Author Topic: HH Dalai Lama says it again - he could be the last Dalai Lama  (Read 6741 times)

Ringo Starr

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HH Dalai Lama says it again - he could be the last Dalai Lama
« on: December 17, 2014, 08:04:53 PM »

Dalai Lama concedes he may be the last

Dalai Lama Says He Would Rather Be the Last Than See Someone Stupid Take His Place

Dalai Lama: 'I would rather be the last Dalai Lama than see a stupid person take my place'


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Re: HH Dalai Lama says it again - he could be the last Dalai Lama
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2014, 08:16:31 AM »
With the Dalai Lama mired in controversy over the ban on Shugden practice, and over the future of Tibet(autonomy or full independence?), it would appear that having no succession would be best.

But shouldn't the Dalai Lama put 'his house in order' before anything happens to him? What about the ban on Shugden practice? Is he leaving it unresolved? How then will this play out after him?

Also, he can't leave behind another unresolved issue of Tibet's "Freedom" , or can he?

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: HH Dalai Lama says it again - he could be the last Dalai Lama
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2014, 10:14:47 AM »
The Dalai Lama's dialogue with BBC is most disturbing. It seem to stand on the basis of irresponsibility to such a honourable institution as that of the Dalai Lama, the world renowned Buddhist Monk who captures the world attention.

It is almost defamatory to even mention that a stupid person may ascend the throne of the Dalai Lama.  Does He not know that each Dalai Lama is a direct reincarnation of the last?  Hmmm! Interesting this statement.

Is the Dalai Lama hiding the mess that is now created by Him without solution or is He protecting his successor/reincarnation who will be inheriting this mess.

Without any clairvoyance, I would humbly request the Dalai Lama to set the current situation on the Ban on worship of Dorje Shugden and quench the Tibetan Freedom correctly so that if nothing else, at least let all Tibetans have the opportunity to live at peace and in harmony.   


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Re: HH Dalai Lama says it again - he could be the last Dalai Lama
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2014, 05:57:07 PM »
"There is no guarantee that some stupid Dalai Lama won't come next, who will disgrace himself or herself. That would be very sad. So, much better that a centuries-old tradition should cease at the time of a quite popular Dalai Lama." said Dalai Lama in his interview with BBC during a visit to Rome for the 14th World Summit of Nobel Laureates recently.

The current 14th Dalai Lama had already disgraced himself and made a huge mockery of the Dalai Lama lineage by being hypocritical and going against all his teachers saying that they were all wrong about Dorje Shugden.  Dalai Lama had also caused a disrepute of Tibetan Buddhism due to the ban on Dorje Shugden.  As a result of the ban, many people had experienced tremendous suffering.

The issue now is not whether he will be the last Dalai Lama.  The issue now is  whether Dalai Lama cares to lift the ban to prevent further sufferings of many Dorje Shugden followers.


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Re: HH Dalai Lama says it again - he could be the last Dalai Lama
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2014, 06:44:02 AM »
What matters now is that this ban on Shugden practice be lifted before the 14th Dalai Lama passes on. If the ban were not lifted by then, it will leave Shugden practitioners everywhere in Limbo; and the majority of Shugden practitioners(who are living in places under direct CTA rule) will continue to suffer tremendously just as they are suffering now.

However, the ones who will be really hard hit, are those who broke their samaya with their gurus, by obeying the Dalai Lama and cutting off their Shugden practice, a lineage practice received from their Guru. Mustn't these  ex-Shugden practitioners get the permission of the Dalai Lama to practice Shugden again? Which means the Dalai Lama has to lift the ban NOW for their sakes and help them repair broken samaya and atone? Even then, is it possible to repair broken samaya in this way?


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Re: HH Dalai Lama says it again - he could be the last Dalai Lama
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2014, 09:05:27 AM »
How can the successor of the  Dalai Lama be a stupid person? Unless all his tutors are stupid too. A Dalai Lama live in the monastery since young and has to study hard and adhere to strict regime. He is being prepared for the role of Dalai Lama.

The only reason why Dalai Lama said he could be the last Dalai Lama is he has not been able to perform his role, there is also not much can be done, so there is no point to have 1 in the future.

Please do not end the history of Dalai Lama in black. Be a compassionate Dalai Lama, lift the ban. Give religious freedom to others. 


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Re: HH Dalai Lama says it again - he could be the last Dalai Lama
« Reply #6 on: December 23, 2014, 09:38:47 AM »
“There is no guarantee that some stupid Dalai Lama won’t come next, who will disgrace himself or herself. That would be very sad. So, much better that a centuries-old tradition should cease at the time of a quite popular Dalai Lama,” he said.

Oh my! What a statement! What? “…some stupid Dalai Lama”…..What I’m hearing is that the people charged to looking for a lama’s reincarnation in the Dalai Lama’s camp are useless. He’s even saying his protectors are inaccurate. So, the Dalai Lama is concerned of his name and popularity than having a stupid successor fumbled his ‘success.’ I thought he said he is but a simple man?


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Re: HH Dalai Lama says it again - he could be the last Dalai Lama
« Reply #7 on: December 27, 2014, 07:11:55 AM »
Dalai lama is a very respecful figure in the world most people know about him even if he do not want to come back but I think at least for time being he has to lift the ban on ds let the tibetan has their choice of their own deity rather than restrict them it create so much pain and suffering what good does he do to his own people .


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Re: HH Dalai Lama says it again - he could be the last Dalai Lama
« Reply #8 on: December 27, 2014, 09:57:37 AM »
It comes to my mind why HH Dalai Lama said this could be his last incarnation. Was this he already predicted that his will not request to come back?  HH Dalai Lama actually aware of what his wrong doing. His failure in political aspect to fight for independent for Tibet and imposed the ban on Dorje Shudgen caused the segregation among the Tibetan community. The failure caused him not popular eventually.  Even he choose to come back also can  not do much to help the samsara. The lost of confident and respect from the world is main cause for him to decide not to come back.


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Re: HH Dalai Lama says it again - he could be the last Dalai Lama
« Reply #9 on: December 27, 2014, 10:16:39 AM »
The current HH Dalai Lama has created a lot of split and disharmony among the Tibetan and Buddhist community due to the Dorje Shugden ban, some also do not believe he is the real Dalai Lama as a lot of his actions are contradicting. That maybe is the main reason that HH Dala Lama is not returning.
However, I would urge him to please lift the ban, united the Tibetan and Buddhist community first before passing rather than leaving a big problem and obstacle for the Buddhist community.


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Re: HH Dalai Lama says it again - he could be the last Dalai Lama
« Reply #10 on: December 27, 2014, 10:43:31 AM »
This is one of the reasons why i feel it is a bad idea to mix politics with religion. I can understand HH Dalai Lama's concern about His incarnation being "misused" for political reasons, but I agree with @vajrastorm that HH Dalai Lama should lift the ban before the end of this incarnation. He should not let this open ended.

A Tulku system is a very important part of Gelug school because it shows that with proper practice, one can control rebirth, and Dalai Lama incarnation is a very high line of incarnation. If Dalai Lama's incarnation is stopped because of this, it is such a shame :(

Ringo Starr

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Re: HH Dalai Lama says it again - he could be the last Dalai Lama
« Reply #11 on: December 27, 2014, 02:04:27 PM »
I don't mean any disrespect but if His Holiness Dalai Lama were to really want Tibetan Buddhism to spread in the ten directions, the time has come for H.H. to reconsider the ban today lest risk taking the ban with him to his passing and forever leave a trail of heavy, irreversible, damage.

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: HH Dalai Lama says it again - he could be the last Dalai Lama
« Reply #12 on: December 28, 2014, 03:12:20 PM »
How can someone stupid take His Holiness's place as the Dalai Lama when the current Dalai Lama has passed on? Although coming back in a new physical body, the mind would be the same as the current one continuing on. This is what have been thought to everyone in Tibetan Buddhism. So how can the next Dalai Lama be a stupid one? Unless of course, His Holiness is worried the Chinese Government would select a Dalai Lama of their own. Then, there arises worries of China using the Dalai Lama institution for their political gain.
Just as  China’s chairman of ethnic and religious affairs, Zhu Weiqun, responded to the Dalai Lama’s remarks in an interview with the state-run Global Times with this disturbing statement:

“Only the central government can decide on keeping, or getting rid of, the Dalai Lama’s lineage, and the 14th Dalai Lama does not have the final say… At the same time, the attention of public opinion in the West to the Dalai Lama is going down by the day… The Dalai Lama also has no good ideas. All he can do is use his religious title to write about the continuation or not of the Dalai Lama to get eyeballs overseas.”

I have also the concerns of Vajrastorm. I pray that His Holiness would lift the ban on Shugden practice before he passes on.


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Re: HH Dalai Lama says it again - he could be the last Dalai Lama
« Reply #13 on: December 29, 2014, 12:49:15 AM »
Just as  China’s chairman of ethnic and religious affairs, Zhu Weiqun, responded to the Dalai Lama’s remarks in an interview with the state-run Global Times with this disturbing statement:

“Only the central government can decide on keeping, or getting rid of, the Dalai Lama’s lineage, and the 14th Dalai Lama does not have the final say…

“Dalai Lama” is just a vassalage title awarded by the Tibet's overlord, such as China, to a Tibetan local ruler. A relic of the feudal past, which China may keep or not according to its convenience, and there is nothing specially disturbing with this.

I for one did not become a Buddhist because some Buddhist teacher received a vassalage title, but because some Buddhist teacher inspired me with his teachings. People attached to feudal titles might review their motivation to become a Buddhist. 


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Re: HH Dalai Lama says it again - he could be the last Dalai Lama
« Reply #14 on: December 29, 2014, 12:59:33 AM »
Dalai Lama: 'I would rather be the last Dalai Lama than see a stupid person take my place'

If the current Dalai Lama does not reincarnate, the risk of future stupid Dalai Lama will be much lower indeed!