his power to please his boss and destroy not only the Buddhist traditions of Tibet, including the practice of Dorje Shugden, but also to demean the Buddhist culture of countries such as Myanmar and Sri Lanka, themselves ex-British Company colonies, to the point of even favoring Islamic terrorist groups active in such countries and hell bent on imposing their own barbaric Sharia law, of course always lavishly trumpeted by Western mass-media outlets.

Therefore, and this is part of the bigger picture, the long history of the Dorje Shugden tradition is deeply intertwined with resistance to the Western, Jewish-controlled, colonialistic, imperialistic, destructive approach to Eastern and Buddhist culture and civilization.