Author Topic: CTA taking money from Chinese officials exposed  (Read 7781 times)


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CTA taking money from Chinese officials exposed
« on: November 21, 2014, 01:01:49 PM »
For Sonam Kangser-Tibetan CTA has never been honest. They have never been straightforward. It's been 50 years since being exiled from Tibet and do you see any progress in getting any autonomy for their country? CTA is only interested in getting money from the West to support their good life. Their 'Prime Minister' Losang Sangye is useless and has no power. Who listens to him? What power does he have? The only reason he is in his position is the West is donating to CTA and he gets his salary monthly. When the Dalai Lama passes away, everything will be completely gone. Even now with Dalai Lama so famous cannot do anything about the Tibet situation. Dalai Lama and CTA if they were politically astute should make friends with China and stop irritating this emerging power from the East. Most countries are tripping over eachother to be friends with China and these countries HAVE COUNTRIES. Tibetans outside of Tibet are stateless and they should be smart and make friends with China. CTA says Shugden people are on China's payroll but in fact the truth of the matter is CTA are on the payroll of certain Chinese officials in Mainland China it has been exposed recently. CTA wants only money and not interested in anything else.-Kunga

christine V

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Re: CTA taking money from Chinese officials exposed
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2014, 04:33:59 PM »
If CTA really want to get their people back to Tibet. They should unite their people in excile. NOT SEPARATE them, not make their own Tibetant living in fear always, not impose on the ban. Religion can put aside if CTA really wanted to get their people back. How many years have they stayed in Dharamsala, and, recently even signed the memorandum with the Indian Government to get their Tibetan able to work in India. This is not a sign that they wanted to be back to Tibet. They have fail their people badly. Thus, now they focus on the issues of Dorje Shugden, focus on this issues so that their people will not put blames on them. And they could be happily stay in India forever ever.


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Re: CTA taking money from Chinese officials exposed
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2014, 05:12:24 PM »
well, it more clear now why CTA keeps blaming Dorje Shugden practitioner are paid to worship DS, because they are covering their behind and cast the dark cloud onto Shugdenpa! now thats karma, and truth always come out no matter how much they kept it secret!


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Re: CTA taking money from Chinese officials exposed
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2014, 05:56:47 PM »
This is interesting information. One cannot work for 50 years and have no results. Either they are not interested in their job or they are simply not doing the work or in collusion with the 'enemy'. The Dalai Lama and CTA reminds me of the PLO leader Yasser Arafat, both won the Nobel Peace Prize and both could not make political headway after so so many years. And the Palestinians and the Tibetans are still homeless. In fact both Palestinians and the Tibetans are in a much worst off situation at this time than before.



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Re: CTA taking money from Chinese officials exposed
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2014, 06:00:54 PM »
Nepal Does China’s Bidding

This is a clear cut and direct information that Nepal receives money from China and does China's bidding. So in fact the CTA could be using Nepal as their base to receive money from the Chinese as the Chinese would probably be allowed to freedom and access within the borders of Nepal due to their association.


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Re: CTA taking money from Chinese officials exposed
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2014, 07:00:22 AM »
In all of 50 years, the CTA and the Tibetan authorities have nothing to show by way of progress in their efforts to gain freedom and independence for Tibet. So it comes as no surprise to learn why this is so. They have been taking money from Chinese officials! And they have been distracting the world from their lack of efforts in this direction, by conjuring up a phantom of  a reason, blaming the practice of Dorje Shugden as the reason why Tibet has failed in its efforts to gain independence!

Of course now, when US President Obama has publicly proclaimed that Tibet is part of China, won't it be embarrassing for Tibet's Head of the Government -in- exile, Prime Minister Lobsang Sangay , and his cabinet to continue receiving their payroll money from US and the West? Or since they are really not interested in  Tibet's independence, it will not stop them from continuing to receive money, will it?   


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Re: CTA taking money from Chinese officials exposed
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2014, 08:34:47 AM »
I think is very wrong whatever the CTA are doing because the CTA should unite the tibetan instead of separate them pro Dalai Lama and DS practitioner how silly to look at this situation no unity between the people and also a lot of suffering created to the people who are the victims of this ban.


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Re: CTA taking money from Chinese officials exposed
« Reply #7 on: November 29, 2014, 02:58:24 PM »
How shameful of CTA! I have heard before that in some countries, civil war goes on for decades because there is much money to be made due to financial support from other countries. But for a Buddhist administration to take money from the US and China is like 'sleeping with the enemy'!

Lobsang Sangay, in one of his interviews claims that his administration’s budget is around USD50 plus million. Considering the fact that nothing of significance has happened for his people since he was voted in in 2011, where has all the money gone too? Personal gains?? Campaigns to suppress Shugdenpas??


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Re: CTA taking money from Chinese officials exposed
« Reply #8 on: November 29, 2014, 05:10:40 PM »
Unity is strength. If Dalai Lama and CTA can't even unite their own people, the Tibetans, how are they going to fight for the Tibetan Independence? 50 years ago, when China was not yet very strong in their economy, Tibet can't get their independence. Can a small Tibetan government in exile fight an economic giant like China? No way.

CTA's wrong act has caught the attention of the world. More and more of their secrets are being exposed. They are losing their support from their own people and supporters. If CTA can't get the independence for Tibet, is not the fault of the Shugdenpas, is CTA own fault. Never blamed others for your failure, it is yourself to be blamed for all failed action.


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Re: CTA taking money from Chinese officials exposed
« Reply #9 on: November 30, 2014, 09:07:36 AM »
“CTA wants only money and not interested in anything else. - Kunga”
I concur. CTA is never interested in the welfare of the people, their welfare is themselves, their family, their relatives, and their so called friends who listen, follow what they say and what they want. CTA pay them for their services. It is not about loyalty, it is about pieces of paper that the people in CTA and their friends that are interested in. But like everything else, all will end. The Tibetan leadership will pass on, and the people in CTA and their family, their relatives and their friends will pass on or look for other work and business that may bring them monetary gains. I guess there is no karma in their books.


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Re: CTA taking money from Chinese officials exposed
« Reply #10 on: December 01, 2014, 05:39:02 AM »
The truth of the matter is in the results. The CTA's main function is to be the Tibetan Government in exile and even the word "government" has been downgraded to "Administration" on the request of the Indian government. Thai Monk is right in the fact that the CTA does not have a country to start with and the only recourse is to work with the Chinese.  But then again for the officials of the CTA the only way the CTA could survive along with that their fat salary is to keep "losing" and being unsuccessful in their "mission" to gain autonomy.
Imagine that. Only uncertainty for themselves if China were to give any leeway to the CTA. Hence, we must somehow question the motivation of these officials like Mr Lobsang Sangay.

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: CTA taking money from Chinese officials exposed
« Reply #11 on: December 07, 2014, 09:29:42 AM »
It is a very harsh comment but sadly true. Ever since exiled from their own motherland, the Tibetan Government is losing their grip on their citizens. Even though they have been on the receiving end of the kindness of India and other neighboring countries to host them, the Tibetan government in exiled are getting more greedy. When their supporters have gotten enough of their poor me stories of how they have been tortured by the China, they are putting the blame on Dorje Shugden on hindering their progress to obtaining independence. Worse is, the government have been downgraded to an administration status and the Tibetans have been split into the Shugden believers and non-Shugden believers.


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Re: CTA taking money from Chinese officials exposed
« Reply #12 on: December 07, 2014, 03:24:27 PM »
What has the  CTA been doing during  these 50 years and where is the progress and result? The CTA has been caught red handed receiving moneys from the Chinese officials . No wonder, the CTA endlessly putting all  resources attacking and discriminating the DS practitioners  in order to divert the attention  of the Tibetan to the current home ground  situation rather than the movement for the “Free Tibet”. Shameful to the CTA who has betrayed the Tibetans who has put full  trust and faith in them! CTA do not betray your people, they have long been living in dire strait!!

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: CTA taking money from Chinese officials exposed
« Reply #13 on: May 23, 2015, 10:30:17 AM »
"This is interesting information. One cannot work for 50 years and have no results. Either they are not interested in their job or they are simply not doing the work or in collusion with the 'enemy'. The Dalai Lama and CTA reminds me of the PLO leader Yasser Arafat, both won the Nobel Peace Prize and both could not make political headway after so so many years. And the Palestinians and the Tibetans are still homeless. In fact both Palestinians and the Tibetans are in a much worst off situation at this time than before.'' Quote from Dharma space.

Hahaha this is so true, what a good comparison and time to think harder now, CTA.


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Re: CTA taking money from Chinese officials exposed
« Reply #14 on: May 24, 2015, 02:02:20 AM »
Secularly it is never easy to set up a country without physical boundaries. Tibet physically is in China now. The people are scattered around the world. The prime minister' Lobsang Sangay is inept. What they need is a very savvy and strong leader to unite and push to Tibet's cause. With this controversy over the ban on Dorje Shugden practice, everybody is distracted and 'busy' with the witch-hunt and forgetting the main objective of getting back to Tibet. The CTA has succeeded in this matter as attention has been diverted. What can anyone outside the Tibetan community say? Are the Tibetan-in-exile ready for a new government?