I watched this video a while back and many points that Kundeling Rinpoche has said, did not sink in or make a lot of sense earlier. I am so glad this video is brought back again with commentary. And I find that Kundeling Rinpoche speaks with a lot of clarity and passion and focus.
He is not fearful to call a spade a spade. Despite when he spoke up then, he was really in danger. Yet his focus was about helping the Tsongkhapa lineage to spread, about his students about, a couple who were good supporters of his. And threats to him then was that if he returned to the north of India to his property there. I wonder if the dorjeshugden.com can do a story about Kundeling Rinpoche's house and how he was threatened to never come back. As we have the Domo Geshe's monastery under threat to be taken over by people who have no claim to it. I also feel he was quite nonchalant and cool about everything despite the ban turned his life upside down.
But his opening talk he mentioned if a monk held his refuge no way a spirit can harm the Dalai Lama this is very important point to note. Then he also said in other traditions there are uncommon protectors who protect that lineage so why should Dorje Shugden singled out?
I think he is very spot on to say that, whatever actions w do as Buddhists it should not harm in any way or manner. The Dorje Shugden ban is very harmful no one can deny that, people threatened, harmed and discriminated. Its affects lay and monastic with schism. The ban has divided the Tibetan well and true now for the world to see, brother cannot trust brother anymore, monk ostracise monks etc etc.