Author Topic: Protests in New York City Accusing Robert Thurman, Columbia University Professor  (Read 3402 times)

Ringo Starr

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The pressure to allow freedom of thought and practice continues...


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Professor Thurman's Columbia University colleague, Modern Tibetan Studies program director Robert Barnett, confirmed the existence of an official prohibition of Shugden prayers by the Dalai Lama himself. This is a strong confirmation in face of denial by the Dalai Lama and Professor Thurman. Having written a book about "Love Your Enemies", Professor should just admit there is a ban and advise the Dalai Lama to lift the ban thus fulfilling his "Love Your Enemies" message.
In Buddhism, "the enemies" only exist within our mind and is the results of the delusions. It manifest from the ignorant mind that cherishes self (including the body, feeling, perceptions/beliefs etc) more than others. So, on the outer level, loving one's enemies is a way to reconcile our daily problems that results from hating the enemies. On a inner level, the enemies are the self cherishing mind. When that is conquered there will not be any enemies without.

Hence, Professor Thurman being the chair of Jey Tsongkhapa certainly understand this. It is just for him to practice what he preach. Otherwise, he should resign all positions from Columbia University.


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Thank you, Yontenjamyang, for the explanation. I always thought that in Buddhism, real Buddhism, there is no external enemy, only our mind is the real enemy. In practicing equanimity, we see all as equal and the same as ourselves and so there are no enemies, so to say.

This learned professor is confusing the heck out of me instead of clarifying matters.


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Thurman is on HH Dalai Lama's side, and for obvious reasons he needs to make statements based on HH Dalai Lama's cue, so there is nothing surprise from there. however, the situation is getting more and more sticky for Thurman and people who are anti Dorje Shugden. they are making up false stories which don't add up, and they are now fumbled with their own statements. Just like this situation as explained by yontenjamyang about "love your enemy". another example is they keep saying there is no ban/discrimination, yet more and more people are standing up and even their younger generations are starting to question the authorities.


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Professor Thurman's Columbia University colleague, Modern Tibetan Studies program director Robert Barnett, confirmed the existence of an official prohibition of Shugden prayers by the Dalai Lama himself. This is a strong confirmation in face of denial by the Dalai Lama and Professor Thurman. Having written a book about "Love Your Enemies", Professor should just admit there is a ban and advise the Dalai Lama to lift the ban thus fulfilling his "Love Your Enemies" message.

Fully agreed. If Professor Thurman is practicing what he wrote, he should advice HH Dalai Lama to lift the ban. However, he has been documented calling Shugdenpas “the Buddhist taliban” and accusing them of being Chinese spies. He seems to be playing into Tibetan politics more than practicing what a Buddhist should be doing especially one who is also a Buddhist writter.

Have a look at this:


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The enemy is ourselves. In this case Prof Robert Thurman sees an enemy from within himself. It has degenerated to such as extend that he could called Shugdenpas as Talibans. More seeds of disharmony are created by him but he doesn't see himself as the agent. It is very sad. He should have changed his book title to "Make Peace with Your Enemies".


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Professor Thurman lives in USA, a democratic country that emphasizes equality and freedom of human rights and religious practices. Professor Thurman is also a western scholar and expert on Tibetan Buddhism. What is most baffling is that Professor Thurman supports the religious discrimination and persecution on Dorje Shugden followers! Why is Professor Thurman not behaving in a manner befitting his image and background? Professor Thurman is truly hypocritical!

While promoting his new book: "Love Your Enemies", Professor Robert Thurman demonstrated how to NOT to love your enemies, by responding negatively to a question by attendee Morten Clausen, who politely asked Professor Thurman why he treats Shugden practitioners with so much antipathy and disrespect.

The news article from PRWeb clearly shown how hypocritical Professor Thurman has been. STOP LYING PROFESSOR THURMAN!