Author Topic: What Would Jesus Do in Gaza?  (Read 10561 times)


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What Would Jesus Do in Gaza?
« on: July 29, 2014, 12:26:43 AM »
The Tears of Pope Francis Point the Way.
The pontiff makes a heartfelt appeal for peace in Gaza, Iraq, Syria ... but is anyone listening?

PARIS — As the slaughter continues in Gaza, as bodies rain from the sky over Ukraine, as barbaric jihadists conquer swathes of Syria and Iraq, butchering their enemies and erasing the history of the Bible and of humankind, it seems empathy, sympathy, diplomacy and prayer are utterly unable to meet the demands of common humanity.

At such times, even those who are not especially religious might be moved to ask, in all seriousness, or perhaps in bitter irony, “What would Jesus do?” And as Pope Francis spoke to the multitude on Sunday in St. Peter’s Square in Rome, he came as close to answering that question as he or anyone else is likely to come.

Francis wept.

He did not wipe away the tears, but the long lenses of the television cameras showed him blinking them back behind his glasses. As Boston’s Cardinal Sean O’Malley has said, Francis is “a man who speaks in gestures.” And this was an important one. Francis wept, and it is fair to say that Jesus, too, would be weeping today.

Can something come of that? The answer, at first, is not obvious.

Some reports said that Francis was departing from his script, but that is not entirely true—he was departing from the script he gave his aides for publication, and they seemed, afterwards, unprepared and unable to explain what the pontiff had done. He had talked about the anniversary of World War I, and he had mentioned the fighting in the Middle East, in Iraq and in Ukraine. And then Francis was reading the words that moved him, it seemed, almost beyond his ability to speak:

"Never war, never war,” he said. “I am thinking, above all, of children who are deprived of the hope of a worthwhile life, a future. Dead children, wounded children, mutilated children, orphaned children, children whose toys are things left over from war, children who don't know how to smile.” This was the moment when the tears came. “Please stop,” said Francis. “I ask you with all my heart, it's time to stop. Stop, please!”

 But who will listen?

Jesus wept when he saw the tears of the women in his family lamenting the death of his friend Lazarus before, finally, he brought Lazarus back from the grave. No one in this world will bring back to life more than a thousand people killed in Gaza, almost 300 killed on flight MH17 or the tens of thousands — hundreds of thousands — who’ve died in Iraq since 2003.

No. The Lazarus miracle is not there for us.

Jesus wept as well when he approached Jerusalem, knowing that the people he had worked so hard to inspire and protect would betray him and crucify him: “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which killest the prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee; how often would I have gathered thy children together, as a hen doth gather her brood under her wings, and ye would not!”

How many statesmen who have tried and failed to save Israel and the Palestinians from each other—and from themselves—must have heard the echo of those words.

No. Words are not enough. And war is not the answer. Who does not understand that fact after so many wars fought in this century for so little purpose? “Violence cannot be overcome with violence,” Francis told the multitude a week ago. “Violence is overcome with peace!”

Read on:


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Re: What Would Jesus Do in Gaza?
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2014, 02:36:15 AM »
What Would Jesus Do in Gaza?

Jesus, who was born, lived and died as a Jewish rabbi, would do in Gaza exactly the same that the current Jewish genociders are doing.

Indeed, Jesus declared with all the letters that anyone not following him should be thrown in the fire and burned, as testified by John 15:6:

”If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned.”


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Re: What Would Jesus Do in Gaza?
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2014, 03:16:10 AM »
An example of what Jesus would do in Gaza, according to his own words (John 15:6):


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Re: What Would Jesus Do in Gaza?
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2014, 09:29:11 AM »
Even Jesus can't do much to stop the genocide in Gaza. These are acts of the ego; collective egos that says we are better than "them" and they should die because 2 of ours were murdered! In history, these acts were repeated countless times and I do not think it will stop anytime soon, sorry to say.
Only humans themselves can change the world individually by practicing compassion. Not even Jesus can make them do it if they do not want to. Religions is there to teach that.


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Re: What Would Jesus Do in Gaza?
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2014, 09:35:16 AM »
Not even Jesus can make them do it if they do not want to.

Specially not Jesus, the Jewish rabbi who ordered those who do not follow him to be ”thrown into the fire and burned” (John 1:6).


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Re: What Would Jesus Do in Gaza?
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2014, 09:50:12 AM »
I would not take that literally. It did not say Jesus will order those who will not follow him to be thrown into the fire. it simply means that those who do not practice love and compassion risk being "thrown into the fire" as in going to hell. It certainly does not deviate from Buddhist teachings. "Following him" in this case mean follow his way.

Also, please note that Jesus was talking to an audience that may not accept karma. Hence, he preached in a more simple manner ie "follow me or go to hell" to get the optimum results. This is my opinion.


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Re: What Would Jesus Do in Gaza?
« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2014, 11:43:15 AM »
I would not take that literally.

Of course you would. You honor the criminal dalai, who tells people to put fire to themselves, as ”Chenrezig”, don't you? Why would you not take literally Jesus, who commanded the same?

It did not say Jesus will order those who will not follow him to be thrown into the fire. it simply means that those who do not practice love and compassion risk being "thrown into the fire" as in going to hell.

Then according to you ”practicing love and compassion” means following a psychopath hell bent on throwing non-compliant people into the fire, such as Jesus and your guru the evil dalai, right?

It certainly does not deviate from Buddhist teachings. "Following him" in this case mean follow his way.

The ”way” of throwing into the fire and burning people who do not submit to and obey him, you mean. That's why you love so much the incitator of self-immolations, the evil dalai.

But I have to agree with you that this is indeed the meaning of ”Buddhism”, as taught to you by your psychopathic guru, the evil dalai.

Also, please note that Jesus was talking to an audience that may not accept karma. Hence, he preached in a more simple manner ie "follow me or go to hell" to get the optimum results.

The ”optimum results” of commanding anyone who does not submit to and obey a psychopath to be thrown into the fire and burned, right? Optimum indeed, for someone like you! 

The ”optimum” results of the Inquisition, for instance, which burned thousands of people using this passage as a pretext. But since your primitive, medieval, theocratic mentality supports witch-hunts and witch-hunters such as the evil dalai, it is just natural that you support the Jesus-commanded Inquisition together with their tortures and countless murders by way of fire.

This is my opinion.

I know. This is the opinion of many criminals, you are not the first and surely not the last.


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Re: What Would Jesus Do in Gaza?
« Reply #7 on: August 03, 2014, 06:54:54 AM »
Jesus would do what Buddha did when his cousin made bad rules--- he left and went travelling.  My understanding is that great lojong teachers like jon Von Khontrul also go and leave when people are ridiculously fighting.
  I think Jesus and Buddha are simply names for.... what i call Buddha.... and I don't think Jesus would want anyone to fight.... he would just try to arbitrate and if no one listened and they probably wouldn't--- (these are Jewish and Islamic right.... so i think they are following more the old testimate... ) He would leave.... and go pray for an end to the conflict or something.
  At any rate, om mani padme hung, may there be an end to harming and conflict....


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Re: What Would Jesus Do in Gaza?
« Reply #8 on: August 03, 2014, 09:16:41 AM »
“Violence is overcome with peace!”

Truth transcends all religions and labels. We can never resolve anything using violence. Even when the truth is spoken, how many of us have the merits to understand it and practise it? Look around us and realise how most of us are driven by our negative emotions such as anger, jealousy, greed, and pride? Notice how much dramas arise as a result. When most of us do not study and practise the dharma, we create mini wars with people around us. If we take influential and powerful positions in our country and allow our emotions drive us, then this will translate to wars with other countries.

Instead of asking what Jesus would do in Gaza, it's more important to ask what are we going to do to promote peace within ourselves and people around us. World peace is not possible if we don't start with ourselves.


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Re: What Would Jesus Do in Gaza?
« Reply #9 on: September 06, 2014, 10:34:34 AM »
Asking “What would Jesus do in Gaza” for its given situations is equated to asking what a Buddha or Bodhisattva would do to help hell being to liberate themselves from it. For the denizen of Gaza to be reborn in such place and situations must have their own complex tapestry of karmic causes from the past.
If we match their similarity with Buddhism does is mean that after historical Buddha appeared and turned the wheels of Dharma there will be no hell exist and all sentient beings would be liberated?
Remembered that Buddha stated that: “All compound phenomena are impermanent” even the Dharma will be degenerated and disappear when its causes ceased.
The Dharma will continue to flourish or not depend upon if sentient still places great value on it by upholding the practice and abandoning non-virtues as the Buddha and attained great master could not wash away our sins or takes them ways without effort being applied from our side.
Does the Buddha and Bodhisattva abandoned us now? No, they still appeared as great master or guru to continue their works to teach and liberate us whenever there was an opportunity for them to do so; Meaning when someone sincerely requested for it! 
Similarly, there were once many  great beings threaded this land preaching spirituality based on virtuous here too and resulted many learned scholar thereafter. I'm sure that there  are many attained scholar still working tirelessly now to stop the massacre.


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Re: What Would Jesus Do in Gaza?
« Reply #10 on: September 06, 2014, 10:47:21 AM »
I have strong believe that Jesus and also Mohamed are compassionate and will not encourage his people to kill others. I do believe that it is the people's wrong interpretation which causes all the war between the religious.

There are just so much hatred built up between the 2 camps, and it is very sad. Without letting go and spirituality, I don't see a way out, but even with spirituality, it will take many years to calm their mind. Such is the heavy negative karma :(

I always believe that killing will have the karma, and the karma will come back. Everyday we killed so many animals just for us to eat, and the karma will come back. I would say war is one of the ways the karma is coming back to us. So please be vegetarian or at least cut down the meat consumption hence cut down the killing.


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Re: What Would Jesus Do in Gaza?
« Reply #11 on: September 06, 2014, 10:49:30 PM »
Well Jesus is not here to tell us what he will do. The thing is even if Jesus is here, I doubt the people will listen to what he tells them should be done. If they didn't listen to him back then, sure ain't gonna listen to him now. What's left are supposedly his teachings which unfortunately could be interpreted to suit the needs of the interpreter. But one thing for sure from everything I read about Jesus is grace, mercy and compassion, and that is the foundation Jesus would have used in dealing with the issues in Gaza.


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Re: What Would Jesus Do in Gaza?
« Reply #12 on: September 07, 2014, 06:59:40 AM »
I would not take that literally.

Of course you would. You honor the criminal dalai, who tells people to put fire to themselves, as ”Chenrezig”, don't you? Why would you not take literally Jesus, who commanded the same?

It did not say Jesus will order those who will not follow him to be thrown into the fire. it simply means that those who do not practice love and compassion risk being "thrown into the fire" as in going to hell.

Then according to you ”practicing love and compassion” means following a psychopath hell bent on throwing non-compliant people into the fire, such as Jesus and your guru the evil dalai, right?

It certainly does not deviate from Buddhist teachings. "Following him" in this case mean follow his way.

The ”way” of throwing into the fire and burning people who do not submit to and obey him, you mean. That's why you love so much the incitator of self-immolations, the evil dalai.

But I have to agree with you that this is indeed the meaning of ”Buddhism”, as taught to you by your psychopathic guru, the evil dalai.

Also, please note that Jesus was talking to an audience that may not accept karma. Hence, he preached in a more simple manner ie "follow me or go to hell" to get the optimum results.

The ”optimum results” of commanding anyone who does not submit to and obey a psychopath to be thrown into the fire and burned, right? Optimum indeed, for someone like you! 

The ”optimum” results of the Inquisition, for instance, which burned thousands of people using this passage as a pretext. But since your primitive, medieval, theocratic mentality supports witch-hunts and witch-hunters such as the evil dalai, it is just natural that you support the Jesus-commanded Inquisition together with their tortures and countless murders by way of fire.

This is my opinion.

I know. This is the opinion of many criminals, you are not the first and surely not the last.

Wow, amazing that this argument is even brought into this part of the forum.

Simply calling anyone that has a neutral or is okay with the Dalai Lama, a criminal makes you no difference from the CTA and DL calling all Shugden practitioners murderers just because one or two Shugden practitioner have committed vice.

Too bad for you that most people HERE do not think an eye for an eye is a good approach. Gandhi's way of approach is much better, after all, it worked.