Author Topic: Send your prayers to MH17  (Read 17991 times)


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Re: Send your prayers to MH17
« Reply #15 on: July 24, 2014, 06:47:48 AM »
Thousands of Amsterdammers are sending their prayers to MH17 through a solemn march in the city.  This is their way of expressing their prayers to MH17. 

It is with heavy heart I am sending my prayers to them everyday.  May they rest in peace and come under the embrace of Buddha Dorje Shugden.

Thousands of white-clad Amsterdammers march for MH17 - See more at:

AMSTERDAM (AFP) - Thousands of people in Amsterdam dressed in white marched solemnly along the city's canals on Wednesday in memory of the 298 people who died aboard flight MH17, most of them Dutch.

The memorial march came on a national day of mourning for the Netherlands, which lost 193 citizens when the Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 was shot down over Ukraine last week.

"It's important to come together, to show that we're together, that we share the pain of our families and friends," said Mr Leon, 35, wearing a white T-shirt.

"And it's important for everyone to wear white, the colour of hope, which means that we're looking to the future," he said.

The marchers released hundreds of white balloons into the sky as night fell in Amsterdam.

The Boeing jet was flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur on Thursday when it was shot down over a rebel-controlled part of Ukraine. US intelligence officials believe the rebels mistakenly shot the plane out of the sky with a surface-to-air missile.

"It's amazing that in 2014 a passenger plane can be shot down by a missile, I hope they can shed some light on all this," said Mr Tim, 35.

The first bodies recovered from the crash site were flown back to the Netherlands on Wednesday, where they will be identified.

"Anyone could have been in that plane: me, my wife, my friends, whoever," said Mr Martin, an Argentine living in the Netherlands.

- See more at:


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Re: Send your prayers to MH17
« Reply #16 on: July 24, 2014, 11:15:49 PM »
What a sordid, despicable article.

Debauchedly leveraging on people's suffering, the article tries to shift the public anger and revolt from the terrorists actually perpetrating the horrendous act to the Novorussian freedom fighters.

Indeed, the article one-sidedly promotes the US ”version” of the incident, which blames without any evidence those freedom fighters, while not even mentioning the opposing version, supported by smashing evidence, which shows that the MH17 was indeed shot down by the Western-supported Ukrainian terrorists.

Unfortunately, the prayers of the suffering Dutch will bring nowhere, as long they keep allowing themselves to be brainwashed, and their country to be controlled, by US anti-humanity genocidal media and interests.


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Re: Send your prayers to MH17
« Reply #17 on: July 25, 2014, 04:52:24 AM »
What on earth is the world coming into, disasters after disasters is happening within the period of 7 months in this year alone. No matter who is the culprit who fired that missile doesn't changed the fact that all the innocent life were taken all because of pride, ego and selfishness.

May all the victims rest in peace and may they have a swift rebirth and blessed by Protector Dorje Shugden.


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Re: Send your prayers to MH17
« Reply #18 on: July 25, 2014, 02:45:53 PM »
No matter who is the culprit who fired that missile doesn't changed the fact that all the innocent life were taken all because of pride, ego and selfishness.

Of course the culprit matters, unless you want to cover them, specially now that massive evidence has shown that the missile was fired by Western-supported Ukrainian terrorists.

The picture below shows a civilian house in Lugansk, Novorussia, bombed with forbidden white phosporus chemical weapons by Western-supported Ukrainian terrorists. Your daughter could be inside the house, and still to you the culprit ”would not matter”, right?


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Re: Send your prayers to MH17
« Reply #19 on: July 26, 2014, 07:17:08 AM »
I dedicate my prayer and merits to all that are suffering no matter where they are.
Whatever happens, may we have the courage, wisdom and tolerance to brave it.

May I be a protector to those without protection,
A leader for those who journey,
And a boat, a bridge, a passage
For those desiring the further shore.

May the pain of every living creature
Be completely cleared away.
May I be the doctor and the medicine
And may I be the nurse
For all sick beings in the world
Until everyone is healed.
Just like space
And the great elements such as earth,
May I always support the life
Of all the boundless creatures.
And until they pass away from pain
May I also be the source of life
For all the realms of varied beings
That reach unto the ends of space.

Shantideva, 8th Century


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Re: Send your prayers to MH17
« Reply #20 on: July 28, 2014, 03:23:10 AM »
Since it became evident that the MH17 was downed by the Western-supported international gangsters ruling Ukraine, the initial impetus for ”prayers” for the victims has sharply decreased.

This shows that such ”prayers”, in many cases, were not sincere; that they were not really aimed at bringing some relief to the victims and their relatives; but rather that they were just a collective-hysteria hatred weapon manipulated by the Western war propaganda, and directed against countries perceived as ”enemies”, such as Russia, which was then blamed for downing the MH17.

Nevertheless, Western-supported Ukrainian mass murderers keep active in the region, claiming many innocent lives, to the complete neglect of many of those who were so fervently ”praying” for the MH17 victims.

Therefore, may I respectfully share the image of a young woman together with her child, both brutally murdered yesterday July 27, by the Western-supported Ukrainian army, with Western taxpayer money, and contemptuous neglect.

May both the young woman and the child be swiftly reborn in the Pure Land.


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Re: Send your prayers to MH17
« Reply #21 on: July 29, 2014, 04:26:38 AM »
For those wanting to pray for the victims of the Nobel Peace Prize Obama-supported Ukrainian gangsters, such as those in the MH17 flight and others, here follow two pictures of a nursing home near Luhansk hit yesterday by the shellings of those criminals. Five elderly people died, one miraculously survived.

And forget not, all of this is done with the help your Western taxpayer money and ”elected” politicians, the same by the way supporting the other criminal, the evil dalai, and his murderous theocratic regime.

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: Send your prayers to MH17
« Reply #22 on: July 29, 2014, 07:45:13 AM »
So depressing to read of another air disaster. This time, this aircraft was shot down by a missile. While most are still guessing and pointing fingers on who might have done it, deep down inside, is one not saddened by the fact that its the work of some human beings? Not caused by natural calamities or even an act of a great being.
Certainly, my prayers goes to the families, friends and the loved ones of those on that ill-fated flight. Most of all, I pray that all those on board would be guided by the Buddha to a good rebirth.


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Re: Send your prayers to MH17
« Reply #23 on: July 29, 2014, 09:16:42 AM »
While most are still guessing and pointing fingers on who might have done it,

You confuse the noble activity of identifying the criminals with the sordid activity of merely ”pointing fingers”.

Informing oneself about the terrorist act, and thus figuring out on the basis of facts and logic who are the perpetrators, is necessary in order to stop future similar actions.

However, you dismiss it as mere ”fingerpointing”, which shows that you actually don't care about who are the perpetrators, and that you don't care if they perpetrate more similar terrorist acts.

This shows that your prayers are fake, that your compassion is a pretense, and that you are just ready to side with whoever is politically comfortable and convenient to you or to your tribe.


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Re: Send your prayers to MH17
« Reply #24 on: July 29, 2014, 09:20:22 AM »
298 lives perished almost at the same minute. How coincidental is that? While we pray for these victims, we must also pray for the people who shot the plan down. We must not take sides as this is clearly the results of negative karma and is generating more negative karma for the perpetrators.
For the victims, their precious human life ends in an instant and it should remind us to take advantage of this optimum life to practice the Dharma to benefit others. No other reasons than this shall be the reason for this life.


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Re: Send your prayers to MH17
« Reply #25 on: July 29, 2014, 09:26:37 AM »
While we pray for these victims, we must also pray for the people who shot the plan down.

It is not enough to pray for the people who shot the plane down, it is necessary to stop them, specially when you realize that they are supported by politicians elected by you and that they are perpetrating such crimes with your taxpayer money.

In other words, before even praying for others, one has to stop oneself to be an accomplice of such terrorist acts.


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Re: Send your prayers to MH17
« Reply #26 on: July 31, 2014, 12:41:22 PM »
This is truly a devastating news. Loses doesn’t confine to the reported number of 298 casualties. On board are 100 Aids activists, researchers and health workers en route to the 2014 International Aids Conference in Melbourne, Australia. These are the one that most likely to provide solutions to HIV disease pervading our world today including pioneer Aids researcher Joep Lange! Imagine the numbers of death from Aids patients in future due to the lost of vast amount of knowledge and expertise in this field from this single tragedy. My deepest condolence to the deceased families and pray that may peace soon pervade this region of conflict again.


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Re: Send your prayers to MH17
« Reply #27 on: August 01, 2014, 04:01:09 AM »
My deepest condolence to the deceased families and pray that may peace soon pervade this region of conflict again.

While I join your prayers, may I suggest that everyone prays and acts as well so that this catastrophe is not again taken by Western governments a pretext for a new devastating war aimed at promoting their expansionist geopolitical interests.

While most people were praying for the 3000 innocent victims of the 9/11, Western governments were looking for ways of using such victims as a tool and pretext to launch wars on Afghanistan and Iraq, which killed more that 2 million innocent people, not counting the many more millions burned, maimed, deformed, dying of cancer thanks to US depleted uranium weapons, and so forth.

And as much as there is vast evidence showing that the 9/11 was actually an insider job, aimed at creating the necessary conditions to launch new wars, wanted by the rulers of Western regimes, there is also plenty of evidence showing that the Western-supported government and oligarchs in Ukraine did the dirty job of downing the MH17, as a convenient pretext to lauch one more genocidal war wished by those very same Western rulers.

If you doubt that this might be the case, just look at these genocidal statements made on the Ukrainian Western-supported media, where one Butkevich openly proposes the mass murdering of at least 1.5 million in Donbass (Eastern Ukraine, or Donetsk plus Luhansk).

All of this, as usual, with your the Westerners' media-brainwashed approval, with Westerner taxpayer money, and while you are still praying for the MH17 victims.

So you asked how can it be this way.
It can be this way because Donbass in general is a region that... well... it is not just a depressive region. You see, there is such a huge complex of problems... The main thing is that there is a huge number of absolutely unnecessary people in economy there (@0:15).
Trust me, I say this fully consciously.
So let's take just the Donetsk region there are approximately 4 million population there. No less than 1.5 million there are simply unnecessary people (@0:20).
What else do I want to say. We don't need to "understand" Donbass. We need to understand in general the Ukrainian national interest. And Donbass needs to be just used as a resource. (@0:28).
From the point of view of understanding Donbass. I think... I don't have a recipe of what can be done there quickly. However, the main thing that needs to be done there right now no matter how cruel this may sound... there is a certain category of people who need to be simply killed. (@0:40)



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Re: Send your prayers to MH17
« Reply #28 on: August 02, 2014, 06:45:30 AM »
It's really sad and disheartening to hear about the shot down of MH 17. Why is this still happening at this modern age where technology is so powerful or is it too powerful that it is being taken advantage of.
I pray for all those innocent people on board flight MH 17. May their soul rest in peace and they have a good and auspicious rebirth.
My sincere prayers to all of the victims and to the family members of those affected. May they be strong and be able to move on again.

metta girl

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Re: Send your prayers to MH17
« Reply #29 on: August 02, 2014, 07:51:05 AM »
Very saddened by this news...who would ever thought that they will die in a plane being shot down.."...
..but it happened..Just have to accept it and move on....This tragedy helped me realised impermanence & that time is running out fast.This could happen to me...if I have created this negative karma.Much prayers for all aboard Mh 17 to take a swift & good rebirth ...& be reborn in a place where they can meet a Guru & practice dharma in their future live.