Author Topic: Christain, Taoist and Buddhist Groups Against Same-Sex Marriage  (Read 7699 times)


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Christian, Taoist and Buddhist groups form alliances to oppose same-sex marriage in Taiwan

The greatest opposition to same-sex unions in Taiwan is coming from a small but extremely vocal and organized Christian minority, says Taipei Times report


LGBT activists carry pride flag in front of same-sex marriage opponents at Nov 30 rally
Given its relatively small numbers, Christian organizations are forming alliances with Taoist and Buddhist groups to influence government policy on same-sex marriage.

The main drivers behind last year's anti-same-sex-marriage demonstration on Nov 30, which attracted tens of thousands of people and reportedly one of the largest mobilizations of Taiwan’s religious groups in recent years, comprised Christian, Taoist and Buddhist groups.

According to a special report by the Taiwan Times early this week, the organizers included the Alliance of Religious Groups for the Love of Families Taiwan, a network of Christian organizations, Buddhist sects, the Chinese Regional Bishops’ Conference and I-Kuan Tao – a religious movement that combines Confucianism, Taoism and Chinese Buddhism, and which also recognizes non-Chinese religious traditions such as Christianity and Islam.

Before last year's protest, the most notable anti-gay mobilization occurred in 2011 when the Chen Ai Alliance, a self-proclaimed parents group successfully pressed the Ministry of Education (MOE) to suspend the release of three reference books that contain gender and sexual diversity teaching materials, as required by the Gender Equity Education Act for teachers in elementary and junior high schools, with help from several legislators.

In the 2-part [part 1 and 2] report by staff reporter Ho Yi, Chen Chih-hung, a Taiwan Lutheran Church bishop who also serves as the alliance’s spokesman, was quoted as saying that Christian churches are the driving force behind the crusade.

'To a certain extent, Christian groups take the lead on this issue since Asian religions haven’t traditionally seen homosexuality as a big deal. Churches in the US and Europe have confronted the impact of gay marriage directly… Since only a small percentage of Taiwanese are Christians, we share what we know with other religions so that they understand the seriousness of the situation,' Chen said.

The journalist noted that both Chen and Paul Chang, vice president of the Unification Church Taiwan and one the alliance's spokesmen, in separate interviews spoke of a 'dark, hidden agenda of the LGBT movement in Taiwan.'

The report reads: 'The most active elements of the movement, they say, are not gay rights activists but libertines, with LGBT equality only part of their mission. The ultimate goal is to replace the institution of marriage and family with a culture of sexual promiscuity.'

Prior to the Nov 30 protest, the alliance produced a widely circulated short video titled 'Sexual liberation is storming Taiwan' is designed to ignite anxiety and fear by stigmatizing gay people and their supporters as proponents of promiscuity, group sex and bestiality.

The report noted that Christian anti-gay proponents in Taiwan are well aware that painting LBGT advocates as sexual deviants would generate a much greater response from worried parents and other concerned citizens than to preach that homosexuality as a sin as it would find little resonance in among Taiwan’s predominantly Buddhist and Taoist society.

'And that is exactly the strategy adopted for last year's anti-gay marriage law rally, which was disguised under the banner "Think of the Children,"' the report noted.

Last month, Taiwan's Presbyterian Church, which was previously regarded as gay-friendly, adopted and confirmed a pastoral letter issued by the church’s general assembly, which announced that the church would officially oppose same-sex marriage.

'Every human rights activist in Taiwan knows that today the biggest opposition to same-sex marriage is Christianity. Before we at least had the Presbyterian Church, which was regarded as gay-friendly, and many of its pastors have been supportive and open-minded when it comes to lesbian and gay issues. That's all changed,' said Chen Hsiao-en, secretary of the Tong-Kwang Light House Presbyterian Church which is LGBT-affirmative and counts many gay men and lesbians among its clergy.

Marriage equality advocates say Taiwanese society is ready for same-sex marriages if consensus is needed.

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Re: Christain, Taoist and Buddhist Groups Against Same-Sex Marriage
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2014, 03:46:37 AM »
Well, it sounds like the Christians in question are making a propaganda argument like the CTA uses against Dorje Shugden practitioners.... these gay people want to marry.... no they want to have promiscuity (so why are they marrying?  Illogical, much like the CTA again)...  Dorje Shugden people want to pray a prayer the Dalai Lama doesn't want to pray himself.... oh then they are really with big bad CHINA.  Could we get real?  It's 2014....
  ah.... but while people are more educated worldwide, there is still a lot of work to do.... like we need to teach people to understand actual LOGIC.... because people do not seem to understand basic logical arguments, or at least they can't spot the illogical arguments that are used to further the agenda of varying groups...

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: Christain, Taoist and Buddhist Groups Against Same-Sex Marriage
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2014, 08:15:14 AM »
In my opinion, it is not necessary to hold protest of such against same-sex marriages. If two person feel that they could live together in peace and harmony, who are the protesters to oppose to their union? The crucial thing for us all human beings is to live our lives here on earth in peace and harmony with each other. When there is much condemning, anger and hatred are bound to arise.
Instead, we should practice some patience and compassion towards the people who have a different preference than ourselves.


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Re: Christain, Taoist and Buddhist Groups Against Same-Sex Marriage
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2014, 03:50:35 PM »

Protests on gay marriages are going on for centuries! If marriage is good for families,why should it extended to the families of same-sex couples? Why should they be denied the benefits of marriage?
People should be allowed to love and marry any other person without the veil of discrimination and inequality hanging over them.


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Re: Christain, Taoist and Buddhist Groups Against Same-Sex Marriage
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2014, 03:20:20 PM »
Marriage is the legal union of 2 persons. If the rules do not allowed them to marry, does it mean we can stop  them from being together and there will be no more same sex couples? The answer is NO.

If they choose to be same sex couples, who are we to say is wrong and they cannot get marry? Being different is not a crime. We should respect their decision and their freedom of choice.


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Re: Christain, Taoist and Buddhist Groups Against Same-Sex Marriage
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2014, 03:02:33 PM »
In recent years, same-sex marriage has been a contentious subject within many religious groups around the world.   Marriage  is defined as a formal union of a man and a woman, typically as recognized by law, by which they become husband and wife. No doubt , in Buddhism, like any ancient religion, has nothing in particular to say about same-sex  marriage, it does not mean that one could literally  interpret that Buddhism does not object to same-sex marriage.


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Re: Christain, Taoist and Buddhist Groups Against Same-Sex Marriage
« Reply #6 on: August 03, 2014, 07:29:39 AM »
Who are these to protest the private lives of other people. If all religion are to promote love, compassion and equality for all, then same sex marriage should also be the same as any other marriage. People have the right to choose how to live their lives, so let them be. By protesting, you are resting disharmony and hatred amongst people. The Buddha did not say that same sex marriage is illegal. The Bible does state that man and man are not to be together but the bible also states that divorce is also illegal. So, why aren;'t there any people protesting to all the divorce cases that is happening in this world? Where is the logic?

I've also heard that in Taoism, there are people who have marriage ceremonies where a human is married to a chicken to change their feng shui. Or even human married a ghost. Why no protest over these matters??? People are hypocrites!!! So, keep your opinion to yourself!


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Re: Christain, Taoist and Buddhist Groups Against Same-Sex Marriage
« Reply #7 on: August 10, 2014, 09:43:40 AM »
In recent years, same-sex marriage has been a contentious subject within many religious groups around the world.   Marriage  is defined as a formal union of a man and a woman, typically as recognized by law, by which they become husband and wife. No doubt , in Buddhism, like any ancient religion, has nothing in particular to say about same-sex  marriage, it does not mean that one could literally  interpret that Buddhism does not object to same-sex marriage.

When we study more into Buddhism, it makes sense to renounce all worldly attachments because these attachments are the causes to being in samara. So by right, we should all be monks and nuns.

Relationships of any kind is an extension of our attachment to desire. So regardless of whether the person in heterosexual or homosexual or whatever, ultimately, it is best to renounce. People are too caught up with the symptoms and petty issues and not addressing the real issues that are causing so much sufferings in the world. Issues of greed, jealousy, hatred, not forgiving, anger, depression, and stress are some of the root causes to so much problems in our communities.

If we focus on addressing these issues with logic, knowledge, kindness and compassion, there will be so much less wars, famine, rape, poverty and so on in this world. There is so much sufferings in this world. Please don't create more.


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Re: Christain, Taoist and Buddhist Groups Against Same-Sex Marriage
« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2014, 04:08:44 PM »
Firstly, there is the issue of freedom of religion and now the freedom to love. To love someone doesn't necessarily mean to be of the opposite sex. We must respect those who wants to get married with the same sex as it is their lives to live.
Why the big issue? If anyone can get married, why not those that are gays or lesbian? They are as human as any of us. God teaches us to love and love has no boundaries too.


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Re: Christain, Taoist and Buddhist Groups Against Same-Sex Marriage
« Reply #9 on: September 04, 2014, 10:19:02 AM »
Nowadays, people seemed to be interested in protesting in matters that are not 'important'.
Why not help us protest against HHDL for imposing the ban on Dorje Shugden?  ;) 
Why not protest against animal abuse?
Why not protest against criminals who have harm other people?
Much more fulfilling than protesting against people who just love each other and want to be together.


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Re: Christain, Taoist and Buddhist Groups Against Same-Sex Marriage
« Reply #10 on: September 20, 2014, 03:53:03 PM »
I read with great interest all comments on issue of marriage from same sex.
For those voted “yea” on this issue,If we would ask our self what would a married couple activities involved? One of it is SEX! According to the Lamrim by Pabongkha Rinpoche “ Liberation is in the palm of you hand” on page 401 Sexual Misconduct (219) it stated :
For lay people the basis is any wrong orifice, in other words, all orifices except the vagina....
Which means every time the couple had a moment of intimacy, they're committing a non-virtuous act! ::)

Kim Hyun Jae

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Re: Christain, Taoist and Buddhist Groups Against Same-Sex Marriage
« Reply #11 on: September 21, 2014, 06:20:20 AM »
I hold a middle way view to the issue of Same-Sex Marriage. If two person likes and loves each other, they can share their lives together privately on their own. They do not necessarily need to be married. In this day and age, marriage is just a legality to bind two person who decided to share their lives together in the name of law and the protection of their rights with regard to parenting and property.

Many people share lives together whether they are single, married, gay or straight and live like one big family. Do they have to make it a Big issue to go public against same-sex marriage. The majority of voice will speak at the end of the day. I do not agree with a culture of sexual promiscuity though.


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Re: Christain, Taoist and Buddhist Groups Against Same-Sex Marriage
« Reply #12 on: September 25, 2014, 02:27:00 PM »
Interesting that most talk of being not against gay relationship but need not have marriage. On the other hand they say they are not for promiscuity. See here, if they don't marry they are engaging in promiscuity and sexual misconduct. But, the issue is they get condemned if they follow the social norm and they get condemned if they don't. So, what a very lose lose situation. Give me a break, it's all about your EXPECTATIONS. Don't try to lay everything at these gays or lesbians' doorsteps.


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Re: Christain, Taoist and Buddhist Groups Against Same-Sex Marriage
« Reply #13 on: September 26, 2014, 08:54:28 AM »
I agree with Kim Hyun Jae, if two persons  likes or loves each other why can not be together. This is just their lives why bother so much of other people lives. In lives, so much other issue need our cares. I personally think that this is a waste of time matter.