Author Topic: Shugden followers go online in their battle against Tibetan spiritual leader  (Read 5649 times)


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As published In Hindustan Times

Shugden followers go online in their battle against Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama
Naresh K Thakur , Hindustan Times  Dharamsala, October 20, 2014

Followers of Dorje Shugden have now taken the battle against the Tibetan spiritual leader and the government-in-exile to the social networking sites.

Dorje Shugden, referred to as 'Dolgyal' or 'demon king', is an ancient Tibetan deity denounced by the Dalai Lama. Its follower who revere the century-old deity as a 'protector', have in recent past intensified the protests against the Dalai Lama demanding him to lift the ban on rituals involving Dorje Shugden.

However, supporters of the Dalai Lama said he had not banned any practice and that Buddhism does not allow for such restrictions.

The Shugden followers have now created pages on Facebook and Twitter, specifically targeting the Dalai Lama, with phrases like 'The False Dalai Lama' and 'Stop Lying Dalai Lama'.

The posts on these pages include pictures of Shugden followers protesting against the Dalai Lama during his visits in the US and Norway and links to various websites containing anti- Dalai Lama articles and videos.

A page titled 'Followers of Shugden' recently posted a video of a song 'Stop Lying Dalai Lama' sung by Brazilian pop star Deborah Blando.

Every posts on these pages are followed by heating debates, attacks and counterattacks between the Dalai Lama followers and the Shugden disciples.

Among hundreds of pages dedicated to the denounced deity is a twitter handle @Dalai Lama Truth containing posts directed at Dalai Lama, his policies being termed and serious charges promoting segregation in the Tibetan community levelled against the 79-year-old Nobel Peace Laureate.

Concerned over the threats to the Dalai Lama's security following a surge in the activities of theses extremists, the Tibetan government-in-exile recently released a list containing names and personal information of those who held demonstrations during the spiritual leader's recent foreign tours.

"Essentially, posting of this information stems from security concerns and the need for creating awareness within the Tibetan community about the members of a group (Shugden followers) with a history of violence such as murder, physical assault and arson," Kashag (cabinet) of the government-in-exile had said in a recent statement.

The government-in-exile also accused the Shugden followers of making baseless allegations against the Dalai Lama and that they act as a tool for the Chinese government to slander spiritual leader's reputation.

Deborah Blando - Dalai Lama Lament


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If there is no ban why should Shugden followers go online to demand the Tibetan spiritual leader to stop discrimination and segregation on Shugden Buddhists but to give religious freedom?  It only goes to show that the ban was ongoing since 1996 and online battle protesting the ban began at the same time.  I do not deny that Shugden followers only demonstrate their protests on the venue wherever the Dalai Lama visits in the West but heavy battles ensued in twitterland and Facebook as well during these visits to bring awareness and publicity in the media on the illegal and illogical ban.  You should view these twitterland battles #DalaiLama #DalaiLamaStopLying" #NewYork they are all crowded with shugden followers' protests every few second during the Dalai Lama's visits and I for one enjoy a small participation in tweeting my protests until the ban comes down.

The International Shugden Community might wish to consider organising a land demonstration in either New Delhi or Dharamsala followed by online battles to irritate and pressurise the Tibetan spiritual leader and CTA into lifting the ban, besides Hindustan Times can enjoy first hand reporting.  Who do you think will benefit most out of the publicity?  Of course, it is none other than the mighty Dorje Shugden and the Teaching!

Dolce Vita

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It is not only recently that Shugdenpas are using social media network to create awareness and fight for justice. It is because of the protest that the medias start to do more research on the internet to understand the controversy. I am so glad that decided to keep the website running. Imagine if the website is closed, no media will be able to find any reliable information about Dorje Shugden, no one will know the truth.

Protest and website go hand in hand. Without either one, the impact to CTA is greatly reduced. One of the factors to lift the ban is Therefore, must continue. Thank you admin for keeping it running. Let's all work harder to make it happen!


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"Essentially, posting of this information stems from security concerns and the need for creating awareness within the Tibetan community about the members of a group (Shugden followers) with a history of violence such as murder, physical assault and arson," Kashag (cabinet) of the government-in-exile had said in a recent statement.

The government-in-exile also accused the Shugden followers of making baseless allegations against the Dalai Lama and that they act as a tool for the Chinese government to slander spiritual leader's reputation.

This is quite a lot of rubbish by CTA here. Firstly, CTA is the one who incite violence, not the Dorje Shugden practitioners. There are so many proofs and videos on CTA inciting violence. One of the latest is CTA published a "hit list" of protestors (some of them even with address), and if this is not CTA inciting violence, then who is?

Secondly, CTA keep saying Dorje Shugden practitioners are China spy and receive financial support from China, but until today, there is no proof. So, who is making baseless allegations? CTA or Dorje Shugden practitioners??

Tenzin Malgyur

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This is a good move by the Shugden followers to bring attention to their plight by going online. Besides being at the demonstrations in person, there are surely much more Shugden supporters out there who can contribute towards highlighting the unlawful ban on the practice of Shugden by the CTA. Good thing that the CTA is also making their presence in the cyber space. Let's have them to give answers to the whole world- if there is really no ban imposed, why are the protesters still trolling HHDL to all corners of the world?


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The government-in-exile also accused the Shugden followers of making baseless allegations against the Dalai Lama and that they act as a tool for the Chinese government to slander spiritual leader's reputation.
Deborah Blando - Dalai Lama Lament

OMG! CTA are accusing Shugden followers are a tools for the Chinese government again! They have no better things to do. Instead of working to unite all Tibetans, looking at strategy or ways to improve the social, economy of the Tibetans, they just know how to divert others attention to other things by putting the blame on Shugden followers is sent by Chinese government without showing any solid prove. If there is any prove, they should show it. Else, CTA should keep quiet and do what they are responsible for, i.e. to unite the Tibetans and take care of the people’s well being!


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Hindustan Times didn't help readers to understand the nature of the ban on Dorje Shugden and why Shugden followers had gone online to protest against Dalai Lama. 

Dalai Lama had until today refused to hold dialogues or debates with the Dorje Shugden followers.  Naturally social media has become a relevant and important platfrom for Dorje Shugden followers to voice their concerns and to disseminate correct information. So it is not unusual for Dorje Shugden followers to tap into this useful tool and use it to protest against Dalai Lama and to lift the ban on Dorje Shugden. 


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social media is a very powerful tool it help to spread the information all around the world, without the government in exile tibetan suffer even more because they can't speak for themselves this are all migrant and most of these tibetan are not educated without the help from outside world they suffer even more we need to help the to lift the ban so that more people will be benefits from this powerful protector.

Dondrup Shugden

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Social Media is a good way to let the world know of any injustice caused to a group of people whose cause does not harm in general.

Therefore it is not only now that it is happening but rather the information and logical proof in websites like and other high lama blog that makes neutral people sit up and decide that being the most popular monk does not make him completely wrong.

Another correction, Shugden devotees are not battling with Dalai Lama, but just asking for their religious freedom and human rights.


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If there is no ban, what caused all this protest and battle against the Dalai Lama? Misunderstanding? Then Dalai Lama should come out and confirm that there is no ban and everyone is free to do what ever practice they want. Why didn't he do that? Why he allow his followers and Shugdenpas to attack each other?

Buddhism essentially is about peace. If the division between the pro Dalai Lama and Shugdenpas continue, how to achieve peace. Isn't this a shame.

H H Dalai Lama, please have compassion with all the practitioners, either lift the ban, declare there is no ban and Shugdenpas free to do their practice or have a dialogue with the Shugdenpas to solve the problem. Do not waste everybody's time doing something that is not beneficial to their practice.