Author Topic: An Appeal Against Violence  (Read 7652 times)


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An Appeal Against Violence
« on: July 07, 2014, 01:00:21 PM »
I concur as Buddhists we must appeal to take a stand against such violent threats and issue a statement against these pro Dalai Lama group. It is the basic Buddhist principles of kindness, non-violent and peaceful solution to conflicts. So whether you are for the ban or against the ban we must follow these principles of an abiding Buddhist. Please stop the ban and stop violence. Be kind.


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Re: An Appeal Against Violence
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2014, 06:51:18 PM »
An appeal against violence is a good idea; it is a basic Buddhist principle; and even in other religions, they often call for peace.
  I remember a story (though the name of the king involved eludes me) where a king once asked Buddha Shakyamuni whether his country should go to war, and the Buddha said, we should never go to war.
  Likewise, I think it is good to remember that as individual practitioners, whether we like the Shugden practice or not, that it is good to remember at these times, what the historical Buddha actually said; he asked for us to be peaceful, obviously.  He asked for us to be compassionate; he also taught us not to be dogmatic.  So if someone disagrees with someone else's practice, then I encourage them that they can just say the mani, and leave people alone.  We may not always understand one another's practice; at any rate the important thing is our motive and our view combined with actions that overtly are non-violent, so that we can help all living beings and in so doing set a good example to the world.  How do Buddhists resolve conflicts?  Without violence, is the right answer, obviously. Of course this applies equally to all Buddhists, including Shugden Buddhists (yes, we are Buddhists, but even if someone doesn't think we are, the historical Buddha never taught to kill or physically harm non-Buddhists either; we are supposed to have compassion for all living beings).


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Re: An Appeal Against Violence
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2014, 10:31:05 AM »
It’s really heart breaking to read such article and see these pictures. Why must these people use violence against Shugden Practitioners. Violence will always make the situation worst, brings no benefit to Pro Dalai Lama supporters or even Shugden Supporters. Whenever I read something like this, I see that all these monks are suffering, the first things comes in my mind is that we must lift the ban. The ban has been causing a lot of trouble and suffering to a lot of people. The ban must be lifted!


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Re: An Appeal Against Violence
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2014, 11:09:37 AM »
We have had many tensions between religions and people are already killing and hurting each other, bringing much suffering, all in the name of the religions. We need to stop causing suffering to others already.

For all the anti Dorje Shugden people, since most of you are pro HH Dalai Lama, I am sure you have learn what is compassion and kindness. It is time to put the teachings into practice.


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Re: An Appeal Against Violence
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2014, 03:29:24 PM »
Buddhists are supposed to be peace loving, kind, compassionate and tolerant people. It is so sad to read that the anti Shugdens are creating so much violence and attacks against DS practitioners. As true Buddhists, we must appeal to take a stand to stop violence and to appeal for religious freedom.

As the violence and the attacks get worst, we must integrate Buddha’s teachings into our daily life. Without inner peace it is impossible to have outer peace. If we do not establish peace within our minds, world peace will never be achieved. All Buddhists must live in harmony and not be segregated by anti or pro Shugden. Dalai Lama, as a Buddhist leader, please grant us peace and harmony. Lift the ban!


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Re: An Appeal Against Violence
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2014, 10:43:16 AM »
What we can conclude from the article entitled "An Appeal Against Violence" is that the ban had created terrorists out of the Pro-Dalai Lama followers! Even Central Tibetan Administration (CTA)'s action in publishing the name list on their website knowing that it will incite violence, is nothing but terrorism! And most unacceptable is that His Holiness Dalai Lama is the root cause of all this terrorism!  It has been years since the implementation of the ban on Dorje Shugden and the ban had given rise to tremendous sufferings.  Can the world leaders stay still and ignore the mounting threats and terrorism from these pro-Dalai Lama followers?  World Leaders, it is time that you help stop terrorism from pro-Dalai Lama followers and lift the ban once and all! Like Steve Lee, the article writer, i would like to appeal to everyone around the world who love peace to make a stand now to help stop this violence.   


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Re: An Appeal Against Violence
« Reply #6 on: July 13, 2014, 02:21:38 PM »
no religion in this world would teach their followers to hurt another fellow beings. if there are such, then it will have to be a cult, not religion. The killing and hurting has to stop so that no more people will be harmed and on top of that, it will make good the name of the religion. Many were not aware that sometimes it is the person who misunderstood the teachings of religion and start doing things their own way which they think in their deluded mind, is correct...


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Re: An Appeal Against Violence
« Reply #7 on: July 13, 2014, 03:17:02 PM »
Violence only ended up with loss of bodily limbs and lives of people from both sides, destruction and loss of citizens and state properties, mental grievances and long term suffering for the people, economy of the country suffers and loss of revenue when tourism declined, etc.

Any dispute between two parties is best resolved through dialogues, better by debates following monastery's rules. Now, why the Dalai Lama did not call for a dialogue/debate is a mystery.


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Re: An Appeal Against Violence
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2014, 03:22:43 PM »
Buddhism is a religion synonymous with compassion and non- violence.As Buddhist ,we should abide and adhere Buddha's teachings. These attacks and threats on Dorje Shugden practitioners are senseless.
Have compassion for these senior monks who suffered in silence.


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Re: An Appeal Against Violence
« Reply #9 on: July 17, 2014, 03:08:17 PM »
Buddhism teaches us to be kind and compassionate. But now the violence against Dorje Shugden practitioners. If they are anti-Shugden then just let the people have the freedom of religion and not cause any harm and violence to them.
An appeal against violence means the ban must be lifted. Then there will be no more violence and everyone can practice freely and openly without fear.
An appeal to lift the ban?

Gabby Potter

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Re: An Appeal Against Violence
« Reply #10 on: January 08, 2015, 05:45:08 PM »
It saddens me to look at pictures like this, this is completely absurd! Where was their compassion? How could someone beats up another person just because he or she believes in Lord Dorje Shugden?
What is this? How could the CTA stresses patriotism and at the same time, beating up their people? They will never get peace if this continued to happen. The ban must be lifted quickly, please stop the sufferings of these devoted practitioners. Please give religious freedom.


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Re: An Appeal Against Violence
« Reply #11 on: January 10, 2015, 10:00:08 AM »
According to Wikipedia , religious violence is a term that covers phenomena where religion is either the subject or object of violent behavior. Religious violence is, specifically, violence that is motivated by or in reaction to religious precepts, texts, or doctrines. Doesn't this sound like what CTA is doing to Shugdenpas?

Living free from violence is a human right. To persecute someone of their religious practice is gross violation of their human rights. History states that religion is the cause of the world's bloodiest conflicts. Why would the Dalai Lama start this ban and violence against Shugdenpas while he preaches peace, love and patience to the world? With this on-going violence against Shugdenpas, it is so difficult to believe we are living in the 21st century.