Guys, sorry, but this is really not that confusing at this point.
Okay. Let me break this down:
1. The Dalai Lama is a liar.
2. Liars lie.
3. Therefore the Dalai Lama lies, you see. Nothing new about that:
a. Pretends to be peaceful-- but accepts CIA guns and has a little guerilla army against China
b. Pretends to be the Buddha of Compassion--- is really completely demonstrating no compassion toward DS practitioners, Kagyupas (he picked this like communist boy to be Karmapa, even though the legit Karmapa is NEVER chosen by Dalai Lamas but rather by Kagyu lineage head--- who disagreed with the DLs interference
Okay, so that is it the basic stuff. Now why is anyone confused? The man (yes man, not Buddha people, is a liar). The U.S. government used him in their propaganda war on Chinese communism.... I argue that this was unnecessary as Chinese communism already demonstrates its own propaganda against itself--- like doesn't let Hong Kong have a say in nominations--- doesn't like people protesting, you know, pretty much the oppressive stuff we find among the imperialists and communists both....