Author Topic: Is the Dalai Lama a Creation of the West?  (Read 13744 times)


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Is the Dalai Lama a Creation of the West?
« on: July 22, 2014, 02:54:05 PM »
Do you believe that the Dalai Lama is a creation of the West?  His Nobel Prize and many other awards by the West, are they befitting him?   Is he a victim of 'Islamist extremist propaganda' as the Shugden Buddhists are victims to his political propaganda? 

Extremist Sri Lankan Buddhist monk hits hack at Dalai Lama

Tue, Jul 22, 2014, 07:33 pm SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

July 22, Colombo: Leader of an extremist Buddhist movement in Sri Lanka Galagodaaththe Gnanasara Thero today hit back at Dalai Lama for making a statement against Buddhist extremism in Sri Lanka.

Gnanasara Thero who is the general secretary of the Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) organization urged Dalai Lama to refrain from making 'blind statements' to international media.

Gnanasara Thero accused Dalai Lama of being a victim of 'Islamist extremist propaganda'.

He also rejected Dalai Lama as a world leader of Buddhists. "He is a creation of the West. For them, he is to Buddhists what the Pope is to Catholics, but not for us," Gnanasara Thero was quoted as saying.

Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama made a call for Buddhists in Myanmar and Sri Lanka to cease violence towards the countries' Muslim minorities.

In an address delivered on his 79th birthday, Dalai Lama implored the faithful in the majority-Buddhist countries to refrain from such attacks.

"I urge the Buddhists in these countries to imagine an image of Buddha before they commit such a crime," he said.


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Re: Is the Dalai Lama a Creation of the West?
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2014, 02:37:32 AM »
The Dalai Lama is too much.  You know, he is not in charge of Theravada Buddhists, right.  He is not in charge of me.
  Yeah, the Buddhists and Muslims shouldn't fight--- do we need like a newsflash on that?  Nope, we know that, but the Dalai Lama is really hypocritical and probably not helping anything.... like he doesn't really have followers over there--- not many--- they don't really understand the Vajrayana, so like it would be more helpful to get their monks and teachers to say something, to actually get people to listen.
  You know, I am so sick of his total hypocrisy regarding Shugden.  Apparently he's worked it out that the west likes his image of the 'good guy' who never likes fights, is always for democracy and peace when really he likes it when others stop fighting, but when it comes to people close to him (Shugdens, Kagyus, name it) then of course, anything goes.  The closer to his school, the worse he is.  It's like peace in the middle east.... we'd all love peace in the middle east right?  But most of us advising peace don't live there.  I'm sure the people over there would be most grateful for peace, but it's not enough to just say, oh guys who have nothing to do with me, be peaceful over there (while I do whatever I want to my own people).


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Re: Is the Dalai Lama a Creation of the West?
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2014, 07:29:18 AM »
This is not the first time Dalai Lama make such statement and attempt to 'dominate' Buddhists of a different school. The last time DL made a statement about Buddhists in Myanmar, asking them to remember the Buddhist faith was a huge disaster...

The Western countries just like any other are ignorant in the matter. Just as the Pope has no authority or influence in different schools in Christianity, DL has no authority over other schools of Buddhism.

In fact, even within Tibetan Buddhism, DL is actually not the leader of any of the Buddhist sects, with the Gaden Tripa whom represents the Gelugpas etc. But because these leaders themselves respect DL, and allow DL to continue with rules such as banning the deity Dorje Shugden, perhaps the DL thinks he too has authority over these other Buddhist sects due to his great influence in the world arena.

While I do not agree with violence related with Buddhists, I also do not agree with interfering with other Buddhist sects as I'm sure the DL will not appreciate if these Buddhist leaders come up to him and ask him to lift the ban on Dorje Shugden. The meddling between the sects causes so much trouble, just like when DL meddled with the Karmapa recognition case.


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Re: Is the Dalai Lama a Creation of the West?
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2014, 12:12:52 AM »
Extremist Sri Lankan Buddhist monk hits hack at Dalai Lama

First and foremost, wherefrom comes the label "extremist"? Anyone who does not comply with US and British neocolonial policies is immediately labeled an "extremist" by pro-Western hate-propaganda propaganda.

As such, people already start to read the article taking for granted that the Sri Lankan monk is an "extremist". This is out of discussion. Pro-Western neocolonialist propaganda has already decided it for you.

What did the monk say or do that his is labelled an "extremist"? Doesn't matter; pro-Western propaganda has already decided that he is an "extremist", period.

Meanwhile, extremist witch-hunters and sociopaths like the evil dalai, no matter how many acts of brutality he engages in, is never called an "extremist". Rather, he is the "Nobel Peace Prize", the "apostle of non-violence and moderation". 

The intimate association between Western powers, such as US and UK, and Saudi Arabia-sponsored Muslim terrorism is well known, from to Syria to Iraq to Afghanistan to Pakistan to Myanmar to Sri Lanka to Xinjiang to Chechnya to Kosovo, and the list goes on.

And the "news" outlet, "Colombo Page", just like the infamous "Phayul" in relation to Tibet, is just another anti-Sri Lanka hate propaganda tool under the service of Western imperialist and neocolonialist policies.

It will praise Muslim extremists and terrorists, hell bent on imposing their barbarian "Sharia" law on the country and destroying Buddhism, as they already did in so many countries, as "peaceful Muslims". But it will describe brave Buddhist defending their culture, their religion, their sovereignty, and their country, as "extremists".

Remember that Dorje Shugden followers, from Pabongkha Rinpoche down to the present, have been systematically called "extremists", "sectarian", and the like, no matter how pure practitioners they were and are. And why? Just because, as opposed to the evil dalai, they have consistently refused to sell out their tradition, to mix politics with religion, and to allow themselves to be used as puppets by evil colonialists.

As to the analysis of the Sri Lankan monk, it is dead-on accurate. The evil Muslim dalai is just a Western monstrous creation, a Western tool aimed at interfering with and destroying the Buddhist world.

Solomon Lang

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Re: Is the Dalai Lama a Creation of the West?
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2014, 05:09:10 AM »
This is very sad. The pot calling the kettle black and the kettle calling the pot black. I hope that all this sloganeering, politicking and "I know better attitude" is checked by the wise public at large. Don't be sheep, think for yourselves.
Solomon's Judgement: 2 women came to resolve a quarrel over which was d true mother of a baby. When Solomon suggested they should divide d child in two with a sword, one said she would rather give up d child than see it killed. Solomon then declared d woman who showed compassion 2b the true mother.


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Re: Is the Dalai Lama a Creation of the West?
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2014, 12:35:55 AM »
This is very sad. The pot calling the kettle black and the kettle calling the pot black.

Through this demeaning slogan, you are trying to equate, and to put on the same level, terrorists and their victims.

According to your grotesque comparison, those perpetrating the 9/11 attacks are pots, and their victims are kettles, both sides badmouthing each other.

According to you, Saudi Arabian-sponsored Muslim terrorists, hell bent on imposing their Sharia law on ”non-believers”, including ”forced conversions or die”, on the one hand, and Buddhists trying to preserve their tradition from this barbaric attack, on the other, are just pots and kettles badmouthing each other.

This is the result of the deep brainwashing of Western people by relentless hate propaganda against whatever country or culture not bending to Western neocolonial, predatory interests.

The accomplicity of US, UK, and other Western countries, with Saudi-Arabian Muslim terrorism.
is a well documented fact. Sri Lanka, just like Myanmar, is just one more Buddhist target of this sinister association, always with the full support of Western hate-propaganda press.

I hope that all this sloganeering,

”Sloganeering” is precisely what you do, when you repulsively compare Muslim terrorists with their victims, using ”pot and kettle” slogans, while failing to offer one single reason to support your extremist-supporting view.


Then, according to you, Buddhists supporting their own tradition against ongoing Muslim physical and cultural genocide and terrorism is just ”politicking”, right?

Osama bin Laden, who ordered the bombing of the millenary Bamiyan Buddhas in Afghanistan would be proud of you!

and "I know better attitude" is checked by the wise public at large.

Actually, this is just the attitude you are displaying yourself with your arrogant ”pot and kettle” comparison.

But, since you failed to bring any reason or argument in support of such debauched comparison, you just managed to prove the idiocy of your own arrogant, terrorism-supporting attitude.

Don't be sheep, think for yourselves.

This is just too much! How to ask others to do what you miserably fail to do yourself?


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Re: Is the Dalai Lama a Creation of the West?
« Reply #6 on: July 25, 2014, 12:57:13 AM »
In connection with the Sri Lankan valiant stand against the millenary, ongoing barbaric Muslim destruction of Buddhism in the whole of Asia, and as a counterweight to the Western- and evil dalai-supported hateful disparaging of Sri Lankan Buddhists and Buddhism, it is worth rejoicing on these refreshing, encouraging news from 2011.

Bringing back the glory of Bamiyan Buddha in Lanka

One monk’s big idea will soon be a reality as Sri Lanka’s version of the Bamiyan Buddha -- a 67.5 foot high granite Samadhi Buddha statue-- takes shape in a little village in Kurunegala. Here, Ven. Egodamulla Amaramoli Thera relates to Chandani Kirinde the beginnings of a gigantic task that started with the chance meeting of an Indian sculptor

It’s been eight years and four months since the day that renowned Indian sculptor Padma Sri M.M. Sthapathi and his men took on the gigantic task of carving out a 67.5 foot high Samadhi Buddha statue on a granite rock situated within the land of a temple in the quiet village of Rambodagalla in the Kurunegala district. The fruits of their labour have now taken the shape of an impressive Buddha figure, the first of its kind to be attempted since the Polonnaruwa era during which time the “Gal Viharaya” was carved more than 800 years ago.

The idea for the gigantic Buddha statue first dawned on the chief incumbent of Vidyasagara Pirivena Vihara, Monaragala, Rambodagalla, Venerable Egodamulla Amaramoli Thera as he sat aghast watching the wanton destruction of the gigantic Buddha statues at Bamiyan in Afghanistan. As the scenes of destruction unfolded over TV, the Thera resolved that he would do whatever possible to build a Buddha statue to rival those blown to oblivion by a group of religious extremists.

“Due to the destruction, I wanted to begin a construction so that what befell the statues at Bamiyan would not be forgotten. I also wanted to bring about an awakening among the people of this country about their proud history during which period massive constructions were undertaken and have been left for posterity and have become a source of pride to all Sri Lankans.”

Although he had thought up a big idea, the Thera had to grapple with how he would set about the task. It was while contemplating how to get started on carving the statue after having chosen a 70-foot rock in the land belonging to the temple as the location, word reached him about a massive statue of the Hindu God “Hanuman” that had been constructed at Ramboda in Nuwara Eliya.

He decided to visit Ramboda with a group of villagers to inquire about its sculptors as finding the proper craftsmen was of utmost importance. It was while there that a chance meeting with the Chairman of Essuwaren Brothers, D. Essuwaren paved the way for his meeting with the chief sculptor M. M. Sthapathi.

“It was destiny that took me to Ramboda from Rambodagalla that day. We had planned to go a few days earlier but the visit had to be postponed due to some reason and coincidentally I was there on the same day that Mr. Essuwaren was, which made all this possible,” he recalled.

Ven. Amaramoli Thera who set about the task with a deep confidence instilled by his belief in the Buddha feels that it is faith that has made the work on the Samadhi Buddha reach near completion. “I believe my meeting with Mr. Essuwaren was preordained. Though a Hindu, he did not have the least hesitation in supporting my endeavour. When I first told him of my wish to construct a 70 feet high statue his first reaction was of surprise. But he soon recovered and extended his full support to me. From that day onwards till today, that support has been unwavering and has been a great source of strength to me,” the Thera said.

Since work began on the statue on September 13, 2002, the Indian sculptors have worked tirelessly to give form to the statue with Mr. Sthapathi visiting from time to time to guide them. The statue has also drawn both national and international attention with President Mahinda Rajapaksa being among those who have visited the site as well as visitors from countries such as Germany, the US and Thailand. The Indian Government too has contributed to its fund with the DSI Group and the Bank of Ceylon also being its leading benefactors.

Thousands of devotees too have contributed to fund the construction work. Amaramoli Thera proudly displays the words of Mr. Essuwaren when he spoke at a ceremony held at the temple premises as work on the statue began. “It is a Herculean task that will bring pride and honour to our country. If you have a pot of gold, spare a little, if you have some silver coins, give a few. If you cannot contribute monetarily give a hand to turn a stone. Even if that is not possible, let us spread the message that a great monument that will create history in Sri Lanka is happening in Monaragala, Vidyasagara Pirivena temple in the little village called Rambodagalla in the Kurunegala District.”

As the world celebrates the 2600th Sambuddha Jayanthi (anniversary of the Enlightenment of the Buddha) this year, to coincide with Vesak celebrations, several religious observances will be held at the Vidyasagara Vihara Pirivena. But the completion of the “Samadhi Buddha” project is still some way off.
“There is a lot more work to be done and even if it takes me another eight years and four months, I have the faith and strength to carry on the work,” the Thera said.

More details on the project can be obtained at the website


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Re: Is the Dalai Lama a Creation of the West?
« Reply #7 on: July 25, 2014, 03:05:31 AM »
they don't really understand the Vajrayana

This is absolutely true. I am a practicing Vajrayanist and I used to be a Theravadist. The difference between the two are like day and night. Vajrayana is very complex and powerful; and so the Dalai Lama thinks that the Vajrayana is superior to the Theravada. The truth is one is not better than the other.

I am also a Shugdenpa, and I used to be a Gelugpa, but now I am a Kagyu because I did not want to get involved with politics. The Dalai Lama is not a humble buddhist monk, he is an extremely wealthy politician. He uses religion to control people to accomplish his own political goals; namely to keep the Gelugpa in power.

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Re: Is the Dalai Lama a Creation of the West?
« Reply #8 on: July 27, 2014, 02:08:53 AM »
I think that there was nothing wrong with what the Dalai Lama said. I think as a Buddhist monk of a certain repute, he should make such statements condemning violence as his opinion carries weight. I think it is right he made that statement and I don't see that he claim to be the head of the Buddhists in those Theravaden countries but speaking to them from a Buddhist to another Buddhist. I don't see anything wrong with that.

But what I do think is wrong is the fact that he has turned a blind eye towards the violence perpetrated on Shugden practitioners and in some cases, he denied as well. That is wrong. I don't agree and I think as the title of the Dalai Lama is obligated to speak out against any kind of violence including those of the Shugden practitioners. He should abolish the Dorje Shugden ban because it is the source of much discrimination, suffering and violence. That is wrong.


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Re: Is the Dalai Lama a Creation of the West?
« Reply #9 on: July 27, 2014, 04:10:04 AM »
I got word from a theravadan monk from Sri Lanka, he is a scholar monk and he mentioned that the situation is such in Sri Lanka that a monk was attacked in a Mualim majority area. Hence the Sri Lankan buddhists reacted to the situation.. Thats all I know so far, and apparently it was contained.

I would question, are Buddhist not allowed to defend themselves, also? Yes the mob is not the correct or best response, the police should have stepped in and arrested people based on violence and not let it swell to a mob.
The Sri Lankan police could have prevented such an event.

People in poorer countries tend to form mobs when things like this happen so it seems, because they have a lot pent up frustration about their situation, joblessness and less opportunity. And if faith is what we hold on to, and nothing else in our lives seems to work or succeed that such  incidents is seen as a threat to one's well being and life it would seem.

I hope the Sri Lankan government would have some legislature and protection for all people of Sri Lankans of all faiths.

Then another trend is that the Dalai Lama seems to be making statements, though relevant as a world citizen but seems not offer better solutions or understanding. In fact the Dalai Lama seems to be destruct his persona and image as a world leader in his statements. Like he is preparing to 'demonise' himself to the world. Dalai Lama is very astute and very wise his latest actions are quite contrary to a man of his stature and learning. Not only that what he did is quite similar to what Nechung did , Nechung made a lot of incorrect prophecies even killing the Dalai Lama and also asking the Dalai Lama to stay in Tibet. It is all a 'divine' play to bring Dorje Shugden to the world.

People who like the Dalai lama for the Dorje Shugden ban, should take note this type of behaviour is not the norm. The Dalai Lama is doing it to pave the way for Dorje Shugden to spread all over the world and as I said parallels to what Nechung did at one point. Nechung is very close to being enlightened after serving so many Dalai Lamas.


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Re: Is the Dalai Lama a Creation of the West?
« Reply #10 on: July 27, 2014, 09:11:21 AM »
Extremist Sri Lankan Buddhist monk hits hack at Dalai Lama
Tue, Jul 22, 2014, 07:33 pm SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama made a call for Buddhists in Myanmar and Sri Lanka to cease violence towards the countries' Muslim minorities.

If His Holiness Dalai Lama does not stop the violence against Dorje Shugden followers, He should not ask Buddhists from Myanmar and Sri Lanka to cease violence against the countries' Muslim minorities. Who would listen to someone who does not practise what he preaches?  His Holiness Dalai Lama's relentless discrimination against the Dorje Shugden followers is totally against the Buddhists' principles of love, compassion and equality for all sentient beings!  Lift the ban on Dorje Shugden!


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Re: Is the Dalai Lama a Creation of the West?
« Reply #11 on: July 28, 2014, 02:23:22 AM »
I think that there was nothing wrong with what the Dalai Lama said.

Of course. This is because you pray according to the CIA-Soros-Western-neocolonialist catechism. Therefore whatever support is given the Saudi-Arabia and CIA sponsored, trained, and armed Islamic terrorists in Myanmar or Sri Lanka you will will enthusiastically applaud.

Therefore, according to you, Buddhists have no right to protect their culture, religion, and country, from Western and Saudi Arabia-supported barbaric Muslims, hell bent on imposing their bestial ”Sharia” law together with its ”convert or die” tactics.

I think as a Buddhist monk of a certain repute,

Repute among the irreputable, you mean. And such a terrorist cannot be called a ”monk” anyway.

he should make such statements condemning violence as his opinion carries weight.

Why then the pernicious puppet dalai does not say anything about the atrocities perpetrated with the full and brazen support of his Western sponsors and masterminds worldwide? For instance, just look at what CIA and Saudi Arabia armed, trained and sponsored Muslim terrorists, not different from those acting in Sri Lanka, are doing in Syria right now.

ISIL beheads 50 Syrian soldiers, puts heads on poles

The decapitated heads of several soldiers are shown mounted on poles on top of a fence at an army base in the northern province of Raqqa, Daily Mail reported.

Experts say the footage circulating online appears genuine and have been corroborated by other reports.

This comes as the so-called Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says the troops were seized after ISIL militants took over a base in the troubled region.

"Some of the executed troops were beheaded, and their bodies and severed heads put on display in Raqqa city," said the Britain-based group's director, Rami Abdel Rahman.

Al-Qaeda-linked militant groups fighting against the Syrian government have committed numerous mass executions during the ongoing conflict.

Since the outbreak of the Syria crisis in March 2011, several video clips have been released showing the grisly crimes perpetrated by the Takfiri terrorists against innocent civilians in the crisis-torn country.

Al-Qaeda-affiliated groups such as the ISIL have been behind many of the deadly bomb attacks targeting both civilians and government institutions across Syria over the past three years.

According to some sources, more than 160,000 people have been so far been killed and millions of others displaced due to the violence fueled by the militants in the Arab country.

The ISIL violence has spilled over to neighboring Iraq. Recently, a similar gruesome video was released, purportedly showing members of the ISIL Takfiri terror group brutally killing Shia Muslims in drive-by shootings in Iraq.

The ISIL and its associated militant groups are blamed for numerous sacrilegious acts. The terrorist groups have links with Saudi intelligence and are believed to be indirectly supported by the Israeli regime.


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Re: Is the Dalai Lama a Creation of the West?
« Reply #12 on: July 28, 2014, 08:47:46 PM »
The Dalai Lama is not a creation of the west. The origin and incarnation of The Dalai Lama is recorded and kept pure in Tibetan Buddhism. It is wrong to say HHTDL is a creation of the west. In order to spread a teaching, a way of life, a religion to any culture, methods have always been adapted to make it most effective for that culture.

When people compares HHDTL to The Pope, then I think HH achieved that goal of becoming the image required to spread Buddhism to the west. While the teachings of Buddha is pervasive, the methods of teaching are not. This is what makes Buddhism the most attractive and popular "religion" of this modern era. We do not need to condemn HHTDL for what he's doing but rejoice in the significant impact he has made to rest of the world. Buddhism has never been as popular and main stream and this is in many ways attributed to HHTDL.


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Re: Is the Dalai Lama a Creation of the West?
« Reply #13 on: July 28, 2014, 10:42:04 PM »
The Dalai Lama is not a creation of the west.

Your comment ridiculously misses the point. The topic here is not the lineage of the Dalai Lamas, but the current international stooge, the 14th evil dalai, which is purely a Western, CIA creation.

As to the lineage of the Dalai Lamas, it is not a Tibetan creation either, but a Mongolian one, and since the it has brought disgrace after disgrace to Tibet, namely with the 5th, 13th, and 14th evil dalais.

The origin and incarnation of The Dalai Lama is recorded and kept pure in Tibetan Buddhism.

Purely political, specially when it comes to mass murderers, such as the 5th evil dalai, to traitors, such as the 13th evil dalai, or both, such as the international stooge, the evil 14th dalai.


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Re: Is the Dalai Lama a Creation of the West?
« Reply #14 on: July 28, 2014, 11:01:58 PM »
When people compares HHDTL to The Pope, then I think HH achieved that goal of becoming the image required to spread Buddhism to the west.

Buddhism does not need stooges and posterboys to spread anywhere.

We do not need to condemn HHTDL for what he's doing but rejoice in the significant impact he has made to rest of the world.

The impact of supporting, as th evil dalai does, Saudi Arabia-sponsored terrorism in Myanmar and Sri Lanka, or the impact of supporting US wars on Korea, Iraq, and Afghanistan, and, of course, the impact of supporting bloody rioters in 2008's Lhasa and more than 130 self-immolations since 2009.

Basically, the pernicious, blood-loving dalai, like a vampire, rejoices on just any US led war. This is the role of any US stooge anyway, otherwise he will not receive his Soros-paid allowance by the end of the month.

Buddhism has never been as popular and main stream and this is in many ways attributed to HHTDL.

Buddhism does not need to be popular and mainstream at the cost of being corrupted. Anxiety for being ”popular and mainstream” is described among the 8 worldly concerns, and therefore your own rotten motivation when you praise the criminal and rejoice on his crimes.

Below follows a picture of two mass murdering stooges displaying great reciprocal affection and identification.