Author Topic: Another Hate Campaign by CTA  (Read 10961 times)


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Another Hate Campaign by CTA
« on: August 15, 2014, 09:26:43 PM »
First CTA posted a list on their website of peaceful protestors who have dared to publicly speak to demand religious freedom from the Dalai Lama, calling them traitors, spirit-worshippers and agents of the hated "Chinese", together with photographs and personal details (including one woman's home address!).

Then again on 14th August 2014 CTA have no guts but to post another statement attempting to whitewash their stance on these protestors, a cowardly action to justify what they had done earlier.  Don't you think CTA buttered up because they are dependant on the Dalai Lama of their positions and wealth?

August 14, 2014

The Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) recently released a list containing the names with other personal information of Tibetans, who demonstrated during H.H. the Dalai Lama’s last visit to Europe and the USA. The following seeks to address questions as to what led to this action. Essentially, the posting of this information stems from security concerns and to raise awareness within the Tibetan community about members of a group with a history of violence e.g. murder, physical assault and arson. Both Indian and US authorities have recognized that Dolgyal-related groups are a security threat to His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

For several years now, Dolgyal followers have persistently made baseless allegations against H.H. the Dalai Lama and the CTA.  This campaign reached a new level with demonstrations specifically targeting His Holiness during his last visits abroad. The physical proximity of the demonstrators to His Holiness has alarmed the Tibetan community as have slogans such as “False Dalai Lama” and “Dictator”. Hence, the CTA has felt a responsibility to disclose and raise awareness about the demonstrators’ identity. As the official governing institution of the Tibetan people, the Central Tibetan Administration is accountable to the people and must address such concerns.  Matters pertaining to His Holiness the Dalai Lama are treated with utmost seriousness.

The identity of the Tibetan protestors posted on the CTA web site is for the most part already in the public domain. People familiar with publicity materials released by the Dolgyal groups will know this, as several of the Tibetans whose name and photo were posted, have appeared on their own You Tube videos, printed materials, social media Facebook page, and photographs with Chinese officials. For Tibetans who do not have access to Dolgyal-related websites, CTA deems it their right to know and thus reproduced their materials.

The Central Tibetan Administration stands firm by its belief that freedom of speech is to be exercised responsibly and truthfully. The Tibetan struggle is based on non-violence, a fundamental principle which also applies to how we address internal matters such as the subject of Dolgyal. This sentiment is shared by the Tibetan people as demonstrated by the fact that none of the Dolgyal protesters whose names were posted have been subjected to any attacks within the Tibetan community since the public posting of their names. In fact, not a single Dolgyal propitiator has been harmed by the Tibetan community. Dolgyal propitiating monasteries freely exist in the Tibetan settlements and Dolgyal propitiators are issued Indian Registration Certificates (RC) which, without discrimination, allows residency in settlements, access to school, health services, scholarships, old age stipend and any other benefits.

The children of Dolgyal propitiators study in the Tibetan school system without a single case of expulsion. Moreover, far from denying them their religious freedom, Tibetan Dolgyal propitiators continue to travel within India and abroad on documents issued by the Indian government with the endorsement of the Central Tibetan Administration. In seeking legal status or political asylum in North America and Europe, Dolgyal followers could be using “denial of religious freedom” as an excuse, but the very documents on which they stay in India and travel abroad, are issued by the government of India with the endorsement of the Central Tibetan Administration. Therefore, they have neither been denied their religious freedom nor their rights to live in India and travel abroad.

It is clear that Dolgyal activities have become a tool for the Chinese government to slander His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s name.

The Kashag


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Re: Another Hate Campaign by CTA
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2014, 02:02:26 AM »
Dude!  These guys are full of.... words I can't say because ordained people might read this. 
  I would like to know what U.S. authorities were saying the uh "demon from Dol" organizations were uh, dangerous?  Would it have been someone as intelligent as the a policeman from Missouri or whom did they ask?
  I think we should class action sue them for slander, because I have not got paid by anybody and also I don't want anyone hurt and also they are lying and getting on my nerves.


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Re: Another Hate Campaign by CTA
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2014, 09:43:02 AM »
Even the Tibetan youths have noticed there is a difference in the treatment of children of Shugden Practitioners versus those who are not. The wall of illusion is cracking CTA....

CTA seriously just like you reported to the Italian police that ISC demonstrators are as violent as football hooligans?  Football hooliganism is not a joking matter especially between european football clubs.

christine V

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Re: Another Hate Campaign by CTA
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2014, 06:45:40 AM »
Bravo! Bravo! What a great liars CTA.

As you all have claimed “As the official governing institution of the Tibetan people, the Central Tibetan Administration is accountable to the people and must address such concerns. “

The Central Tibetan Administration stands firm by its belief that freedom of speech is to be exercised responsibly and truthfully.

The Tibetan struggle is based on non-violence, “

•   Please explain why is there violation happening towards the monks. 
•   Why is that Tibetant youth can even spotted the discrimination happened to their school-mate who are practitioner of Dorje Shugden.
•   Why is that the monastery have to split apart divided into non Dorje Shugden practitioner and Dorje Shugden practitioner
•   Why is that during public talk on PEACE by Dalai Lama, the Dorje Shugden practitioner are not allowed to join in

AND many more nonsense!

CTA- are you truly a governor for your people in Dharamsala? Or you are a bull to your own people and make Dorje Shugden as scape goat just because you fail to bring your people back to China as PROMISE!

CTA-you said, “a fundamental principle which also applies to how we address internal matters such as the subject of Dolgyal.”

It this still an internal matters? If this really still internal matters CTA you won’t be concerned so much on this issues. CTA – you will just continue to bully own Tibetan refugees like before what you have did, because it is not shown to the world!
 The matter of facts you making this statement because you know clearly, Dorje Shugden practice no longer internal matters but it is INTERNATIONAL’s concern now!

CTA – puts your guts on. Face the facts what you all have done to harm own people in refugees camp. Dont push this to China. The matter of facts CTA able to go back to Tibet or not; the chances is so slim looking at what you all have done to split the Tibetan community in India’s refugees camp.  China, now, are a big giant in economic. Do you think they wanted to do such a small action to harm you?

Think wise CTA.


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Re: Another Hate Campaign by CTA
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2014, 11:25:59 AM »
Is what CTA doing LEGAL? Isn't this against religious freedom rights? Are they running their administration without law and order? Or are they purposely putting the information up so that there will be more violence against the Shugden community.

Why can't we put up names of the Tibetans who has cause violence against the Tibetan Shugden community. At least what the was a peaceful one but what CTA has done to the Shugden practitioner is worst with VIOLENCE.

This is absurd. Does Obama release information about those who protest against him? Think. He will be getting lawsuits from all corner if he has done so.


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Re: Another Hate Campaign by CTA
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2014, 02:58:56 PM »
1. First, can CTA clear up and give a statement on the fact why they had published this list to identify the protesters together with their addresses? Taking into account security, why would they even do that? Any sane ruling government (or in CTA's case, exile government/administration) would first consider the safety and security of all its people regardless of where they are based worldwide. There is no need to pinpoint specific individuals.

2. Second, where is there evidence that "Indian and US authorities have recognized that Dolgyal-related groups are a security threat to His Holiness the Dalai Lama." .. If that was recognized, then they would have disallowed the protests to even take place at all in the first place..why take a risk on Dalai Lama's security if they thought that these group of people were a threat to HHDL.

3. Why are these group of people protesting? There is a protest because something is wrong, otherwise there would be none. So obviously, the millions of DS practitioners worldwide feel the need to protest because our religious freedom has been taken away.

4. The CTA has said that not a single Dolgyal propitiator has been harmed by the Tibetan community. What about the recent attack on Gen Chonze, changtso to Trijang Rinpoche. Why hasn't the CTA addressed this? or the attack on Domo Geshe Rinpoche's Monastery Gaden Choling in Phedong?

5. If there was no discrimination against DS practitioners, then why are today's Tibetan youths questioning Prime Minster Lobsang Sangey on this topic based on their observation?



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Re: Another Hate Campaign by CTA
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2014, 04:10:00 AM »
The CTA has always said that the pro-Protector people and monasteries are tools of the Chinese and are funded by the Chinese but have never published any proof. CTA, where is the proof?

And the fact the HHDL and the CTA bans the practice is good enough reason for the Chinese to support the Protector practitioners. It is the DL and the CTA who is the culprit in dividing Tibetan and save the trouble for the perceived "enemy" of having to do it. Thank you very much CTA for dividing the Tibetan and the Sangha! Now it is easy for the Chinese.

Where is my money???

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: Another Hate Campaign by CTA
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2015, 03:56:50 AM »
The CTA is not as silly as we assume.  The members of CTA can control and rule the Tibetans in Exile where there is really not legality for its very existence.  Having said that, what can the Tibetans in Exile do?  Nothing much except to accept the authority of CTA.

CTA is also very good at propaganda in such a delicate way as to send out list of ''wanted people'' just for protesting and with details of addresses. Does CTA realise that such information may activate people under their charge who are anti Shugden to take action that is detrimental to the listed people? Maybe that is after all the intention.

Tibetans in exile are very ''angry'' with the Chinese Government for taking over Tibet and naming the listed people as agent of China will ignite another sentiment against them. Tibetans should ask why CTA had not been able to get them back to their homeland.

So much hidden damage behind diplomatically correct words.


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Re: Another Hate Campaign by CTA
« Reply #8 on: January 20, 2016, 01:55:30 PM »
The CTA are in no way good at their job of fibbing. It is really easy to see that the CTA is lying not just lying, but also causing harm to others. The info was put up to harm others, as if the Shugdeners aren't living in enough turmoil, the CTA still wants to add more disharmony and turmoil into their life.
The CTA should look at other prime ministers and minsters of the world, when people voice out over things does that minister or prime minister create a list of the people who voiced out so they could be harmed? No, they didn't.

Once upon a time we were all as one now we are split, it is as if one side is worshiping Satan while another is worshiping Buddha. That isn't what is happening now so why is there a split? If the CTA does not stop this conflict soon, there will really be two branches of Buddhism.


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Re: Another Hate Campaign by CTA
« Reply #9 on: February 21, 2016, 03:40:24 PM »
This article by Kashag is so full of crap. There are so many discrimination and segregation by CTA. It is CTA who discriminated the Shugden practitioners FIRST, and after so many years of no dialogue from CTA side, some of the shugden practitioners THEN started the protests. ISC (International Shugden Community) have already said, when the discrimination stops, the protests will strop. And based on the Youtube protest videos by ISC, all of the protesters are peaceful (although they may be LOUD), and compared to CTA's camp, they are really violent ad vulgar.


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Re: Another Hate Campaign by CTA
« Reply #10 on: February 28, 2016, 03:13:19 PM »

Just because some Dolgyal followers has thrown baseless allegations towards the Dalai Lama. the CTA should not have released the details/identities of the demonstrators.

What gives the CTA the right to say that Dorje Shugden practitioners are getting paid by the Chinese government to protest against the Dalai Lama and the CTA when there is no proof of such actions being done?

Isn't this a baseless allegation too? Are Shugden practitioners happy that these allegations are being thrown at them? No.

So why is it that the CTA is angry at the Dolgyal followers that thrown allegations at the Dalai Lama when they themselves started it first? They were asking for trouble in the first place really. 


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Re: Another Hate Campaign by CTA
« Reply #11 on: March 05, 2016, 10:42:54 AM »
idle people with idle minds, trying to con the world as a whole. Sounds like kids playing in the mud - " I hate you, I'll step on your mom's head!" Spread more hate campaign, be like the ISIS and see what the world do to you. It's so childish it's not funny. Please, CTA find better spin doctors. My question is - does CTA still have a people to rule of just a community in India to rule? How can India stomach such childish blatant disrespect for their country by creating so much havoc there?


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Re: Another Hate Campaign by CTA
« Reply #12 on: March 28, 2016, 02:19:42 PM »
The CTA is totally lying. They said that the Dorje shugden monasteries freely exist everywhere, indeed they exist everywhere,  but every now and then people will come in groups to try and kill people within the monastery. 
Many monks have been injured merely because they practice the so called demon. Religious freedom means that any religion can be practiced freely, so even a so called demon practice can be worshipped without any interference from anyone.

I hope the CTA will buck up and stop telling white lies about their "holiness" and talk about how bad they are and how they must do their part to end the ban.


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Re: Another Hate Campaign by CTA
« Reply #13 on: April 03, 2016, 03:25:29 PM »
They continue to oppress and hurt. This is how they are hurting Shugden people in Tibet already, they expose them, they are subject to abuse and (recently to my knowledge) they are clearly alienated by wearing those stupid ribbons. They are attacked by people against them and they are hurt. The only difference here is that this is not international. Perfect.

It is just amazing to know that, by their examples, the CTA is still doing a very good job keeping the peace and balance with people.


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Re: Another Hate Campaign by CTA
« Reply #14 on: April 25, 2016, 07:54:23 AM »
Worshipers of the 'demon from dol' must be contained? And, they allow witches and satanists in their midst? Violence, by whom. Thanks to websites like, there is real information about what the CTA does behind the scenes and in true mafiaso style.

The monasteries and practitioners abound due to the faith and understanding of  the true nature of Dorje Shugden and not by sheer, mindless obedience.