His Holiness Dalai Lama have mentioned that he had posed this question of the continuation of his reincarnation even far back in 1969 to some individuals. HH was much worried of the reincarnation system being misused to fulfill the political agenda of 'those with vested political interests'. HH further added that when he turns ninety years of age, he would again re-evaluate if the institution of Dalai Lama should continue by consulting high lamas of the Tibetan Buddhist traditions, some other concerned individuals who are Tibetan Buddhist and the Tibetan public.
For now, I pray fervently that His Holiness would lift the ban on Shugden practice so that the Tibetans could unite and create the cause for the true incarnation of the Dalai Lama to return.
So, did you mean other than his own vested political agenda? Yes, China will be political, just like the Dalai Lama, so, it would be a good idea, given the mess we currently see, to give up the Dalai Lama recognitions.
Because China can't let this one pass, right? I mean, the next Dalai---he is obviously the uh theoretical (since he is lower realms bound, the way he breaks samaya) reincarnation of the current dicatator, then of course everyone would look to him to lead them around like donkeys like he has been doing this life.
So, I don't know why we are all drinking the "Dalai is a Buddha" LSD laced cool-aide but you know, you might as well say Mao or George Bush is a Buddha. Presdident Obama MIGHT be Buddha Padmasambava, but I think you know, we will still not check for his reincarnation and put him in charge of the country. The Dalai is no Buddha and can't direct his re-birth like that, but even if he could, do you think China would pick someone who is him? Or someone they can control people through? The latter is obvious even if the former eludes you.
Pretend Chinese Panchen + Pretend Chinese Karmapa + Pretend Chinese Dalai Lama = Big disaster for anyone in Tibet. Maybe what Tibetans should try is to say that on the condition that they are granted religious freedom and human rights, that they won't allow any recognized lamas to be in political power in Tibet. Then if they go democratic, autonomous, or whatever, you know, maybe Buddhism can survive in the Himalayas.