Author Topic: Islamic Extremists Target Famed Buddhist Temple in Indonesia  (Read 10397 times)


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Islamic Extremists Target Famed Buddhist Temple in Indonesia
« on: August 23, 2014, 01:46:44 AM »
An eye for an eye?  The world will be blind soon.

Catholic World News - August 21, 2014

Islamic extremists in Indonesia are planning to destroy the Temple of Borobudur, an important Buddhist center that is classified as a World Heritage Site, the AsiaNews service reports.

Indonesian officials are strengthening security around the temple, which is sacred to local Buddhists and a major draw for tourism. The site has been targeted by Indonesian supporters of the Islamic State, officials say.

The threat to destroy the Temple of Borobudur recalls the destruction of the Bamiyan Buddhas in Afghanistan in 2001 by the Taliban.


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Re: Islamic Extremists Target Famed Buddhist Temple in Indonesia
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2014, 05:02:04 AM »
Any form of extremism that adopts violence and non tolerance deviates from the essence of all religions. Compassion and acceptance are keys to resolving any form of differences. Violence will lead to more violence and this cycle will never stop.

At the age of degeneration, more people are deluded from the truth. This is a clear example of how barbaric people can be as a result of their lack of merits and real spiritual practice.

Propitiating the practice of Dorje Shugden is very crucial at this age of degeneration because Dorje Shugden's benefits can be realised much faster. When people in general see that their prayers are answered faster, they have more faith. 

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: Islamic Extremists Target Famed Buddhist Temple in Indonesia
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2014, 10:05:48 AM »
Extremists of any religion is certainly a cause of worry to all and a scourge to their religion. The essence of all religion would be the practice of kindness towards all around them. Going to the extent of destroying lives and religious sites of other beliefs would definitely plunge these people deeper into ignorance and creating a cause for them to be born in an unfortunate rebirth.
It is a good thing that the authorities are aware of their ill intention and taking the necessary precautions to prevent damage to a heritage site and danger to all pilgrims to the holy site.


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Re: Islamic Extremists Target Famed Buddhist Temple in Indonesia
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2014, 12:30:00 PM »
I think that using violence to silence people is wrong. Taking for example the many recent cases of beheading by the ISIS, they seem to be using a tactic to instill fear in others to not "mess about with them". Innocent precious lives are not spared because these group of extremist want to prove their fearlessness in showing the world that Islam rules above all. But which religion teaches you to endanger and kill followers of other religions? There is no competition between religion, there never was. What is the benefit in forcing one religion to be more superior than others when the minds of people are degenerating tremendously and went violence pervades and lives are lost? Religion is to promote harmony, interfaith-harmony and harmony of co-existence between mankind of whatever religious believes, race, sexual orientation etc. There is no point in using violence to put your point across, because it does not last. Same goes with the discrimination handed to DS practitioners. Violence like overtaking the monasteries, and hurting sangha members does not do the situation any favour.


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Re: Islamic Extremists Target Famed Buddhist Temple in Indonesia
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2014, 12:38:49 PM »
We all love our own religion. We want our religion to be strong and have many followers. But at the same time, we must respect others who are not of the same religion. Should not destroy others' temple or killed those of not the same religion. None of the religion in the world would teach its follower to cause harm to others. Only the extremists will do so.

Killing and destroying of holy places will accumulate negative karma and cause one to be born in lower realms.

Glad that the Indonesian government is strengthening the security around the temple to protect it.


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Re: Islamic Extremists Target Famed Buddhist Temple in Indonesia
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2014, 01:33:58 PM »
I have personally visited Borobudur years ago.  Borobudur is truly remarkable and breathtaking.  It is a holy Buddhist pilgrimage site not to be missed by any Buddhist!  Borobudur had been damaged by the earthquakes and covered by ashes from the nearby volcanic mountain before. Fortunately through the efforts of UNESCO and conservationists it has since been turned into a World Heritage Site.  However Borobudur is still being threatened by the elements of weather and polution.  If efforts are not made to preserve it, the world will lose this precious legacy from the past.  Now Borobudur is faced with threats of damage by Islamic extremists.  Though the Indonesian government and moderate muslims which form the majority of the Indonesion population had condemned Islamic extremism and religious violence, the world must not allow history to repeat itself i.e. the destruction of the famous Bamiyan Buddhas by the Taliban extremists.  Actions must be taken to stop these Islamic extremists from causing any damage to Borobudur and disharmony to the various religous faiths in Indonesia. 

Kim Hyun Jae

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Re: Islamic Extremists Target Famed Buddhist Temple in Indonesia
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2014, 04:08:05 PM »
Extremism does not have any place in any religion or spirituality. Extremism would either being left wing or right wing taking actions to the extreme. As such, their stance of action is to take revenge on others and hurt them taking other's lives. No religion or spirituality condones these kind of actions kindly.


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Re: Islamic Extremists Target Famed Buddhist Temple in Indonesia
« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2014, 04:00:42 AM »
Sigh, i do not think any religion in this world existed for a reason to harm other religions and their believers. Due to our own ego, pride and ignorance we just followed blindly of what we perceive is right until we think by harming another soul is even do no wrong. And we even think it is justifiable because we are acting on behave of certain religion. This is very sad indeed for a certain religion is experiencing such a degenerating until its own believers are becoming such an violent souls. I really hope that the Indonesia government is taking this threat seriously because it is an act of terrorism which is unacceptable in mankind. OM MANI PADME HUM

Borobudur, Islamists target Indonesia’s most important Buddhist temple
by Mathias Hariyadi
The complex, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, risks being destroyed like the Buddhas of Bamiyan. Authorities strengthen security measures. Citizens invited to participate in the defense of "cultural heritage". President Yudhoyono declares jihadist violence "humiliating" for Islam.

Jakarta (AsiaNews) - Indonesian extremists supporters of the Islamic State (formerly Isis, Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) want to target and destroy the most important Buddhist cultural center of the country: the temple of Borobudur, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Central Java Army chief General Sunindyo has stated that he is strengthening security to protect the highly popular site sacred to the Buddhist community throughout South-East Asia and major tourist attraction.

The risk is a repeat of what happened in Afghanistan in 2001,when the madness of Taliban extremism led to the destruction of the famous Bamiyan Buddhas. The local fringe of IS has announced plans to target Borobudur on a Facebook page called "We are an Islamic state".

Indonesian media and social networks had recently warned of a possible attack on the temple. Meeting with journalists in Solo, Gen. Sunindyo recalled that "it is our duty to protect the nation's cultural heritage which is a primary asset for tourism"; he has also called on all "citizens" to "protect our cultural heritage".

The Borobudur temple complex is located in the heart of the province of Central Java and is now considered the largest and most important cultural legacy of the Mahayana Buddhist tradition of the eighth and ninth centuries. Built by King Syailendra, the temple features more than 2,600 carvings - for a total length of more than 5 km - and 504 statues of the Buddha. Already in 1985, the temple has been the subject of was brutally attacked by Islamic extremists with extensive damage to at least nine stupas on the summit.

Outgoing- president, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, often accused of not intervening in decisive terms against Islamic fundamentalism, has stated that the violence of the Islamic State is "humiliating" to Muslims. He adds that "there is no room for them in Indonesia," because "their philosophy is contrary to [our] fundamental values??". He has reiterated that Indonesia "is not an Islamic state" and respects "all religions".

Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim nation, is fast becoming one of the major centers of Islamic activism throughout the region. As AsiaNews has recently reported, fundamentalist movements and local Muslim leaders are inspired by the exploits of the Sunni fighters in Syria and Iraq and intent on supporting the struggle for the establishment and expansion of the Islamic Caliphate, even to Asia.


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Re: Islamic Extremists Target Famed Buddhist Temple in Indonesia
« Reply #8 on: August 25, 2014, 09:46:19 AM »
Another example of the self cherishing minds operating out if ignorance. The ignorance of "me" and "others" not knowing that all are actually intimately connected and that what goes around comes around. To that an object of veneration of others and take offense at it, in this case it is the Borobudur, it really nothing an act of ego and ignorance of the common kind. So because the ego do not like "others" threatening their "correctness, they act to destroy these objects.
Actually, in daily lives, most humans and animals does the same thing. Think about that!! Out of ignorance we destroy others be it objects, others ego, body, feelings and perception to satisfied our "correctness". This is the cause to uncontrolled cycle of rebirth.


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Re: Islamic Extremists Target Famed Buddhist Temple in Indonesia
« Reply #9 on: August 25, 2014, 10:33:30 PM »
Another report on tightening security at world's largest temple after ISIS threat.

Published time: August 23, 2014 18:39

ndonesian police have been put on alert at the Borobudur Temple after a threat against the world’s biggest Buddhist temple and UNESCO World heritage Site was made on Facebook by Islamic State supporters.

The threat was posted on a Facebook account under the title ‘We Are Islamic State’ – apparently the one of Islamic State (formerly known as ISIS) followers – on August 15.

It read, “God willing, [Borobudur] will be demolished by Islamic caliphate mujahidin!”

Tightening security around Borobudur was not the only measure taken, as police in Central Java province also begun thoroughly searching through data from the Internet for possible clues about the plan, National Police spokesman Ronny F. Sompie told the Jakarta Post on Friday.

“The Central Java Police chief has ordered an investigation into the threat and we expect that there will be cooperation with the temple’s security personnel and the Indonesian Military [TNI] to safeguard the temple from any possible damage,” he said in the capital city of Jakarta.

Following the reports of the threat, Borobudur Conservation Agency had prepared for the imminent bombing with increased number of security personnel within and around the temple, said the head of the agency, Marsis Sutopo.

“We’ve increased the number of security officers and have coordinated with PT Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur [TWCB, which manages tourism activities at the temple] and the local police,” he said on Friday in Magelang.

The Indonesian army has also been involved. Earlier this week, commander of the Diponegoro Military Command, operating in two Java districts, Major-General Sunindyo confirmed readiness to back up security around the temple.

Built in Central Java in the IX century, Borobudur is known as the largest and one of the most important Buddhist monuments in the world. It was added to the UNESCO World Heritage list in 1991, after major renovation works. With over 500 Buddha statues, it serves not only as a key tourist attraction in Indonesia, but also as a pilgrimage site for Mahayana Buddhists from all over the world.

It is not the first time Borobudur has become the target of an attack in an archipelago nation with a Muslim majority and six official religions recognized.

It was bombed in 1985, when nine of the stupas at Borobudur were damaged. Three Muslim radicals were held responsible for the attack.

In August last year security in Borobudur – as well as in other Java places of worship – was similarly tightened due to the bombing of the Buddhist temple Ekayana Graha Vihara in Jakarta.


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Re: Islamic Extremists Target Famed Buddhist Temple in Indonesia
« Reply #10 on: August 26, 2014, 02:46:01 PM »
No matter what your religion, there is no need to destroy someone else's places of worship. There will be neverending arguments as to whose God is bigger and stronger. Its just pure selfishness that people want to control everything. When they cant, they destroy.
Anyway, I found an interesting writeup regarding the stupa in Borobudur.

Borobudur is built as a single large stupa and, when viewed from above, takes the form of a giant tantric Buddhist mandala, simultaneously representing the Buddhist cosmology and the nature of mind. The original foundation is a square, approximately 118 metres (387 ft) on each side. It has nine platforms, of which the lower six are square and the upper three are circular. The upper platform features seventy-two small stupas surrounding one large central stupa. Each stupa is bell-shaped and pierced by numerous decorative openings. Statues of the Buddha sit inside the pierced enclosures.

The monument's three divisions symbolize the three "realms" of Buddhist cosmology, namely Kamadhatu (the world of desires), Rupadhatu (the world of forms), and finally Arupadhatu (the formless world). Ordinary sentient beings live out their lives on the lowest level, the realm of desire. Those who have burnt out all desire for continued existence leave the world of desire and live in the world on the level of form alone: they see forms but are not drawn to them. Finally, full Buddhas go beyond even form and experience reality at its purest, most fundamental level, the formless ocean of nirvana. The liberation from the cycle of Sa?s?ra where the enlightened soul had no longer attached to worldly form corresponds to the concept of ??nyat?, the complete voidness or the nonexistence of the self. K?madh?tu is represented by the base, Rupadhatu by the five square platforms (the body), and Arupadhatu by the three circular platforms and the large topmost stupa. The architectural features between the three stages have metaphorical differences. For instance, square and detailed decorations in the Rupadhatu disappear into plain circular platforms in the Arupadhatu to represent how the world of forms—where men are still attached with forms and names—changes into the world of the formless.


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Re: Islamic Extremists Target Famed Buddhist Temple in Indonesia
« Reply #11 on: August 30, 2014, 01:19:04 PM »
In the good book of any religion, intolerance was never being found. The extremist groups take the interpretation of its content into their own hand and demanding respect and equality through terrorism .
Even if they had successfully destroyed the structure of Borobudur, this does not mean that Buddhism and Borobudur non-existence in this place since its existence had been well documented. By putting efforts into destroying large buildings, it would be more constructive if they put the efforts and funds into strengthening their religion through education and good conduct.
Respect could only be earned from fame of virtuous!!!   


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Re: Islamic Extremists Target Famed Buddhist Temple in Indonesia
« Reply #12 on: August 30, 2014, 08:10:55 PM »
I do hope that the new Indonesia President Jokowi can use his power to protect the site. Many have said that he is very democratic and very tolerating. So far he has been very open and help protecting the minorities. I do pray that he will extend his tolerance towards other religions as well.

After all, Borobudur is a famous pilgrimage site for Buddhists and tourists site for non-Buddhists. By protecting the site, it will also bring income to Indonesia.

I agree with @angelica that most religious want to be strong and have all followers but we should not do it at the expense of others. Religions should promote peace, not using violence.


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Re: Islamic Extremists Target Famed Buddhist Temple in Indonesia
« Reply #13 on: August 31, 2014, 07:41:43 AM »

Religious extremism has become the biggest source of conflict around thw world.The only thing religion fanaticism really demonstrates is the weakness on the part of the fanatic: weakness in his own faith.
Borobudur temple has proven that before Islamist arrived to Indonesia,Indonesians are actually Buddhist. That is to say that Indonesians, their ancestors are Buddhist before. Destroying the temple is disturbing and insulting their ancestors.


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Re: Islamic Extremists Target Famed Buddhist Temple in Indonesia
« Reply #14 on: August 31, 2014, 10:46:42 AM »
Constructed in the ninth century, Borobudur is regarded as the world's largest Buddhist monument and one of the most complex structures erected during that period. This barbaric activity of warning to destroy this heritage has threatened the world’s survival, peace and solidarity. The authorities should pay special attention towards this situation and take necessary measures to protect this holy site properly.