How wonderful for the Mongolians that the pre-eminent Lama and great Master, Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, is visiting their homeland. Doubly blessed are they to be receiving initiations into Yamantaka and the sogtae of Dorje Shugden.To receive an initiation into the Vajrabhairava(Yamantaka) cycle of teachings,( the ferocious form of Manjushri), which practice would purify many lifetimes of obscurations , and which would confer enlightenment in 16 lifetimes, to be the recipient of this initiation, the Mongolians must be so blessed beyond words!
On top of that, to receive the precious sogtae of Dorje Shugden, the great protector, who arose as Protector for this kaliyurga age, to combat the inner and outer kaliyurgas, is just so great and wonderful too.