Author Topic: Evidence of Anti- DS Hate Mails Linking to CTA  (Read 11139 times)

Manisha Kudo

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Evidence of Anti- DS Hate Mails Linking to CTA
« on: July 21, 2014, 02:45:26 PM »
Evidence of the CTA’s clandestine activities?

This is a well-researched evidential article on the mastermind of the recent anti-Shugden hate mails.

Since the inception of the government of the Tibetan-in-Exile, the ruling party has been obliterating and removing any form of intelligence that questions their behavior, intention and actions. The wipe out process was simple. It is for the Dalai Lama, it is to free Tibet and anyone who goes against this two anthems are enemies of the state. And this gives them right to chastise, rebuke and even physically injure the victimized foes.


On July 6th 2014, an anti-Dorje Shugden hate mail disguised as an appeal to all Tibetans was issued by a newly formed Tibetan group known as the GLOBAL TIBETAN VOLUNTEERS FOR THE TRUTH (GTVT). In the letter, the GTVT calls upon all Tibetans in exile settlements as well as overseas to take “countermeasures” against “evil” Shugden worshippers and safeguard the Dalai Lama against harm (which the letter suggests is posed by Dorje Shugden). In Tibetan parlance this is a call for all Tibetans to do whatever is necessary, including inflicting physical harm on Shugden worshippers, in order to protect the Dalai Lama. This letter came at the back of a highly inflammatory one issued by another mysterious group known as The United Front of The Tibetan People (UFTP), which was nothing short of criminal in its intention.

Over the recent months, as more and more news and evidence of the Dalai Lama’s oppression of his own people became public and cracks began appearing in the spiritual leader’s public persona, there has been a corresponding increase in rabble-rousing and provocative activities against Dorje Shugden practitioners. The Dalai Lama and CTA have always claimed no knowledge or involvement in these underhanded events although it is common knowledge that the CTA regularly whips the Tibetan public into mobs and sets them against factions that the CTA regard as dissenters and therefore intolerable.

Despite the CTA’s denials, more information has recently come to light that seems to point to the CTA’s shadowy presence in these clandestine activities. A search of GTVT’s website raised eyebrows when the ‘name server’ of this new hate-website appeared suspiciously similar to the ‘name server’ of (, which is well-known to front for the CTA and act as a platform to disseminate its propaganda.

GlobalTVT’s name server raised suspicions that the CTA might have been behind the hate letter

The relationship between the CTA and The Tibet Post is a curious one. The CTA is not known as a government that supports freedom of press and has a history of interfering in the Tibetan people’s exercise of free speech. It was the CTA that engineered the closing of the only independent Tibetan newspaper, Mangtso, and the same CTA that was rebuked by a US Congressman for its maneuverings in the appointment of senior officers to Radio Free Asia’s management. And yet The Tibet Post’s fortnightly newspaper was launched by the Tibetan Parliament-in-exile’s Speaker, Penpa Tsering, at the Dalai Lama’s main temple in 2012 – a very special honour.

The Speaker of Parliament, Penpa Tsering, launching The Tibet Post’s fortnightly newspaper in 2012

The Tibet Post lists its mission as amongst other things, “to promote through its publications, the principles of democracy, freedom of expression, social justice, political and legislative debate, political pluralism, women’s rights, rule of law, public empowerment, peace, non-violence and peaceful conflict resolution”. But it has not extended any of those principles and values to the faction of Tibetans who have been persecuted merely for their religious practice. Instead The Tibet Post has been carrying the Dalai Lama and CTA’s disinformation and anti-Shugden propaganda, unmitigated.

Examples of CTA misinformation disseminated by The Tibet Post. Click to enlarge image.

More examples of anti-Dorje Shugden propaganda. Click on image to enlarge

The founder of The Tibet Post, Mr. Yeshe Choesang himself seems to have embraced the CTA’s prejudice against Dorje Shugden and has personally written to defend the CTA’s blatant breach of Shugden practitioners’ human rights. A journalist exercising professional integrity would usually address such an important issue analytically and impartially, and push for a resolution of the conflict instead of contributing to the rift and damage. But then we assume that Mr. Yeshe Choesang is indeed a free agent, capable of acting on his own free will. That may not be the case especially with a CTA that has proven intolerant of Tibetans exercising their democratic rights.

If there is any doubt that the CTA has been behind the incitement of hatred and violence against Shugden practitioners, then it should be put to rest when we consider the fact that a contact number provided by the GTVT at the foot of its letterhead (U.S. phone number 1-8028467356) is also listed in the directory of The Office of Tibet, New York, USA, the official agency of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Tibetan Administration to the Americas!

Contact number on the GTVT letterhead. Click on image to enlarge

Notice the similar telephone number for the Tibetan Association of Vermont

One of the key contact persons of the GTVT is Mr. Jamyang Sonam, who is listed in the official website of The Office of Tibet as the Vice-President of The Tibetan Association of Vermont (TAV). And in December 2013, the Speaker of the Tibetan Parliament, Penpa Tsering, visited the TAV just around the time when the CTA renewed and intensified its attacks on Dorje Shugden groups in the face of worldwide protests against the Dalai Lama’s religious ban. Is it merely a strange coincidence that a few months after Penpa Tsering visited Jamyang Sonam in Vermont that the latter should be directly linked to a new anti-Shugden that has emerged and begun its incendiary activities?

Jamyang Sonam and THAT phone number listed on The Office of Tibet’s website. Click on image to enlarge

Like other CTA officials, Penpa Tsering himself has been very active in his campaign against Dorje Shugden and was recently caught on tape distorting Tibet’s rich spiritual history and defaming high lamas such as Pabongka Rinpoche and Trijang Rinpoche in an effort to turn the minds of young Tibetan school children against Dorje Shugden. Even the content and tone of the GTVT hate letter bears all the hallmarks of the CTA’s anti-Shugden propaganda.

Penpa Tsering with members of Tibetan Association of Vermont a few months before the emergence of the hate letter

So once again, we see the CTA’s hand in the formation of an entity which is clearly established to instill fear in the minds of Tibetans and provoke sentiments against Shugden practitioners around the world. It is acts like these that are responsible for creating disunity amongst Tibetans thereby weakening the Tibetan cause, not the practice of Dorje Shugden as the CTA would have others believe. And this is not to mention the criminality in such an activity as well the tort committed against the individuals and groups libellously named in the letter.

Hiding behind the cloak of anonymity and using false fronts are characteristics of criminal or dishonest organizations with much to hide. One does not expect such things from an honest government especially a government that follows the lead of a Nobel Laureate who purports to be a man of peace and truth.


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Re: Evidence of Anti- DS Hate Mails Linking to CTA
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2014, 02:53:18 AM »
You know this whole Nobel Laureate thing is like part of a brainwashing thing.... like the Nancy Regan war on drugs in the 1980s--- there was a brainwashing thing they did--- which was fine in a way in the latter case as  I was indoctrinated to be terrified of drugs.  (They started the brainwashing techniques on us when I was like 8).  It is some psychological trick, all they have to do is talk a certain way, I don't know how exactly the formula works.
You know, they do the same with the Dalai Lama, so I am not sure what about the word Nobel Prize for Peace works with him so well--- because like a lot of other people have that--- the whole UN got it with Kofi Anan some years back.  Obama has that--- what's the difference?  We didn't get the brainwashing on the other people--- just the Dalai Lama.  Why?  Because he was supposed to represent democracy (he is clueless on what that even is) and be the sweet burgundy teddy bear that was being devoured by big bad China.
  Should China have taken over Tibet--- no.  Should the U.S. government have used the Dalai Lama as their anti-communism propaganda... I wish they hadn't, because now, no matter who I talk to, as long as they aren't Buddhist, they get sort of misty eyed and drooling.... like could the government please reverse this process on the Americans because the Dalai Lama sold out democracy and freedom, and has no clue on human rights within his own religion, or what freedom of religion even means.


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Re: Evidence of Anti- DS Hate Mails Linking to CTA
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2014, 02:15:16 PM »
This is very very important evidence, because with this information we can link the GTVT back to the CTA.

If the GTVT does any violence  against Dorje Shugden practitioners we are one step closer of linking the actions of the  grassroots who are against Dorje Shugden to the CTA. All this while not much evidence has presented itself but this is major evidence that perhaps can even proof that CTA is a an organisation who support and incite terrorist activities against Dorje Shugden practitioners and people. We can shutdown the CTA for good? CTA is awfully inefficient anyways and they have not made much inroads for the Tibetan cause.

Furthermore the Tibetans who have grown up and survived under the care of CTA since the exodus, are not well educated and do not represent their community well or Buddhism for that matter. In fact they act as if Buddhism has not graced Tibet ever. These Tibetans act most childishly on social media, rude and crude when confronted with Tibetan demonstrators.


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Re: Evidence of Anti- DS Hate Mails Linking to CTA
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2014, 06:27:03 PM »
Thank you for finding these important evidences to show the potential groups who are behind all these threats towards Dorje Shugden practitioners and high lamas!

From one of the evidences, the contact number provided by the GTVT at the foot of its letterhead (U.S. phone number 1-8028467356) is also listed in the directory of The Office of Tibet, New York, USA, the official agency of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Tibetan Administration to the Americas!

Based on this fact, I have no more doubt that CTA has been behind all these incitement of hatred and violence against the Shugden practitioners including high lamas. A good government should unite the nation and make sure that their people live in harmony. However, from the actions done by CTA, I do not think any Tibetan would believe that CTA can “free Tibet”!!


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Re: Evidence of Anti- DS Hate Mails Linking to CTA
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2014, 05:10:53 PM »
The CTA will only listen to Tibetans... are there no thinking Tibetans who can raise this issue up with their purported government? The evidence is and has been overwhelming that the CTA do not carry out laws according to the Tibetan constitution or basic human rights but simply at the whim of a man who they believe is the incarnation of a deity! And this is without examining with any common sense whether the ban makes sense or not, which it doesn't of course. Yet the CTA seems to be able to get away with such ridiculous behaviour and Tibetans allow it? Wake up and smell the coffee people. Something is rotten in the state(less) of Tibet.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being

Kim Hyun Jae

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Re: Evidence of Anti- DS Hate Mails Linking to CTA
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2014, 06:58:24 AM »
I love these concrete evidences that Manisha Kudo had been able to link back the websites and contact numbers back to the CTA. It took close scrutiny to be able to dig and dig deeper into the "links" and "workings" of the CTA and those behind the scene.

We need to dig further into the CTA's pit of lies and deceptions to unravel their "plot" to unseat Dorje Shugden and lift up the BAN! for the benefit of those who wish to uphold the lineage.


Solomon Lang

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Re: Evidence of Anti- DS Hate Mails Linking to CTA
« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2014, 07:40:29 AM »
Tibetan proverb: "If your inner mind isn't deceived, your outer actions won't be wrong."
Solomon's Judgement: 2 women came to resolve a quarrel over which was d true mother of a baby. When Solomon suggested they should divide d child in two with a sword, one said she would rather give up d child than see it killed. Solomon then declared d woman who showed compassion 2b the true mother.


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Re: Evidence of Anti- DS Hate Mails Linking to CTA
« Reply #7 on: August 02, 2014, 07:52:15 AM »
I would think that any anti-shugden propaganda and hate mails and news are related to the CTA and somehow or other will be linked back to them. Cos there is no one who is more threatened by it than the CTA. As the Shugden practitioners are gaining more awareness from the world, the CTA is getting more and more threatened. So, they will go out in any way to stop this wave which includes hate mail and underground activities.

Release the ban and all will be released.


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Re: Evidence of Anti- DS Hate Mails Linking to CTA
« Reply #8 on: August 02, 2014, 07:54:52 AM »
I thank the author for finding the facts and linking the "missing piece" between GTVT and CTA. IMHO, all these information are just too coincidental. If we say they are not linked, it is difficult to believe.

However, from the standard behavior of CTA, I think they don't really care about it. There are just so many links of violence to CTA, but do they care? Even HH Dalai Lama "praise" the monastery for chasing out the Dorje Shugden practitioners. The CTA website has a "hit list" and openly incite violence. There are so many videos of the monks and lay people inciting hatred and violence against Dorje Shugden practitioners. But does it even affect CTA a bit? I don't think they even bother to hide their involvement in all the violence. To me, this is the sign of pure arrogance, because they know nobody can "touch" them.

Well, there is a way to "touch" them, and that is to stop the funds from going to CTA. CTA has many sponsor, and most sponsor because of their peace front. If the world finds out about their evilness, the sponsors will stop their funding, THEN the CTA will "behave"...


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Re: Evidence of Anti- DS Hate Mails Linking to CTA
« Reply #9 on: August 02, 2014, 07:56:04 AM »
Thank you DS.Com for your careful and thorough investigation. So now  , a connection between CTA  and authors of the recent hate-mails can clearly be seen. So the evidence of similarity of "nameservers" as well as telephone contacts are undeniable and irrefutable.

Going forward, the exposure of the link takes the "enemy"  out in the open and easier to deal with.
CTA cannot hide anymore.


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Re: Evidence of Anti- DS Hate Mails Linking to CTA
« Reply #10 on: August 02, 2014, 07:59:24 AM »
All these stirrings of hatred and violence reminds me of the tv series 'spin city'. Though it be a comedy it also reveals the inner workings of various parties. Is it a case of the CTA being unable or unwilling to negotiate with China for the interest of the Tibetan public?

Even if there is ban on the Dorje Chugden practice, why persecute the practitioners to these levels - a direct violation of human rights especially in the 21st century? Surely the CTA respects the Dalai Lama's reputaiton as a proponent of peace? It really irks my curiosity.


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Re: Evidence of Anti- DS Hate Mails Linking to CTA
« Reply #11 on: August 02, 2014, 08:21:34 AM »
Still this is important information. When the war is over the war criminals may need to be brought to justice.

If CTA perpetrates any violence against Dorje Shugden practitioners, we must collect the evidence against them. Not for taking revenge, but people need to know that they cannot just do actions as they like when they have the opportunity and the power. More as a deterrent than anything else.

Real buddhists do not perpetrate, threaten the peace and happiness of other buddhist or non buddhist. The anti dorje shugden practitioner practices all the 3 poisons to an art form. Just look at how they behave just after listening to the Dalai Lama's talk and how they behave on social media.



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Re: Evidence of Anti- DS Hate Mails Linking to CTA
« Reply #12 on: August 02, 2014, 05:43:21 PM »
first to clear any confusion, the said name in the list is not me.

this is such a great information being investigated and show concrete proof of CTA involve in the hate mails. the more they create such thing to cause disharmony among the Tibetan and Buddhist with DS, the more their wrong doing will be exposed to the world. Because what ever they are doing does not reflect the real situation  about DS practitioners.

All they are doing is degenerating Buddhism because their action is totally opposite of what Buddhism are known for, which is peace and harmony. With such evidence, i hope the world will see who CTA really is, and what are they doing to their own Tibetans who are only seeking for religious freedom!

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: Evidence of Anti- DS Hate Mails Linking to CTA
« Reply #13 on: August 03, 2014, 04:31:50 AM »
Now that this solid proof is right smack in the eyes of everyone, I am guessing what move the CTA will take next. It's about time the Tibetans speak up against their ruling government. Why go crying to the rest of the world saying the Chinese government is killing the Tibetan people and its culture? It is so obvious the very voice and leaders of the Tibetans are openly killing off Tibetans also.
Thank you for gathering all the facts and disseminating the truth here. It's about time those who have been blindly lashing out at the innocent parties have their eyes opened.

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Re: Evidence of Anti- DS Hate Mails Linking to CTA
« Reply #14 on: August 03, 2014, 02:44:28 PM »
CTA are capable of : lying, creating schism, harming own Tibetan, hiding.. Well. Tibetan have to start thinking, is this the government they want them to return to Tibet?  I don't think so. These Evidence of Tibetan related to hate mails have shown that all they can do is not to benefit their own people. To unite them, but they prefer to divide and rule. CTA prefer to create more hatred amongst Tibetan in refugees camps so that the Tibetan forget the incapability of CTA that can't bring them back to Tibet.
CTA, please do not harm own brothers and sisters anymore. Leave the ban