Dear Thom,
I'm pretty sure that I've been a hen many times, and a monk many times. My recollections of nunneries are weak, but a nun too. A dog too. A bitch too. Simple mathematics of beginningless ...
So you can go on Thom, call me whatever you want ...
You are doing me a favor, sending me to my Lojong practice.
But I have to continue saying that this is not a good place to use hateful language against the Dalai Lama. Somebody has to say it. It’s nothing against you, since this advice is given to others too, actually to all of us.
Beyond the efficacy or lack of it of such language, there is the honor of Dharma to defend, and of the Lamas who brought us up. If sometimes a guest passes by, he needs to know that not everybody here, in this Buddhist website, approves of wrong speech, not even in the case of a so called “enemy” because if we, Buddhists, act like that, what is it that we are showing the world about our holy Dharma, what is it to be expected of those who did not have the fortune of entering into Dharma. This being a public site it’s appropriate that whoever passes by sees that at least some among us wish that all of us preserve our vows as far as this unfortunate situation permits.
Anyway, you come and go as you please, as usual.
With affection,
a Friend